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DF Game Club: The Book of Unwritten Tales (part 4)

a guest
Apr 26th, 2014
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  1. (07:00:35) Syd: Alright, let's get this going. Let me know when you see the stream go live and I'll start the intro.
  2. (07:00:47) Permafry_42: hi Fhqwhgod!
  3. (07:00:56) Fhqwhgod: live
  4. (07:01:04) Permafry_42: yup live
  5. (07:01:16) Fhqwhgod: also: hi@chat
  6. (07:01:50) Gregtherobot left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  7. (07:02:07) Cheeseness: Hey Fhqwhgod
  8. (07:02:13) Gregtherobot [] entered the room.
  9. (07:02:18) Permafry_42: i love the main menu design
  10. (07:02:43) Gregtherobot: Hahaha <3
  11. (07:02:45) Gregtherobot: Woman stuff?
  12. (07:02:49) Cheeseness: Geeze, that Nate :|
  13. (07:02:51) Gregtherobot: Or proper.
  14. (07:03:16) SirSlade: Woah man, almost forgot about the GC today! Twitter really helps (I was too busy making more families for MC
  15. (07:03:35) Cheeseness: Syd said she'd describe Nate as "punchable". Can't say I disagree with her on that >_<
  16. (07:03:44) Cheeseness: Ha ha, hey SirSlade ^_^
  17. (07:04:19) Gregtherobot: There's like .. I don't want to try to guess what's sitting on the ground next to the stone coffin in front of the 'camera'
  18. (07:04:21) Fhqwhgod: I always get lured here by the steam announcements but today I would have missed it if I weren't lurking here for a while
  19. (07:04:33) Gregtherobot: It looks like it .. goes .. somewhere ..
  20. (07:05:14) Permafry_42: punchable does come to mind. also her voice is a little bit too high pitched for my taste, even considering she's supposed to be very sad...
  21. (07:05:29) Permafry_42: also mc = minecraft?
  22. (07:05:33) Gregtherobot: Oh it's the top of a vase. That was an unfortunate zoom.
  23. (07:07:09) Gregtherobot: Anybody know how much of the backgrounds are rendered versus drawn?
  24. (07:07:25) Cheeseness: Poor Ester
  25. (07:07:37) Fhqwhgod: dear Esther
  26. (07:07:47) Cheeseness: I had assumes that all of them were pre-rendered
  27. (07:09:10) Fhqwhgod: in b4 forged loveletter
  28. (07:09:26) Gregtherobot: I think they're mostly prerendered but I think I'm seeing stuff that was drawn in too.
  29. (07:10:43) Permafry_42: anyone see yet this?
  30. (07:10:59) Cheeseness: Yep
  31. (07:11:28) GameClubFan_765460 [] entered the room.
  32. (07:11:35) GameClubFan_765460 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  33. (07:12:05) Cheeseness: Ghosts go to the bathroom?
  34. (07:12:15) Gregtherobot: Noooo way. They found the landfill?
  35. (07:12:33) Gregtherobot: That's the doc MS is shooting?
  36. (07:13:56) GameClubFan_393958 [] entered the room.
  37. (07:14:13) Permafry_42: i love beheaded jokes
  38. (07:14:16) Cheeseness: :D
  39. (07:14:24) Fhqwhgod: yes it seems they found the landfill and made an event digging it up. I want one of those carts
  40. (07:15:19) Gregtherobot: That's amazing. I've been hearing about that legend for at least a decade.
  41. (07:16:12) Cheeseness: Paladin jokes
  42. (07:16:28) Permafry_42: i like the flag design
  43. (07:16:38) Cheeseness: Oh, I didn't spot the red shoes
  44. (07:17:10) Fhqwhgod: waht's a Paladin?
  45. (07:17:36) Fhqwhgod: what's*
  46. (07:18:37) The-Mad-Pirate left the room (quit: Quit: Konversation terminated!).
  47. (07:18:41) Gregtherobot: A holy knight or something.
  48. (07:18:41) Cheeseness: A knight type person
  49. (07:19:35) Cheeseness: IIRC, the top warriors from Charlemagne's court wore the title
  50. (07:20:12) flesk [] entered the room.
  51. (07:20:39) Permafry_42: hi flesk!
  52. (07:21:10) Cheeseness: Hey flesk
  53. (07:21:27) Gregtherobot: FLESK
  54. (07:21:40) Cheeseness: Nice work picking a feather that wouldn't be missed
  55. (07:22:17) Fhqwhgod: hi fIesk
  56. (07:23:06) The-Mad-Pirate [leandro@ECECB910.BAB8EB73.29E3AAE9.IP] entered the room.
