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Apr 27th, 2008
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  2. #include "stubs_asm.h"
  4. NSTUB(AllocateMemory, 0xff811ac4)
  5. NSTUB(AllocateUncacheableMemory, 0xff814c2c)
  6. NSTUB(Close, 0xff86f6a0)
  7. NSTUB(CreatePhysicalVram, 0xff9354a4)
  8. NSTUB(CreateTask, 0xff821598)
  9. NSTUB(CreateTaskStrict, 0xff822638)
  10. NSTUB(DisableDispatch, 0xff8213bc)
  11. // Best match: 96%
  12. NSTUB(DisplayImagePhysicalScreen, 0xff9347d8)
  13. NSTUB(EnableDispatch, 0xff821448)
  14. NSTUB(ExecuteEventProcedure, 0xff816b44)
  15. NSTUB(ExitTask, 0xff821958)
  16. NSTUB(Fclose_Fut, 0xff86897c)
  17. NSTUB(Fopen_Fut, 0xff868940)
  18. NSTUB(Fread_Fut, 0xff868a60)
  19. NSTUB(FreeMemory, 0xff811ad0)
  20. NSTUB(FreeUncacheableMemory, 0xff814c60)
  21. NSTUB(Fseek_Fut, 0xff868b48)
  22. NSTUB(Fwrite_Fut, 0xff868ab0)
  23. NSTUB(GetCurrentAvValue, 0xffac4178)
  24. NSTUB(GetCurrentTargetDistance, 0xffac4120)
  25. // Best match: 96%
  26. NSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistance, 0xffab6354)
  27. // Best match: 92%
  28. NSTUB(GetFocusLensSubjectDistanceFromLens, 0xffab68f4)
  29. // Best match: 86%
  30. NSTUB(GetParameterData, 0xff977cd8)
  31. NSTUB(GetPropertyCase, 0xff82487c)
  32. // Best match: 96%
  33. NSTUB(GetSystemTime, 0xff814e64)
  34. // ALT: NSTUB(GetSystemTime, 0xff814e64) // 26/1
  35. // Best match: 93%
  36. NSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPoint, 0xffaa6fcc)
  37. // ALT: NSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPoint, 0xffaa6fcc) // 27/2
  38. // Best match: 93%
  39. NSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPosition, 0xffaa6fe0)
  40. // ALT: NSTUB(GetZoomLensCurrentPosition, 0xffaa6fe0) // 27/2
  41. NSTUB(IsStrobeChargeCompleted, 0xff91053c)
  42. NSTUB(LockMainPower, 0xff972eac)
  43. NSTUB(MakeDirectory, 0xff86f944)
  44. // Best match: 90%
  45. NSTUB(Mount_FileSystem, 0xff86e940)
  46. // ALT: NSTUB(Mount_FileSystem, 0xff86e940) // 27/3
  47. // Best match: 96%
  48. NSTUB(MoveFocusLensToDistance, 0xffac43c0)
  49. NSTUB(MoveZoomLensWithPoint, 0xffaa6eac)
  50. // ALT: NSTUB(MoveZoomLensWithPoint, 0xffaa6eac) // 25/0
  51. NSTUB(Open, 0xff86f678)
  52. // Best match: 89%
  53. NSTUB(PhySw_testgpio, 0xff827f08)
  54. NSTUB(ProtectFile, 0xff867fa8)
  55. // Best match: 92%
  56. NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac2194)
  57. // ALT: NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac2194) // 25/2
  58. // ALT: NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac3d24) // 25/2
  59. // ALT: NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac3d24) // 25/2
  60. // ALT: NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac3d6c) // 25/2
  61. // ALT: NSTUB(PutInNdFilter, 0xffac3d6c) // 25/2
  62. // Best match: 94%
  63. NSTUB(PutOutNdFilter, 0xffac21dc)
  64. // ALT: NSTUB(PutOutNdFilter, 0xffac21dc) // 16/1
  65. NSTUB(Read, 0xff86f734)
  66. NSTUB(RefreshPhysicalScreen, 0xff989c68)
  67. NSTUB(Remove, 0xff86f6c0)
  68. NSTUB(SetAutoShutdownTime, 0xff972db0)
  69. // Best match: 86%
  70. NSTUB(SetParameterData, 0xff977bf8)
  71. NSTUB(SetPropertyCase, 0xff824750)
  72. NSTUB(SleepTask, 0xff8214ac)
  73. NSTUB(TakeSemaphore, 0xff820fa8)
  74. NSTUB(UnlockMainPower, 0xff972f44)
  75. NSTUB(Unmount_FileSystem, 0xff86ea58)
  76. // Best match: 89%
  77. NSTUB(UnsetZoomForMovie, 0xff9aef90)
  78. NSTUB(UpdateMBROnFlash, 0xff86ebac)
  79. // ERROR: VbattGet is not found!
  80. NSTUB(Write, 0xff86f740)
  81. NSTUB(_log, 0xffafef88)
  82. // ALT: NSTUB(_log, 0xffafef88) // 27/0
  83. NSTUB(_log10, 0xffafb328)
  84. // ALT: NSTUB(_log10, 0xffafb328) // 27/0
  85. NSTUB(_pow, 0xffafb4b0)
  86. // ALT: NSTUB(_pow, 0xffafb4b0) // 25/0
  87. NSTUB(_sqrt, 0xffafd384)
  88. // ALT: NSTUB(_sqrt, 0xffafd384) // 24/0
  89. NSTUB(chdir, 0xffb09aac)
  90. // ALT: NSTUB(chdir, 0xffb09aac) // 27/0
  91. NSTUB(close, 0xffb093ec)
  92. NSTUB(closedir, 0xffb06874)
  93. // ERROR: free is not found!
