
Tempus Temptartes Traditio- Novum Tempus

Jul 28th, 2012
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  1. >You stare at the mark.
  2. >The Doctor stares at the mark.
  3. >You stare at the Doctor.
  4. >You are Anonymous, 10 year old.
  5. >And you were scared.
  7. >You climb further up the bed, trying to get away from him.
  8. >’Whoa whoa whoa…Anon? Please just…take a deep breath.’
  9. ‘Why should I?!’
  10. >You start to hyperventilate again.
  11. >’Anon…please just calm down for me. I promise I didn’t have a hoof in this, but I can help you…if you want it.’
  12. >You look into his blue eyes, and you feel your body calming down.
  13. >You give him a simple nod.
  14. >’Good. Now let’s get you into a bath. You kind of stink.’
  15. >You smell your armpit, and you realise you reek of sweat.
  16. ‘Okay…’
  17. >You climb off the bed, and follow the Doctor out of the room.
  18. >He leads you down the hall to a large bathroom, complete with shower/bath combo.
  19. >’Did you need me to-‘
  20. ‘Oh dear god no… please, just no.’
  21. >’Okay, well there are toothbrushes in the cupboard. Just pick one you like.’
  22. ‘Wait… Brushes?’
  23. >’Yes.’
  24. ‘As in…’
  25. >’Yes.’
  26. ‘So, Colgate would hurt me if I didn’t…’
  27. >’Oh, you better believe it. And if she found out I didn’t get you to clean your teeth, she will hurt me.’
  28. >An evil grin grows on your face.
  29. ‘Really?’
  30. >The Doctor smacks you over the head with a hoof.
  31. >’Go get cleaned. I’ll get breakfast ready for us.’
  32. ‘Okay…Doctor.’
  33. >You walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind you, and turn on the bath.
  35. >After about 10 minutes of scrubbing and wincing from pain, you walk out of the bathroom.
  36. >You wander the hall until you find the Doctor sitting at a table filled with food.
  37. >’Ah…Anon. I have breakfast set up.’
  38. >You sit down at the table and just stare at the food.
  39. >’Are…are you going to eat?’
  40. >You look up at him, a confused look on your face.
  41. ‘Where’s the grey mush?’
  42. >’Huh?’
  43. ‘My food. It was usually a bowl of grey mush. That’s what they told me I could only eat.’
  44. >The Doctor looks at you in horror.
  45. >’How could something say that to you? A child for Crisis sake? How could they have the heart to feed a child something I can only assume to be a gruel?’
  46. ‘I…I’m sorry Doctor. I didn’t mean to make you mad.’
  47. >The Doctor facehooved at this.
  48. >’Anon, I am not the type to get angry, and I am definitely not angry at you. Please, just try this. I bought it in town.’
  49. >He pushed what looked like a golden, fluffy crescent moon on a plate to you.
  50. >It looked so flakey and delicious, you tore off a piece and placed it in your mouth.
  51. > Instantly you were hit by a wave of buttery flavour. The pastry had melted in your mouth.
  52. >You wanted to weep for such great food, but instead you inhaled the rest of it.
  53. >’Anon?’
  54. >You continue to eat the pastry with haste.
  55. >’Anonymous?’
  56. >You look up.
  57. ‘Yes sir?’
  58. >’Anonymous…this isn’t easy for me to say…’
  59. ‘Oh...’ you give him a smile ‘Then don’t. I’ll leave now.’
  60. >’What?! No no no…Hold your…’
  61. >You snickered at that.
  62. >’Anon, I wanted to ask you if you had heard the term “tempus dominus” or -‘
  63. ‘Time Lord?’
  65. >He stares at you with shock, and you feel confused.
  66. ‘Dad taught me different languages. And no, I haven’t heard of Time Lord. Do you mind if I ask some questions too?’
  67. >’Go ahead. Would you like some juice?’
  68. ‘Yes please. Umm… Is there more of you?’
  69. >The Doctor froze in place.
  70. ‘I mean colourful equine. Or is there another sentient race here?’
