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a guest
Jul 30th, 2008
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  1. Last login: Tue Jul 29 08:38:36 on ttys000
  2. John-Musbachs-MacBook:~ JohnM$ su John
  3. Password:
  4. bash-3.2$ sudo port remove glib2
  5. Password:
  6. Unrecognized action "remove"
  7. bash-3.2$ sudo port uninstall glib2
  8. ---> Unable to uninstall glib2 2.14.3_0+darwin_9, the following ports depend on it:
  9. ---> atk
  10. ---> pango
  11. ---> gtk2
  12. ---> irssi
  13. ---> libidl
  14. ---> orbit2
  15. ---> gconf
  16. ---> dbus-glib
  17. ---> desktop-file-utils
  18. ---> gnome-keyring
  19. ---> gail
  20. ---> libbonobo
  21. ---> shared-mime-info
  22. ---> py25-gobject
  23. ---> libgnomecanvas
  24. ---> libbonoboui
  25. Error: port uninstall failed: Please uninstall the ports that depend on glib2 first.
  26. bash-3.2$ sudo port upgrade glib2
  27. ---> Fetching pkgconfig
  28. ---> Attempting to fetch pkg-config-0.23.tar.gz from
  29. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for pkgconfig
  30. ---> Extracting pkgconfig
  31. ---> Configuring pkgconfig
  32. ---> Building pkgconfig with target all
  33. ---> Staging pkgconfig into destroot
  34. ---> Deactivating pkgconfig 0.22_0
  35. ---> Installing pkgconfig 0.23_0
  36. ---> Activating pkgconfig 0.23_0
  37. ---> Cleaning pkgconfig
  38. ---> Fetching ncursesw
  39. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for ncursesw
  40. ---> Extracting ncursesw
  41. ---> Applying patches to ncursesw
  42. ---> Configuring ncursesw
  43. ---> Building ncursesw with target all
  44. ---> Staging ncursesw into destroot
  45. ---> Deactivating ncursesw 5.6_0
  46. ---> Installing ncursesw 5.6_1
  47. ---> Activating ncursesw 5.6_1
  48. ---> Cleaning ncursesw
  49. ---> Fetching gettext
  50. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gettext
  51. ---> Extracting gettext
  52. ---> Applying patches to gettext
  53. ---> Configuring gettext
  54. ---> Building gettext with target all
  55. ---> Staging gettext into destroot
  56. ---> Deactivating gettext 0.17_1
  57. ---> Installing gettext 0.17_3
  58. ---> Activating gettext 0.17_3
  59. ---> Cleaning gettext
  60. ---> Fetching glib2
  61. ---> Attempting to fetch glib-2.16.5.tar.bz2 from
  62. ---> Attempting to fetch glib-2.16.5.tar.bz2 from
  63. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for glib2
  64. ---> Extracting glib2
  65. ---> Applying patches to glib2
  66. ---> Configuring glib2
  67. ---> Building glib2 with target all
  68. ---> Staging glib2 into destroot
  69. ---> Deactivating glib2 2.14.3_0+darwin_9
  70. ---> Installing glib2 2.16.5_0+darwin_9
  71. ---> Activating glib2 2.16.5_0+darwin_9
  72. ---> Cleaning glib2
  73. bash-3.2$ sudo port install rb-gnome
  74. Password:
  75. ---> Configuring libgnomeui
  76. ---> Building libgnomeui with target all
  77. ---> Staging libgnomeui into destroot
  78. ---> Installing libgnomeui 2.22.1_0
  79. ---> Activating libgnomeui 2.22.1_0
  80. ---> Cleaning libgnomeui
  81. ---> Fetching gnome-platform-suite
  82. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gnome-platform-suite
  83. ---> Extracting gnome-platform-suite
  84. ---> Configuring gnome-platform-suite
  85. ---> Building gnome-platform-suite with target all
  86. ---> Staging gnome-platform-suite into destroot
  87. ---> Installing gnome-platform-suite 2.22.1_0
  88. ---> Activating gnome-platform-suite 2.22.1_0
  89. ---> Cleaning gnome-platform-suite
  90. ---> Fetching lzo
  91. ---> Attempting to fetch lzo-1.08.tar.gz from
  92. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for lzo
  93. ---> Extracting lzo
  94. ---> Configuring lzo
  95. ---> Building lzo with target all
  96. ---> Staging lzo into destroot
  97. ---> Installing lzo 1.08_0
  98. ---> Activating lzo 1.08_0
  99. ---> Cleaning lzo
  100. ---> Fetching opencdk
  101. ---> Attempting to fetch opencdk-0.6.6.tar.bz2 from
  102. ---> Attempting to fetch opencdk-0.6.6.tar.bz2 from
  103. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for opencdk
  104. ---> Extracting opencdk
  105. ---> Configuring opencdk
  106. ---> Building opencdk with target all
  107. ---> Staging opencdk into destroot
  108. ---> Installing opencdk 0.6.6_0
  109. ---> Activating opencdk 0.6.6_0
  110. ---> Cleaning opencdk
  111. ---> Fetching gnutls
