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Apr 11th, 2009
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  1. [23:28] <@ClarenceST> == IT BEGINS FOR SERIOUS THIS TIME ==
  2. [23:28] <@ClarenceST> Ascending Water, 9th, Marsday. The pitter patter of the sudden rainfall on the canvas overhead gives respite from the annoying wheel on the caravan that was bothering the group for the last three days of travel. The Sun burns orange as it threatens to hurry up and fully set, as if it too is tired of travelling across creation. The caravan stops suddenly, and an immense sense of relief hangs in the
  3. [23:28] <@ClarenceST> air. You've reached your destination, a southern town of the Republic of Chaya, Mo Ha Village.
  4. [23:29] <@ClarenceST> A Chayan guard talks for a moment with the caravan driver, and you're let in. It only takes a few minutes further to arrive in the trade center of Mo Ha.
  5. [23:31] <@ClarenceST> What you've heard about Chaya hasn't disappointed you; The architects are indeed talented here. The wood carvings on each building are intricate and beautiful, but you could only really make it out once your representative, Chei Un, led you out and inside a local inn, the Wilting Flame.
  6. [23:33] <@ClarenceST> Everyone's sat around one of the largest tables in the room. Most of these tables are taken up by similarly sized groups, may they performers, mercenaries, or otherwise.
  7. 03[23:35] * Elias ( has joined #clarencexaltedic
  8. [23:36] <@ClarenceST> "So, Merchants..." Chei motions to all of you, his long sleeved violet robe sweeping across the table. "I apologise for the long wait, but I assure you, the hospitality of Chaya is unmatched."
  9. 06[23:37] * Shim stares around with drowsy eyes, she nods gently and approvingly, "Place is nice."
  10. 14[23:37] * Elias ( has left #clarencexaltedic
  11. 06[23:37] * Smile sits relaxed, but dignified opposite of Chei. He answers with a grin and a smooth voice "I'm sure."
  12. 06[23:38] * Soul addresses Chei more directly than the others, "We didn't exactly come here to discuss hospitality."
  13. 06[23:39] * Kris raises an eyebrow and smiles softly, asking, "So, what are we here for?"
  14. [23:40] <@ClarenceST> "Right to the point, Merchant." Chei's voice doesn't shift from his soothing, masculine tone.
  15. [23:40] <@ClarenceST> "Your upbringing has taught you well."
  16. 06[23:41] * Soul places his hand to his breast and bows his head slightly
  17. [23:42] <@ClarenceST> "As you all know, I've brought you all here to discuss a Contract."
  18. [23:43] <@ClarenceST> "The Guild would like to employ you all for your skills again, and we're willing to pay you handsomely. However, one thing lingers on my mind..." He brings a finger to his chin.
  19. [23:44] <Kris> "And that is?"
  20. [23:44] <@ClarenceST> "I know Smile and Soul, but not not..." He moves the same finger to Kris and Shim. "Are you... Companions the other two have picked up?"
  21. 06[23:45] * Soul looks over to the two newcomers, then looks to Smile and shrugs
  22. 06[23:45] * Kris fights off a smirk, fails and grins hugely, before bursting out laughing
  23. 06[23:45] * Shim turns larthagically to him, she nods a bit, "To be honest... I'm not sure where I am." She gives a sigh that sounds like a laugh and nods in a conclusive way.
  24. [23:46] <@ClarenceST> Chei looks quizically at Kris. "Is there... Something the matter?"
  25. 06[23:46] * Smile looks around at his company, then shakes his head, making a note of something in his head. "Not at all."
  26. [23:46] <Kris> "The implication you made amused me."
  27. [23:48] <@ClarenceST> Chei's character smile starts.. Fading. "I'd rather you kept to the topic at hand rather than laughing childishly when the opportunity arises. You should be more like..." He motions to Shim. "What's your name?"
  28. 06[23:49] * Shim leans forward and smiles, "My names Radiant Shimmers Of The Moonbeam," she smiles, "call me Shim."
  29. [23:49] <@ClarenceST> Chei nods slowly, keeping his head high. "Nice."
  30. 06[23:50] * Smile removes his hand from his long sleeve and extends a hand to Shim across the table "Smile, pleasure to meet you, my dear."
  31. 06[23:50] * Soul looks a little confused. "Well I didn't bring you two along, and if he didn't," *pointing to Smile* "and YOU didn't,
  32. 06[23:50] * Shim leans further forwards and extends a hand, somewhat of a weak grasp but a polite handshake nonetheless, "Hi."
  33. 06[23:50] * Soul addresses Chei
  34. [23:51] <Soul> "...then how exactly did you two end up tagging along with us, exactly?"
  35. 06[23:52] * Smile nods, reclining back in his seat "I'm curious to that as well."
  36. 06[23:52] * Shim turns to Kris, and then to the group... and then to Kris, then she nods contently.
  37. 06[23:53] * Kris puts a finger to her lips and hmms. "That's a good question, actually..."
  38. 06[23:54] * Shim leans back and puts her hands behind her head, "The way I see it is, y'know, is, does it matter? We're like... Here, so, y'know?"
  39. [23:55] <Kris> "I agree, shall we move on?"
  40. [23:55] <Soul> " sort of a good point? I guess? If you're willing to help me out I guess..."
