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Jul 4th, 2009
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  1. [xotnet] scott has joined zotnet.
  2. [xotnet] scott asks, "if you crash your bike, can it destroy itself in one go? if so, wtf?"
  3. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "No, I don't think it can."
  4. [xotnet] scott says, "my bike is just...gone...i figured i would've seen leftover metal fragments or something"
  5. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "I can tell you that it's not gone due to a bug."
  6. [xotnet] scott says, "someone stole it already, lol"
  7. [xotnet] Tricyclerider says, "I lol'd"
  8. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "That's the #1 cause of bikes disappearing, yes."
  9. [xotnet] Thorax says, "scott, protip, as soon as you build a bike or buy a cessna or whatever"
  10. [xotnet] Thorax says, "install a lock on it immediately."
  11. [xotnet] Thorax says, "Buy the lock before you even have the vehicle."
  12. [xotnet] scott says, "like, i was just in helliday and it one saw me"
  13. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "Dude, Helliday is an apartment complex."
  14. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "And a bike crashing makes noise."
  17. I didn't really want to steal the bike so much, so when he left the hallway I slapped a lock on the bike and replaced it where it was.
  20. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'uh...did you steel my bike man'
  21. [xotnet] Charlatan says, "scott, I just walked past you standing beside it"
  22. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'there's a lock on it that's not mine'
  23. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'i'm not accusing you or any of that, i have no proof, i'm just sayin'
  25. [ DRS ]: curious says, "IMPOUNDED"
  26. [ DRS ]: curious says, "REPO MANS GOT ALL NIGHT EVERY NIGHT"
  28. [xotnet] Charlatan says, "yes, okay, you've got me, I locked it"
  29. [ DRS ]: curious asks, "How the hell did he even connect it with you?"
  30. [ DRS ]: Charlatan says, "because he figured out that i'm online and he crashed it into my apartment door"
  31. [ DRS ]: Charlatan asks, "okay, got it, how 'bout someone plays russian roulette with him on TV?"
  32. [ DRS ]: curious says, "oh damn"
  33. [ DRS ]: curious says, "winner takes the bike and retains their brains"
  34. [ DRS ]: Charlatan says, "make sure he goes first"
  35. [ DRS ]: Thorax says, "russian roulette on HELLFIRE, winner takes bike and gun"
  36. [ DRS ]: Gatodesu says, "Haha, I like this idea."
  37. [ DRS ]: Merlin says, "thats awesome"
  39. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "ATTENTION CHATNET."
  40. [chatnet] Naoki says, "yo"
  41. [chatnet] Sill asks, "What is it babe?"
  42. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "Turn your TVs to HELLFIRE at once."
  43. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "A game of Russian Roulette will begin in a minute that will decide the fate of scott's bike, which he crashed into my apartment door, killing himself, with no lock on."
  44. [chatnet] scott says, "yup"
  45. [chatnet] scott exclaims, "and i want my bike!"
  46. [chatnet] Thorax says, "Winner keeps the bike and the gun."
  48. Hellfire Club (freedom city) 4:29pm
  49. []
  50. `'() A stained plaid sofa sits against the wall. Placed in an open area
  51. is a bondage table; it doesn't look very smooth to the skin and
  52. has leather belts fastened to go around the wrists, waist and
  53. ankles.
  54. A staircase leads up.
  55. There is an FCPD camera here. The goo fountain trickles away in a corner. A
  56. holocam floats at eye height over the floor. A burned-out luxury car is half
  57. buried here.
  58. Naoki is sitting here. Sill is sitting here, taking off a pair of leech-hide trousers. Thorax is standing here.
  59. [ Exits: west < up ]
  62. Charlatan pulls his revolver from its holster.
  63. Charlatan hands Thorax a .22 revolver.
  65. [ DRS ]: Thorax says, "dude there's 8 rounds in this"
  66. [ DRS ]: Thorax says, "scott goes first"
  67. [ DRS ]: Charlatan says, "he won't check"
  70. Thorax [to the holocam]: IT IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. NAOKI, DRUMROLL PLEASE.
  71. Naoki says, "fuck off"
  72. Sill takes a hit from his cigarette.
  73. Thorax says, "awww"
  74. Sill does a drumroll
  75. Thorax farts.
  76. Sill flips Naoki the bird.
  77. scott asks, "how many shots?"
