
Vinyl & Octavia Story 1

Jan 9th, 2015
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  1. >You're in Equestria, and I guess the autists were right because Vinyl and Octavia and friends.
  2. >You're at a party with them, you're kinda friends but you don't know either of them that well yet.
  3. >Vinyl get's really shitfaced comes up you you and says,
  4. >"Hey Non, gimmie 5 bits and I'll suck your dick."
  5. >But Octavia pulls her back a bit sighing.
  6. >"I'm so sorry, she's drunk, she doesn't know what she's talking about."
  7. "Hey, come on!"
  8. >"Trust me, Vinyl is out of it right now, she's so drunk she'd fuck anything."
  9. "Well, that doesn't mean I don't want it."
  10. >"This happens all the time.. Look, I can tell you're a decent guy.. Right?"
  11. >She sighs again.
  12. >"I don't wanna see my friend get taken advantage of.. and, if you really want it so bad.."
  13. >She bits her lower lip hard.
  14. >"I'll do it, but only if you promise you'll leave Vinyl alone, deal?"
  16. >You feel your face burning red beneath your emerald hood.
  17. "Hey, don't do me any favors."
  18. >You shoot up out of your seat and storm outside, leaving a shocked Octavia and a roomful of hushed ponies staring at your wake.
  19. "Pfft...fucked I'm some kind of monster. Not my fucking fault...first bit of action I've had in this fucking candy-sweet world and she acts like I'm a fuckin' rapist for wanting it..."
  20. >You're walking briskly on a wooded path away from Pinkie's place, when you spot a moderately large tree.
  21. >You remember this's the same tree you woke up by when you first arrived in Equestria.
  22. >The same tree where a certain grey, music-loving pony had stumbled upon you, and you made your first connection in this crazy world of talking horses.
  23. >And now she hated you.
  24. >Hell, she had to. The look of disgust on her face when you were considering taking Vinyl up on her offer.
  25. >That air of resignation when she offered herself to keep you off of Vinyl...
  27. >In your anger, you take a jab at the big tree, snapping it clean in half.
  28. >Shit...your anger...
  29. >You remember that princess...Celestia? She had warned you that your body might adapt differently to the innate magic of this place.
  30. >Apparently, that meant you had super-freaking-strength in this world. And you needed to focus to keep your strength in check.
  31. >Which was hard to do when your mind was occupied with thoughts of Octavia...and how you might have just fucked up your friendship with the only pony who didn't flinch when you were near.
  33. >As you stare at the tree, you sigh heavily. You sit down next to the stump and contemplate what to do next. You just lost one of your only friends in this world. You felt utterly alone. Why did you always push people away?
  34. >"Anon!" You could hear Octavia calling your name. Honestly, you were still pissed off and didn't want to talk to her.
  35. >"Anoooon!" You hear again. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe she wanted--
  36. >"ANON! Where is he?" She wasn't giving up. You pick up a rock and flick it at a tree. It shot out of your hand like a bullet and shook the tree violently.
  37. >Octavia noticed the tree shaking and jogged over to where it was, but hesitated as you came into view.
  38. >"...Hey, Anon," she finally said after a period of silence. She slowly approached you and sat down next to you, looking into the distance as if to think of something to say.
  39. >"I'm sorry for--"
  40. "No, I'm sorry. I acted like a douche. I know you and Vinyl have a thing going on, and--"
  41. >"Wait, what thing?" She looked at you curiously. Shit, they aren't lovers. Uh, say something to cover up, quick!
  42. "Don't you live together? I, uh, didn't want to intrude on that."
  43. >"Yes, we do live together... But I don't think you'd intrude at all. I'm sorry for being so defensive," she says timidly. "I just try to look out for Vinyl. She tends to make decisions she regrets later on."
  44. "I understand. I would have done the same thing."
  45. >Silence washes over you and Octavia. It seems like an eternity before she finally breaks it.
  46. >"Y-You know, the offer still stands," she says, her face turning a rosy red.
