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- #include <a_samp>
- #include <a_sampmysql>
- #define COLOR_DARKGRAY 0x33333366
- #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA
- #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
- #define COLOR_BLUE 0x4444C0AA
- #define MYSQL_ADDRESS "localhost"
- #define MYSQL_NAME "root"
- #define MYSQL_PW "abc123"
- #define MYSQL_DBNAME "samp"
- #define MAX_BOMBS 16
- #define MAX_BASES 8
- forward AutoAim(base, playerid, runs, fast, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
- forward Rotator(base, Float:wanted);
- forward GetKeyPressed(code, key);
- forward Float:floatrandom(Float:max);
- forward Float:GetGroundZ(Float:x, Float:y);
- forward FireArtillery(base, playerid, Float:spo, Float:al, Float:r);
- forward FireStationaryArtillery(playerid, base);
- forward MoveBomb(base, id);
- forward FireBomb(playerid, base, id);
- forward RenewTowers();
- forward Float:GetPlayerDistanceToPoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
- forward SatelliteScan(base, playerid);
- forward MoveScan(base, playerid);
- forward AddBase(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
- forward GetClosestPlayer(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z);
- forward Follower(playerid, base, target);
- forward RemoveBase(base);
- forward ShowControlMenu(playerid, base);
- forward HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, sscan);
- forward SetRotation(playerid, base, Float:wa);
- forward SetAngle(playerid, base, Float:wa);
- new Float:sx[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:sy[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:sz[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:flighttime[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:speedo[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:g = 9.81;
- new Float:alpha[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:rot[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new bomb[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new bombtimer[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new firecount[MAX_BASES];
- new bombcount[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:lastcurx[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:curx[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:cury[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:lastcurz[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:curz[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:xo[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:yo[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:sp[MAX_BASES][MAX_BOMBS];
- new Float:arotz[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:aangle[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:apower[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:streuung[MAX_BASES];
- new delay[MAX_BASES];
- new arotator[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:tx[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:ty[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:tz[MAX_BASES];
- new Float:t;
- new ttimer;
- new basecount = 0;
- new Float:atime = 0.1;
- new nomysql = 0;
- new Float:scanx[MAX_PLAYERS];
- new Float:scany[MAX_PLAYERS];
- new Float:scanz[MAX_PLAYERS];
- new scanactive[MAX_PLAYERS];
- new scanaimed[MAX_PLAYERS];
- new followtimer[MAX_BASES];
- new followtarget[MAX_BASES];
- new atower[MAX_BASES];
- new abase[MAX_BASES];
- #if defined FILTERSCRIPT
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- print("\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
- print("X Artillery filterscript V0.93 X");
- print("X created by Mauzen 2008/2009 X");
- print("XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX");
- if(nomysql) print("Alternative GetZ-Mode is FORCED");
- else if(!(samp_mysql_connect(MYSQL_ADDRESS, MYSQL_NAME, MYSQL_PW) == 1) || !(samp_mysql_select_db(MYSQL_DBNAME) == 1)) {
- print("No Database available, using alternative mode...");
- nomysql = 1;
- }
- print("XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX\n");
- SetTimer("RenewTowers", 60000, 1);
- AddBase(1609.4414,1654.029,23.3);
- AddBase(208.935,1931.253,23.142);
- return 1;
- }
- public OnFilterScriptExit()
- {
- samp_mysql_close();
- for(new i = 0; i < basecount; i ++) {
- DestroyObject(abase[i]);
- DestroyObject(atower[i]);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
- {
- new idx;
- new cmd[256];
- cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/addbase", true) == 0) {
- if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) ) {
- new Float:px;
- new Float:py;
- new Float:pz;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
- SetPlayerPosFindZ(playerid, px, py, pz + 10);
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Added a new base! ID: %d", AddBase(px, py, pz - 0.5));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, tmp);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "This is an Admin-Only command!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/removebase", true) == 0) {