  94. NSTUB(ints_disable, 0xff81da18)
  95. NSTUB(ints_enable, 0xff81da24)
  96. NSTUB(ioctl, 0xffb0952c)
  97. NSTUB(iosDevAdd, 0xffb0a60c)
  98. NSTUB(iosDrvInstall, 0xffb0a8d0)
  99. NSTUB(iosDevFind, 0xffb0a598)
  100. NSTUB(isalpha, 0xffb00918)
  101. // ALT: NSTUB(isalpha, 0xffb00918) // 4/0
  102. NSTUB(isdigit, 0xffb00948)
  103. // ALT: NSTUB(isdigit, 0xffb00948) // 4/0
  104. NSTUB(islower, 0xffb00978)
  105. // ALT: NSTUB(islower, 0xffb00978) // 4/0
  106. NSTUB(isspace, 0xffb009c0)
  107. // ALT: NSTUB(isspace, 0xffb009c0) // 4/0
  108. NSTUB(isupper, 0xffb009d8)
  109. // ALT: NSTUB(isupper, 0xffb009d8) // 4/0
  110. NSTUB(kbd_p1_f, 0xff826c64)
  111. NSTUB(kbd_p1_f_cont, 0xff826c70)
  112. NSTUB(kbd_p2_f, 0xff827048)
  113. // Best match: 83%
  114. NSTUB(kbd_pwr_off, 0xff827ec4)
  115. // ALT: NSTUB(kbd_pwr_off, 0xff827ee0) // 5/1
  116. // ALT: NSTUB(kbd_pwr_off, 0xff829238) // 5/1
  117. // ALT: NSTUB(kbd_pwr_off, 0xff829254) // 5/1
  118. // ERROR: kbd_pwr_on is not found!
  119. NSTUB(kbd_read_keys_r2, 0xff8279b0)
  120. // Best match: 93%
  121. NSTUB(localtime, 0xffb05068)
  122. NSTUB(lseek, 0xffb09530)
  123. // Best match: 53%
  124. NSTUB(malloc, 0xffb0c42c)
  125. // ALT: NSTUB(malloc, 0xffb0c42c) // 15/13
  126. NSTUB(memcmp, 0xffb04448)
  127. // ALT: NSTUB(memcmp, 0xffb1100c) // 9/0
  128. NSTUB(memcpy, 0xffb04484)
  129. NSTUB(memset, 0xffb044fc)
  130. NSTUB(mkdir, 0xff86f888)
  131. NSTUB(open, 0xffb09a30)
  132. NSTUB(opendir, 0xffb068a8)
  133. NSTUB(qsort, 0xffb03ca8)
  134. NSTUB(rand, 0xffb03ccc)
  135. // ALT: NSTUB(rand, 0xffb03ccc) // 8/0
  136. NSTUB(read, 0xffb0944c)
  137. NSTUB(readdir, 0xffb06840)
  138. NSTUB(rename, 0xffb09a38)
  139. // ALT: NSTUB(rename, 0xffb09a38) // 26/0
  140. NSTUB(rewinddir, 0xffb06868)
  141. NSTUB(srand, 0xffb03cf0)
  142. // ALT: NSTUB(srand, 0xffb03cf0) // 4/0
  143. NSTUB(stat, 0xffb0693c)
  144. NSTUB(strcat, 0xffb0451c)
  145. NSTUB(strchr, 0xffb04548)
  146. NSTUB(strcmp, 0xffb0456c)
  147. NSTUB(strcpy, 0xffb04700)
  148. NSTUB(strlen, 0xffb04864)
  149. NSTUB(strncmp, 0xffb048c8)
  150. NSTUB(strncpy, 0xffb0490c)
  151. // ALT: NSTUB(strncpy, 0xffb0490c) // 24/0
  152. NSTUB(strpbrk, 0xffb04954)
  153. NSTUB(strrchr, 0xffb04990)
  154. // ALT: NSTUB(strrchr, 0xffb04990) // 8/0
  155. NSTUB(strtol, 0xffb040e4)
  156. NSTUB(taskCreateHookAdd, 0xffb0faac)
  157. NSTUB(taskDeleteHookAdd, 0xffb0f9e8)
  158. // Best match: 82%
  159. NSTUB(taskIdListGet, 0xffb19a74)
  160. NSTUB(taskLock, 0xffb1a130)
  161. NSTUB(taskName, 0xffb1996c)
  162. NSTUB(taskResume, 0xffb19d50)
  163. NSTUB(taskSuspend, 0xffb19b7c)
  164. NSTUB(taskUnlock, 0xffb1a1d8)
  165. NSTUB(time, 0xffb05db4)
  166. // ALT: NSTUB(time, 0xffb05db4) // 25/0
  167. NSTUB(utime, 0xffb069d0)
  168. // ALT: NSTUB(utime, 0xffb069d0) // 26/0
  169. NSTUB(vsprintf, 0xffb08194)
  170. NSTUB(write, 0xffb094bc)
  171. NSTUB(fprintf, 0xffb01278)
  172. NSTUB(fputs, 0xffb01398)
  173. NSTUB(puts, 0xffb08550)
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