  47. "I don't want to do anything you don't want to do."
  48. >She looks visibly relieved, and scoots closer to you.
  49. >"Thanks, Anon."
  51. >As you and Octavia sit there silently, snuggling into one another, you realize something.
  52. "Uh, Octavia? Where's Vinyl?"
  53. >Her eyes widen as she realizes the possible consequences of leaving her drunk horny friend alone at a party.
  54. >"We need to go," she said abruptly, her arm pulling you up. "Who knows how many things Vinyl has attempted to fuck while I've been gone."
  55. >Your mind flashes to a picture of a lewd Vinyl, and you blush slightly as you push that image out of your mind and hurry to catch up with Octavia, who is quite a bit ahead of you.
  56. >As you reach the party, you open the door to a pink pony.
  57. >"Heya! So glad you could make it! You know, I had my doubts about this party, but then I realized 'Psh silly me, it's a party!' And so I came anyway, and I'm really excited because--"
  58. >"Apologies, Pinkie, but we don't really have time for that. Have you seen Vinyl?" Octavia says urgently, interrupting the pink pony.
  59. >"Oh yeah, I remember her! I talked with her a little bit because she seemed fun, but then she excused herself because she said she REALLY had to go, and so she took her coltfriend in the mares bathroom, but I thought it was weird because her coltfriend went in there too! And so I--"
  60. >"Oh no," Octavia mumbles before she darts off. You quickly follow.
  61. "What's wrong? It's only her bo- uh, coltfriend, after all."
  62. >"She doesn't have one," Octavia says before reaching the bathroom. She busts in while you wait outside.
  64. >Be Octavia
  65. >As you bust in, you see Vinyl doing it with some random stallion.
  66. "Get off of her!" You attempt to sound intimidating, but it didn't work. They seemed indifferent.
  67. >"T-Tavi, don't *unf* be a k-killjoy." Vinyl says, her words slurred and her face covered in sweat.
  68. >You ignore her and push the stallion off of her, shooing him out of the restroom.
  69. >"You're no f-fun, Tavi." Vinyl grumbles, her nether regions soaked.
  70. >You sigh and grab some paper towels, trying to clean her up.
  72. >Be Anon
  73. >You look around, bored and wondering why you didn't go in there with Octavia. Oh right, you actually have some decency left in you.
  74. >A stallion catches your eye as he rushes out of the mares bathroom and into the stallions bathroom, his face sweaty and red.
  75. >Heh, Vinyl got >raped.
  76. >You look to the bathroom as you become slightly impatient. Figuring Octavia can handle the situation without you, you decide to head on over and try to make social, because if you screwed up, they were probably shitfaced and wouldn't even remember it.
  77. >Sitting down at a table, you survey the room for anyone to talk to. Among the crowd, you spot the pink pony--Pinkie, was it?--and decide to get up and talk to her.
  78. >Or you would have, if you weren't just rammed over by a living gay flag.
  79. >"Oh man, this party is *hic* so rad," the blue pony says, chuckling. Oh god.
  81. >You struggle to get up, but the blue gay pride symbol pinned you down, a rosy red blush coming across her face. This probably would have been attractive had it not been for the strong smell of alcohol on her breath.
  82. >"H-hey, don't struggle! We just met, I'm not going to make any moves on you... yet," she says with a smug smile. "My names Dainbow Ra--uh, I mean Rainbow Dash." She giggles at her own drunkenness.
  83. "I'm Anon. Mind getting off of me?"
  84. >She seems to think about it, and smiles. "Nah, I like you better on the ground." Dash laughs for no particular reason, then lets you get up.
  85. "So, uh, Rainbow Dash... What do you do?"
  86. >"I fly, duh! Well, actually I control the weather. I'm like princess of the sky or something!" She laughs at her own stupid joke, if you could call it that, and smiles at you. "What do you do?"
  87. "I actually don't have a job..."
  88. >For some reason, she finds this shocking.
  89. >"You don't have a job? Wow! I thought everyone had a job," she says, the alcohol obviously doing the talking.