  71. >’Oh… Yes and yes. We are in the land of Equestria, sentient p0nies are the main race here. But there are more like griffons, buffalo, zebras and dragons.’
  72. ‘Dragons?’
  73. >The Doctor poured some apple juice for you.
  74. >’Yes. A friend of mine in town even has a baby one… Crud.’
  75. >He placed the glass on the table, and you took a sip.
  76. >It was the best tasting juice ever.
  77. >’I should take you to see her, but there may be some issues with her mentor…’
  78. ‘Am I in trouble?’
  79. >’No…I don’t know… that’s what I need to ask next. The mark on your arm indicates you are a chronomancer, but you don’t seem to show signs of it.’
  80. ‘Yeah, Dad said it would take time to develop.’ You started to chuckle ‘Get it?’
  81. >He looked at you, gobsmacked.
  82. >’Wait, you said you never heard of time lords.’
  83. ‘Yeah, my dad told me I was what he called a time walker.’
  84. >’So…oh Crisis no…’
  85. ‘What?!’
  86. >’The ruler of these lands, Princess Celestia, she does not like chronomancers. She had them killed off around a millennia ago.’
  87. ‘Oh…so I might not live long?’
  88. >You could feel the tears beginning to build up. You look at the Doctor, and he had a stern look on his face.
  89. >’No, you will live. You just have to convince her you will never have powers.’
  90. ‘Is that how you, Colgate and evil puff stay under the radar?’
  92. >The Doctor almost looks like he is about to lay an egg.
  93. >’How…No, we are not…’
  94. ‘Please Mr. Doctor.’ You give him a stern look ‘I’m young but not stupid. Those brands are all on your butts.’
  95. >’You, son, are Brilliant! We are what you would call Time P0nies. Smart enough to use time, and stay under the radar. I run the clock shop, Colgate is a Dentist and “Evil Puff” as you call her, attends the school.’
  96. ‘I know she doesn’t like me, you know? I mean look at it from her perspective. I stole her family from her, and I don’t even belong here.’
  97. >’She needs to grow up and stop being such a foal. I mean she may only be 10, but it doesn’t mean she can be so immature.’
  98. ‘How long do your kind live for?’
  99. >’Around two millennia. Maybe longer.’
  100. ‘Wow… I mean my dad is old…but wow’
  101. >’If you don’t mind me asking, how old is your father?’
  102. ‘A hundred…’
  103. >’Oh, that’s not too bad.’
  104. ‘…millennia.’
  105. >The Doctor probably dropped an egg on that statement.
  106. >’A hundred thousand years?’
  107. ‘Yeah…more since I haven’t seen him in a few years. You actually remind me of him… He was always patient with me, no matter what I did.’
  108. >You felt down again. No tears came, but you missed him at points. The man was your father for heaven’s sake.
  109. >’Alright, subject change. Do you like pears?’
  110. >You are about to answer, when there was a ring of a doorbell.
  111. >The Doctor left the table, and you took this chance to munch more food.
  113. >The Doctor returned a few minutes later with a familiar periwinkle unicorn.
  114. >’ Hey Anonymous.’ Colgate says ‘I heard you got yourself a cutie mark.’
  115. >You look at Colgate, confused.
  116. ’The hourglass/bow tie?’
  117. >’Yeah, but I think it’s an hourglass.’
  118. ‘But bow ties are cool.’
  119. >The Doctor immediately pulled his hoof up with a smile, and you completed the bro… well, hoof.
  120. ‘Yeah, Doctor Bro.’
  121. >Colgate clears her throat, looking annoyed.
  122. >’What’s the plan for today then?’ She asked.
  123. >’We shouldn’t put it off…he needs to see Sparkle…’
  124. >They both looked upset.
  125. >You put on a brave face, and smile.
  126. ‘It’s okay guys. If this Princess Celestia wants to chat with me, I don’t care. She can’t prove I am able to do magic, and as long as I stay under the radar, I’m all good.’
  127. >They both look at you and smile softly.