  41. [23:55] <@ClarenceST> Chei is a little perplexed.
  42. [23:55] <@ClarenceST> "...So. They're in with the Contract, Soul?"
  43. 06[23:55] * Soul shakes his head a little bit. "By the way, I don't believe we've been formally introduced, but I see you're obviously a fellow trader."
  44. 06[23:56] * Soul gets up and shakes Smile's hand. "Flawless Silent Soul, Apothecarian Professional."
  45. 06[23:57] * Smile nods, smiling and giving a firm handshake "Smile, trader, traveller, entertainer and diplomat."
  46. [23:57] <Soul> "Well, then..."
  47. 06[23:57] * Soul sits down. "Let's hear more about this contract we came here to hear about."
  48. 06[23:59] * Smile extends a hand towards Kris "And I don't believe we've gotten your name?"
  49. Session Time: Sun Apr 05 00:00:00 2009
  50. 06[00:01] * Kris smiles and takes it. "Kris Holdmourn, immigrant family if you're wondering, but born and raised in The Scavenger Lands."
  51. 06[00:01] * Smile nods "Charmed." He moves his hands back into his sleeves.
  52. 06[00:02] * Soul doesn't look towards Kris as she says this, but nods thoughtfully
  53. [00:02] <@ClarenceST> Chei clears his throat, sits up, and flicks his white bangs before leaning forward and putting his hands together on the table. Something tells you this is something he does alot.
  54. [00:05] <@ClarenceST> "You may have heard of this, but there's an unsettling disease crawling across the Scavenger Lands. It will definitely affect the Confederation of Rivers, and all surrounding states."
  55. [00:06] <@ClarenceST> "Seems the first stage of infection is nausea, lethargy, and a weakness in the bones. Then, in a few weeks they lose all sense of mind. Soon after... They go berserk."
  56. [00:07] <@ClarenceST> "What we want you to do is find a cure."
  57. 06[00:08] * Smile nods slowly "And how do we go about finding such a thing?"
  58. [00:08] <Soul> "Well, we MAKE one, obviously..."
  59. [00:09] <Kris> "We could also keep an eye out for creatures that aren't affected."
  60. 06[00:09] * Shim reaches into a pocket and produces a small roll of paper, she grabs a stone from around her neck and cups it in her hand, she holds it to her mouth and after a spark the joint is smoldering between her lips, she stares around a little, more looking through things than at them.
  61. [00:09] <Smile> "Seems like a grand undertaking."
  62. [00:12] <@ClarenceST> "... One moment."
  63. [00:12] <@ClarenceST> Chen goes to the bar.
  64. [00:12] <Soul> "I don't foresee TOO much trouble in this task...obviously I'll need information of course. How contagious is this disease? If I can access patients, or bodies, safely, I'd like to take a look at some of the afflicted. Maybe take samples..."
  65. 06[00:12] * Soul is more talking to himself at this point since Chei left
  66. [00:13] <Smile> "I'm certain Chei has a lead for us, but it doesn't seem like an impossible task if not."
  67. [00:13] <Kris> "I have a few people I could ask... No guarantees on them having any useful information."
  68. [00:13] <Soul> "And, yes, creatures that are unaffected...unless of course it only affects humans, then it probably won't be much help to examine every living organism in the vicinity..."
  69. [00:14] <Kris> "Agreed, but it's worth looking into at least at first."
  70. 06[00:15] * Shim takes the joint in between two fingers and blows out smoke, contorting her lips it comes out shaped like a cresent moon.
  71. [00:16] <Soul> "This disease must be very serious if the Guild is concerned enough to bring us out all this way to make a cure. They've given me directions on medicines I should mix from time to time, but an outright order like this? They must be very worried about a massive loss of life hurting their bottom line."
  72. [00:17] <Smile> "I'm sure it's not something as cynical as that, the guild cares about all of creation."
  73. 06[00:17] * Smile flashes a warm smile at Soul
  74. [00:19] <Soul> "The Guild I know cares about tending to their particular domain of creation, which is the markets."
  75. [00:19] <Kris> "Doesn't that mean they have interest in almost all of Creation then?"
  76. [00:19] <Soul> "In that sense, yes."
  77. [00:19] <Smile> "The woman has a point, Soul."
  78. 06[00:20] * Shim takes another drag, "The guild? Aren't we like... Working for them, or somethin'?" she smiles.
  79. [00:20] <Kris> "Technically not yet, if ever."
  80. [00:20] <Soul> "But, let's be perfectly BLUNT here...The Guild probably won't be giving this cure away for FREE."
  81. [00:21] <Smile> "Of course not, but that only makes it better."
  82. [00:21] <Smile> "This obtains more resources for the guild to cure other diseases and help more people."
  83. [00:21] <Soul> "As long as they keep coming to me to do it."
  84. 06[00:21] * Soul smiles and nods at Smile, understandingly
  85. [00:27] <@ClarenceST> Chei returns with a platter of drinks, his head turned around still smiling & chatting with the barman. He sets the drinks infront of you guys, and they're all light green, with some darker green murk at the top, sending whisps of dark smokelike liquid down through the drink. The lighter part seems to sparkle.
  86. 06[00:29] * Smile takes his drink and looks it over "Such a strange, exotic thing..."
