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Aug 11th, 2008
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  1. Filename for video: Aria the Origination Drama CD1 - Navigation 01
  3. Akari: Neo Venezia is the middle of cold, cold winter now.
  4. Akari: But I can't lose to the cold.
  5. Akari: Even at times like this, I have to practice!
  6. Akari: The coldness can be brushed away easily!
  8. Akari: Aria The Origination, Drama CD 1, Navigation 1.
  9. Akari: A warm cruise in the freezing night
  11. Akari: On a similar note, it's really warm sleeping with President Aria on cold nights.
  12. Akari: Ah, don't run away, President Aria!
  13. Akari: Co... Co... Cold!
  14. Aika: What's with this cold weather? Akari, do something!
  15. Akari: Even if you ask me that... It's winter after all.
  16. Akari: Besides, it's night-time now, so it's natural that it's cold.
  17. Aika: Do you... want me to freeze to death?
  18. Alice: Erm... weren't you the one who suggested that we should practice together tonight?
  19. Akari: Yeah, isn't that why we're gathered here now, Aika-chan?
  20. Aika: That's right! I thought it's a good idea to practice doing a gondola cruise at night once in a while.
  21. Aika: But I never imagined it'd be so cold!
  22. Alice: Tonight seems to be the coldest night in all of winter.
  23. Aika: What the hell is that?!
  24. Aika: No customers would feel like riding a gondola on such a cold day!
  25. Akari: Oh... that's true.
  26. Aika: Which means there's no point in practicing tonight!
  27. Alice: Yeah...
  28. Aika: So let's cancel the practice for today!
  29. Akira: Yo! I see you're hard at work!
  30. Athena: Good work!
  31. Akari: Akira-san, Athena-san!
  32. Aika: Why are the two of them here?
  33. Alice: I told Athena-senpai about it.
  34. Akira: Yup, I heard from Athena that you girls are going to practice the gondola cruise tonight.
  35. Akira: My work's just finished, so I thought I might as well keep you company.
  36. Aika: That's really a pity. Today's practice is canceled-
  37. Akira: Well! I'm really impressed that you're going to practice on such a cold night!
  38. Akira: Only when practicing in an environment so harsh that even customers won't come will you become useful in the real settings.
  39. Akira: Your attitude is wonderful! Splendid!
  40. Alice: Uh, yes!
  41. Akari: Thank you for your compliment.
  42. Akira: Aika, you have something you want to say?
  43. Aika: No.
  44. Akira: Let me watch over your practice then. I'm getting on.
  45. Athena: Excuse me.
  46. Akira: I'll be strict in coaching you today. Okay?
  47. All: Okay...
  48. Akira: Alright! Then let's start with Akari. Set sail!
  49. Athena: Set sail!
  50. Akari: Yes!
  51. Akira: Let's take this opportunity to let someone act as a customer.
  52. Akira: Okay then, who should it be...
  53. Akira: Oh. President Aria's in the mood for it.
  54. Akira: Well then, President Aria, please be strict with them.
  55. Akari: Please be my guest.
  56. Athena: The customer's feeling cold.
  57. Akari: You're right. President Aria- I mean, Mister, are you all right?
  58. Akira: Okay, what now?
  59. Aika: That's what I thought.
  60. Aika: So I've prepared a blanket!
  61. Akari: That's Aika-chan for you!
  62. Aika: Look, here it is.
  63. Aika: Here, I'll put it over your lap.
  64. Akari: Huh? What's wrong, Mister?
  65. Alice: The blanket looks cold.
  66. Akira: Aika, where did you leave the blanket?
  67. Aika: In the compartment of the gondola...
  68. Akira: Then the blanket would become the same temperature as the gondola, wouldn't it?
  69. Akira: In other words, it's freezing cold.
  70. Akira: You gave the customer the blanket in order to warm him up, but what's the point if the blanket itself is cold?