- if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) ) {
- new tmp[32];
- tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(!strlen(tmp)) {
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Wrong syntax! Use /Removebase <id>");
- return 1;
- }
- RemoveBase(strval(tmp));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, "Base removed!");
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "This is an Admin-Only command!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/sscan", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 1)) {
- SatelliteScan(base, playerid);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/forcenomysql", true) == 0) {
- if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) ) {
- nomysql = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "This is an Admin-Only command!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setrotation", true) == 0) {
- new tmp[32];
- tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(!strlen(tmp)) return 0;
- new base = strval(tmp);
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(!strlen(tmp)) return 0;
- new Float:wa = floatstr(tmp);
- SetRotation(playerid, base, wa);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setfirecount", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- firecount[base] = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Firecount set!");
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setspread", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- streuung[base] = floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Spread set!");
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setangle", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- new Float:wa = floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- SetAngle(playerid, base, wa);
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Angle adjusted to %f! Distance changed to ~%dm", base, aangle[base], floatround((floatpower(floatround(apower[base]), 2) / 10) * floatsin(floatround(2 * aangle[base]), degrees)));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setpower", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- apower[base] = floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Power set to %f! Distance changed to ~%dm", base, apower[base], floatround((floatpower(floatround(apower[base]), 2) / 10) * floatsin(floatround(2 * aangle[base]), degrees)));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- t = 0;
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/setdelay", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- delay[base] = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Firedelay adjusted to %d!", base, delay[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/fire", true) == 0) {
- new tmp[32] = "0";
- new base;
- while(strlen(tmp)) {
- tmp = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(strlen(tmp) > 0) {
- base = strval(tmp);
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) FireStationaryArtillery(playerid, base);
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/check", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Parameters - Base %d", base);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Rotation: %f/%f", arotz[base], aangle[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Power: %f (%d bombs/fire)", apower[base], firecount[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Spread: %f", streuung[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Airdistance (estimated): %dm", floatround((floatpower(floatround(apower[base]), 2) / 10) * floatsin(floatround(2 * aangle[base]), degrees)));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- if(followtimer[base] > -1) {
- format(tmp, 64, " - Following Player %d - ", followtarget[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- }
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/follow", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- if(followtimer[base] == -1) {
- new tmp[32];
- followtarget[base] = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- followtimer[base] = SetTimerEx("Follower", 50, 1, "iii", playerid, base, followtarget[base]);
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Following Player %d", base, followtarget[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- return 1;
- }
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/stopfollow", true) == 0) {
- new base = strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx));
- if(HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, 0)) {
- new tmp[32];
- KillTimer(followtimer[base]);
- followtimer[base] = -1;
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Stopped following Player %d", base, followtarget[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You do not have the permittance to do that!");