  87. 06[00:30] * Soul 's eyes light up when he sees these drinks. "Is attempting to kill your prospective business partners a new tactic they teach Guildsmen I'm not aware of yet? he says, half-jokingly
  88. 06[00:30] * Shim leans over and takes hers, she takes a rather liberal sip holding her joint daintily in her spare hand.
  89. [00:31] <Soul> "Sijan Tonic. Said to kill the living and bring the dead back to life. And here I thought I'd be remaining sober..."
  90. 06[00:31] * Smile takes a sip "It's got quite a kick."
  91. [00:31] <@ClarenceST> Chei sits back down, and brings the drinks to himself, and takes a somewhat long sip. He belches green fire soon after, and whipes his lips. "You thought wrong, my friend."
  92. 06[00:32] * Kris politely declines after that display.
  93. [00:32] <Soul> "I was worried about you, y'know. Thought you'd just bring me some weaker stuff from back home. Nexus liquors...they don't quite give me a kick anymore. It takes a LOT for me to get tanked. S'why I rarely bother anymore."
  94. 06[00:32] * Soul shakes his head, chuckles a little, and swigs down some of the evil brew
  95. 06[00:33] * Shim places her drink onto the table with a proud thug and goes back to smoking, her exhalations now green. "Dude, the colours... Ssss-weet."
  96. [00:33] <@ClarenceST> Everyone's feelin' fiiiiiine.
  97. [00:34] <@ClarenceST> "So, Gentlemen and Ladies..."
  98. [00:36] <@ClarenceST> "...You guys need to find a cure for this damn disease. If you need to as... ... Okay, I'm not feelin' so hot." Chei leans on his elbow, and places his face in his palm.
  99. [00:36] <Smile> "Hmm? What's wrong, Chei?"
  100. 06[00:36] * Kris blinks rapidly
  101. 06[00:36] * Shim looks up from swirling a finger in her drink and grinning dozily, "Dude, you should, like, try this. Helps." She offers him the last bits of her smoke.
  102. [00:37] <Kris> "I'm afraid this isn't the time..."
  103. 01[00:38] <Shim> "Oh... It's cool. Medicinal." She replies, taking a drag inbetween sentences.
  104. [00:38] <@ClarenceST> Chei lets out a bit of a groan. "Talk to me in the morning. I think I may have downed this concoction a bit too fast." He straights up and leans back in his chair, and looks at what Shim's ofering him. He smiles weakly and accepts the joint. He smokes the last bit, and throws it at the ashtray near the bar. He misses by a few centimeters.
  105. [00:38] <Soul> "If you don't mind, I'll be the one doling out the medicine..."
  106. 06[00:38] * Soul waits for Chei to leave, then picks up the discarded joint and looks at it
  107. [00:39] <Smile> "Well, that's somewhat disconcerting."
  108. [00:39] <Soul> "I don't think this would have helped him much anyway..."
  109. 06[00:39] * Soul discards of the joint properly
  110. [00:39] <@ClarenceST> "I've got you guys each a room."
  111. 06[00:39] * Shim shrugs, "It like, works fine for me." She nods.
  112. [00:40] <@ClarenceST> "Just... Ask the barkeep for the keys. Tell him Chei sent you." He struggles to stand, and starts feeling his way up the stairs of the inn.
  113. [00:41] <Smile> "Do feel better, Chei."
  114. 06[00:42] * Kris watches as he stumbles away... Worried, for lack of a better term
  115. 06[00:42] * Soul waits for Chei to go to his room (for real this time), then turns back to the others. "People don't know their own limits, try to play on the same level as the other side of the table when negogtiating...not the first time I've seen THAT happen..."
  116. 06[00:42] * Soul shakes his head
  117. [00:42] <Smile> "I do intend to remain a bit more professional."
  118. [00:43] <Soul> "As do I, naturally."
  119. 06[00:44] * Smile begins glancing around the room slowly "Well, I suppose that's all for the night."
  120. [00:44] <Soul> "Not QUITE..."
  121. 06[00:44] * Soul sits back down at his chair. "Don't intend to waste a free drink."
  122. 06[00:47] * Kris waves to her untouched drink "You're welcome to mine if you'd like."
  123. 06[00:47] * Soul shrugs. "Guess I'll be here a while."
  124. [00:49] <@ClarenceST> Much time has passed, and the sun has set. It's around 10 PM, and the only light sources are from ornate lamps around the Inn.
  125. 06[00:49] * Soul is sipping away at his drink(s), slowly so as to not fuck himself in the same way our host did
  126. [00:50] <Soul> "You're not going to finish yours? Been a little while since I had a leisurely chat with another Guildsman."
  127. [00:51] <Kris> "I love a good drink as much as the next gal, but there are some things i'm just not fond of."
  128. 06[00:51] * Soul was talking to Smile btw
  129. 06[00:51] * Smile takes another sip, pacing himself "I suppose I might as well partake, I do enjoy something new every now and again."
  130. Session Close: Sun Apr 05 00:58:13 2009
  132. Session Start: Sun Apr 05 00:58:32 2009
  133. Session Ident: #clarencexaltedic
  134. 03[00:58] * Now talking in #clarencexaltedic
  135. [00:58] <Soul> "So, what does the Guild have you dipping your hands into? You said you were an entertainer and diplomat...awfully broad area of expertise..."