  71. Aika: Oh, you're right! I'm really sorry!
  72. Aika: I'll now hug the blanket to warm it up!
  73. Alice: At times like this, how about a hot drink to warm you up?
  74. Akira: Oh, have you prepared some?
  75. Alice: Yes, I've put some freshly-boiled tea in a pot and brought it along.
  76. Alice: Athena-senpai, excuse me, but can you bring a cup?
  77. Athena: Okaay. Good for you, President Aria.
  78. Athena: H-Hot!
  79. Akari: Are you okay, Athena-san?
  80. Athena: I'm sorry!
  81. Alice: Geez, Athena-senpai, you're clumsy like always.
  82. Akira: That's where you're wrong.
  83. Akira: When the weather's so cold, the customer's hands will be numb from the coldness.
  84. Akira: At times like this, what will happen if he holds a cup with freshly-boiled tea?
  85. Akari: Oh... It could be dangerous for him to hold a hot cup with his numb hands.
  86. Akari: That's right.
  87. Akari: In other words, hotter is not better all the time.
  88. Alice: You're right. I'm really sorry.
  89. Akira: Also... it'd be nice if there's something to warm the customer's chilly hands.
  90. Aika: Even if you say that...
  91. Akari: Erm... how about this?
  92. Aika: Wow!
  93. Alice: Disposable pocket heaters? And so many of them.
  94. Akira: Good work!
  95. Akira: Yes! She said it'd be great to share these with everyone when they get cold during practice-
  96. Akira: Excellent! That's great, Akari.
  97. Akari: No... Erm...
  98. Akira: What's the matter? No need to be so modest.
  99. Akari: Erm... Before Alicia-san went out, she said that when she passed them to me.
  100. Akira: Alicia, eh?
  101. Aika: That's Alicia-san for you!
  102. Akari: Well then, take one, Mister.
  103. Akari: Here, Athena-san, have one too.
  104. Athena: Thank you, Akari-chan!
  105. Athena: *Rub rub*
  106. Athena: It's warm!
  107. Alice: Ah, I'll go prepare the drink once more.
  108. Aika: The blanket's just been warmed! Help yourself!
  109. Alice: The temperature's just right now. Here, Mister, have some.
  110. Akari: Alright, the real practice begins now.
  111. Aika: Huh?! Now?
  112. Athena: Of course. You haven't done any gondola cruise practice, right?
  113. Athena: We are Undines. Where you bring the customer for sightseeing is the most important.
  114. Aika: Okay.
  115. Akari: I understand.
  116. Alice: I understand completely.
  117. Akari: Now the three of you will bring the customer to the place you recommend, starting from Akari.
  118. Akari: Okay!
  119. Athena: Look, the customer's looking forward to it, Akari-chan.
  120. Akari: Yes, I'll do my best!
  121. Athena: Even though it's night-time, there's still many people in that plaza.
  122. Akari: Yes. The owners of those shops in that plaza prepare their stoves to warm themselves, even in the night.
  123. Akari: That's why people gather even though it's so cold.
  124. Athena: You're right! There are even stoves left along the canal.
  125. Aika: Wow, I never knew there's such a place.
  126. Akari: The people from the shops around this plaza started this year after having a discussion.
  127. Akari: A shop assistant of the cafe over there told me about it.
  128. Alice: As expected, you have so many lovely connections, Akari-senpai.
  129. Alice: The loveliness that I was taught, I'll pass it on to the customers, and everyone else.
  130. Alice: And then everyone will pass it on to the others again.
  131. Alice: And that the whole Aqua will know of these lovely things...
  132. Aika: Embarrassing remarks are not allowed!
  133. Akira: Okay, Akari's turn is over.
  134. Akira: The next one will be... Alice.
  135. Alice: Yes. It's my honor.
  136. Aika: Isn't this just a waterway? There's nothing here.
  137. Alice: But the buildings are crowded together here, so the wind can't enter.
  138. Akari: You're right. The wind that was blowing just now doesn't come here.
  139. Athena: The customer looks a bit warmer now.
  140. Aika: But... you can't do sightseeing like this.
  141. Alice: Please look up.
  142. Akari: Up... Ah... It's stars.
  143. Athena: So many stars!
  144. Alice: Since this is a night cruise, I thought gazing at the sky would be a good idea.
  145. Akari: I see! A starry sky is also one of Neo Venezia's lovely things...
  146. Aika: Right, right! Not allowed, not allowed!
  147. Akari: Hey Aika, you're next.
  148. Aika: Okay! You can count on me! Time to set off!
  149. Aika: We've reached!
  150. Akari: Where's this place, Aika-chan?
  151. Alice: The gondola is now inside a building...
  152. Aika: This building was a trading company from the Venezia in the past, and the building was brought to Neo Venezia.
