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- #include <a_samp>
- #define COLOR_DARKBLUE 0x0000D0FF
- #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000FF
- #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
- #if defined FILTERSCRIPT
- forward SetPlayerTP(playerid);
- new Float:TP[5][5] = { //random spawns
- {1698.4602,1437.0276,10.7255 },
- { 19.5509,-86.0392,1.6435},
- {18.6664,-51.1835,3.1834},
- { 31.8239,0.4595,3.1172 },
- {-2.1710,-33.5894,6.9609 } //add the rest of codes also here
- };
- main()
- {
- }
- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
- {
- SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "*New* FAVELA DM by MaykoX");
- return 1;
- }
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- print("--------Favela DM --------");
- print("------Made by MaykoX------");
- CreateObject(3356, 38.286510467529, -76.156631469727, 4.1334648132324, 0, 0, 296.48046875);
- CreateObject(3418, 29.225727081299, -64.024566650391, 3.1212811470032, 0, 0, 292.51049804688);
- CreateObject(3415, 40.0491065979, -91.56510925293, -0.390625, 0, 0, 272.66064453125);
- CreateObject(3414, 17.471115112305, -52.505767822266, 4.3161902427673, 0, 0, 314.34533691406);
- CreateObject(3684, -1.6259384155273, -34.24373626709, 5.3905572891235, 0, 0, 65.504638671875);
- CreateObject(4178, -12.03392791748, -60.397338867188, 5.8640823364258, 0, 0, 340.15014648438);
- CreateObject(3644, 19.921779632568, -85.738304138184, 2.5813093185425, 358.01501464844, 3.9700012207031, 298.46545410156);
- CreateObject(3169, 11.56916809082, -67.435806274414, 2.0890712738037, 0, 0, 344.1201171875);
- CreateObject(3574, -1.2641155719757, -91.791954040527, 3.8088912963867, 0, 0, 332.21020507813);
- CreateObject(3566, 5.0842666625977, 12.714599609375, 4.7308058738708, 0, 0, 23.81982421875);
- CreateObject(3566, 15.539224624634, -0.39112764596939, 4.7308058738708, 0, 0, 55.578308105469);
- CreateObject(3566, 55.131988525391, -39.396179199219, 3.1110801696777, 23.820007324219, 320.29998779297, 55.574340820313);
- CreateObject(3566, 30.339805603027, -17.419645309448, 3.9197998046875, 3.9700012207031, 0, 31.754486083984);
- CreateObject(3502, 19.724699020386, -13.350971221924, 4.0458278656006, 0, 0, 312.3603515625);
- CreateObject(3502, 24.1435546875, -7.2275390625, 4.0458278656006, 0, 0, 334.19311523438);
- CreateObject(3566, 42.2490234375, -30.3115234375, 3.2126741409302, 0, 0, 55.574340820313);
- CreateObject(3566, 66.041061401367, -51.002895355225, 1.5531222820282, 0, 0, 35.724426269531);
- CreateObject(3287, 70.421661376953, -61.441009521484, 4.3484215736389, 0, 0, 3.969970703125);
- CreateObject(3575, 68.371788024902, -72.399040222168, 2.3010659217834, 0, 0, 286.55554199219);
- CreateObject(12859, 79.86376953125, -95.726211547852, -0.2530632019043, 0, 0, 11.909912109375);
- return 1;
- }
- public OnFilterScriptExit()
- {
- return 1;
- }
- #else
- main()
- {
- print(" Favela BY MaykoX Loaded");
- }
- #endif
- public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid,cmdtext[])
- {
- if (strcmp("/FavelaDM", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
- {
- SetPlayerWorldBounds(playerid, 58.38938, -315.3026, 245.2354, -175.1681);
- SetPlayerTP(playerid);
- GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 31, 250);
- GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 22, 250);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public SetPlayerTP(playerid)
- {
- new rand = random(sizeof(TP));
- SetPlayerPos(playerid, TP[rand][0], TP[rand][1], TP[rand][2]);
- return 1;
- }
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