  136. 06[00:59] * Shim shuffles closer to Smile and Soul and enters herself into the conversation with a calm, "Sup." attached with an inquisitive lift of the head.
  137. [01:00] <Smile> "Well, I do a lot of negotiations between parties, a fair deal of salesmanship here and there, formally. Generally my job is allowing people to like me, and by extension, my client. IE the guild."
  138. 06[01:01] * Kris leans in and listens as well
  139. [01:01] <Soul> "Fair enough. I do more of the raw handling of goods, namely that which I make or those services which I provide."
  140. [01:02] <Smile> "Always a pleasure to meet a man who can work with his hands."
  141. 06[01:03] * Smile turns his smile towards Shim "And what might you do, Ms. Moonbeam?"
  142. 06[01:04] * Shim stares at him for a second or two, her trance like look kinda cute, " ...Yeah." she nods cooly, as if she just gave a definitive answer.
  143. 06[01:05] * Smile tilts his head slightly, still smiling "Care to elaborate?"
  144. 03[01:06] * Jean|Abducted ( has joined #clarencexaltedic
  145. 06[01:07] * Shim nods at him and leans back, "Ok... So, y'know, I like... Go around, and tell people... ABout my people, because my people, are like, alone, y'know? And took a step towards, y'know, enllightment, and I gotta go get more people, for them."
  146. [01:07] <Soul> "uhh..."
  147. 02[01:08] * Smile ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  148. 03[01:09] * Smile ( has joined #clarencexaltedic
  149. [01:09] <Smile> "An admirable undertaking, I applaud your efforts."
  150. 06[01:09] * Shim nods proudly and turns away.
  151. 06[01:10] * Soul waits for her to exit earshot, turns to Smile. "Not so sure about that one..."
  152. [01:10] <Smile> "I'm sure you're quite good at garnering attention, as well."
  153. 06[01:10] * Smile shrugs "We just need to get used to her I suppose."
  154. [01:11] <Soul> "Not sure how she'd help us..."
  155. 06[01:11] * Shim smiles, "Yeah, it's like... Yeah."
  156. [01:11] <Smile> "And what might you excel at, dear Moonbeam?"
  157. 01[01:13] <Shim> "I like, play guitar, and people tend to, like, listen to me. A lot. Iunno why, y'know?" She shrugs and goes back to looking beautifully content with everything.
  158. [01:13] <Soul> *still aside* "...REALLY not sure how she's supposed to help us..."
  159. 06[01:14] * Soul clears his throat. "And you there..."
  160. 06[01:14] * Soul nods to Kris.
  161. 06[01:14] * Smile mumbles to Soul "She'll have a use, I'm sure. Everyone has a use."
  162. [01:14] <Kris> "Yes"
  163. [01:14] <Soul> "What's your angle on all this?"
  164. [01:15] <Kris> "I'm just a civilian with some very distant ties to the Guild, very distant... Beyond that I'm just someone who likes a good time."
  165. [01:15] <Kris> "I've dabbled in a few things, history, dance, things like that.
  166. 06[01:16] * Soul shrugs. "Well, long as you can help out."
  167. 06[01:16] * Shim shuffles off and settles on a nearby table, crosslegged she lugs her guitar off her back and begins to play for the whole tavern.
  168. [01:18] <Smile> "Oho? A fellow musician?"
  169. 06[01:18] * Soul looks at his drinks and realizes he's finished both of them, and politely covers up a belch of fire with his hand.
  170. 06[01:18] * Shim nods and continues to play.
  171. [01:18] <Kris> "Shouldn't that burn?"
  172. [01:19] <Soul> "Like I said, I can handle my liquor."
  173. [01:19] <Smile> "Interesting... Mind if I join in?"
  174. 06[01:19] * Shim nods once more.
  175. 06[01:20] * Kris turns to Soul. "Help me clear a space, would you?"
  176. 06[01:20] * Kris starts asking patrons to move their tables a bit out of the way
  177. 06[01:20] * Smile takes a place in a seat next to her, withdrawing his violin from his robes and winding it to his chin, joining in after a few notes
  178. [01:21] <Soul> "Eh? Umm..."
  179. 06[01:21] * Soul follows Kris' dictation, a little bemused
  180. 06[01:24] * Kris looks around the cleared space, nodding firmly. She waits a bit to pick up the beat and starts to sway.
  181. [01:25] <@ClarenceST> Soon after, the entire bar seems to shift towards Smile, Shim, and Kris, watching the spectacular show show.
  182. [01:28] <@ClarenceST> The entire mood of the bar is heightened, as they clap along with the beat, singing & drinking to the performers.
  183. 06[01:32] * Soul just sort of sits back and observes the revelries...from a safe distance...not so much an entertained look on his face as just observing...
  184. 06[01:33] * Shim turns to Smile, still playing she whispers, "Dude... You're holding your guitar wrong."
  185. 06[01:35] * Smile whispers back, without opening his eyes "It's a violin, dear Moonbeam."
  186. 06[01:35] * Kris moves to the beat, steping side to side and holding a steady rhythm. The music rises, and with it, Kris shifts to one foot, dropping nearly to the floor and spinning on one toe before pushing back up and into the air, twisting and tumbling before coming back down.
  187. 06[01:35] * Shim nods and reclines back, "Totally."