  57. (07:23:20) Permafry_42: hey The-Mad-Pirate!
  58. (07:23:21) Cheeseness: Hey The-Mad-Pirate
  59. (07:23:37) Gregtherobot: He was already here I think.
  60. (07:23:48) Permafry_42: i love the spiraling cloud art in the background of this scene
  61. (07:23:51) Gregtherobot: But we still love you.
  62. (07:23:52) Cheeseness: Oh, so he was
  63. (07:24:04) Cheeseness: Yeah, the background art is awesome
  64. (07:27:20) flesk: Hi there.
  65. (07:27:28) flesk: Gregtherobot?
  66. (07:27:34) Gregtherobot: Yes!
  67. (07:28:29) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  68. (07:29:16) Gregtherobot: You may know me from that one time I wrote a review.
  69. (07:29:58) Gregtherobot: But you probably don't. And it'd be awkward if you did.
  70. (07:31:43) Permafry_42: don't worry greg I'll make it awkward since i know you =D
  71. (07:31:56) Gregtherobot: D:
  72. (07:32:00) Fhqwhgod: *awkward*
  73. (07:32:10) Gregtherobot: D: D: D: D:
  74. (07:32:17) flesk: Hmm. It's not immediately ringing any bells for me.
  75. (07:33:06) SirSlade: So this is the first BoUT session I've been able to catch, and is it just me or does the hero sound and act like Ash from Evil Dead/Army of Darkness?
  76. (07:33:38) Fhqwhgod: the voice acting is rubbish
  77. (07:33:41) Cheeseness: heh
  78. (07:33:41) Gregtherobot: It sounds like that one time Telltale cast him in Poker Night.
  79. (07:33:44) GameClubFan_393958 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  80. (07:33:45) Permafry_42: i wonder who is the one on bout's dev team that has a think for skulls and skeletons. i notice there's quite a few of them in the world's designs and backgrounds
  81. (07:34:17) Cheeseness: Mostly they seem to fit with the environments
  82. (07:34:32) GameClubFan_670965 [] entered the room.
  83. (07:34:57) GameClubFan_670965 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  84. (07:35:13) GameClubFan_294631 [] entered the room.
  85. (07:35:22) GameClubFan_294631 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  86. (07:35:40) Cheeseness: Ah, voodoo
  87. (07:35:49) Cheeseness: Hah, this recipe sounds familiar
  88. (07:35:56) GameClubFan_859931 [] entered the room.
  89. (07:36:19) Cheeseness: Something of the head, something of the thread, something of the body, and something of the dead
  90. (07:38:10) GameClubFan_859931 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  91. (07:38:21) Cheeseness: This paladin is obsessed with split ends
  92. (07:38:45) Permafry_42: he's probably just a really vain person
  93. (07:38:55) Permafry_42: *character
  94. (07:39:25) Cheeseness: Or a questionable stereotype
  95. (07:40:06) Gregtherobot: I feel like these voice actors never played a point and click adventure game.
  96. (07:40:17) Permafry_42: well considering the majority of the characters are at the very least inspired by questionable stereotype, it seems par to the course at this point
  97. (07:40:23) Cheeseness: How much spit do we need? :D
  98. (07:40:23) Permafry_42: *questionable stereotypes
  99. (07:40:34) Gregtherobot: You don't want to know..
  100. (07:41:27) Cheeseness: I'd have thought after that that it'd be brimming
  101. (07:42:18) Permafry_42: i love how the items just mysteriously appear and disappear
  102. (07:43:16) Cheeseness: Aww, I was expecting him to say "Two four six eight!"
  103. (07:44:44) Cheeseness: :/
  104. (07:44:46) Cheeseness: lol
  105. (07:44:57) Permafry_42: lol "tm"
  106. (07:45:45) Kor [] entered the room.
  107. (07:45:50) Marco [] entered the room.
  108. (07:45:52) Cheeseness: Hi Kor
  109. (07:45:57) Kor: hiyo :)
  110. (07:46:00) Cheeseness: Ha, the buff icons
  111. (07:46:15) Marco: Hi Cheese, hi everyone :)
  112. (07:46:19) Cheeseness: Hi Marco
  113. (07:46:20) Kor: What game is this?
  114. (07:46:28) Cheeseness: This is the Book of Unwritten Tales
  115. (07:47:01) Permafry_42: i wonder if he's secretly a closet case...
