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- <!--
- ########################################################################################
- V0.1 - 05/05/2009
- Initial Upload
- V0.2 - 08/05/2009
- TPZ matches now require season folder. Fixes some false positives.
- V0.3 - 16/05/2009
- Support for /season 5/Lost - 5 x 05.mkv
- V0.4 - 28/05/2009
- Cater for cross platform difference in paths i.e. \/
- V0.5 - 03/06/2009
- Added regex to match some awful TV naming that has no season.
- This release marks 99% completion rate of google scraped XBMC missed eps (10,000+ ).
- The last regex in the list and may product false positives. Use with caution.
- V0.6 - 06/06/2009
- New component. Commonly missed movie stacking REGEX.
- Big caveat, will NOT fix movies already in the library.
- To fix completely remove the multiple movie entries and rescan.
- V0.7 - 08/06/2009
- Added excludefromscan section. Do not catalog anything in a folder called extras.
- Using the expected TV folder naming structure still allows the TV show "Extras".
- Note: This does not work for me but does for other users. Please report back your experiences.
- V0.8 - 10/06/2009
- After a IRC discussion with cptspiff and mgc I release this version to cater for
- This should also handle Topaz which are still in rar format.
- Please report back on success as I am working only from data scraped from google.
- V0.9 - 28/06/2009
- Default XBMC REGEX producing false positives with TPZ.
- To deal with this we now have both prepend and append REGEX.
- V1.0 - 30/10/2009
- Replaced some of the stacking regex removed in commit 24060. WARNING this may break serials support.
- In general I am not happy with this new REGEX and it needs more work.
- This file also includes some general XBMC settings I use.
- It would be better if i didn't include these settings but doing so makes it easier for me.
- Delete them if they are not to your taste.
- V1.1 - 11/11/2009
- General cleanup in preparation for pastebin.
- V1.2 - 16/11/2009
- Split folder exclusions "extras" into two REGEX one for movies and one for TV.
- As of r24405 video stacking regular expressions must contain exactly four (4) capture expressions. Removed old stacking REGEX will add back in as required.
- V1.3 - 20/11/2009
- Added setting to turn off auto thumbs
- V1.4 - 30/11/2009
- Tweaked Episode match to be a little less strict. Should catch /Shows/Mad Men/Season 1/Episode 12.avi etc
- V1.5 - 04/12/2009
- Seems like EXCLUDE matching is case sensitive. Quick fix for testing.
- V1.6 - 16/12/2009
- This is a significant update. Consider it ALPHA. In order to fix the broken REGEX I had to change almost all the custom REGEX to prepend.
- This increses the chances of false positives significantly although in testing they still perform well.
- This version requires SVN 25638+ to be fully compatible. Most will work with older versions.
- If you have a tv show called Extras rename it to Extras (2005) for the EXCLUDE regex to be compatible.
- Also a big thanks to Grum in IRC for the rar regex. This will natively handle alot of rar packs very accurtaly.
- Use at you own risk.
- #######################################################################################
- This REGEX is EXPERIMENTAL and may require a strict folder structure.
- *Use at your own risk*
- I specifically use multiple REGEX rather than try to build one REGEX to rule them all.
- This wastes CPU cycles but allows easier bug finding, refining and end user understanding.
- The order they run is important. It will never catch all episodes.
- Since were trying to deal with bad naming it could result in false positives.
- Comments and submissions welcomed but where posible try to keep it simple.
- If in doubt use two simple REGEX rather than one complex one.
- ########################################################################################
- ########################################################################################
- To install this REGEX create a text file called advancedsettings.xml
- Copy the contents of this into this file and place it in the Userdata folder
- Restart XBMC
- or
- Download this file from pastebin and rename to advancedsettings.xml
- ########################################################################################
- -->
- <advancedsettings>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- This section can likely be removed. Personal preferences.
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <navigatevirtualkeyboard>true</navigatevirtualkeyboard> <!-- This will activate virtual keyboard navigation, default is false -->
- <videolibrary>
- <hideallitems>true</hideallitems> <!-- removes the "*All" items from the video library -->
- <hideemptyseries>false</hideemptyseries> <!-- hide empty series in the video library -->
- <hiderecentlyaddeditems>false</hiderecentlyaddeditems> <!-- removes the "Recently added ..." items from the video library. -->
- <recentlyaddeditems>250</recentlyaddeditems> <!-- number of recently added items. Defaults to 25 -->
- </videolibrary>
- <myvideos>
- <extractthumb>false</extractthumb> <!-- Dont create random thumbnails. Either scrape them from the internet or dont have them -->
- </myvideos>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- Extras folder
- Should stop XBMC indexing anything in a folder called extras whilst still allowing
- the real tv show "Extras" to exist. Probably requires a strict folder structure.
- Should be relatively safe for any XBMC user to add.
