
scp idea

Oct 25th, 2013
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  1. 21:09 Voct the lagging door is only at 78
  2. 21:09 Voct I'm vaguely disappointed
  3. 21:09 Roget voct that should be higher
  4. 21:10 Roget Also voct I had the genesis of an scp idea at work today
  5. 21:10 Roget so you know how people have cracked phone screens right
  6. 21:11 Dr_Noble Yeah?
  7. 21:11 Roget I was gonne have a crack in the universe, where the other side is some douche who cracked their screen
  8. 21:11 Roget and this side is beyond his phone
  9. 21:11 Silber Roget: sounds like a Doctor Who parody
  10. 21:11 Roget I never watched that show
  11. 21:12 Silber The first season under Stephen Moffat was about a crack in the universe caused by a plot thread he never bothered to resolve
  12. 21:12 Athena_Grey ^^ what Silber said
  13. 21:12 Silber (not literally, he's just a sloppy writer)
  14. 21:12 Athena_Grey "cracks in the universe"/"cracks in time"
  15. 21:12 Roget oh well this isn't a crack anywhere
  16. 21:12 Huitzil it's Dr. Who, not resolving it probably made it MORE sensical than what it woulda been otherwise
  17. 21:13 Roget it's in a specific location
  18. 21:13 Athena_Grey that exact phrase/motif
  19. 21:13 Dr_Noble huh, how do they know it's a phone crack?
  20. 21:13 Roget That's going to be the idea I have when I write it
  21. 21:13 Roget I dunno how yet, but that's what it's trying to get across
  22. 21:13 Roget maybe we see the other side, a plastic film is put across
  23. 21:13 *** Silber quit (Connection reset by peer)
  24. 21:14 *** Scanplayscards is now known as Scantron
  25. 21:14 Roget maybe we see a card saying "UBREAKIFIX"
  26. 21:14 Dr_Noble sometimes a giant finger pokes at it? maybe yells through it?
  27. 21:14 Huitzil there's a giant thumbprint on it
  28. 21:14 Athena_Grey .seen tahunu
  29. 21:14 Nala Athena_Grey: I last saw tahunu at 2013-10-25 06:40:26 PDT (11 h 39 m 28 s ago) saying: ...neck..
  30. 21:14 Roget giant thumbprint works
  31. 21:14 Roget or the alien equivalent thereod
  32. 21:14 Roget thereof
  33. 21:15 Dr_Noble i personally like the idea that at some point, some alien yelled into it, and it was loud enough that something bad happened.
  34. 21:15 *** Silber joined #site19
  35. 21:15 Roget I could do that.
  36. 21:15 Roget maybe the phone corresponds to one on earth
  37. 21:16 Dr_Noble what happens when the screen shatters?
  38. 21:16 Dr_Noble im assuming that it just kinda... makes the hole bigger?
  39. 21:16 Roget The phone would suck everything into space
  40. 21:17 Roget through a tiny hole
  41. 21:17 Dr_Noble oh god.
  42. 21:17 Dr_Noble So potential end of the world scenario, is the phone already contained, or not?
  43. 21:18 *** Accelerando left #site19
  44. 21:18 Roget the phone is contained after some people get sucked into space
  45. 21:18 *** Accelerando joined #site19
  46. 21:18 Roget because that's how we identified the person
  47. 21:19 Dr_Noble ahh, so containment procedures would likely involve pressure suits to interact with it, airtight chamber?
  48. 21:19 Roget yeah
  49. 21:20 Roget nah we'd put it in a pressurized room, and fix the screen
  50. 21:20 Roget and then keep a close eye on it
  51. 21:20 Dr_Noble that's probably a better idea.
  52. 21:20 Athena_Grey how could we fix the screen?
  53. 21:20 Dr_Noble and what would happen if the phone completely exploded.
  54. 21:20 Athena_Grey Don't we risk making things worse cos we don't understand enough?
  55. 21:21 Roget Put it in an environment where it won't suck all the air out
  56. 21:21 Dr_Noble IE fire a missile at it.
  57. 21:21 Roget we understand that "putting a screen on it will stop the portal to space"
  58. 21:21 Roget Dr_Noble phone-shaped anomaly in space
  59. 21:21 *** TheGreekOwl quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  60. 21:21 Dr_Noble right
  61. 21:21 Dr_Noble but seeing as the other end is the phone on earth, what happens if you destroy the one on earth? would it just suck forever and ever?
  62. 21:22 Voct it will suck, yes.
  63. 21:22 Roget that's what I mean, there would be a phone-shaped portal
  64. 21:22 Dr_Noble also, "understand" and "Anomaly" should not be in the same sentence.
  65. 21:22 Dr_Noble we understand what it does, but not how or why
  66. 21:23 RMLux So, I just finished 'East of Eden'.
  67. 21:23 RMLux John Steinbeck.
  68. 21:23 RMLux That was a great book.
  69. 21:23 *** Magnobile joined #site19
  70. 21:23 Roget Voct do you think this idea is worth writing up?
  71. 21:24 *** Wogglebug joined #site19
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