  188. [01:36] <Smile> "Such a brilliant, elegant instrument... Not for the hands of an ameteur, but with the right touch, the right ear, it can sing truths that bring warmth to the heart and tears to the eyes..."
  189. [01:39] <@ClarenceST> Many hours of performing pass, but finally the group stops, takes their bows, and recieve tremendous applause.
  190. 06[01:39] * Kris breaths heavily and bows
  191. 06[01:39] * Shim strums a closing chord beautifully and sets her guitar against her back, she hops off the table and looks around. She nods and wonders off.
  192. 06[01:40] * Smile puts his violin away and takes a flourished bow
  193. 06[01:40] * Kris heads to the bar and asks for the keys to their rooms. "Chei sent us."
  194. 06[01:40] * Soul gets up slowly and claps, also slowly, as he approaches his comrades-in-arms. "Not bad, not bad...was there a PURPOSE to that showy display, err, Moonbeam was it?"
  195. [01:40] <@ClarenceST> The Bartender gladly hands over the keys to all of your rooms.
  196. 06[01:40] * Kris wanders back and passes out the room keys.
  197. [01:41] <Kris> "It was fun, isn't that good enough?"
  198. 06[01:41] * Shim shrugs, "Guitar is cool, y'know, it's nice to spread some music."
  199. 06[01:41] * Soul doesn't look convinced
  200. 01[01:41] <Shim> "Specially the dude with the baby guitar, he was awesome."
  201. [01:42] <Smile> "Some things I suppose don't have a purpose, Soul, but to be enjoyed, like our little Moonbeam here."
  202. [01:42] <Kris> "I think i'm gonna turn in, See you all tommorow."
  203. [01:42] <Smile> "For instance, was there a purpose served by making sure all the drinks were consumed?"
  204. 06[01:42] * Kris waves and heads upstairs
  205. 06[01:42] * Smile nods "Pleasant dreams."
  206. 06[01:43] * Shim pockets her key and goes on the hunt!
  207. [01:43] <Soul> "Well, of course, they were free were they not? it'd be a waste to let them go."
  208. [01:43] <Soul> "I just...would rather not waste my time on frivolities in our hunt for the cure to this disease, is all."
  209. [01:43] <Smile> "I don't think we have anything much to do until Chei recovers from his hangover."
  210. [01:43] <Smile> "But I suppose it's time to turn in."
  211. 06[01:44] * Soul sighs, key in hand, heads upstairs to retire for the night
  212. 06[01:45] * Smile grabs his key and makes his way towards his room, looking around in-transit for something
  213. [01:47] <@ClarenceST> GOOD NIGHT SLEEP TIGHT, DONT LET THE BED BUGS we're taking a small, 20 minute break.
  214. 03[01:54] * Durandal (Durandal@5C45B643.44893DBB.138A7FAC.IP) has joined #clarencexaltedic
  215. 03[01:58] * Durandal is now known as Gandr
  216. [02:05] <@ClarenceST> Acending Water, 10th, Mercuryday. It's daybreak, and you can all hear syncronised Kiai outside, the entire village doing their morning martial arts practise. All of your sheets are very comfortable, and the air is nice and fragrant. This doesn't seem like the kind of atmosphere you'd have after a party, but it's comforting. Everyone makes their way to the table they were at last night, Chei being h
  217. [02:05] <@ClarenceST> elped down by a female friend of his.
  218. [02:06] <@ClarenceST> Chei rubs his eyes, his pale skin seeming even paler.
  219. [02:06] <@ClarenceST> "Alright..."
  220. 06[02:06] * Kris raises an eyebrow at Chei's condition, and pins her hair up with a simple clip
  221. 06[02:07] * Soul doesn't look any worse for wear, and chuckles a little at seeing Chei's condition
  222. [02:07] <@ClarenceST> "Last night... The contract..."
  223. [02:07] <@ClarenceST> Chei clears his throat, sits up, and flicks his white bangs before leaning forward and putting his hands together on the table.
  224. [02:08] <@ClarenceST> "Sadly, I can't be as professional as I can in the state I'm in, so I'm going to have to be awefully blunt."
  225. 06[02:08] * Gandr frankly looks like he's still mostly asleep.
  226. [02:08] <@ClarenceST> "I need all of you to sign this..." He flicks a piece of paper detailing the contract onto the middle of the table.
  227. 06[02:09] * Soul raises his eyebrow. "Not open to negogtiation?"
  228. [02:09] <@ClarenceST> Chei groans.
  229. 06[02:09] * Smile takes it and looks over it carefully.
  230. [02:09] <@ClarenceST> "Do we have to?"
  231. [02:09] <Gandr> "Yes."
  232. [02:09] <@ClarenceST> "It's a very generous amount."
  233. [02:09] <@ClarenceST> "...Gandr. When'd you get here?"
  234. [02:09] <Soul> "Well, depends on what it says. But I HOPE you realize that having brought on board two esteemed businessmen..."
  235. [02:09] <Gandr> "Heard there was a party. Followed the sounds."
  236. 06[02:10] * Soul doesn't really finish that thought, but come on.
  237. 06[02:11] * Kris scrutinizes the contract, but isn't really versed in the legal jargon
  238. 06[02:11] * Soul motions to pass the contract over to him
  239. 06[02:11] * Kris does so gladly
  240. 06[02:12] * Shim is reading over Smiles shoulder.