  128. >’Anon…’ The Doctor says ‘It’s okay to be afraid.’
  129. ‘Sometimes you have to show courage for those who care for you. But let’s face it. I haven’t done anything wrong, so I can’t be punished for being a kid.’
  130. >’Well, if you are going out in the town, we need to teach you Equestrian.’
  131. ‘Aww…but I don’t want to learn stuff…’
  132. >’That’s good kid.’ Colgate says ‘Cos we have 2 ways to make you learn it faster.’
  133. ‘Yeah…?’
  134. >’The first is…a headbutt. Time P0ny memory transfer.’
  135. ‘Okay…I don’t like that idea…What about number 2?’
  136. >The Doctor smiles.
  137. >’Or I could transfer them via a kiss.’ She said with a slight giggle.
  138. ‘Yeah…So, about that headbutt?’
  140. >’Anon, don’t be such a child. It’s just a kiss.’
  141. ‘It’s a kiss with…you.’
  142. >’Is it because I’m a p0ny?’
  143. ‘What? No. It’s cos you’re a girl. Icky girl germs.’
  144. >’Would you prefer me instead?’ the Doctor said.
  145. ‘Poofter. Seriously though, we gunna do this head butt?’
  146. >’Okay, close your eyes cos I don’t need you flinching.’ Colgate says
  147. >You close your eyes and tense up.
  148. >You feel something cold on your forehead and then your mind flashes with memories.
  149. >Words and sentences form.
  150. >True to their word, you seemed to have learnt a few new languages
  151. >You open your eyes again to see Colgate standing in front of you, a smile on her face.
  152. >’Told you it wasn’t that bad.’
  153. ‘You...and I…’
  154. >You wanted to throw up.
  155. >’Oh come on Anon. Would you like another one?’
  156. >She gives you a half lidded gaze.
  157. >You run away, only to be caught in a magic field.
  158. >Your body is dragged closer to Colgate.
  159. ‘DOCTOR HELP!!’
  160. >The Doctor smacks Colgate over the head, breaking her concentration, letting you go.
  161. >’Stop being mean to the colt.’ He said.
  162. >’Aww…but he’s so cute…’
  163. >’This is why I chose to look after him. He would get attacked by the two of you.’
  164. >’Oh…I thought it was because you were alone.’
  165. ‘No.’
  166. >They both turn to look at you.
  167. ‘He took me in because I was alone. I was scared. And if I didn’t feel completely safe around him, I would have run away last night.’
  168. >You feel something wet roll down your face.
  169. >A single tear.
  170. ‘Well…look at that. I’m upset now. Sorry. I’ll just go get cleaned up and we can do what you guys want.’
  171. >You walk out of there with your head held high.
  172. >You knew, wherever he was, father was proud.
  173. >And carrying gumballs.
  175. >After giving your face a good scrub again, you walk out of the bathroom to see Colgate waiting for you.
  176. ‘umm…hi?’
  177. >’Anon, are you okay?’
  178. ‘Yeah, fine. Why do you ask?’
  179. >’Well, I was worried you were still feeling alone.’
  180. >You give Colgate a warm smile.
  181. ‘My dad disappeared when I was 5, around the same time I was taken by the government. I’m not alone with you guys around, because at least I know you care about me.’
  182. >’Did you want to talk about it?’
  183. ‘Not really. Maybe another time. I’d like to make some new friends, and a dragon sounds like a pretty cool one to make friends with.’
  184. >Colgate giggles.
  185. >’Quite the optimist, aren’t we?’
  186. ‘Can’t hurt to smile once in a while.’
  187. >’Hmmm…Might go there too.’ Colgate mutters ‘Come on kiddo, we have things to do, and none of the time in the world to do them.’
  188. ‘Is the Doctor coming too?’
  189. >’He has to run his store today, so it’s just you and me.’
  190. ‘Promise no more mushy stuff?’
  191. >She gives you a smile.
  192. >’But you’re so cutesy wootsy itty bitty monkey…’
  193. >Colgate nuzzles your face, making you blush deeply.
