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- Text - Cooking - Authentic Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipes.txt
- KFC Coleslaw
- 8 1/8 cups cabbage
- 1/3 cup carrot
- 1 teaspoon onion chopped fine
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 1/8 cup milk
- 3/4 cup buttermilk
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1/2 cup mayonnaise
- First core the cabbage and shred the cabbage fine using the
- fine disk for the shredder attachment to the mixer. Then shr
- ed the cabbage. In a bowl combine with a whisk combine the b
- uttermilk, mayonnaise, milk and lemon juice mix till well co
- mbined. Then add the seasoning. The last step is to add the
- sugar add the sugar to the sauce until well mixed in. Add th
- e sauce to the cabbage and carrot mixture and mix well and a
- llow the mixture to marinate for 13 hrs.
- Do to the waste of chicken in the restaurants the Colonel cr
- eated a recipe to help use thechicken that was unable to be
- sold. So he devised the potpie recipe. See chicken could onl
- y sit and be sold for 2 hrs after it is fried.
- 2 potatoes peeled and cooked
- 2/3 cup frozen peas
- 2 cans cream of chicken soup
- 2 carrots peeled and cooked
- 2 tablespoons frozen onion
- 2 cups of cooked chicken
- dash of salt and pepper and Msg
- In a bowl combine all cooked vegetables and chicken add the
- cream of chicken soup and seasoning. The mixture should be t
- hick but not to thick if the mixture is to thick add some mi
- lk to the mixture. Scoop the mixture into individual pie pan
- s. Use the biscuit recipe in this book to make the crust. Ro
- ll out the dough thin and place on top then brush with butte
- r. Bake in a 375 F oven for 15 to 25 minutes or until it is
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- Text - Cooking - Authentic Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipes.txt
- heated threw and the crust is golden brown.
- Colonel Sanders loved rice and beans and decided to create a
- recipe that could be used together to create a great tastin
- g item. You can mix it or have the beans on the bottom and r
- ice on top and mix as u eat.
- KFC Beans and Rice
- 30 ounce can of Red beans
- 1 teaspoon white pepper
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- dash of cayenne
- dash of garlic powder
- 1 1/2 cups converted rice cooked
- Pour beans with there liquid into a saucepan and cook over m
- edium heat. Add the seasonings and butter. When the mixture
- begins to boil use a fork to mash 1/2 the beans. Cook for 10
- to 20 minutes to until it looks like bean paste with big be
- ans in it. Mix in rice.
- A favorite of the Colonel was Corn on the cob and he deiced
- if he was going to sale it it had to be delicious and sweet
- .
- KFC Corn
- Frozen corn
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon Msg
- melted butter
- Cook the corn in hot salted water with a dash of milk till n
- ice and tender. When it is done dip the corn in butter and s
- prinkle with the seasoning.
- The Macaroni Salad that Colonel Sanders used to use is liste
- d below. The recipe is just the basic recipe. However it has
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- Text - Cooking - Authentic Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipes.txt
- been altered many times.
- KFC Macaroni Salad
- 1 lb Elbows Macaroni
- 1/4 cup Carrots, chopped fine
- 1 tbsp Minced Onion
- 1/4 cup Celery, chopped fine
- 2 cups Food Service Cole slaw Dressing
- dash White Pepper
- 1 teaspoon pickle relish
- Cook macaroni noodles in a big pot of water for 12 to 15 min
- utes. Drain and place in a bowl with ice water and cool for
- 10 minutes. In a large bowl combine all of above. Refrigerat
- e for 2 hrs.
- A favorite among kids and kids at heart is the Colonel�s Mac
- aroni and cheese which was originally made fresh daily. Now
- it comes premade and is cooked in an oven like it originally
- was when it was made fresh.
- KFC Macaroni and Cheese
- 2cups elbow macaroni
- 3/4 cup Velveeta cheese
- 2/3 cup mild yellow cheddar cheese
- 1/3 cup whole milk
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- In a pot bring water to a boil with salt to taste, once the
- water comes to a boil add the macaroni and cook for 12 to 15
- minutes. When the noodles are cooked drain but do not rinse
- . To make the cheese sauce in a pan over low heat combine th
- e Velveeta cheese,shredded cheddar and the milk. Cook the ch
- eeses till they are melted and then add the salt. Add the no
- odles and mix threw. Place in a casserole dish and bake for
- 10 to 15 minutes. You may want to broil the top to make a br
- own top.