  116. (07:48:12) Kor: That's by far the worse
  117. (07:48:19) Kor: *worst
  118. (07:50:56) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  119. (07:51:12) Marco: If you have any questions about The Book of Unwritten Tales, KING Art Games or our other games, feel free to ask
  120. (07:51:26) Cheeseness: Marco is Marco Rosenberg from King Art Games :)
  121. (07:51:38) Marco: jepp
  122. (07:51:56) Cheeseness: Thanks for joining us! I hadn't spotted an email from you so I wasn't sure if you were likely to make it
  123. (07:52:06) Cheeseness: Congratulations on the BoUT2 campaign!
  124. (07:52:20) Marco: just read about this session on Twitter a few minutes ago and decided to drop by :)
  125. (07:52:26) Permafry_42: hi kor and marco!
  126. (07:53:16) Fhqwhgod left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  127. (07:53:18) Cheeseness: Marco: I'd shot you an email a couple of weeks ago - I'm guessing it got flagged as spam and lost
  128. (07:54:38) Marco: I'll have to check for it. Maybe I missed it in the post-Kickstarter flurry
  129. (07:55:35) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  130. (07:55:37) Marco: Hi Permafry
  131. (07:55:49) Permafry_42: proud backer of bout 2; looking forwards to playing it when it's fully released
  132. (07:56:10) Marco: that's great to hear :)
  133. (07:58:09) Marco: Who's the one playing the game for the stream?
  134. (07:58:09) Permafry_42: i'll be able to stay in chat, but it looks like i won't be able to continue watching the stream due to lack of bandwidth
  135. (07:58:10) Cheeseness: Unfortunately the campaign happened at a point where I didn't have much spare money. Looking forward to picking it up when it's released though
  136. (07:58:16) Cheeseness: No worries, Permafry_42
  137. (07:58:40) Permafry_42: Syd's doing the streaming right now
  138. (07:59:10) Cheeseness: Hah!
  139. (07:59:17) Kor: wow, such potty mouth :p
  140. (07:59:20) flesk: Hi Marco.
  141. (07:59:36) flesk: I backed BoUT2 as well. Looking forward to it.
  142. (07:59:47) SirSlade: Apparently I stepped out of the room at the wrong time. I was in the kitchen, then stream of bleeps comes from my room...
  143. (07:59:51) Marco: haha, that beeped out line made me worry if we would get a low age rating from the ESRB :D
  144. (07:59:58) Marco: hi flesk
  145. (08:00:15) Marco: hi SirSlade
  146. (08:00:40) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  147. (08:00:53) SirSlade: Hey Marco, hey flesk
  148. (08:00:56) Cheeseness: By the way, doesn't seem to be working properly for me
  149. (08:01:10) Cheeseness: How much of the original voice cast is back for BoUT2?
  150. (08:01:12) flesk: I love that all of your games are available for Linux.
  151. (08:01:25) Cheeseness: Linux gamer here too - definitely appreciate the support :)
  152. (08:01:29) Marco: Yes, somehow it crashed yesterday. We're working on getting it back online.
  153. (08:01:36) Cheeseness: Ah, no problems
  154. (08:02:12) Cheeseness: Is BoUT2 using the same engine as the original game, or will you be using Unity again?
  155. (08:02:49) Marco: For all the characters who make a comeback in BoUT2 we'll try to get the same voice actors as in BoUT1.
  156. (08:03:09) Marco: BoUT2 uses Unity, just like The Raven.
  157. (08:03:59) Permafry_42: will the animations be up to the same level as bout 1, or will it be closer to the raven's level in terms on quality?
  158. (08:04:01) Marco: And it will look even better than BoUT1.
  159. (08:04:06) Cheeseness: Someone was asking earlier whether any of the backgrounds were painted rather than rendered
  160. (08:04:24) flesk: I love the idea of doing side-quests for BoUT2.
  161. (08:04:49) Marco: The backgrounds are rendered and then received a paintover.
  162. (08:05:37) Cheeseness: Ah, neat! Will you be using the same technique for BoUT2?
  163. (08:05:38) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  164. (08:06:50) Marco: We've stacked up on in-house animators since The Raven, so the animations will be better than in BoUT1 and probably also better than The Raven.
  165. (08:07:11) flesk: The animations in the Kickstarter videos looked very good.
  166. (08:08:07) Cheeseness: Yeah
  167. (08:08:53) Marco: As backers can see in a video in our development forum, we've put great care into making the walking animations really smooth and blend seamlessly into any special animations.