  90. "No, I don't have a job. I'm looking for one, though."
  91. >Dash snickers. Not at you, but seemingly at something she thought of. "Well, I think you can stop looking for a job, because I found one for you." Dash says.
  92. "Oh?"
  93. >"Follow me," she snickers, her hoof grabbing your hand. You still don't know how that works.
  94. >She smiles absentmindedly as she drags you to the bathrooms.
  95. "Dash, I'm not having sex with you."
  96. >She looks at you with a frown. "Please? I'll pay you."
  97. "Dash..."
  99. >You try to convince Dash that you don't want to take advantage of her, even though your boner disagreed. As you try to talk her offer down, you can hear Octavia shouting your name over the music.
  100. "Listen, I've got to go. I'll talk to you later."
  101. >Dash watches you walk toward the mares bathroom, anger coming over her.
  102. >"YOU ASSHOLE!" You barely have enough time to shout into the doorway what Octavia needed before you were tackled by Rainbow Dash.
  103. >"You can't just play with people's feelings, Anon! That's rude," she states. You glare at her and gently touch her, gently enough that you won't hurt her, and rush into the bathroom.
  104. "You need something?"
  105. >You could hear Dash crying in a drunken stupor.
  106. >"Hey Anon. Vinyl passed out, and I'd rather not leave her here. Would you mind helping me?" Octavia asks politely.
  107. "Sure thing."
  108. >You walk over to Vinyl and gently pick her up in your arms. Octavia walks in front of you, trying to clear some kind of path to the doors. You appreciate what she's doing for Vinyl. It's cute.
  109. >She opens the door and you follow her outside into the nighttime streets.
  110. "Where to?"
  112. >You follow Octavia closely as you carry Vinyl carefully in your arms. The night was a little spooky, because you could swear you heard noises and rustles behind you, but there was never anyone there.
  113. >As you reached Vinyl and Octavia's house, she opens the door and directs you to Vinyl's room. "Just lay her down on the bed. I can deal with her in the morning," she says with a smile.
  114. "You sure you don't need anything else, right?"
  115. >"Yes, Anon, it's quite alright."
  116. "M'kay. I'll head out then."
  117. >"Good night."
  118. >You open the door and step outside. Closing the door behind you softly, you take a deep breath, and just as you exhale...
  119. >You see a flash of blue out of the corner of your eye and you barely have time to look before the flying rainbow tackles you to the ground.
  120. >"I want you!" she pants, her leg twitching.
  121. >Holy shit, was she horny.
  122. "Rainbow, we're outside at night and it's a public area."
  123. >"I don't care, they can watch you pummel me," she says with a drunken smile.
  124. >It doesn't seem she's going to leave you alone. Screw decency.
  125. "Okay, follow me, we'll head back to my place."
  127. >You contemplate about taking advantage of the pony. She was drunk off her ass, and you didn't want to start your sexual life in this place with rape. Sure, she "consented" to it, but she was drunk and horny and seemed kind of like a slut. A clingy slut, but still a slut.
  128. >As you open the door to your house, she dashes inside. You quietly close the door behind you, and turn back to a blushing Rainbow Dash spreading her legs on the couch.
  129. >"Now do me," she says fiercely.
  130. "Rainbow, you're drunk off your ass. You aren't thinking. Clear your mind and think about this."
  131. >She pauses for a couple seconds before she speaks.
  132. >"I can think, I'm good at being drunk. I've done it loads of times," she says with a smug smile.
  133. >Oh god she's a slut
  134. "How about you sleep and you can tell me in the morning?"
  135. >Apparently your compromise isn't good enough. She starts pursing her lip and looking at you with puppy-dog eyes. As cute as it was, you tried to avoid the bait.
  136. "I'm going to sleep. You can sleep on the couch. I said we'll talk about it tomorrow."
  137. >As you walk upstairs to your room, you hear a barrage of insults and curses hurled at you. Shrugging them off, you close your door, hop into bed, and fall asleep quickly.
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