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May 18th, 2014
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  1. 1>------ Build started: Project: DurandalAuth.Domain, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
  2. 1> Restoring NuGet packages...
  3. 1> To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
  4. 1> All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
  5. 1> DurandalAuth.Domain -> C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Domain\bin\Debug\DurandalAuth.Domain.dll
  6. 2>------ Build started: Project: DurandalAuth.Data, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
  7. 2> Restoring NuGet packages...
  8. 2> To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
  9. 2> All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
  10. 2> DurandalAuth.Data -> C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Data\bin\Debug\DurandalAuth.Data.dll
  11. 3>------ Build started: Project: DurandalAuth.Web, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
  12. 3> Restoring NuGet packages...
  13. 3> To prevent NuGet from downloading packages during build, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on the Package Manager node and uncheck 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages'.
  14. 3> All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
  15. 3>C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Web\Controllers\HomeController.cs(52,30,52,32): warning CS0168: The variable 'ex' is declared but never used
  16. 3> DurandalAuth.Web -> C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Web\bin\DurandalAuth.Web.dll
  17. 3> info jshint Linting 31 files.
  18. 3> ERR! jshint Found 52 issues while linting App/main-built.js.
  19. 3> ERR! jshint Found 1 issues while linting App/main.js.
  20. 3> ERR! jshint Found 9 issues while linting App/model/modelBuilder.js.
  21. 3> ERR! jshint Found 52 issues while linting App/services/appsecurity.js.
  22. 3> ERR! jshint Found 11 issues while linting App/services/entitymanagerprovider.js.
  23. 3> ERR! jshint Found 2 issues while linting App/services/errorhandler.js.
  24. 3> ERR! jshint Found 1 issues while linting App/services/logger.js.
  25. 3> info jshint Passed for App/services/privatearticlerepository.js.
  26. 3> ERR! jshint Found 2 issues while linting App/services/publicarticlerepository.js.
  27. 3> ERR! jshint Found 2 issues while linting App/services/repository.js.
  28. 3> info jshint Passed for App/services/routeconfig.js.
  29. 3> ERR! jshint Found 2 issues while linting App/services/unitofwork.js.
  30. 3> ERR! jshint Found 8 issues while linting App/services/utils.js.
  31. 3> ERR! jshint Found 7 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/externalloginconfirmation.js.
  32. 3> ERR! jshint Found 1 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/externalloginfailure.js.
  33. 3> ERR! jshint Found 3 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/forgotpassword.js.
  34. 3> ERR! jshint Found 9 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/login.js.
  35. 3> ERR! jshint Found 52 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/manage.js.
  36. 3> ERR! jshint Found 3 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/register.js.
  37. 3> ERR! jshint Found 1 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/registrationcomplete.js.
  38. 3> ERR! jshint Found 3 issues while linting App/viewmodels/account/resetpassword.js.
  39. 3> ERR! jshint Found 1 issues while linting App/viewmodels/admin/panel.js.
  40. 3> info jshint Passed for App/viewmodels/header.js.
  41. 3> info jshint Passed for App/viewmodels/home/about.js.
  42. 3> ERR! jshint Found 3 issues while linting App/viewmodels/home/articles.js.
  43. 3> info jshint Passed for App/viewmodels/home/help.js.
  44. 3> info jshint Passed for App/viewmodels/home/index.js.
  45. 3> info jshint Passed for App/viewmodels/notfound.js.
  46. 3> ERR! jshint Found 4 issues while linting App/viewmodels/shell.js.
  47. 3> ERR! jshint Found 2 issues while linting App/viewmodels/user/article.js.
  48. 3> ERR! jshint Found 5 issues while linting App/viewmodels/user/dashboard.js.
  49. 3> info uglifyjs Uglifying 47 files.
  50. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/main-built.js.
  51. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument e [null:70,62]
  52. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:77,32]
  53. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/main.js.
  54. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/model/modelBuilder.js.
  55. 3> WARN: Dropping unused variable self [null:13,5]
  56. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument event [null:156,61]
  57. 3> WARN: Non-strict equality against boolean: == false [null:198,7]
  58. 3> WARN: Dropping unused variable self [null:305,7]
  59. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/appsecurity.js.
  60. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument args [null:38,52]
  61. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/entitymanagerprovider.js.
  62. 3>WARN : Dropping unused function argument error [null: 49,75]
  63. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument textStatus [null:49,63]
  64. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/errorhandler.js.
  65. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/logger.js.
  66. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/privatearticlerepository.js.
  67. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/publicarticlerepository.js.
  68. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/repository.js.
  69. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/routeconfig.js.
  70. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/unitofwork.js.
  71. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/services/utils.js.
  72. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:60,30]
  73. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/externalloginconfirmation.js.
  74. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/externalloginfailure.js.
  75. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/forgotpassword.js.