  168. (08:10:04) Marco: The animators who worked on the animations in the Kickstarter videos are also working on the ingame animations. :)
  169. (08:10:25) Permafry_42: will the game include easter eggs like the radio in the raen
  170. (08:10:30) flesk: That's good news. Walking/running was definitely the one thing that seemed to stick out as least polished for me in BoUT/CC.
  171. (08:10:31) Permafry_42: *raven
  172. (08:10:43) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  173. (08:11:38) Kor left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  174. (08:13:14) Gregtherobot: I just went to try and it failed to resolve for me as well.
  175. (08:13:31) Cheeseness: Yeah, Marco just mentioned that they're working on bringing it back up
  176. (08:13:59) Gregtherobot: Ah, sorry, didn't mean to add noise versus signal.
  177. (08:14:27) Cheeseness: It's cool ^_^
  178. (08:14:47) Marco: @Permafry_42: There will be lots of hidden details and allusions in the backgrounds, like in the previous games. Did anyone spot R2D2 and Sputnik in The Critter Chronicles? :D
  179. (08:15:18) Marco: Hi Gregtherobot
  180. (08:15:26) Gregtherobot: Hello! :]
  181. (08:15:43) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  182. (08:16:01) Cheeseness: Marco: How many people did you have apply for the videographer internship?
  183. (08:16:19) liorean [] entered the room.
  184. (08:16:22) Cheeseness: Hi liorean
  185. (08:16:33) liorean: Hi Cheese
  186. (08:16:35) Babar: where was that, Marco? :O
  187. (08:17:20) liorean: Suggest a FTL ship layout for me to play. I have all except Lanius B
  188. (08:17:26) Marco: @Babar: in front of the Critters' sanctuary
  189. (08:17:43) Babar: :O
  190. (08:17:47) Babar: missed it, I guess
  191. (08:18:01) Babar: I saw the lightsaber, though, but that was pretty obvious :D
  192. (08:18:15) Marco: @Cheese: There were at least a dozen applications
  193. (08:18:38) flesk: Can't remember seeing them there, but then there was a lot of junk laying around that location.
  194. (08:18:39) Gregtherobot: Lanius A, play with all the doors open in full vacuum.
  195. (08:18:43) Cheeseness: Cool. I was thinking of putting my hand up, but I'm not really in a position to relocate at the moment, so I didn't apply
  196. (08:19:00) liorean: I play with an open doors policy for most ships
  197. (08:19:06) liorean: But lanius A, ok
  198. (08:19:25) Gregtherobot: I changed somebody's life! :D
  199. (08:19:52) Marco: way to go, Greg :D
  200. (08:20:08) Gregtherobot: Marco, what /do/ they use the hose for?
  201. (08:20:13) liorean: I'll keep my pilot within closed doors though.
  202. (08:20:43) Marco: you'll see
  203. (08:20:46) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  204. (08:21:04) liorean: Time to stop talking about FTL and join your BoUT
  205. (08:21:06) liorean: talk
  206. (08:21:24) Cheeseness: :D
  207. (08:21:31) Marco: ^^
  208. (08:22:14) Marco: brewing alcohol and a minotaur smoking strange herbs. Another case for the ESRB :D
  209. (08:22:39) Marco: I had to play the whole game and capture scenes like that for the age rating submission :D
  210. (08:22:47) Babar: brewing alcohol isn't for kids? :D
  211. (08:22:55) Gregtherobot: Depends on the proof.
  212. (08:23:10) Cheeseness: Did you have anything you had to trim down or cut for rating compliance, Marco?
  213. (08:23:21) Gregtherobot: I was really hoping we'd be able to borrow the minotaur's pipe. >>
  214. (08:23:37) Gregtherobot: Yes. Tell us Marco :0
  215. (08:23:44) Marco: we have a little bit of everything in the game: gambling, smoking, alcohol, drugs, partial nudity (Ivo's outfit), bad language, ...
  216. (08:24:04) Marco: but we still received an "Age 6 and above" rating :D
  217. (08:24:10) Babar: Ivo's outfit would've lowered the rating?! :D
  218. (08:24:50) Babar: Now I'm curious..what did she look like before?
  219. (08:24:51) Cheeseness: Poor Blout
  220. (08:24:55) GameClubFan_095459 [] entered the room.
  221. (08:25:04) liorean: We had a really long discussion about Ivo's outfit first episode
  222. (08:25:19) Permafry_42: that reminds me: is there any plans to make changes to ivo's design for bout2? i admit it was one of the parts of the game i wasn't thrilled about to say the least
  223. (08:25:30) Marco: we didn't change anything for the rating. Everything is as intended.