  80. Editor's note: HOW MANY SHOTS?
  83. Thorax says, "Just shoot and pass it to me"
  85. Editor's note: Discovery made. Just like you can't fight in Hellfire, you also can't suicide.
  87. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "ATTENTION CHATNET"
  88. [chatnet] Thorax says, "CHANGE OF VENUE"
  89. [chatnet] Thorax says, "WE ARE GOING TO WOOM"
  90. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "You can now suicide in no-combat rooms."
  91. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "PLEASE CANGE YOUR TELEVISION TO WOOM."
  95. On the flatscreen TV: scott exclaims, "here frickin goes!"
  96. On the flatscreen TV: scott puts his revolver against the side of his head, and pulls the trigger: BANG!
  97. On the flatscreen TV: scott crumples to the ground, gasps out his last breath, and dies.
  98. On the flatscreen TV: The body of scott's blue cocoon capsule deploys around his gear with a foamy whoosh.
  99. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax says, "go for it"
  100. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki searches through the body of scott.
  101. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki says, "Well then."
  102. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki says, "uhh"
  103. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax says, "I guess I win."
  105. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "Someone forgot to aim."
  107. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki hands Thorax a bottle of victory gin.
  108. On the flatscreen TV: Bakelist comes in from the south.
  109. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki says, "VICTORY"
  110. On the flatscreen TV: Naoki takes a drink from his victory gin.
  111. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax raises his victory gin. "To !"
  112. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax takes a drink from his victory gin.
  114. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "That was not Russian roulette, peeps."
  115. [xotnet] Thorax says, "woops."
  116. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "You have to 'aim revolver at me' first."
  118. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax says, "Aristotle has informed me that you forgot to aim."
  119. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax cackles.
  120. On the flatscreen TV: scott pulls his revolver from its holster.
  121. On the flatscreen TV: scott says, "oh shit"
  122. On the flatscreen TV: scott says, "lol"
  123. On the flatscreen TV: scott says, "at least all that stress is gone"
  124. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax says, "so, new game."
  128. On the flatscreen TV: scott rolls the cylinder on his revolver and presses it against the side of his head.
  129. On the flatscreen TV: scott pulls the trigger of his revolver, producing a soft click.
  130. On the flatscreen TV: scott hands Thorax a .22 revolver.
  134. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax rolls the cylinder on his revolver and presses it against the side of his head.
  135. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax pulls the trigger of his revolver, producing a soft click.
  137. A few more missed shots ensue.
  141. On the flatscreen TV: scott says, "is there more than one bullit in there"
  142. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax hands scott a .22 revolver.
  143. On the flatscreen TV: scott says, "maybe i used the bullet"
  144. On the flatscreen TV: scott rolls the cylinder on his revolver and presses it against the side of his head.
  145. On the flatscreen TV: scott pulls the trigger of the revolver he is holding against the side of his head: BANG!
  146. On the flatscreen TV: scott crumples to the ground, gasps out his last breath, and dies.
  147. On the flatscreen TV: The body of scott's blue cocoon capsule deploys around his gear with a foamy whoosh.
  148. On the flatscreen TV: Raiken [to the body of scott]: owned
  149. On the flatscreen TV: Bakelist says, "scott just isn't lucky"
  151. [xotnet] Thorax says, "THERE WE GO"
  152. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "Nice."
  153. [xotnet] Aristotle says, "This makes all my work worth it. That was fucking hilarious."
  155. On the flatscreen TV: Raiken shoves his erection between the body of scott's lips.
  156. On the flatscreen TV: Thorax strokes his rock hard cock as he fondles the body of scott's ass, then slides inside with one long stroke.
  157. On the flatscreen TV: Bakelist lubes his dick with a quick spit, works it against the body of scott's ass for a moment, and slides it in.