  241. 06[02:12] * Gandr does not care much for contract schmontract.
  242. [02:12] <@ClarenceST> "Gandr, you know you have to sign a contract to get money."
  243. [02:14] <Kris> "Is it good, Soul?"
  244. [02:14] <Gandr> "Why would I need money ?"
  245. 06[02:14] * Kris turns to chei, "Do we get paid anything in advance? Or any sort of support from The Guild?"
  246. 06[02:14] * Shim nods contently, "I'd sign that, we'd be like, loaded." she nots, searching out a... Whats that writing thing called?
  247. [02:15] <Gandr> (pen ?)
  248. [02:15] <Smile> "Hmm... And is there any reward other than money for our services?"
  249. 06[02:15] * Shim shakes her head, "Don't look like it."
  250. [02:15] <@ClarenceST> "Well, obviously, you get a better reputation with The Guild. That stuff doesn't go without saying."
  251. [02:16] <@ClarenceST> "While you're on this contract, you are subject to assist guildmembers wherever you are, but in turn they have to help you. This backscratching policy is a favourite of mine."
  252. 06[02:16] * Soul nods sagely. "A considerable sum of silver...a reasonable expectation...I don't think negogtiations will be neccessary, I suppose...assuming my colleague agrees?"
  253. 06[02:16] * Soul looks to Smile
  254. 06[02:16] * Kris nods. "I agree, Soul, Would you pass me my copy?"
  255. 06[02:19] * Smile nods, passing it on to Kris "I have no qualms."
  256. 06[02:19] * Kris signs the document with a flourish, and then the other Chei has
  257. [02:20] <@ClarenceST> There are now two copies of the same document, and no-one remembers anything different.
  258. 06[02:20] * Soul also signs both copies as they come around
  259. 06[02:20] * Shim signs both willingly, smiling contently.
  260. [02:21] <@ClarenceST> "So, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my associate Gandr."
  261. 06[02:21] * Gandr says nothing.
  262. 06[02:22] * Smile signs as well
  263. 06[02:22] * Shim turns to Gan and nods with her content and some what drowsy smile.
  264. [02:22] <@ClarenceST> "He'll be protecting you fellows on your journeys. He's very good with a chainwhip."
  265. 06[02:22] * Gandr seems rather taken with Shimmers.
  266. 06[02:23] * Gandr casts a little sideways glance at Chei.
  267. [02:23] <Gandr> "Only 'very good' ?"
  268. [02:23] <Soul> "...Very well. Now that we're all set with contractual obligations, can you tell us more about this disease we're attempting to cure?"
  269. [02:23] <@ClarenceST> Chei smirks. "Very Excellent."
  270. 06[02:23] * Gandr smiles.
  271. [02:23] <@ClarenceST> "Alright..."
  272. 06[02:25] * Smile smiles at Gandr, extending his hand "Smile, negotiator. It's a pleasure."
  273. 06[02:25] * Soul takes out a notebook from his satchel, considerable amounts of notes inscribed within it, and starts to thumb through it
  274. [02:25] <@ClarenceST> "This disease, which we call The Walking Plight of Restless Hunger, has been. . . Troubling us. It's very lucky we noticed it very early."
  275. 01[02:26] <Shim> "Hunger, extreme anger, achin' of the bones... Y'know I think these guys are just, like, going cold turkey, or somthin'."
  276. [02:26] <Smile> "What a dreadful name, how did it get such a thing?"
  277. [02:27] <@ClarenceST> "It's sprung up... very recently, and we fear it may have originated from one of the shadowlands."
  278. [02:27] <Soul> "Symptoms."
  279. [02:27] <Gandr> "Shadowlands."
  280. 06[02:27] * Soul elicits that one word almost as a command
  281. [02:27] <Gandr> ":.."
  282. 06[02:28] * Gandr looks a bit puzzled.
  283. [02:28] <@ClarenceST> "The first symptoms of infection is nausea, lethargy, and a weakness in the bones. Then, in a few weeks they lose all sense of mind. Soon after... They go berserk."
  284. [02:29] <Gandr> "Berserk how ?"
  285. [02:29] <Soul> "More specific. How contagious does the disease appear to be? Do we know the vectors? Do other creatures suffer it?"
  286. [02:29] <@ClarenceST> Chei sounds almost like a broken record. Almost. "If it wasn't a very grave matter, I'd say it's hilariously contagious."
  287. [02:29] <Soul> "Hilariously?"
  288. 06[02:29] * Soul cocks an eyebrow
  289. 06[02:29] * Shim nods, "Life needs more comedy."
  290. [02:30] <Gandr> "Berserk ... how ?"
  291. [02:30] <@ClarenceST> Chei nods. "Very contagious. Scratches, bites, bodily fluids, prolonged exposure to the diseased corpses."
  292. [02:30] <@ClarenceST> "Well, Gandr..."
  293. [02:30] <Soul> "That'll make examining of victims difficult. Do we know how long they remain carriers after death?"
  294. [02:31] <Soul> "I don't want to put myself at risk just from performing a dissection."
  295. [02:31] <@ClarenceST> "The once lethargic, weak bodies become dreadfully fast, stronger than usual, and develop a distinct pack mentality."