- Another favorite side dish is the Potato Salad which used to
- be produced fresh daily, however now due to the fact that i
- t can be produced and prepackaged and stored frozen till shi
- pped and then refrigerated AmeraServe which is the company t
- hat Tricon uses sells the potato salad that way.
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- Text - Cooking - Authentic Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipes.txt
- KFC Potato Salad
- 2 pounds russet potatoes
- 1 cup mayonnaise
- 4 teaspoons sweet pickle relish
- 4 teaspoons sugar
- 2 teaspoons minced white onion
- 2 teaspoons prepared mustard
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
- 1 teaspoon minced celery
- 1 teaspoon diced pimentos
- 1/2 teaspoon shredded carrot
- 1/4 teaspoon dried parsley
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- dash salt
- Lightly peel the potatoes and cut into bite sized pieces. Pl
- ace in a pot of salted water and boil the potatoes for 5 to
- 10 minutes till fork tender, depending upon the size you cut
- them. While the potatoes are cooking in a bowl make the dre
- ssing by mixing the mayonnaise, pickle relish, sugar, white
- onion, mustard, vinegar, celery, pimento, carrot, parsley, p
- epper, and salt. When the potatoes are done and have cooled
- add the sauce and refrigerate for 2 hours. The best is if yo
- u allow this to sit overnight.
- The Colonel�s Baked Beans used to be baked and made fresh da
- ily. Now there made with a can of Navy Beans made by Hanover
- and a bag of sauce and precooked frozen bacon. When it is n
- eeded it is just microwave and there you go.
- KFC Baked Beans
- 30 ounce can Navy Beans, drained
- 2 tablespoons water
- 1/2 cup ketchup
- 1/2 cup dark brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
- 4 teaspoons minced fresh onion
- 4 pieces bacon, cooked and then crumbled
- 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- dash pepper
- dash garlic powder
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- Drain the navy beans and place in a microwave safe dish. Add
- the precooked bacon. In a bowl combine all the other ingred
- ients to make a sauce. Pour the sauce over the beans and mix
- well. Allow them to sit overnight in the refrigerator. When
- you are ready to serve them microwave them for 5 minutes th
- en stir and microwave again for 7 minutes or till heated thr
- ough.
- A favorite has to be the buttermilk biscuits they are so lig
- ht and fluffy they just melt in your mouth. They were made f
- resh daily in every store. Now due tot he popular demand of
- these biscuits, they come frozen.
- KFC Buttermilk Biscuits
- 1/2 cup butter
- 1/4 cup club soda
- 1 beaten egg
- 3/4 cup butter milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 5 cups Bisquick Biscuit Mix
- Preheat the oven to 450�F. Combine all of the ingredients, k
- nead the dough by hand until the dough holds together do not
- over knead. Flour your hands Pat the dough flat to 3/4-inch
- thickness out biscuits with a biscuit cutter. Bake on a gre
- ased baking sheet for 13 minutes, or until golden brown, whe
- n they come out of the oven brush with melted butter. Makes
- 18 Biscuits
- The Colonel was in the kitchen one day and had an idea what
- to do with the potatoes that he had and he came up with the
- Potato Wedges. The used to be made fresh but due to the inve
- ntion of the frozen fry they are sent to the stores frozen a
- nd ready to cook.
- KFC Potato Wedges
- shortening for Frying
- 5 Baking potatoes cut into Wedges
- 1 cup Milk
- 1 egg
- 1 cup flour
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- 2 tablespoons salt
- 1 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon MSG
- 1/4 teaspoon Paprika
- dash of garlic powder
- Preheat shortening in to 375�F. Cut the potatoes into 16 to
- 18 equal side wedges. Mix the egg and milk till well blended
- in a big bowl. Mix the dry ingredients into a large bowl. P
- ut some potatoes in the milk and egg then into the flour mix
- ture till well coated. Fry in fryer for 3 minutes remove fro
- m the oil and allow them to sit for one minute and then cook
- them again for 5 minutes or until cooked. It may take up to
- 6 minutes.
- The Gravy used to be made fresh with the Cracklings. Now it
- comes in a pouch and all you have to do is add water. Thank
- god for modified starch products.