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <video>
- <excludefromscan action="prepend">
- <regexp>[\//]extras[\//]</regexp>
- </excludefromscan>
- <excludetvshowsfromscan action="prepend">
- <regexp>[\//]extras[\//]</regexp>
- </excludetvshowsfromscan>
- </video>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- XBMC catches a few files incorrectly so we will catch them befroe XBMC trys.
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <tvshowmatching action="prepend">
- <!-- File name format: tzp-SPECIFICSHOW12324.avi This attempts to cater for some show specific odditys -->
- <regexp>[/\\]tpz-(?:24|30rock|4400)(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: tzp-show12324.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]tpz-[^\d]*(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /UFO/Season 1/02.Computer.Affair.divx e.g. lame sequntial numbering witout season -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\](\d\d?)[^\w]([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /Ulysses 31/Season 1/Ulysses 31 E12 Trapped Between Fire And Ice.avi e.g. lame sequntial numbering witout season -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?[^\w]ep?\.?(\d\d?)[^\w]([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /The Chronicles of Narnia/Season 1/Chronicles.Of.Narnia.01.The.Lion.The.Witch.And.The.Wardrobe.episode.6.DVDRip.DivX-moviesfreak.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?[^\w]?episode[^\w]?(\d\d?)[^\w]([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /When We Left Earth The NASA Missions/Season 1/ -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?[^\w]part[^\w]?(\d\d?)[^\w]([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles/Season 1/The.Young.Indiana.Jones.Chronicles.Chapter.01.My.First.Adventure.DVDRip.XviD-SAiNTS.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?[^\w]chapter[^\w]?(\d\d?)[^\w]([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /Action/Season 1/Action101 Pilot.avi -->
- <!-- Last (?!.*]) to deal with anime numbering producing false positives. not a perfect solution -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?\1(\d\d)(?!.*])</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /season 5/Lost - 5 x 05.mkv -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?\1[^\w]?x[^\w]?(\d\d?)([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: /Season 1/Grange Hill S01xE01.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\].*?s0?\1[ex]{0,2}(\d{1,2})([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: frng101-notv.avi -->
- <regexp>[.a-z](\d\d?)(\d\d)-notv([^/\\]*)</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: mtn-tts104.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]\w+-\w+(\d)(\d\d)\.</regexp>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- This section uses a traditional file only based approach and attempts to cater for
- ultra lame TPZ Topaz naming scheme.
- This has been tested offline against 1031 googled sample filenames with 1023 matches.
- The remaining that do not match dont follow their own naming convention.
- The order they run in is VITAL. Do not run one without the other.
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <!-- File name format: tzp-SPECIFICSHOW12324.avi This attempts to cater for some odditys -->
- <regexp>[/\\]tpz-(?:24|30rock|4400)(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: tpz-johnadams2.avi. Another TPX divergence from their own naming scheme. XBMC will assume Season 1 if only one match-->
- <regexp>[/\\]tpz-johnadams(\d).avi</regexp>
- <!-- File name format: tzp-show12324.avi -->
- <regexp>[/\\]tpz-[^\d]*(\d)(\d{2})(\d{2})?(?:r|fix|dc|-repack|int|d)?\.</regexp>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- Courtesy of Grum
- This REGEX will sxtract info from scene RARs
- I will not be able to offer support on this seciton as I have no suitable files,
- but by all accounts it will work exceptionally well
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) Episode (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))? (\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) S(\d+) (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))?E(\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]) S(?:\d+) (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))?E(\d+)%(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) S(\d+) (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))?E(\d+)(?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))? E (\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) (\d+) x(\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]) (?:\d+)x(\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) S(\d+) (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))?E(\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) (\d+) x(\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) part (?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))? (\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) E(?:P(?:isode)?)? (\d+)(?:%(?:5f|2[ed]))? E(?:P(?:isode)?)? (\d+)%(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- <regexp>(?x)rar://.*%(?:2f|5c).*%(?:5f|2[ed]) E(?:P(?:isode)?)? (\d+) %(?:5f|2[ed]).*%(?:2f|5c).*%2erar/[^/]+[.](?:avi|ogm|mkv)</regexp>
- </tvshowmatching>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- This section uses a traditional file only based approach and catches some common names
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <tvshowmatching action="append">
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- This section takes the season number from the folder name and ep number from video file
- For best results use the tvshow.nfo method along with show/season x/episodes
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- <!-- File name format: /Season 1/the_scene_xvid_episode_8.avi
- This REGEX has HUGE potential for false positives but catches alot of the left over dross.
- Suggest commenting it out if you are unsure -->
- <regexp>[/\\]season[^\w]?(\d{1,2})[^\d]*[/\\][^\d]+[\. _-](\d{1,2})[\. _-][^\d]+</regexp>
- </tvshowmatching>
- <!--
- #######################################################################################
- Movie Stacking
- Caters for a few edge cases of well known movie format XBMC misses.
- Current XBMC stacking undergoing alot of changes. Removed in the interim.
- #######################################################################################
- -->
- </advancedsettings>
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