  296. [02:31] <Gandr> "..."
  297. [02:31] <Gandr> "Like rabid wolves."
  298. [02:31] <@ClarenceST> "Precisely like rabid wolves."
  299. [02:31] <Gandr> "Rabid animals must be put down."
  300. [02:31] <Soul> "hmm..."
  301. [02:32] <@ClarenceST> "Coincidentally, Rabid Wolves are calmed by this disease."
  302. 06[02:32] * Soul flips through his notes some more
  303. [02:32] <Soul> ""
  304. [02:32] <Gandr> "..."
  305. 01[02:32] <Shim> "I saw a wolf once, he was awesome..." |3
  306. [02:32] <Soul> "...Really. Please tell me you have some once-rabid wolves still alive for examination."
  307. [02:32] <Smile> "And what do their motivations seem to be once this stage is hit?"
  308. 06[02:32] * Gandr was looking a bit more confident at the whole 'disease = rabid' comparison, but Chei mentioning that rabid wolves become calm makes him go 'wut'."
  309. [02:32] <@ClarenceST> "Well, we don't know how long they remain carriers after death... And funnily enough, I do know some people who have some once-rabid wolves alive for examination.
  310. [02:32] <@ClarenceST> "
  311. 06[02:33] * Soul whispers 'excellent' to himself
  312. [02:33] <Smile> "That's certainly a plus."
  313. [02:33] <Kris> "good fortunes."
  314. 06[02:33] * Kris pauses. "Well, good that we have a lead."
  315. [02:34] <Kris> "Do you know when the disease becomes contagious? When the person goes from being sick to being dangerous?"
  316. [02:35] <@ClarenceST> "...Kris, please, pay attention."
  317. [02:36] <@ClarenceST> Chei resumes Broken Record Repitition Method. "It's Very contagious.The moment they go berserk, it spreads through scratches, bites, bodily fluids, and prolonged exposure to the diseased corpses.""
  318. [02:36] <Kris> "I am, you said it's transfered by touch or bites and the like, but some things don't transfer until several days after you've been infected."
  319. 01[02:37] <Shim> "They transfer, they are, like, there. They just don't, like, kick in, y'know?"
  320. 06[02:37] * Soul flips through his notes a bit more, almost frantically now.
  321. [02:37] <Kris> "then being touched is the last thing any of us wants."
  322. [02:38] <Soul> "hmm...hmm...hmm...yes...hmm...:"
  323. [02:38] <Smile> "And there's no reasoning with these infected peoples? At all?"
  324. 06[02:38] * Gandr doesn't seem to pay much attention.
  325. [02:39] <@ClarenceST> "The only thing they seem to be interested in negotiating is their teeth with our faces."
  326. [02:39] <Soul> "Well. I think I've heard almost everything I need to hear in order to begin my work. One last question, Chei."
  327. [02:40] <Soul> "How close are the areas that have been affected? I don't want us to walk into a death zone unintentionally."
  328. 01[02:40] <Shim> "You can't, like, reason with cats, Smile-dude. You, like, tell them something, and they sit there, being cats. And you can't make 'em stop, y'know?"
  329. [02:40] <Smile> "But these aren't cats, they're still people, surely there's some sense left in them."
  330. 01[02:41] <Shim> "Dude said that they're like wolves, y'know. I don't think it'd work."
  331. [02:42] <Kris> "I'm going to agree with Shim, but I think if we do find that they can be cured, or even reasoned with, it's worth a shot. But I don't want to face certain death on an unprooven theory."
  332. [02:42] <@ClarenceST> "Luckily, the infected areas are two weeks journey to the west.
  333. [02:42] <@ClarenceST> "
  334. [02:42] <@ClarenceST> "The ones that we know of."
  335. [02:42] <Gandr> "They're rabid animals.
  336. [02:42] <Gandr> "
  337. [02:43] <Gandr> "Animals like that get put down."
  338. [02:43] <Gandr> "It's very simple."
  339. 06[02:43] * Smile sighs "Such a shame."
  340. 03[02:43] * CAPSLOCKGUY is now known as Fadila
  341. [02:43] <Gandr> "And don't worry. Certain Death and I have a deal. Ypu
  342. [02:43] <Gandr> You're safe with me."
  343. [02:44] <Soul> "Excellent, then we won't be in danger. If you want a cure, then our first step will be to head into the forests nearby. I know of many plants there that have medicinal properties that sometimes come in handy when dealing with diseases like this. Not of this MAGNITUDE,'s a start."
  344. 01[02:45] <Shim> "Dude... My people, are like, experts with plants..."
  345. [02:45] <Gandr> "They're something all right."
  346. [02:46] <Soul> "Then you can help me harvest the samples I require when we make our trek."
  347. [02:47] <Smile> "I'm afraid I can't do much in this subject myself..."
  348. 06[02:47] * Shim nods in agreement and leans back into her seat.
  349. [02:47] <Smile> "However... I may be able to find someone who can."
  350. [02:47] <Soul> "Oh?"
  351. [02:47] <Smile> "Or two someones, or three, or ten..."
  352. 01[02:47] <Shim> "Dude, you can play your little guitar and... Y'know?" She smiles reassuring.
  353. [02:48] <Kris> "I'm afraid i won't be as useful, except as an extra pair of hands."