- KFC Gravy
- 1 1/2 tablespoons shortening, melted
- 3 tablespoons of Original Breading Flour
- 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
- 1 can Campbell�s Condensed Chicken Stock
- 1 can water
- First we are going to make a roux with the melted shortening
- and 1 1/2 tablespoon of breading flour. Cook this over low
- heat for 10 to 15 minutes or until the roux browns in color
- to resemble a nice milk chocolate color. Once the mixture tu
- rns brown remove it from the heat and add the remaining flou
- r and slowly add the liquid(s) to incorporate it so no lumps
- . Bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 2 minutes reduce
- the heat and allow the mixture to thicken which would take a
- bout 3 to 5 minutes.
- *That is just the flour that you use to bread the chicken wi
- th.
- The mashed potatoes are served and made by mix. It comes in
- a bag just add water and butter. Many people just come to KF
- C to get these potatoes and gravy.
- KFC Mashed Potatoes
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- Text - Cooking - Authentic Kentucky Fried Chicken Recipes.txt
- 2 1/2 cups Idaho Potato Flakes
- 1 stick Margarine
- 2 tablespoons Butter
- 2 1/2 cups Hot Water
- 3/4 cup Milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Heat water add butter and margarine till melted. Add the sal
- t and cook for 2 minutes. Add the flakes and mix till it loo
- ks like regular potatoes. Add milk to proper consistency. Se
- rve with gravy. Serves 6
- Before you cook the chicken it has to be marinated. The orig
- inal way that the Colonel used to produce his chicken was to
- marinate it. The following Marinate recipe is still
- used today at KFC for the Crispy Strips which are marinated
- daily in 40 to 80 lbs at a time, however the amount of this
- marinade is only good for about 15 lbs of chicken.
- The Kentucky Fried Chicken Marinate
- 2 tablespoons Potassium
- 2 tablespoons Kosher Salt
- 4 tablespoons MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1/3 cup Bottled Chicken Concentrate
- 5 cups water
- Mix all of the above and soak the chicken in the above marin
- ate for 24 hours under refrigeration.
- The Original Recipe is not packaged in three different place
- s. The way it is cooked and the process makes it taste like
- it has eleven herbs and spices when in reality there is not.
- The way it is done in the restaurant is using dried eggs an
- d milk in the flour along with a box of breading salt and th
- e seasoning bag and a bag of breading flour.
- 2 fryer chickens cut up into 8 pieces and marinated
- 6 cups Crisco Shortening
- 1 eggs well beaten
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- 2 cups Milk
- 2 cups Flour
- 2 teaspoons ground pepper
- 3 tablespoons salt
- 1 teaspoon MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1 dash paprika
- Place shortening into the pressure cooker and heat over medi
- um heat to the shortening reaches 400�F. In a small bowl, co
- mbine the egg and milk. In a separate bowl, combine
- the remaining six dry ingredients. Dip each piece of chicken
- into the milk until fully moistened. Roll the moistened chi
- cken in the flour mixture until well coated. In groups of fo
- ur or five, drop the covered chicken pieces into the shorten
- ing and lock the lid. When pressure builds up cook for 10 mi
- After he perfected his original he made a crispy recipe that
- was marinated first then fried the conventional way. This o
- ne is double dunked into the coating to give it its great ta
- ste.
- 1 whole frying chicken, cut up and marinated
- 6-8 cups shortening for cooking
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 3/4 teaspoon pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder
- Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Prehea
- t the shortening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the
- beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bow
- l, combine the remaining coating ingredients (flour, salt, p
- epper and MSG). When the chicken has marinated, transfer eac
- h piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off.
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- Working with one piece at a time, first dip in egg and milk
- then coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture, then the
- egg and milk mixture again, and then back into the flour. Be
- sure that each piece is coated very generously. Stack the c
- hicken on a plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been
- coated. Drop the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot s
- hortening. Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for
- 12-15 minutes, or until it is golden brown. You should be su
- re to stir the chicken around halfway through the cooking ti
- me so that each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a
- rack or towels to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.
- Once he perfected his Extra Crispy he had customers who want
- ed it to be spicy and bold so he created his Hot and Spicy C
- hicken. Here is his original recipe which has changed a bit
- in this day and age. It comes frozen and is cooked frozen an
- d not prepared fresh in many stores.
