
Dragon Flutterrape Z

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. >day 1006 in Equestria
  2. >you are fighting with Rainbow Dash
  3. No I'm pretty sure you did 3 flips not 5. I can count ya know!
  4. >"Shut the buck up I know what I did!"
  5. Maybe you should go back to school to learn your numbers!
  6. >Fluttershy who has been there the entire time slowly walks between both of you
  7. >"P-please Rainbow! D-dont hit him!"
  8. You think this Rainbow faggot can even hurt me? Come on give me your best shot!
  9. >she starts screaming
  10. >the ground shakes as rocks and pebbles float
  11. >after 3 episodes later she stops
  12. Fluttershy! What does the scouter say about her Faggot level?
  13. >"I-its over 9000!"
  14. What?! 9000?! Theres no way that can be...Oh wait. That makes sense. Stupid Dyke.
  15. >she flies at you and kicks you in the face
  16. >you go flying through 3 buildings
  17. >you survive because fuck you its anime
  18. >she flies at you again to deliver the finishing blow
  19. >brain initiated Super Saiyan mode
  20. >you cunt punt her all the way to Canterlot
  21. >then there is a blinding light
  22. >when you can see again Sunbutt stands in front of you
  23. >"Anon! Mind telling me what this is all about?!"
  24. >she holds unconscious Rainbow with magic
  25. >shit shit shit think fast
  26. Falcon Punch!
  27. >your burning fist strikes Sunbutt sending her flying
  28. >she flings Rainbow and jumps back to her feet
  29. >"You want to play rough?! Lets go!"
  30. >she flies at you horn first
  31. >oh fuck your body definitely wasnt ready for this
  32. >brain wat do?
  33. >i got this
  34. Shoryuken!
  35. >you deliver a beautiful uppercut to her
  36. >he body goes up 9 feet and falls back to the ground
  37. >Fluttershy runs away scared
  38. >holy shit
  39. >today was an epic day
  40. >so glad you arent
  41. >Fucking Fluttershy
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