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- // Jeffrey Cartagena Alicea
- //
- using System;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- namespace SternNumberSystem
- {
- class MainClass
- {
- public static void Main(string[] args)
- {
- try
- {
- StreamReader inFile = new StreamReader("");
- StreamWriter outFile = new StreamWriter("output.out");
- BinarySearchTree tree = new BinarySearchTree();
- MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(inFile.ReadLine(), @"\d+");
- int i, j;
- //int a = 1, b = 1;
- ResizeTree(100, 100, tree);
- if(matches.Count != 2)
- throw new Exception("Invalid Input");
- i = Convert.ToInt32(matches[0].ToString());
- j = Convert.ToInt32(matches[1].ToString());
- while(i != j)
- {
- if(!tree.Search(i, j))
- {
- tree.RemoveAllNodes();
- ResizeTree(i, j, tree);
- tree.ResetRoute();
- tree.Search(i,j);
- }
- outFile.WriteLine(tree.Result());
- matches = Regex.Matches(inFile.ReadLine(), @"\d{1,5}");
- if(matches.Count != 2)
- break;
- tree.ResetRoute();
- i = Convert.ToInt32(matches[0].ToString());
- j = Convert.ToInt32(matches[1].ToString());
- }
- Console.Write("Please press enter");
- Console.Read();
- inFile.Close();
- outFile.Close();
- }
- catch(System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Input File does not exist\n");
- }
- }
- static public void ResizeTree(int num, int den, BinarySearchTree tree)
- {
- for(int i=1; i <= num; i++)
- for(int j=1; j <= den; j++)
- tree.Insert(i, j);
- }
- }
- public class BinarySearchTree
- {
- private TreeNode root;
- private String route;
- public bool Search(int num, int den)
- {
- return PrintSearch(root, num, den);
- }
- // Search the value in the tree
- private bool PrintSearch(TreeNode node, int num, int den)
- {
- float nodeValue, val;
- if(node == null)
- return false;
- else
- {
- nodeValue = node.numerator/(float)node.denominator;
- val = num/(float)den;
- if(nodeValue == val)
- return true;
- else if(val < nodeValue)
- {
- route += "L";
- PrintSearch(node.left, num, den);
- }
- else
- {
- route += "R";
- PrintSearch(node.right, num, den);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Insert a new value in the tree
- public void Insert(int num, int den)
- {
- TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(num, den);
- TreeNode parent = null;
- if(IsEmpty())
- root = newNode;
- else if(num == den && num != 1 && den != 1)
- return;
- else
- {
- TreeNode current = root;
- float nodeValue, currentValue;
- while(current != null)
- {
- parent = current;
- nodeValue = (float)newNode.numerator/newNode.denominator;
- currentValue = (float)current.numerator/current.denominator;
- if(nodeValue == currentValue)
- return;
- else if(nodeValue > currentValue)
- current = current.right;
- else
- current = current.left;
- }
- nodeValue = (float)newNode.numerator/newNode.denominator;
- currentValue = (float)parent.numerator/parent.denominator;
- if(nodeValue < currentValue)
- parent.left = newNode;
- else
- parent.right = newNode;
- }
- }
- public bool IsEmpty()
- {
- return root == null;
- }
- // Default Constructor
- public BinarySearchTree()
- {
- root = null;
- route = "";
- }
- // Returns the Result
- public String Result()
- {
- return route;
- }
- // Reset the route to null
- public void ResetRoute()
- {
- route = "";
- }
- public void RemoveAllNodes()
- {
- RemoveAllNodes(root);
- root = null;
- }
- private void RemoveAllNodes(TreeNode node)
- {
- if(node != null)
- {
- RemoveAllNodes(node.left);
- RemoveAllNodes(node.right);
- node = null;
- route = "";
- }
- }
- }
- public class TreeNode
- {
- public TreeNode left;
- public TreeNode right;
- public int numerator, denominator;
- // Parameterized Constructor
- public TreeNode(int num, int den)
- {
- left = null;
- right = null;
- numerator = num;
- denominator = den;
- }
- }
- }
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