- Hot and Spicy Chicken
- 1 whole frying chicken, cut up and Marinated
- 6-8 cups shortening
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 3/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1 teaspoon white pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder
- Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Prehea
- t the shortening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the
- beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bow
- l, combine the remaining coating ingredients When the chicke
- n has marinated, transfer each piece to paper towels so that
- excess liquid can drain off. Working with one piece at a ti
- me, dip in egg and milk then coat the chicken with the dry f
- lour mixture, coated very generously. Stack the chicken on a
- plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been coated. Dro
- p the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot shortening.
- Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for 12-15 minut
- es, or until it is golden brown. You should be sure to stir
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- the chicken around halfway through the cooking time so that
- each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a rack or tow
- els to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.
- The Colonel used to sale chicken nuggets that were tasty but
- he taught why not prepare fresh chicken strips of all white
- meat and that is how the Colonel�s Crispy Strips were
- born. You will notice it is the same as the Extra Crispy.
- KFC Crispy Strips
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 3/4 teaspoon pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- 1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder
- Cut 6 chicken Breasts into strips, or you can by chicken ten
- ders in the store. Marinate them overnight . Preheat the sho
- rtening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Beat 1 egg and 1 cup
- of milk. Dip the chicken into the egg mixture. Dip the the
- chicken into the coating and then double dip. Fry in fryer a
- few at a time till they are golden brown about 5 minutes or
- until they float.. Remove the chicken to a rack and allow t
- o drain for 5 minutes
- The Colonel has decided to make Hot and Spicy Strips that ra
- n for short times the difference is the second dip it is dip
- ped into hot sauce then breaded again and then fried just li
- ke the original crispy strips. For the barbecue strips make
- the strips the original way and then dip into the Honey Barb
- ecue Dipping Sauce.
- The Colonel deiced that wings were going to be a good thing
- to serve and so he decided to create fried wings that are ve
- ry tasty. The Honey Barbecue wings are tasty . After they ar
- e made they are dipped into the Honey Barbecue Dipping Sauce
- . If you don�t want the honey barbecue wings just serve them
- as the regular wings.
- KFC Wings
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- 6-8 cups shortening
- 20 chicken wing pieces
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1 cup milk
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoons salt
- 3/4 teaspoon pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon MSG
- 1/8 teaspoon Paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- If you are using frozen wings allow them to defrost and mari
- nate. If you are using fresh wings you are going to want to
- take the wing and remove the flipper and then break them int
- o two pieces and then marinate them. Combine the beaten egg
- with the milk in a small bowl. In another small bowl, combin
- e the flour, salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika and MSG. W
- hen shortening is hot, dip each wing first in the flour mixt
- ure, then into the milk and egg mixture, and back into the f
- lour. Bread all the wings then refrigerate them until ready
- to use. When they are ready to be used fry them 6 at a time
- for 12 minutes. Remove from the shortening and allow them to
- drain for 3 minutes. For the barbecue ones dip in the barbe
- cue sauce and serve.
- The Colonel also had a Roasted chicken that was mighty tasty
- . The chicken was marinated also and then baked with his fam
- ous seasonings. The baking process was long it takes 4 hours
- to bake it. It is baked at 225 for 2 hours till the interna
- l temp was at 175. But for you at home I have updated this t
- o be baked at a hire temperature and be prepared in less tim
- e.
- Tender Roast
- Spice Mix
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon lemon pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon thyme
- 1/4 teaspoon paprika
- 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon MSG
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- Trim the excess fat from the chicken. Marinade the chicken i
- n the mixture for 3 to 4 hrs or overnight. Remove the chicke
- n from the marinade and allow to dry. Sprinkle the chicken l
- ightly with seasoning. Place on baking pan and bake at 325F
- for 1 to 1 1/2 hrs till chicken is done. Allow to sit for 1
- to 2 minutes then serve
- One of the favorite items that is on the menu is the Barbecu
- e sauce that was original made fresh in the store and used t
- o dip the wings, the original chicken and now the chicken st
- rips. Now it comes in a bag and all we have to do is add hot
- water and keep warm.
- KFC Honey BBQ Dipping Sauce
- 1 1/2 cups ketchup
- 1/3 cup white vinegar
- 1/8 cup molasses
- 1/8 cup corn syrup
- 1/4 cup honey
- 1 teaspoon liquid smoke flavoring
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/8 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon MSG
- 1/4 teaspoon of chili powder
- In a sauce pan combine all of the above and bring to a simme
- r. Simmer for 5 minutes and keep warm. When you are ready to
- eat the chicken dip in and allow the chicken to drain for 1
- minute.
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