  160. While this was going on, I was busy moving the bike out of my apartment and into the water in North Beach.
  161. Since I always intended to return the bike to him, I went ahead and removed the lock.
  162. In other words, I no longer have the bike.
  164. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'ok man, how much do you want for my frickin bike'
  166. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "ATTENTION: SCOTT."
  167. [chatnet] Cainosaurus says, "Y3AH WU7"
  168. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "You lost. However, I am comfortable giving you a second chance."
  170. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "Challenge #2: You will successfully parachute out of a Cessna over Stormfront armed with a small trauma kit and a switchblade. If you make it back to Freedom City alive, the bike is yours."
  171. [chatnet] scott says, "shit man"
  172. [chatnet] scott says, "why not"
  173. [chatnet] Merlin says, "thats cool"
  174. [chatnet] Merlin says, "cool enough to own a bike"
  175. [chatnet] scott says, "i ain't got a parashoot though"
  176. [chatnet] scott says, "lol"
  177. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "Please come to Woom to receive your supplies, which I have kindly purchased for you already."
  179. The soda machine sings, "I'll punch a bitch in the mouth."
  180. You duck through beaded curtains into a collapsed storefront.
  181. `,PS<>VC<> Woom (slagtown) 9:07pm
  182. ()pg Br|| A drug den for the less violent slagtownies, who somehow got up
  183. ----()CP|| the initiative to fill this half-collapsed storefront with piles
  184. RGTS====## of beefalo furs, garbage bags, and dry leaves. Music booms deep in
  185. ====RDWa|| the floor from an unseen audio system: languid retro-downtempo.
  186. Seems like a decent place to get high.
  187. Speaker cabinets boom from the corners. A holocam floats at eye height over
  188. the floor. A HELPFUL SIGN is posted here ('read sign').
  189. [ Exits: south up ]
  191. Charlatan checks his watch impatiently.
  192. Scott strides coolly in from the south.
  193. Charlatan eats the last of his broken glass.
  194. Charlatan asks, "Do you know how to use a chute?"
  195. scott says, "no"
  196. scott says, "never done it"
  197. Charlatan hands scott a parachute.
  198. Charlatan says, "Just type "pull chute" as soon as you jump."
  199. Charlatan hands scott a medium trauma kit.
  200. Charlatan hands scott a switchblade.
  201. Charlatan says, "Please follow me to the plane."
  202. Charlatan says, " your destiny."
  205. oO oO Cockpit (in the cessna tiltrotor) 10:35pm
  206. A plexiglass bubble surrounds a skeletal tubework cockpit, leaving
  207. () you hanging uncannily exposed to empty space. Moonlight trickles
  208. in through the windows.
  209. Outside, you see skies above stormfront island.
  210. A layer of dark clouds lies beneath you.
  211. This vehicle is insured for $57,200.
  212. There's a .22 revolver on the floor.
  213. Compy is sitting here.
  214. ARMOR [ 3/3 ] FUEL [ 38/100 ]
  215. CTRL [ 9/10 ] ALT [ 3500/5000 ]
  216. [ You can fly north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, and northwest. ]
  217. [ Exits: +out(door to the passenger compartment) ]
  219. Charlatan says, "The chute is unpacked. He packed it on the way here, but didn't double-pack it. I don't think it'll open."