  76. 3> WARN: Side effects in initialization of unused variable isAuthenticated [null:15,12]
  77. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/login.js.
  78. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument router [null:10,64]
  79. 3> WARN: Dropping unused variable self [null:12,8]
  80. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:90,21]
  81. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:122,21]
  82. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:159,21]
  83. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/manage.js.
  84. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument data [null:42,22]
  85. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/register.js.
  86. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/registrationcomplete.js.
  87. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/account/resetpassword.js.
  88. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/admin/panel.js.
  89. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument utils [null:2,49]
  90. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/header.js.
  91. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/home/about.js.
  92. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/home/articles.js.
  93. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/home/help.js.
  94. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/home/index.js.
  95. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/notfound.js.
  96. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/shell.js.
  97. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/user/article.js.
  98. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument view [null:21,28]
  99. 3> WARN: Side effects in initialization of unused variable validationErrors [null:28,24]
  100. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument parent [null:74,40]
  101. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument article [null:121,30]
  102. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified App/viewmodels/user/dashboard.js.
  103. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument newActivationData [null:562,75]
  104. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument currentActivationData [null:562,52]
  105. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/activator.js.
  106. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/app.js.
  107. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/binder.js.
  108. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument element [null:512,46]
  109. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/composition.js.
  110. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/events.js.
  111. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/dialog.js.
  112. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/history.js.
  113. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/http.js.
  114. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/observable.js.
  115. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/router.js.
  116. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/serializer.js.
  117. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/plugins/widget.js.
  118. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument depArray [null:52,58]
  119. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/system.js.
  120. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/transitions/entrance.js.
  121. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument err [null:150,59]
  122. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/viewEngine.js.
  123. 3> WARN: Dropping unused function argument area [null:116,49]
  124. 3> info uglifyjs Uglified Scripts/durandal/viewLocator.js.
  125. 3> main
  126. 3> model/modelBuilder
  127. 3> info rjs Packaging 65 files.
  128. 3> services/appsecurity
  129. 3> services/entitymanagerprovider
  130. 3> services/errorhandler
  131. 3> services/logger
  132. 3> services/privatearticlerepository
  133. 3> services/publicarticlerepository
  134. 3> services/repository
  135. 3> services/routeconfig
  136. 3> services/unitofwork
  137. 3> services/utils
  138. 3> viewmodels/account/externalloginconfirmation
  139. 3> viewmodels/account/externalloginfailure
  140. 3> viewmodels/account/forgotpassword
  141. 3> viewmodels/account/login
  142. 3> viewmodels/account/manage
  143. 3> viewmodels/account/register
  144. 3> viewmodels/account/registrationcomplete
  145. 3> viewmodels/account/resetpassword
  146. 3> viewmodels/admin/panel
  147. 3> viewmodels/header
  148. 3> viewmodels/home/about
  149. 3> viewmodels/home/articles
  150. 3> viewmodels/home/help
  151. 3> viewmodels/home/index
  152. 3> viewmodels/notfound
  153. 3> viewmodels/shell
  154. 3> viewmodels/user/article
  155. 3> viewmodels/user/dashboard
  156. 3> text!views/account/externalloginconfirmation.html
  157. 3> text!views/account/externalloginfailure.html
  158. 3> text!views/account/forgotpassword.html
  159. 3> text!views/account/login.html
  160. 3> text!views/account/manage.html
  161. 3> text!views/account/register.html
  162. 3> text!views/account/registrationcomplete.html
  163. 3> text!views/account/resetpassword.html
  164. 3> text!views/admin/panel.html
  165. 3> text!views/header.html
  166. 3> text!views/home/about.html
  167. 3> text!views/home/articles.html
  168. 3> text!views/home/help.html
  169. 3> text!views/home/index.html
  170. 3> text!views/notfound.html
  171. 3> text!views/shell.html
  172. 3> text!views/user/article.html
  173. 3> text!views/user/dashboard.html
  174. 3> durandal/activator
  175. 3> durandal/app
  176. 3> durandal/binder
  177. 3> durandal/composition
  178. 3> durandal/events
  179. 3> plugins/dialog
  180. 3> plugins/history
  181. 3> plugins/http
  182. 3> plugins/observable
  183. 3> plugins/router
  184. 3> plugins/serializer
  185. 3> plugins/widget
  186. 3> durandal/system
  187. 3> transitions/entrance
  188. 3> durandal/viewEngine
  189. 3> durandal/viewLocator
  190. 3> Optimized build created at "C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Web\App\main-built.js".
  191. 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4507,5): error MSB3073: The command "cd C:\Users\Sevenless\Source\Repos\DurandalAuth\DurandalAuth.Web\
  192. 3>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets(4507,5): error MSB3073: weyland build" exited with code -1.
  193. ========== Build: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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