  224. (08:25:44) Gregtherobot: Does Steam require an ESRB rating?
  225. (08:25:49) Cheeseness: I don't think so
  226. (08:25:49) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  227. (08:25:58) GameClubFan_095459 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  228. (08:26:13) Marco: Don't know about Steam, but we had a box release long before Steam
  229. (08:26:47) liorean: These armnour parts reminds me of the eating utensils of Broken Age. Though I realise these predate those.
  230. (08:26:51) Gregtherobot: Any big sales left in the boxes?
  231. (08:27:32) Marco: @Permafry: As you can see in the Kickstarter videos and title art, Ivo wears more clothes this time :D
  232. (08:27:43) Marco: all of the characters have received a little workover
  233. (08:27:50) Permafry_42: ah that's good :)
  234. (08:27:51) Gregtherobot: I think I answered my own question.
  235. (08:28:54) Cheeseness: :)
  236. (08:29:37) Marco: @Greg: Depends on the countries. In Germany you can still sell enough boxed versions of an adventure game. Italy, France and Spain is a lot harder, especially because the target group for the localisation is a lot smaller than the English one
  237. (08:29:41) Cheeseness: Did she just throw the heart away?
  238. (08:30:43) Gregtherobot: I keep hearing that about Germany.
  239. (08:30:45) Cheeseness: Is King Art a single team studio, or do you work concurrently on multiple projects?
  240. (08:30:49) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  241. (08:31:09) Marco: We are working on 2-3 projects at the same time
  242. (08:31:24) Cheeseness: Nice
  243. (08:31:47) Gregtherobot: Bwahahaha now mushrooms
  244. (08:31:48) Cheeseness: I'd guess that one is the BWK DLC, BoUT 2 and the third is unannounced?
  245. (08:32:30) liorean: Ah, these. Took me longer than anything else in the game to see those mushrooms, I simply didn't see where they were
  246. (08:32:32) Marco: right now we have the BoUT2 team, the Battle Worlds: Kronos team and a browser games team, but some people work on more than one project
  247. (08:32:42) Permafry_42: Any plans for a sequel to the raven? or "no official word on that at this time"?
  248. (08:33:19) Cheeseness: Speaking of browser games, it looks like the "My Little Farmies" image is wrong on this page
  249. (08:33:46) Marco: @Permafry_42: nothing planned at the moment, but there might be a sequel someday
  250. (08:34:28) Marco: You're right, Cheese. I'll tell our website guy on monday. :)
  251. (08:34:29) Cheeseness: We haven't done chapter 2 of The Raven for Game Club yet. We'll probably hop onto that in the next month or two, I reckon
  252. (08:35:02) Permafry_42: cool; i'd love to see the world of that game expanded since i liked the realist setting of it
  253. (08:35:48) Cheeseness: It's hard to imagine whether a proper sequel would work - things feel pretty wrapped up at the end. Mystery is a big part of what makes The Raven what it is, I think
  254. (08:35:52) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  255. (08:38:19) Cheeseness: Ha ha, I saw that coming
  256. (08:38:33) Permafry_42: If i saw a sequel, i'd like it if it has a completely separate cast set in the same time line and having the same mystery feel to it
  257. (08:39:07) Permafry_42: that way the feel of the game would be the same but it would still feel like a seperate game from the original
  258. (08:39:08) Cheeseness: Ah, yeah. A spin off could work
  259. (08:39:20) Marco: @Cheese: Of course we'll only make a sequel if we have a good story.
  260. (08:39:39) Cheeseness: (a direct sequel could work as well, it'd just be trickier to pull off and maintain the same charm)
  261. (08:39:45) Cheeseness: Of course :D
  262. (08:40:33) liorean: For a while I thought this puzzle was supposed to involve the Ogre, iddn't he have some lighting spell he talked about?
  263. (08:40:53) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  264. (08:41:04) Cheeseness: This bit was pretty unexpected
  265. (08:41:26) liorean: DDR style
  266. (08:42:37) GameClubFan_103104 [] entered the room.
  267. (08:42:39) Cheeseness: Marco: What do you think are the pros and cons of the BoUT engine vs Unity? The original engine was custom built using Ogre, right?
  268. (08:42:51) Marco: yes
  269. (08:43:08) Marco: Unity gives us a lot more flexibility
  270. (08:43:31) Gregtherobot: I'm falling asleep.
