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Dec 27th, 2008
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  7. 19:33 <~sandungas> do you guys know if jas0nuk pspident is open source?
  8. 19:34 <~jas0nuk> it's not
  9. 19:35 <~sandungas> despertador21 did a video with it
  10. 19:36 <~jas0nuk> ooh ooh lemme see
  11. 19:36 <~sandungas> pspident shows no info about tychon, byron, etc...
  12. 19:37 <~jas0nuk> pspident has a very specific way of behaving
  13. 19:38 <~jas0nuk> when the info is not known
  15. 19:38 <~sandungas> this one jas0nuk
  16. 19:39 <~sandungas> and this is the first one
  18. 19:39 <~jas0nuk> he is running the real pspident
  19. 19:39 <~jas0nuk> the white thing going up the screen is the screenshot being generated
  20. 19:40 <~jas0nuk> its a hex edited version <_<
  21. 19:40 <~jas0nuk> it should say Unknown
  22. 19:40 <~jas0nuk> not ?????????
  23. 19:40 <~sandungas> yes, this i think... but not sure
  24. 19:41 <~sandungas> at least cementerio must say "unknown"
  26. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> there shouldnt be any ?? at all
  27. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> it displays the raw hex
  28. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> from sceSysregGetTachyon
  29. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> i think its fake!
  30. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> he's hex edited it
  31. 19:42 <~jas0nuk> so nobody can tell the tachyon/baryon/pommel values
  32. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> so it should be
  33. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> 00 00 00
  34. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> or FF FF ..
  35. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> not ??????
  36. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> ? is not a hex character
  37. 19:43 <~sandungas> mmm, pspident must display something?
  38. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> yes
  39. 19:43 <~jas0nuk> XD
  40. 19:43 <~sandungas> ok
  42. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> TA-0??
  43. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> FUCKING FAKE
  44. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> there is no such value
  45. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> char *mobomodels[] = {
  46. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> "TA-079 v1", "TA-079 v2", "TA-079 v3", "TA-081", "TA-082", "TA-086", "TA-085", "TA-085 v2", "TA-088", "Devkit", "Unknown"
  47. 19:45 <~sandungas> XDD
  48. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> ITS A FUCKING FAKE :DDDDD
  49. 19:45 <~Alek> o0
  50. 19:45 <~Alek> orly
  51. 19:45 <~Alek> hex editing DC7 ftw
  52. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> Alek: o0
  53. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> :D
  54. 19:45 <~Alek> lol
  55. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> hex editing pspident
  56. 19:45 <~jas0nuk> ftw
  58. 19:46 <~jas0nuk> i should post it on youtube
  59. 19:46 <~jas0nuk> <_<
  60. 19:46 <~sandungas> cementerio must be hexedited too
  61. 19:46 <~jas0nuk> yes
  62. 19:46 <~Alek> wtf TA-088v3 on DC7 with no tachyon etc values
  63. 19:46 <~jas0nuk> yeah
  64. 19:46 <~jas0nuk> rofl
  65. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> he hex edited all tools
  66. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> he's running it on a standard TA-088 v1
  67. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> Tachyon = 0x00500000, Baryon = 0x00243000, Pommel = 123 TA-088 v1 2g
  68. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> Slim v2.0
  69. 19:47 <~Alek> xD
  70. 19:47 <~sandungas> yep, he has changed the borard
  71. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> game over
  72. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> xd
  73. 19:47 <~Alek> o0
  74. 19:47 <~jas0nuk> o0
  75. 19:47 <~Alek> tsch
  76. 19:47 <~Alek> xD
  77. 19:47 <+Pandoux> so?
  78. 19:47 <+Pandoux> conclusion?
  79. 19:48 <zacow> FAKE
  80. 19:48 <~jas0nuk> fake as hell
  81. 19:48 <~Alek> brb
  83. 19:53 <~Alek> sandungas,
  84. 19:53 <~Alek> reopen the thread that i closed
  85. 19:54 <~Alek> and make a quick post
  86. 19:54 <~jas0nuk> someone needs to call out this faker
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  90. private conversation
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  93. 21:29 <jas0nuk> it shows that he's using a hex edited version of pspident
  94. 21:29 <jas0nuk> so the video is fake
  95. 21:29 <jas0nuk> he's using a normal TA-088 version 1 slim
  96. 21:29 <jas0nuk> PSP-2000
  97. 21:30 <sandungas> sure is an v1?
  98. 21:30 <jas0nuk> yes
  99. 21:30 <jas0nuk> Slim v2.0
  100. 21:30 <jas0nuk> on the video
  101. 21:30 <jas0nuk> proves it
  102. 21:30 <jas0nuk> paste this too
  103. 21:30 <jas0nuk> XD
  104. 21:30 <sandungas> mmm ok XDD
  105. 21:31 <jas0nuk> the Tachyon: ??????? is fake bullshit
  106. 21:31 <jas0nuk> it would never display that
  107. 21:31 <sandungas> yes, i understood you here
  108. 21:32 <sandungas> ???? is not an hex value
  109. 21:32 <jas0nuk> yup XD
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