  194. >’Come on. I even bought you a present.’
  195. >Your eyes light up at the idea of a present for you.
  196. >Colgate levitates from her satchel a black robe.
  197. >’I know it’s not much, but I thought you might like it.’
  198. >You were lost for words, so you latch onto her for a hug.
  199. ‘Thank you… It means a lot to me.’
  200. >’It’s okay Anon. Now, try it on so we can get going.’
  202. >The robe fit perfectly, and it had a hood so you could hide your face.
  203. > It made you feel like the Grim Reaper, which made you laugh.
  204. >That guy can’t touch you.
  205. >Colgate told you that it would make you seem like a baby dragon as long as you hid your hands and feet and you closed the front.
  206. >You follow Colgate to the front door, saying goodbye to the Doctor.
  207. >Your first steps outside brought you into a whole new world.
  208. >You didn’t notice it last night, but everything was covered in snow.
  209. >Other colourful p0nies trotted through the snow, smiling, doing their day to day work.
  210. >It was like something out of a story book.
  211. >Colgate stepped out first, and you followed, trying not to look suspicious.
  212. >’Don’t worry kid.’ Colgate whispered ‘You’ll be fine.’
  213. >The two of you start walking into the town, the light snow cover crunching under your feet/hooves.
  214. >P0nies give you a confused look, but go back to what they were doing.
  215. >Your nerves died down and you began to walk with a bit less fear of being caught.
  216. >’Can you still understand me?’
  217. >You give Colgate a nod, still too shy to talk in public.
  218. >You round a bend, and you smell delicious baked goods coming from a large brown building that looked like a massive cake.
  219. >That was probably where the Doctor got the pastries for breakfast.
  220. >As you try to take another step, your robe stops you.
  221. >Something seems to have snagged it.
  222. >You turn back to see a blue p0ny with a rainbow mane…and wings.
  223. >A Pegasus.
  224. >She looks right at you, giving you an evil look.
  225. >You spin forward, to see Colgate hadn’t noticed you were stuck behind.
  226. >You try to run forward, but the Pegasus held you tight.
  228. >You look back to see the Pegasus stepping up your robe more, pulling you back
  229. >She bared her teeth, and you felt afraid.
  230. >You do the only reasonable thing to do.
  231. >You rip your robe open at the front and run like a greyhound.
  232. >The Pegasus was surprised at first, but then started to chase after you.
  233. >The town watched on as a small hairless ape was chased by the blue Pegasus.
  234. >She gained on you fast, and you were nowhere near Colgate.
  235. ‘COLGATE!!! HELP!!’
  236. >Colgate spun to see you get tackled in to the snow.
  237. >The Pegasus grabbed your head and started to bash it into the ground.
  238. >There was a sickening snap as your nose broke, sending blood gushing onto the pristine white snow.
  239. >Suddenly the weight on your back was lifted and something picked you up.
  240. >You open your eyes to see the Pegasus being held against a building by Colgate, while a cream p0ny with a red and pink mane helped you to your feet.
  241. >’WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT RAINBOW DASH?!?’ Screamed Colgate.
  242. >’He was trying to hurt you.’ Said the Pegasus, supposedly called Rainbow Dash. ‘You should be thanking me.’
  244. >’Well…Look at him, he’s big enough to take you down.’
  245. >’HE’S TEN!’
  246. >A gasp rang out around you.
  247. >’wha…what?’
  248. >Colgate lowered Rainbow Dash to the ground.
  249. >’I said he’s ten. And he wasn’t attacking me, he was coming with me to see Twilight.’
  250. >’But…but I was just trying to save you.’
  251. >’Oh good work Rainbow Dash! Save me from the bucking child who was too afraid to leave the house. I TOLD HIM EVERYP0NY WAS NICE HERE!!’
  253. >Rainbow Dash started to get angry that she was being called out in front of the town.
  256. >Rainbow Dash looks at you, and flies away at break neck speed.
  257. >Colgate takes a few deep breaths and turns to look at you.