  271. (08:43:37) Gregtherobot: I love you all. Don't forget about me. <3
  272. (08:43:46) Gregtherobot: And thanks for stopping in Marco. :)
  273. (08:43:49) Cheeseness: Ha ha, night Gregtherobot :)
  274. (08:43:55) Marco: with projection mapping we can have backgrounds with the same detail as BoUT1 but have more camera movement like in The Raven
  275. (08:44:03) Permafry_42: cya greg!
  276. (08:44:03) Cheeseness: Is this the same dragon from the beginning of the game?
  277. (08:44:12) Marco: Good night Gregtherobot
  278. (08:44:26) Marco: yes, it is, Cheese
  279. (08:44:36) Gregtherobot: Permafry. <3 See you guys next time.
  280. (08:44:37) liorean: Sounds very much like the same dragon
  281. (08:44:43) The-Mad-Pirate left the room (quit: Quit: Konversation terminated!).
  282. (08:45:01) Gregtherobot left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  283. (08:45:07) disharmonic: Hi
  284. (08:45:10) Cheeseness: Hey disharmonic
  285. (08:45:17) disharmonic: Are you guys streaming now?
  286. (08:45:22) Permafry_42: hi disharmonic
  287. (08:45:23) liorean: YEs
  288. (08:45:37) Permafry_42: yup
  289. (08:45:52) liorean: Very nice dragons den, a bit low on the glittery stuff though
  290. (08:45:55) Cheeseness: disharmonic: Yeah, are you on the Game Club page?
  291. (08:45:58) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  292. (08:46:38) liorean: I prefer to use a separate chat and use for the stream
  293. (08:47:35) Cheeseness: Yeah, I find a separate IRC client to be a bit nicer
  294. (08:47:43) Marco: hi disharmonic
  295. (08:47:52) SirSlade: Separate IRC here too.
  296. (08:48:06) SirSlade: I kept clicking on the player and getting taken to a new page from the web irc...
  297. (08:49:11) Cheeseness: Yeah, if you click on the video (rather than the play/pause controls), it'll take you to the Twitch page
  298. (08:49:53) disharmonic: Twitch is broken for me atm it seems.
  299. (08:50:06) Cheeseness: disharmonic: Darn. We've just been talking to the dragon
  300. (08:50:27) liorean: I always prefer to have Twitch video in a separate window so I can resize etc. how I want. Actually one of the things I find lacking with youtube.
  301. (08:50:37) disharmonic: Hi Marco , Permafry_42 liorean
  302. (08:50:57) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  303. (08:51:00) disharmonic: Yet another Linux user here, so thanks for the support
  304. (08:51:36) Cheeseness: Marco: Will the King of Thieves be making an appearance in BoUT2?
  305. (08:52:00) liorean: King of thieves was a colorful character, I liked him
  306. (08:52:06) Cheeseness: Yeah :D
  307. (08:52:18) Marco: Cheeseness: I hope I'm not spoiling anything by saying yes ;)
  308. (08:52:43) Cheeseness: That sounds like a cause for optimism ^_^
  309. (08:53:10) Marco: there are several characters making a comeback
  310. (08:54:54) liorean: Play it? Broken Sword was a good game.
  311. (08:54:57) Cheeseness: "Do I look like a blacksmith?" he asks, just after casting some gold
  312. (08:55:23) Cheeseness: We did the first Broken Sword game for Game Club last year. We'll come back and do the second at some point
  313. (08:55:38) GameClubFan_103104: Still at this dragon part?
  314. (08:55:43) Cheeseness: Yep
  315. (08:55:48) SirSlade: Yeah, Cheeseness, I was just thinking that about the making a coin
  316. (08:55:56) liorean: Was that thge original or the HD remake? I thought the orihginal was better
  317. (08:55:57) GameClubFan_103104 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  318. (08:56:00) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  319. (08:56:06) GameClubFan_468297 [] entered the room.
  320. (08:56:08) Permafry_42: Will BOUT2 for GoG be drm free?
  321. (08:56:28) Cheeseness: liorean: It was the remastered version (that's all that was on Linux, which Mim was streaming from)
  322. (08:56:50) Marco: Permafry_42: I think it's mandatory for games on GoG to be drm free
  323. (08:57:12) Marco: so, yes
  324. (08:57:22) Cheeseness: Some of these scenes with panning gamers have a little too much camera movement when the characters are animated (the ruins puzzle last week stood out for that as well)
  325. (08:57:31) liorean: Don't the sell some games that require developer logins?
