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Sep 29th, 2011
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  10. A message to the people of South Africa, from AnonOpsSa:
  11. When the world fell into recession not too long ago, multimillion dollar corporations had to be bailed out by governments in order to allow “perpetual” economic growth to continue. The money used to bail out these corporations often went straight into the pockets of the heads of these corporations. The money itself came from ordinary people.
  13. On the 17th of September 2011 nearly 3000 people gathered at Liberty Plaza in New York to commence #OccupyWallStreet. These people have created an open discussion forum in order to tackle the current economic problems that America faces. They were angry that the 99% had to bail out the 1% of America, so that they could continue their lavish lifestyles, while the poor were left to rot.
  14. The 3000 people that gathered there that day are still there and are getting stronger in numbers. They have undergone police brutality, but they have stayed. They have been verbally abused, but they have stayed. They have had civil liberties, but they have stayed.
  16. In South Africa the gap between rich and poor is growing by the day and a new form of apartheid is rising, one of the classes. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer. The government does not care; the government is spending our taxes on things like private jets, lavish houses and their personal recreational activities. Governments are meant to serve the people and people can only serve the government, if the activity itself is mutual.
  18. So now we ask you, the people of South Africa, to follow the example set by the courageous individuals of OccupyWallStreet. We the 99% have been ignored by the government. So let us begin:
  20. #OccupyJSE.
  21. We are legion.
  22. We do not forget.
  23. We do not forgive.
  24. United as One.
  25. Divided by Zero.
  26. Expect us.
  30. -------------
  32. People to follow on twitter for OccupyJSE Info
  34. @AnonOpsSa
  35. @AnonymousFreeM
  36. @BlackHatGhosts
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