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/autoaim", true) == 0) {
- AutoAim(strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx)), playerid, strval(strtok(cmdtext, idx)), 0, floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx)), floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx)), floatstr(strtok(cmdtext, idx)));
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/pos", true) == 0) { //still some debugging stuff - can be used for aiming ;)
- new Float:tax;
- new Float:tay;
- new Float:taz;
- new tmp[64];
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, tax, tay, taz);
- format(tmp, 64, "%f %f %f", tax, tay, taz);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public Follower(playerid, base, target) {
- new Float:tax;
- new Float:tay;
- new Float:taz;
- GetPlayerPos(target, tax, tay, taz);
- AutoAim(base, playerid, 500, 1, tax, tay, taz);
- return 1;
- }
- public Rotator(base, Float:wanted) {
- //new Float:realrot;
- if((arotz[base] <= wanted) && (arotz[base] + 2 >= wanted)) {
- arotz[base] = wanted;
- SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_YELLOW, "Rotation adjusted!");
- SetObjectRot(atower[base], 0, 0, wanted * -1 + 360.0);
- KillTimer(arotator[base]);
- arotator[base] = -1;
- } else {
- if(wanted - arotz[base] >= arotz[base] - wanted) arotz[base] += 2.0;
- else arotz[base] -= 2.0;
- if(arotz[base] > 360.0) arotz[base] -= 360.0;
- if(arotz[base] < 0) arotz[base] += 360.0;
- SetObjectRot(atower[base], 0, 0, arotz[base] * -1 + 360.0);
- }
- }
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //useful stuff
- strtok(const string[], &index)
- {
- new length = strlen(string);
- while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))
- {
- index++;
- }
- new offset = index;
- new result[20];
- while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
- {
- result[index - offset] = string[index];
- index++;
- }
- result[index - offset] = EOS;
- return result;
- }
- public GetKeyPressed(code, key) {
- for(new i = 65536; i > 0; i = i / 2) {
- if(code >= i) {
- code = code - i;
- if(i == key) return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public Float:floatrandom(Float:max) {
- new Float:rand;
- max = max * 100000;
- rand = floatdiv(float(random(floatround(max))), 100000.0);
- return rand;
- }
- public Float:GetPlayerDistanceToPoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
- new Float:px;
- new Float:py;
- new Float:pz;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, px, py, pz);
- return floatsqroot( floatadd( floatadd( floatpower(floatsub(x, px), 2), floatpower(floatsub(y, py), 2) ), floatpower(floatsub(z, pz), 2) ) );
- }
- public GetClosestPlayer(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
- new Float:p;
- new closestp;
- new Float:closest = 999999;
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
- p = GetPlayerDistanceToPoint(i, x, y, z);
- if(p < closest) {
- closest = p;
- closestp = i;
- }
- }
- }
- return closestp;
- }
- public Float:GetGroundZ(Float:x, Float:y) {
- new Float:gz;
- new Float:px;
- new Float:py;
- if(nomysql == 0) {
- new rxy[96];
- x = 5.0 * floatround(x / 5.0); //Replace 5.0 by your "map resolution"
- y = 5.0 * floatround(y / 5.0); //Replace 5.0 by your "map resolution"
- format(rxy, 96, "SELECT z FROM hfull WHERE x = %d AND y = %d;", floatround(x), floatround(y));
- samp_mysql_query(rxy);
- samp_mysql_store_result();
- samp_mysql_fetch_row(rxy);
- gz = floatstr(rxy);
- if(gz != 0 && samp_mysql_num_rows() == 1) return gz;
- }
- GetPlayerPos(GetClosestPlayer(x, y, 0), px, py, gz);
- return gz;
- }
- // ----------------------- Externalized Controls -------------------------------------
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- public SetRotation(playerid, base, Float:wa) {
- if(followtimer[base] == -1) {
- if(arotator[base] == -1) {
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Adjusting rotation...");
- if(wa > 360.0) {
- while(wa > 360.0) {
- wa -= 360.0;
- }
- } else if(wa < 0.0) {
- while(wa < 0.0) {
- wa += 360.0;
- }
- }
- t = 0;
- arotator[base] = SetTimerEx("Rotator", 50, 1, "if", base, wa);
- }
- }
- }
- public SetAngle(playerid, base, Float:wa) {
- if(wa > 90.0) {
- while(wa > 90.0) {
- wa -= 90.0;
- }
- } else if(wa < 0.0) {
- while(wa < 0.0) {
- wa += 90.0;
- }
- }
- aangle[base] = wa;
- t = 0;
- }
- public SatelliteScan(base, playerid) {
- new Float:startx;
- new Float:starty;
- new Float:startz;
- GetPlayerPos(playerid, startx, starty, startz);
- scanactive[playerid] = SetTimerEx("MoveScan", 50, 1, "ii", base, playerid);
- scanx[playerid] = startx;
- scany[playerid] = starty;
- scanz[playerid] = startz + 5;
- SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid] + 0.01, scanz[playerid]);
- SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid], 0);