  153. Aika: Look, the waterway extends inside the building.
  154. Aika: The wind won't come here, right? Akari, try lighting the way in front.
  155. Akari: Okay.
  156. Alice: Paintings?
  157. Aika: Those are the paintings hung on the walls in the building back then.
  158. Aika: The other paintings are also preserved as they were.
  159. Akari: Lovely!
  160. Alice: It's also warm here.
  161. Alice: I can feel it's warmer than usual, not only because there's no wind.
  162. Aika: The secret is... this!
  163. Akari: What's this?
  164. Aika: These are ventilation ducts.
  165. Aika: It's used to transport the heat generated by the Gnomes' work underground to the surface.
  166. Aika: Which means, thanks to the warm air passing through the ducts, this building is always warm.
  167. Akira: This is a hidden spot that only a handful of Undines know of.
  168. Akira: Good job finding this place, Aika.
  169. Aika: What do you think?
  170. Akari: Amazing!
  171. Akira: And so ends the guide for the three of you.
  172. Akira: Mister, how was it?
  173. Athena: I think he's pleased that all these places are not cold at all.
  174. Aika: We passed!
  175. Akira: Yeah. It's true that you've shown the customer the warm places.
  176. Akira: You passed when it's about thinking of the customer's needs...
  177. Akari: Did we miss anything?
  178. Akira: Let's see...
  179. Akira: Well then, I'll be the last guide. Is that fine with you, Mister?
  180. Akira: Great. Aika, pass me the oar.
  181. Aika: Okay!
  182. Akira: Let's go!
  183. Akira: Where could she be taking us?
  184. Aika: I don't know...
  185. Alice: I bet it's a place even warmer than the ones we introduced.
  186. Akari: Huh? But...
  187. Aika: Akira-san, isn't this the outer sea?
  188. Akira: Indeed!
  189. Akari: Woah, it's so cold!
  190. Alice: This is tough.
  191. Aika: It's too cold! Hey, Akira-san, what are you thinking? Where are you taking us?
  192. Akira: A night-time gondola cruise, of course.
  193. Akira: Okay, we've reached.
  194. Aika: We've reached? There's nothing here!
  195. Akira: Aika. Look behind.
  196. Aika: Amazing! The whole night scenery of Neo Venezia is spread out before us...
  197. Akira: That's not all. Take a good look.
  198. Akira: Some white fluffy stuff is rising from the water surface.
  199. Alice: Those fluffy things are reflecting the light from the buildings. This scene looks magical.
  200. Aika: It's the first time I see a scenery like this.
  201. Akari: Me too.
  202. Alice: Me too.
  203. Aika: Huh? What's that?
  204. Athena: The white stuff is water vapor.
  205. Alice: Water vapor? Why are such things rising in a cold weather like this?
  206. Athena: It rises because it's cold.
  207. Athena: When the air's colder than the water surface, sometimes water vapor will rise out of it.
  208. Athena: This seldom happens in Neo Venezia,
  209. Athena: but every year, in the nights or mornings during when the weather's the coldest, such things happen.
  210. Alice: I never knew.
  211. Aika: Officially it's call a vapor mist.
  212. Aika: It's also known as an air storm in cold regions.
  213. Akari: That's lovely.
  214. Akira: What do you think, Mister? Are you satisfied?
  215. Athena: Looks like the customer's very pleased.
  216. Aika: You're right. Even though this place's so cold...
  217. Athena: Aika-chan, even this coldness is a part of Neo Venezia.
  218. Aika: I see!
  219. Aika: Right. The customer came to Neo Venezia to make memories.
  220. Akari: Even if it's cold, as long as he comes to a place where bearing with the cold is worth it...
  221. Alice: I believe that'll become an even lovelier memory.
  222. Athena: That's right. I'm sure it will become an unforgettable memory of Neo Venezia.
  223. Aika: I see.
  224. Akira: Whatever the times are, it's our job as Undines to let the customers leave with lovely memories of Neo Venezia.
  225. All: Yes! I understand!
  226. Akari: Your hand please, Mister.
  227. Akari: Akira-san, Athena-san, thank you very much for today!
  228. Alice: I learnt a lot today!
  229. Aika: Thank you very much!
  230. Akari: Our customer President Aria, thank you for bearing with us today!
  231. Akira: Okay! That's the end of our practice today!
  232. Athena: Everyone, dismissed!
  233. All: Okay!
  234. Akari: President Aria's stomach is growling!
  235. Alice: He's really starved.
  236. Aika: The practice was so long, after all.
  237. Akira: In commemoration of the successful practice today, let's go eat some smoking hot pizza!
  238. Akira: My treat, of course.
  239. Akira: Athena, you have to pay for your own.
  240. Alice: Ah, it's snow...
  241. Akari: Oh, you're right. It's the first snow of this year!
  242. Akira: No wonder it's so cold.
  243. Aika: Yeah. Rowing gondolas even on snowy days is tough.
  244. Akira: That's right! Shall we practice in the snow next time?
  245. Akira: The theme is "sightseeing in the middle of a snow".
  246. Alice: That's really tough.
  247. Aika: Objection! Objection, objection, objection!
  248. Akira: What are you saying? Before you become a Prima, it's all about the training, the training!
  249. Akira: Am I right, Athena?
  250. Akira: Huh? Where did Athena go?
  251. Athena: Hey! Everyone, hurry up, hurry up!
  252. Athena: I've ordered the pizza already!
  253. Athena: Don't order the pizzas by yourself! I won't put up with anything other than Margherita pizza!
  254. Athena: Of course I ordered that!
  255. Aika: Let's go too!
  256. All: Okay!
  257. Akari: Ai-chan, the first snow fell on Neo Venezia today.
  258. Akari: And we're taught to put the customers first, whether it's on warm or cold days.
  259. Ai: Akari-san, Neo Venezia is lovely even when it's cold.
  260. Ai: When you are the guide, I'm sure that no matter how cold the day is, the customer's heart will feel cosy and warm.
  262. Translator: cowteats
  263. Everything else except editing: TBA-chan
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