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Nov 19th, 2015
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  1. Matthew Schroeder
  2. Here's the deal: Their Cosmos, at least the High Level Gods ones, are clearly 4-D. Cronus was going to destroy all of time and space. Some can do conceptual and universal creation, others can create a dimension that warps space and time, others sustain universes with their will.
  3. But.... Seiya managed to hurt Hades when he burned his Cosmos to his limit.
  4. Seiya, who even with a God Cloth, isn't 4-D.
  7. Oblivion00
  8. Seiya is gonna be upgraded to 2-C isn't he?
  11. Matthew Schroeder
  12. no
  13. I don't want that
  14. neither do some of the admins I talked to.
  17. Oblivion00
  18. So he'll be staying at 3-A then
  21. Matthew Schroeder
  22. My explanation is this:
  23. Cosmos doesn't work like traditional physics. It isn't something that functions in the same way as normal 1-D, 2-D, 3-D, 4-D matter.
  24. But their bodies are 3D, with 4-D Cosmos within their souls (Which are immortal)
  26. Matthew Schroeder
  27. So, if they were attacking at the fullest of their power, they could vaporize everyone...
  29. Matthew Schroeder
  30. but their bodies can be hurt it they are not at 100% and actively trying to protect them.
  32. Oblivion00
  33. Ahhh I see
  35. Matthew Schroeder
  36. Which is consistent, Hades wasn't fighting seriously with anyone.
  37. And the Saints were with the God Cloths, which are armors bathed in the blood of Athena, that grants than an artificial divine power.
  38. Their durability is probably in the Lowest of 2-Cs
  39. But everything else isn't.
  41. Matthew Schroeder
  42. Plus, this is only valid for Gods higher than Athena.
  43. Many times we see weaker gods, deities with sealed power, or who are having their powers drained, and etc.
  45. Oblivion00
  46. Wasn't RouninOtaku trying to upgrade Seiya to 2-C?
  48. LordAizenSama
  49. i think so
  51. Oblivion00
  52. Btw Matt you're explanation makes sense
  54. Matthew Schroeder
  55. Kinda.
  56. Seiya is only 2-C in the last minute of Heaven Overture
  57. Which was the first movie of the Olympus Trilogy
  58. but it bombed and became noncanon, sadly.
  60. Matthew Schroeder
  61. also, this Cosmos not being physical so we can't fully apply higher dimensional physics to it is consistent.
  62. Because like, say, Capricorn Shura's Excalibur is Star Level.
  64. Oblivion00
  65. So only in noncanon material is Seiya in Tier 2. I'm also a supporter of Saint Seiya so it would have been nice if Seiya was 2-C.
  67. Matthew Schroeder
  68. He could theoretically split planets with it, and indeed in Episode G he splits some planetoids.
  69. However, their attacks are focused on the atoms of the opponents.
  70. And many times, not all the atoms, cause their attacks don't work like that.
  71. In Episode G we see Aiolos, while trying to escape the Sanctuary clothless, getting attacked by Shura... The excalibur hits his shoulder
  72. and that part of his body is gone, it's a gaping hole with blood pouring out of it.
  73. flesh, bones, muscle, all destroyed.
  74. But rest of body is fine.
  75. Because Cosmos is not like Megatons, but energy that is equivalent to it.
  76. This can also explain why the God Saints survived Hades's attacks.
  77. They DO have healing factors
  78. and they could theoretically be hit, and utterly destroyed in bits of their bodies, but on the whole alive.
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