  326. (08:57:37) The-Mad-Pirate [~leandro@ECECB910.BAB8EB73.29E3AAE9.IP] entered the room.
  327. (08:57:41) liorean: IIRC Kalypso games require that
  328. (08:58:03) Cheeseness: panning cameras^
  329. (08:59:03) SirSlade: Reasons I don't play MMORPG's anymore...
  330. (08:59:12) Permafry_42: sounds good. I'll be getting a steam key since it makes it easier to install the game onto multiple computers, but I've always been a fan of giving the option of a drm free version of a game to those who are strongly against drm
  331. (08:59:18) liorean: Forging broken magic swords is easy. Mending them, now that is difficult!
  332. (08:59:20) Cheeseness: Marco: It feels like King Art has a lot of adventure game fans. What do you think are the most stand-out titles of the past 10 years?
  333. (09:00:33) GameClubFan_468297 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  334. (09:01:00) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  335. (09:01:10) Permafry_42: I'm probably going to have to get going in a few minutes. Thanks to syd for streaming and marco for joining us!
  336. (09:01:19) Marco: hard to say... I played many adventures in the last 10 years, but not that many in the last 2-3 years
  337. (09:01:29) SirSlade: See ya later Permafry_42
  338. (09:01:53) Marco: bye Permafry_42
  339. (09:01:57) Cheeseness: Have fun, Permafry_42
  340. (09:02:09) disharmonic: cya Permafry_42
  341. (09:02:41) Permafry_42: thanks everybody and cya next week hopefully!
  342. (09:02:54) Permafry_42 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  343. (09:03:14) Cheeseness: heh, the recalcitrant magic talking item
  344. (09:05:42) Cheeseness: I don't think I've ever played a game that's as filled with references
  345. (09:06:01) Marco: ^^
  346. (09:06:22) Syd: And that's it for this week. We'll be finishing up next week!
  347. (09:06:24) Cheeseness: And yet the game feels like it stands well on its own
  348. (09:06:25) SirSlade: I do love the plays on the troupes
  349. (09:06:26) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  350. (09:06:42) Syd: Let me know when the outro ends so I don't cut anything off
  351. (09:06:43) liorean: Thanks for the stream, Syd
  352. (09:06:52) liorean: Outro finished
  353. (09:06:54) SirSlade: It's over , Syd
  354. (09:07:15) Syd: I would have been more chatty during the session but I didn't want to have to tab out. :P
  355. (09:07:24) Marco: It's been fun with you guys :)
  356. (09:07:26) SirSlade: Fair enough
  357. (09:07:26) Syd: Thanks for joining us, Marco!
  358. (09:07:37) Marco: you're welcome :)
  359. (09:07:52) Cheeseness: Yeah, thanks heaps!
  360. (09:07:53) SirSlade: Thanks for stopping by Marco, I know it's a bit late for you over there
  361. (09:07:59) Cheeseness: Do you think you might join us next week, Marco?
  362. (09:08:15) Marco: it's 1 in the morning, so it's not too late yet :D
  363. (09:08:56) Marco: I'll have to see if I'm out partying next Saturday, but if I'm home I'll try to drop by
  364. (09:09:13) Cheeseness: No worries. Let me know if you can and I'll get the word out :)
  365. (09:09:32) SirSlade: Hey Cheese, how many more sessions is BoUT going to be?
  366. (09:09:37) Cheeseness: We'll finish up next week
  367. (09:09:39) Cheeseness: I reckon
  368. (09:09:49) Cheeseness: It'll probably be another 2 hour session
  369. (09:09:55) liorean: Two chapters left, right?
  370. (09:09:57) SirSlade: Ah, sad. I'm going to be riding from Dallas to Houston next week...
  371. (09:10:14) Cheeseness: I hadn't played BoUT before we decided to do it for Game Club - we weren't really prepared for how long it was :D
  372. (09:10:24) Marco: haha
  373. (09:10:24) Syd: The last bit of this chapter and the final chapter is what we have left.
  374. (09:10:26) Cheeseness: Do you think BoUT2 will be a similar length, Marco?
  375. (09:10:37) Marco: yes, it's one of the longest adventure games of the last years
  376. (09:10:49) Cheeseness: It's really nice to have a game with some decent playtime to it - it feels like most adventure/narrative oriented games are much, much shorter these days
  377. (09:10:51) Marco: we're aiming for a similar length
  378. (09:11:12) Cheeseness: Awesome
  379. (09:11:23) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  380. (09:12:40) SirSlade: Indeed. Well, see you all in probably two weeks (THough I may stop by on mobile next week. Not much to do on a car ride through the desert).