  112. ---> Attempting to fetch gnutls-2.2.3.tar.bz2 from
  113. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gnutls
  114. ---> Extracting gnutls
  115. ---> Configuring gnutls
  116. ---> Building gnutls with target all
  117. ---> Staging gnutls into destroot
  118. ---> Installing gnutls 2.2.3_0
  119. ---> Activating gnutls 2.2.3_0
  120. ---> Cleaning gnutls
  121. ---> Fetching libsoup
  122. ---> Attempting to fetch libsoup-2.4.1.tar.bz2 from
  123. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for libsoup
  124. ---> Extracting libsoup
  125. ---> Configuring libsoup
  126. ---> Building libsoup with target all
  127. ---> Staging libsoup into destroot
  128. ---> Installing libsoup 2.4.1_0
  129. ---> Activating libsoup 2.4.1_0
  130. ---> Cleaning libsoup
  131. ---> Fetching nspr
  132. ---> Attempting to fetch nspr-4.7.tar.gz from
  133. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for nspr
  134. ---> Extracting nspr
  135. ---> Configuring nspr
  136. ---> Building nspr with target all
  137. ---> Staging nspr into destroot
  138. ---> Installing nspr 4.7_1
  139. ---> Activating nspr 4.7_1
  140. ---> Cleaning nspr
  141. ---> Fetching nss
  142. ---> Attempting to fetch nss-3.11.9.tar.gz from
  143. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for nss
  144. ---> Extracting nss
  145. ---> Applying patches to nss
  146. ---> Configuring nss
  147. ---> Building nss with target all
  148. ---> Staging nss into destroot
  149. ---> Installing nss 3.11.9_0
  150. ---> Activating nss 3.11.9_0
  151. ---> Cleaning nss
  152. ---> Fetching evolution-data-server
  153. ---> Attempting to fetch evolution-data-server-2.22.1.tar.bz2 from
  154. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for evolution-data-server
  155. ---> Extracting evolution-data-server
  156. ---> Applying patches to evolution-data-server
  157. ---> Configuring evolution-data-server
  158. ---> Building evolution-data-server with target all
  159. ---> Staging evolution-data-server into destroot
  160. ---> Installing evolution-data-server 2.22.1_0
  161. ---> Activating evolution-data-server 2.22.1_0
  162. ---> Cleaning evolution-data-server
  163. ---> Fetching gtk-engines2
  164. ---> Attempting to fetch gtk-engines-2.14.1.tar.bz2 from
  165. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gtk-engines2
  166. ---> Extracting gtk-engines2
  167. ---> Configuring gtk-engines2
  168. ---> Building gtk-engines2 with target all
  169. ---> Staging gtk-engines2 into destroot
  170. ---> Installing gtk-engines2 2.14.1_1
  171. ---> Activating gtk-engines2 2.14.1_1
  172. ---> Cleaning gtk-engines2
  173. ---> Fetching gnome-themes
  174. ---> Attempting to fetch gnome-themes-2.22.0.tar.bz2 from
  175. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gnome-themes
  176. ---> Extracting gnome-themes
  177. ---> Configuring gnome-themes
  178. ---> Building gnome-themes with target all
  179. ---> Staging gnome-themes into destroot
  180. ---> Installing gnome-themes 2.22.0_0
  181. ---> Activating gnome-themes 2.22.0_0
  182. ---> Cleaning gnome-themes
  183. ---> Fetching gvfs
  184. ---> Attempting to fetch gvfs-0.2.3.tar.bz2 from
  185. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for gvfs
  186. ---> Extracting gvfs
  187. ---> Configuring gvfs
  188. ---> Building gvfs with target all
  189. ---> Staging gvfs into destroot
  190. ---> Installing gvfs 0.2.3_0
  191. ---> Activating gvfs 0.2.3_0
  192. ---> Cleaning gvfs
  193. ---> Fetching fftw-3
  194. ---> Attempting to fetch fftw-3.1.2.tar.gz from
  195. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for fftw-3
  196. ---> Extracting fftw-3
  197. ---> Configuring fftw-3
  198. ---> Building fftw-3 with target all
  199. ---> Staging fftw-3 into destroot
  200. ---> Installing fftw-3 3.1.2_6
  201. ---> Activating fftw-3 3.1.2_6
  202. ---> Cleaning fftw-3
  203. ---> Fetching py25-numpy
  204. ---> Attempting to fetch numpy-1.1.0.tar.gz from
  205. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for py25-numpy
  206. ---> Extracting py25-numpy
  207. ---> Applying patches to py25-numpy
  208. ---> Configuring py25-numpy
  209. ---> Building py25-numpy with target build
  210. Error: Target returned: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_python_py25-numpy/work/numpy-1.1.0" && /opt/local/bin/python2.5 build " returned error 1