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
- return 1;
- }
- public AutoAim(base, playerid, runs, fast, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
- new Float:w;
- new Float:v = 50;
- new Float:wanted;
- new Float:ox;
- new Float:oy;
- new Float:oz;
- new updown;
- new Float:step = 4;
- tx[base] = x;
- ty[base] = y;
- tz[base] = z;
- GetObjectPos(atower[base], ox, oy, oz);
- wanted = floatsqroot(floatpower(ox - x, 2) + floatpower(oy - y, 2));
- new i;
- for(i = 0; i < runs; i ++) {
- w = ( (v * floatcos(aangle[base], degrees)) * (v * floatsin(aangle[base], degrees) + floatsqroot( floatpower(v, 2) * floatpower(floatsin(aangle[base], degrees), 2) + 2 * g * floatsub(oz, z)) ) ) / g;
- if(w < wanted) {
- if(updown == 1) step = step / 4;
- v += step;
- updown = 0;
- } else if(w > wanted) {
- if(updown == 0) step = step / 4;
- v -= step;
- updown = 1;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- z = w;
- apower[base] = v;
- w = atan2(ox - x, oy - y) + 180;
- t = ( v * floatsin(aangle[base], degrees) + floatsqroot( floatpower (v, 2) * floatpower ( floatsin(aangle[base], degrees), 2 ) + 2 * g * floatsub(oz, z) ) ) / g;
- if(!fast) {
- arotator[base] = SetTimerEx("Rotator", 50, 1, "if", base, w);
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Autoaiming - Base %d", base);
- SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Rotation: %f/%f", arotz[base], aangle[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Power: %f (%d bombs/fire)", apower[base], firecount[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Spread: %f", streuung[base]);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Airdistance (estimated): %dm", floatround((floatpower(floatround(apower[base]), 2) / 10) * floatsin(floatround(2 * aangle[base]), degrees)));
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- //format(tmp, 64, "Tolerance / runs: %f / %d", wanted - z, i); //some debugging stuff
- //SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- format(tmp, 64, "Airtime: %f", t);
- SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_BLUE, tmp);
- } else {
- arotz[base] = w;
- SetObjectRot(atower[base], 0, 0, arotz[base] * -1 + 360.0);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public FireStationaryArtillery(playerid, base) {
- if(abase[base] > 0) {
- GetObjectPos(atower[base], sx[base], sy[base], sz[base]);
- sz[base] ++;
- bombcount[base] = 0;
- new id = 0;
- while((id < MAX_BOMBS) && (bombcount[base] < firecount[base])) {
- if(bomb[base][id] == 0) {
- bomb[base][id] = -1;
- curz[base][id] = sz[base];
- flighttime[base][id] = 0.0;
- lastcurz[base][id] = 0.0;
- bombcount[base] ++;
- SetTimerEx("FireBomb", delay[base] * bombcount[base] + 100, 0, "iii", playerid, base, id);
- }
- id ++;
- }
- }
- }
- public MoveBomb(base, id) {
- lastcurx[base][id] = xo[base][id];
- sp[base][id] = floatsqroot( floatpower(speedo[base][id], 2) - 2 * speedo[base][id] * g * (flighttime[base][id] + 2 * atime) * floatsin(alpha[base][id], degrees) + floatpower(g, 2) * floatpower((flighttime[base][id] + 2 * atime), 2));
- xo[base][id] = speedo[base][id] * floatcos(alpha[base][id], degrees) * (flighttime[base][id] + 2 * atime);
- yo[base][id] = (-1) * (g / 2) * floatpower((flighttime[base][id] + 2 * atime), 2) + speedo[base][id] * floatsin(alpha[base][id], degrees) * (flighttime[base][id] + 2 * atime);
- curx[base][id] = sx[base] + floatsin(rot[base][id], degrees) * xo[base][id];
- cury[base][id] = sy[base] + floatcos(rot[base][id], degrees) * xo[base][id];
- lastcurz[base][id] = curz[base][id];
- curz[base][id] = sz[base] + yo[base][id];
- if(lastcurz[base][id] != 0.0) SetObjectRot(bomb[base][id], atan2(curz[base][id] - lastcurz[base][id], xo[base][id] - lastcurx[base][id]), 0, -1 * rot[base][id]);
- else SetObjectRot(bomb[base][id], alpha[base][id], 0, -1 * rot[base][id]);
- MoveObject(bomb[base][id], curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id], sp[base][id]);
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) {
- if(GetPlayerDistanceToPoint(i, curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id]) < 5) {
- //new tmp[64];
- //format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Bomb %d hit ground", base, id);
- //SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- CreateExplosion(curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id], 6, 6.0);
- DestroyObject(bomb[base][id]);
- bomb[base][id] = 0;
- KillTimer(bombtimer[base][id]);
- KillTimer(ttimer);
- RemovePlayerMapIcon(0, 0);
- SetPlayerMapIcon(0, 0, curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id], 19, 0x00000000);
- break;
- }
- }
- flighttime[base][id] += atime;
- if((curz[base][id] <= GetGroundZ(curx[base][id], cury[base][id]) - 1.5)) {
- //new tmp[64];
- //format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Bomb %d hit ground", base, id);