  381. (09:12:47) Cheeseness: Alrighty, have fun, SirSlade
  382. (09:12:58) SirSlade: Thanks for streaming to Syd, organizing Cheese and stopping by Marco
  383. (09:13:18) Cheeseness: I was talking during one of our earlier sessions about BoUT's requirement for looking at stuff before you can interact with it
  384. (09:13:37) Cheeseness: (or often requiring exhausting interaction options to see results)
  385. (09:13:44) Syd: Some things have to be looked at multiple times (like the flowers by the orc gate had to be looked at twice before you could pick them up)
  386. (09:13:47) disharmonic: BOUT is satisfyingly long. but i do have a minor complaint about the story pacing
  387. (09:13:48) Cheeseness: I think that's a nice way to help avoid stuff being too obvious
  388. (09:14:45) Marco: disharmonic: We're aware that the pacing is a little slow in some places, especially the Wild Lands
  389. (09:15:07) Marco: We're doing our best to improve the pacing for BoUT2
  390. (09:15:15) Cheeseness: It does feel like the urgency of the plot doesn't fit well with some of the pacing
  391. (09:15:27) Cheeseness: (aside from that, I haven't minded the pacing)
  392. (09:15:37) Syd: I was rather happy with myself for getting through the DDR minigame perfectly in one try for the session, heh.
  393. SirSlade Syd
  394. (09:15:44) Syd: It took me a few goes in last night's practice run
  395. (09:15:45) Cheeseness: Yeah, you did well, Syd :D
  396. (09:16:37) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  397. (09:17:03) Marco: haha, yeah, the DDR minigame probably cost many people a lot of nerves
  398. (09:17:25) Cheeseness: What kind of feedback did you get on it?
  399. (09:17:33) Syd: It was easier once I figured out that I had to hit it right when it lined up with the middle of the brackets
  400. (09:17:44) Syd: Also might have helped that I used to play quite a bit of DDR some years back
  401. (09:18:52) liorean: The DDR section was skillful
  402. (09:20:10) Marco: some people had their children complete that minigame for them :D
  403. (09:20:54) Cheeseness: heh
  404. (09:21:14) Marco: we learned from that and will not include skill-based minigames in our games anymore
  405. (09:21:31) liorean: I failed it a few times until I realised exactly when you needed to press the button combo
  406. (09:21:36) GameClubFan_756967 left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  407. (09:21:49) Cheeseness: The Raven's mini game felt like it was a little bit skill based
  408. (09:23:09) Marco: which one?
  409. (09:23:32) Syd: The shuffleboard one, or whatever that was?
  410. (09:23:36) Cheeseness: The one that was played on-deck (I can't remember what it was called)
  411. (09:23:38) Cheeseness: Yeah
  412. (09:23:40) Marco: ah, ok
  413. (09:23:44) disharmonic: Maybe you could just make them optional and have more than one way to pass the section or just a minigame "on/off" switch in the settings?
  414. (09:24:15) Marco: if they're skipable, that makes them feel useless
  415. (09:24:20) Cheeseness: Mmm
  416. (09:24:41) Cheeseness: Although I enjoyed the ones in the original Sam & Max games
  417. (09:24:41) Marco: at least the shuffleboard game wasn't based on timing
  418. (09:24:43) Cheeseness: game^
  419. (09:25:04) liorean: Maybe have a easy mode for any skill based minigames
  420. (09:25:05) Marco: me too. The "Whack-a-mole" was great
  421. (09:25:06) Cheeseness: Yeah, timing is tricky - especially when performance and frame rate can come into play
  422. (09:26:41) GameClubFan_756967 [] entered the room.
  423. (09:26:48) yama: Maybe you could let people skip mini games like that if they have failed a certain number of times? :)
  424. (09:27:07) The-Mad-Pirate left the room (quit: Quit: Konversation terminated!).
  425. (09:28:22) Syd: I gotta head out. I'll see you all around. Thanks again for joining us, Marco! :)
  426. (09:28:31) Syd left the room (quit: Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  427. (09:28:57) Cheeseness: Cheers Syd
  428. (09:29:58) Marco: bye Syd
  429. (09:30:06) Marco: gotta go too
  430. (09:30:09) Cheeseness: I might wrap up the chat log since things are winding down
  431. (09:30:24) Marco: by everyone! :)
  432. (09:30:27) disharmonic: Thanks for joining Marco
  433. (09:30:39) Cheeseness: Thanks again for coming, Marco
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