  354. 06[02:48] * Gandr As the talk turns over to more business-related matters (as it were), Gandr's attention to the discussion wanes again.
  355. 06[02:48] * Smile shrugs "There always a new skill around the corner."
  356. 06[02:48] * Kris smiles and agreeds
  357. [02:51] <Soul> "Well, unless the people you were planning on finding are experts in the nearby forests, I say we head out as soon as possible. The sooner I can get those ingredients the sooner we can begin the work of finding a cure."
  358. [02:53] <Gandr> "You just need to get into the forest, right ?"
  359. [02:53] <Soul> "It's a little more complicated than that. We're going there to find plants to use as reagents."
  360. [02:54] <@ClarenceST> "Good. Seems you guys know what you're doing. I'm glad I know how to pick which people to get for the job."
  361. [02:54] <Gandr> "Yeah, so you don't have to deal with it yourself."
  362. [02:54] <Gandr> "Don't worry Chei. You got reliable people on this."
  363. 06[02:55] * Shim plucks a joint from her pocket, she presses the ignition stone to her hips and and then sucks on one end of the roll, spinning it around deftly between her fingers she puts the cold end between her lips and reclines into her seat.
  364. [02:57] <Soul> "Well, then I guess that settles it, then. We'll head for the forest, harvest what we need there and then head for...umm, where are those wolves you told me about?"
  365. 06[02:57] * Gandr takes note of Shimmer's habit. Does nothing about it.
  366. [02:57] <Gandr> "One thing, Chei."
  367. 06[02:58] * Gandr leans in over the table, interrupting Soul.
  368. [02:58] <Gandr> "What, exactly, are you asking us to do ?"
  369. [02:58] <Gandr> "Cure or prevention ?"
  370. [02:58] <@ClarenceST> "Cure."
  371. [02:58] <Gandr> "Tall order."
  372. 06[02:58] * Gandr leans back.
  373. [02:59] <Soul> "You doubt me>?"
  374. 01[02:59] <Shim> "It's better than preventing... We'd have to seperate everyone. And, like, put them in boxes, and we'd have to, like, breed box people, or something."
  375. 06[03:00] * Gandr looks at Soul.
  376. [03:00] <Gandr> "No."
  377. [03:00] <Soul> "Good. Anyway, the wolves, Chei?"
  378. [03:01] <@ClarenceST> "The wolves? They're..."
  379. [03:01] <@ClarenceST> "In the next town over."
  380. [03:01] <Gandr> "-"
  381. [03:01] <Gandr> "Which is called ... ?"
  382. [03:02] <@ClarenceST> "Chai Hun."
  383. [03:02] <Soul> "Then that's where we'll head after the forest. Who should we talk to there?"
  384. [03:02] <@ClarenceST> "This... ... This guy." He seems a bit lost.
  385. [03:02] <@ClarenceST> "Uh... He has a hat..."
  386. [03:03] <@ClarenceST> "Whatever, he runs an Apothecary."
  387. 06[03:03] * Shim plucks the joint from her mouth and bends her lips, with an expert-like sigh a smoke version of Shim, also smoking, is blown out.
  388. [03:03] <Soul> "Oh, excellent. Assuming he's the only one in Chai Hun."
  389. [03:03] <@ClarenceST> "He's The Apothecary, yeah."
  390. [03:03] <@ClarenceST> "Can't for the life of me remember anything about him."
  391. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "Must be this hangover..."
  392. [03:04] <Gandr> "Blue hair ?"
  393. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "Uh... Maybe."
  394. [03:04] <Soul> "That'll do, I think. You go ahead and rest. We'll do what needs to be done."
  395. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "Either blue or... Black."
  396. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "Or green."
  397. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "I have no idea."
  398. [03:04] <@ClarenceST> "Yeah, I'll be in my room."
  399. [03:05] <@ClarenceST> Chei stands up, and hobbles up to his room to rest.
  400. [03:06] <Soul> "Well? Anyone opposed to the plan?"
  401. [03:06] <Kris> "sounds good to me"
  402. 06[03:06] * Shim shakes her head, "Lets go preacher man."
  403. [03:06] <Smile> "No problems here."
  404. [03:07] <@ClarenceST> You guys start making your way out, to travel to the next town over, the town of Chai Hun.
  405. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> A mysterious disease! A mysterious apothecary! Reverse-Rabid Wolves! WHAT THE HELL WILL HAPPEN ON THE NEXT EPISODE OF SUNSHINE AND DECAY goddamn im running on empty here
  406. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> AND BY THE TOWN
  407. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> I MEAN
  408. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> THE FOREST.
  409. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> WHICH IS
  410. [03:08] <Soul> (thank you)
  411. [03:08] <@ClarenceST> ALSO WHERE THE TOWN IS
  412. [03:09] <@ClarenceST> THINGS MAKE SENSE.
  413. [03:09] <@ClarenceST> DONT TELL ME OTHERWISE.
  414. [03:09] <Gandr> No ?
  415. [03:09] <Gandr> Okay.
  416. [03:09] <@ClarenceST> == SESSION OVER ==
  417. 06[03:09] * Soul snaps his notebook shut. "And that was the SECOND time I died."
  418. 06[03:10] * Shim nods, "Dude, there was a word in that story that wasn't a word."
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