  220. Charlatan yells, "SCOTT, YOU 'BOUT READY?!"
  221. Charlatan flips a switch. "GROUND SCAN INITIATED.".
  223. beach [1,4] aryan militiaman
  224. Outside the Front Ga [-2,1] white supremacist
  225. beach [-1,4] aryan militiaman
  226. in the surf [-1,5] christian survivalist
  227. Mud Road [-1,1] christian supremacist
  228. in the surf [1,5] christian militiaman
  229. Abandoned Resort [-7,0] curious therosaur
  230. Crevice Path [-4,-3] starving rapetosaur
  231. Temple [-5,-1] white militiaman
  232. Cave Entrance [-5,0] christian racist
  233. Open Meadow [-6,1] ravenous therosaur
  234. Forest [-5,1] scaly therosaur
  235. Rocky Cliff [-6,-4] hulking therosaur
  236. Cave Entrance [-4,-4] christian partisan
  237. Rocky Cliff [-7,-3] screeching velociraptor
  238. Stone Path [-6,-1] large velociraptor
  239. Thick Forest [-5,2] large velociraptor
  240. Treacherous Cliff [-5,-4] ravenous therosaur
  241. Dry Fountain [-6,0] aryan racist
  242. Forest Edge [-2,3] aryan supremacist
  243. Clifftop Playground [-3,-3] growling therosaur
  244. Shrine [-6,-3] nervous rapetosaur
  245. Forest [-3,3] small therosaur
  246. Rocky Edge [-4,3] inbred supremacist and white supremacist
  247. Abandoned Resort (So [-8,0] christian supremacist
  248. Rocky Peninsula [-7,-4] nervous rapetosaur
  249. Abandoned Resort (So [-7,1] skinny therosaur
  250. Roofless Classroom [-2,-3] Savage Michael
  251. Ocean [-8,-8] white survivalist
  253. From the door to the passenger compartment, you hear someone yell, "YES, DO I JUST GET OUT!"
  254. Charlatan presses down on a switch and the 'JETTISON' indicator flashes red.
  255. From the door to the passenger compartment, you hear someone yell, "OR IS THERE A JUMP COMMAND!"
  256. Outside: The cessna tiltrotor dumps its cargo.
  257. Charlatan yells, "NO, I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT!"
  258. Outside: scott yanks the ripcord on his parachute.
  259. Outside: scott yanks the ripcord on his parachute.
  260. Outside: scott yanks the ripcord on his parachute.
  261. Charlatan says, "Oops."
  262. [ DRS ]: Charlatan says, "looks like the chute failed"
  263. Compy says, "hahaha"
  265. Charlatan flips a switch. "GROUND SCAN INITIATED.".
  266. beach [1,4] aryan militiaman
  267. in the surf [0,5] christian militiaman
  268. in the surf [-1,5] christian survivalist and aryan militiaman
  269. Mud Road [-1,1] christian supremacist
  270. Abandoned Resort [-7,0] skinny therosaur
  271. Tennis Courts [-8,-2] christian supremacist
  272. Crevice Path [-4,-3] growling therosaur
  273. Temple [-5,-1] white militiaman
  274. Overgrown Shack [-2,2] white supremacist
  275. Cave Entrance [-5,0] christian racist
  276. Rocky Cliff [-6,-4] hulking therosaur
  277. Cave Entrance [-4,-4] christian partisan
  278. Treacherous Cliff [-5,-4] ravenous therosaur
  279. Abandoned Resort (Cl [-8,-1] curious therosaur
  280. Northern Peninsula [-7,-5] nervous rapetosaur
  281. Dry Fountain [-6,0] large velociraptor
  282. Stone Canyon [-6,-2] nervous rapetosaur and aryan racist
  283. Forest Hideout [-4,1] scaly therosaur
  284. Forested Slope [-4,2] large velociraptor
  285. Crevice Path [-5,-3] starving rapetosaur
  286. Forest [-3,3] small therosaur, aryan supremacist, and inbred supremacist
  287. Rocky Edge [-4,3] white supremacist
  288. Rocky Peninsula [-7,-4] screeching velociraptor
  289. Clifftop Meadow [-6,2] ravenous therosaur
  290. Roofless Classroom [-2,-3] Savage Michael
  291. Ocean [-9,-9] white survivalist
  293. Charlatan says, "No scott on groundscan."
  294. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'i failed, miserably, lol'
  295. From your wristpad: scott pages, 'i pulled the cord, but i didn't do what it was supposed to do, or i just fell on impact'
  298. [chatnet] Charlatan says, "scott, you bombed Challenge #2, but that's okay. I got many giggles. I took the lock off of your bike almost an hour ago. I will page you its location."
  300. After all this, the bike was bugged out and could not be unlocked for anyone but me (even with no locks on it), which took admin involvement. Eventually it was fixed, at which point scott crashed it into another wall.
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