- //SendClientMessage(0, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- CreateExplosion(curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id], 6, 6.0);
- DestroyObject(bomb[base][id]);
- bomb[base][id] = 0;
- KillTimer(bombtimer[base][id]);
- KillTimer(ttimer);
- RemovePlayerMapIcon(0, 0);
- SetPlayerMapIcon(0, 0, curx[base][id], cury[base][id], curz[base][id], 19, 0x00000000);
- }
- }
- public FireBomb(playerid, base, id) {
- if(id == 0 || id == 4 || id == 8 || id == 12) {
- bomb[base][id] = CreateObject(345, sx[base] - 1, sy[base], sz[base] + 1, 0, alpha[base][id], -1 * rot[base][id]);
- } else if(id == 1 || id == 5 || id == 9 || id == 13) {
- bomb[base][id] = CreateObject(345, sx[base] + 1, sy[base], sz[base] + 1, 0, alpha[base][id], -1 * rot[base][id]);
- } else if(id == 2 || id == 6 || id == 10 || id == 14) {
- bomb[base][id] = CreateObject(345, sx[base] + 1, sy[base], sz[base] - 1, 0, alpha[base][id], -1 * rot[base][id]);
- } else if(id == 3 || id == 7 || id == 11 || id == 15) {
- bomb[base][id] = CreateObject(345, sx[base] - 1, sy[base], sz[base] - 1, 0, alpha[base][id], -1 * rot[base][id]);
- } else bomb[base][id] = CreateObject(345, sx[base], sy[base], sz[base], 0, alpha[base][id], -1 * rot[base][id]);
- speedo[base][id] = apower[base] + floatrandom(bombcount[base] * (streuung[base] * 0.5) + 0.2) - bombcount[base] * (streuung[base] * 0.25) - 0.1;
- alpha[base][id] = aangle[base] + floatrandom(bombcount[base] * streuung[base] + 0.4) - bombcount[base] * (streuung[base] / 2) - 0.2;
- rot[base][id] = arotz[base] + floatrandom(bombcount[base] * streuung[base] + 0.4) - bombcount[base] * (streuung[base] / 2) - 0.2;
- bombtimer[base][id] = SetTimerEx("MoveBomb", floatround(atime * 1000), 1, "ii", base, id);
- new tmp[64];
- format(tmp, 64, "Base %d: Bomb %d fired!", base, id);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, tmp);
- }
- public RenewTowers() {
- new Float:x;
- new Float:y;
- new Float:z;
- for(new i = 0; i < basecount; i ++) {
- GetObjectPos(atower[i], x, y, z);
- DestroyObject(atower[i]);
- DestroyObject(abase[i]);
- atower[i] = CreateObject(3267, x, y, z, 0, 0, -1 * arotz[i] + 360.0);
- abase[i] = CreateObject(3277, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public MoveScan(base, playerid) {
- new key1;
- new key2;
- new key3;
- GetPlayerKeys(playerid, key1, key2, key3);
- if(key3 == 65408) {
- scanx[playerid] = scanx[playerid] + 0.02 * scanz[playerid];
- } else if(key3 == 128) {
- scanx[playerid] = scanx[playerid] - 0.02 * scanz[playerid];
- }
- if(key2 == 65408) {
- scany[playerid] = scany[playerid] - 0.02 * scanz[playerid];
- } else if(key2 == 128) {
- scany[playerid] = scany[playerid] + 0.02 * scanz[playerid];
- }
- if(key1 == 32) {
- scanz[playerid] = scanz[playerid] + 1;
- } else if(key1 == 4) {
- scanz[playerid] = scanz[playerid] - 1;
- }
- SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid] + 0.01, scanz[playerid]);
- SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid], 0);
- if(key1 == 1) {
- SetCameraBehindPlayer(playerid);
- KillTimer(scanactive[playerid]);
- scanactive[playerid] = 0;
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
- DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid);
- }
- if(key1 == 2 && scanaimed[playerid] != 1) {
- if(arotator[base] == -1) {
- AutoAim(base, playerid, 2500, 0, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid], GetGroundZ(scanx[playerid], scany[playerid]));
- SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, scanx[playerid], scany[playerid], GetGroundZ(scanx[playerid], scany[playerid]), streuung[base] * 5);
- scanaimed[playerid] = 1;
- } else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "Wait a moment, the tower is still rotating...");
- }
- if(key1 == 0 && scanaimed[playerid] == 1) {
- scanaimed[playerid] = 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- public AddBase(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z) {
- if(basecount < MAX_BASES) {
- for(new i = 0; i < MAX_BASES; i ++) {
- if(abase[i] == 0) {
- atower[i] = CreateObject(3267, x, y, z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- abase[i] = CreateObject(3277, x, y, z, 0, 0, 0);
- arotator[i] = -1;
- apower[i] = 25;
- aangle[i] = 45;
- firecount[i] = 1;
- streuung[i] = 1;
- delay[i] = 500;
- followtimer[i] = -1;
- basecount ++;
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public RemoveBase(base) {
- if(abase[base] > 0) {
- DestroyObject(atower[base]);
- DestroyObject(abase[base]);
- abase[base] = 0;
- basecount --;
- }
- }
- public HasPlayerControl(playerid, base, sscan) {
- if(sscan) {
- //return 1 here, if <playerid> should be allowed to use the satellite aiming mode of base <base>
- //return 0, if he is not
- return 1;
- } else {
- //return 1 here, if <playerid> should be allowed to control everything else of base <base>, like power, rotation and fire
- //return 0, if he is not
- return 1;
- }
- }
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