  211. Command output: Running from numpy source directory.
  212. non-existing path in 'numpy/distutils': 'site.cfg'
  213. F2PY Version 2_5237
  214. blas_opt_info:
  215. FOUND:
  216. extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,Accelerate']
  217. define_macros = [('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3)]
  218. extra_compile_args = ['-msse3', '-I/System/Library/Frameworks/vecLib.framework/Headers']
  220. lapack_opt_info:
  221. FOUND:
  222. extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,Accelerate']
  223. define_macros = [('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3)]
  224. extra_compile_args = ['-msse3']
  226. running build
  227. running scons
  228. customize UnixCCompiler
  229. Could not locate executable -DNDEBUG
  230. error: Could not find compiler executable info for scons
  232. Error: The following dependencies failed to build: gnome-session gnome-control-center gnome-desktop py25-gnome py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy py25-orbit startup-notification gnome-menus gnome-panel libgweather librsvg libcroco libgsf libwnck gnome-settings-daemon gst-plugins-good aalib flac id3lib gst-plugins-base cdparanoia gstreamer bison m4 flex gzip liboil libtheora libcaca libcdio libcddb libdv libshout2 speex taglib wavpack libgnomekbd libxklavier metacity nautilus eel libexif gtkglext libgnomeprintui libgnomeprint libgnomecups libgtkhtml ruby
  233. Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
  234. bash-3.2$ sudo port clean --working numpy-1.1.0
  235. Password:
  236. Error: Port numpy-1.1.0 not found
  237. bash-3.2$ sudo port clean --working py25-numpy
  238. ---> Cleaning py25-numpy
  239. bash-3.2$ sudo port install rb-gnome
  240. ---> Fetching py25-numpy
  241. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for py25-numpy
  242. ---> Extracting py25-numpy
  243. ---> Applying patches to py25-numpy
  244. ---> Configuring py25-numpy
  245. ---> Building py25-numpy with target build
  246. ---> Staging py25-numpy into destroot
  247. Error: Target org.macports.destroot returned: error renaming "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_python_py25-numpy/work/destroot/opt/local/bin/f2py": no such file or directory
  248. Error: The following dependencies failed to build: gnome-session gnome-control-center gnome-desktop py25-gnome py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy py25-orbit startup-notification gnome-menus gnome-panel libgweather librsvg libcroco libgsf libwnck gnome-settings-daemon gst-plugins-good aalib flac id3lib gst-plugins-base cdparanoia gstreamer bison m4 flex gzip liboil libtheora libcaca libcdio libcddb libdv libshout2 speex taglib wavpack libgnomekbd libxklavier metacity nautilus eel libexif gtkglext libgnomeprintui libgnomeprint libgnomecups libgtkhtml ruby
  249. Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
  250. bash-3.2$ sudo port clean --working py25-numpy
  251. ---> Cleaning py25-numpy
  252. bash-3.2$ sudo port install rb-gnome
  253. ---> Fetching py25-numpy
  254. ---> Verifying checksum(s) for py25-numpy
  255. ---> Extracting py25-numpy
  256. ---> Applying patches to py25-numpy
  257. ---> Configuring py25-numpy
  258. ---> Building py25-numpy with target build
  259. ---> Staging py25-numpy into destroot
  260. Error: Target org.macports.destroot returned: error renaming "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_python_py25-numpy/work/destroot/opt/local/bin/f2py": no such file or directory
  261. Error: The following dependencies failed to build: gnome-session gnome-control-center gnome-desktop py25-gnome py25-gtk py25-cairo py25-numpy py25-orbit startup-notification gnome-menus gnome-panel libgweather librsvg libcroco libgsf libwnck gnome-settings-daemon gst-plugins-good aalib flac id3lib gst-plugins-base cdparanoia gstreamer bison m4 flex gzip liboil libtheora libcaca libcdio libcddb libdv libshout2 speex taglib wavpack libgnomekbd libxklavier metacity nautilus eel libexif gtkglext libgnomeprintui libgnomeprint libgnomecups libgtkhtml ruby
  262. Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
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