  258. >You were trying your hardest not to cry, but the pain was too much.
  259. >’Thank you Rose. That was very kind of you.’
  260. >’It’s okay Colgate. You going to be alright, little one?’
  261. >you give Rose a nod, and squeak out a “thank you”.
  262. >Colgates horn glowed, and you were lifted off your feet and onto her back.
  263. ‘Did…did you mean what you said?’
  264. >’That she’s a lousy flier?’
  265. ‘The family thing…’
  266. >’Well, of course. Everyp0ny needs a family.
  267. >You give Colgate another hug, and she giggles.
  268. >’Come on. Let’s go get you something to make you feel better.’
  269. >She carries you towards the large cake house, the smell of food making your tongue water.
  270. >The little bell on the top of the door rings as the two of you enter.
  271. >A flash of pink jumps up in front of you, and you almost fall off your trusty family member.
  272. >’HiColgate! Ohwho’sthis? He’snewinP0nyvillecosIknoweveryp0nyandyou’renotap0nysowhoareyou’
  273. >’Pinkie!’ Colgate said with force.
  274. >Of course her name is Pinkie.
  275. >’Yes Colgate?’ Pinkie said with a wide grin, before her eyes fell on you again ‘OHMYCUPCAKES!! What happened to him?!’
  276. >’Anon had a run in with Rainbow, and she beat him up.’
  277. >’Why would she do that?’
  278. >’She still thinks she has a chance with me. I just came in here to get him something to cheer him up.’
  280. >Pinkie’s hair went straight, and she pulled out a knife from thin air.
  281. >’Should I…?’ She makes stabby motions.
  282. >’What? No. He just needs a smile.’
  283. >Pinkie’s hair poofed back to a fluffy style, and she smiled.
  284. >’Well I can help with that! What do you feel like?’
  285. >You sat on Colgate’s back in silence.
  286. >’Sorry Pinkie. Anon is a bit shy.’
  287. >’Ooo…okie dokie lokie. How about I tell you what we have, and you can nod if you want one?’
  288. >You nod a bit, still nervous to look her in the eyes.
  289. >’Cake?’ you shake your head ‘pancakes?’ shake ‘muffin?’ shake ‘pie?’ shake.
  290. >Pinkie pie rattles off everything she has on the menu, and begins on other stuff.
  291. >’A pink elephant?’ shake ‘A party?’ shake ‘A hug?’
  292. >You are about to shake your head, but stop.
  293. >You surprise the mares by nodding your head.
  294. >Pinkie gets onto her hind legs and wraps her fore hooves around your neck.
  295. >You give her a hug back, and you smell a sweet cotton candy aroma coming from her poofy pink mane.
  296. >A smile starts to grow on your face, filling your insides with warmth.
  297. >’Huh?’ Colgate said. ‘But how?’
  298. >’Silly Filly’ Pinkie giggled ‘A hug is spoken in every language.’
  299. ‘Thank you Miss Pinkie.’ You whisper.
  300. >’Yes, thank you Pinkie Pie. We have to go see Twilight now.’
  301. >’Okie Dokie Lokie. Make sure you come back for a party!’
  302. >You smile and nod your head as Colgate carries you out.
  304. >’Are you okay?’ Colgate asks as she walks through the town.
  305. ‘Face….owies…’ is all you can muster.
  306. >’Just hold on. The p0ny we are going to see knows healing magic.’
  307. >She carries you further into town, the residents no longer giving you curious looks, more ones of concern or soft smiles to see you are alright.
  308. >Colgate was right, most p0nies in the town were really nice. You can’t help but smile a bit more, but it makes your face hurt more.
  309. >After a few minutes, you find yourselves outside a large oak tree with windows and a door. The sign hanging overhead had a piece of paper on it.
  310. >Colgate knocks on the door, and a small purple and green lizard answers.
  311. >’Hey Spike? Twilight in. We have some stuff to talk about.’
  312. >’Hey Colgate. Umm…We?’
  313. >He finally sees you sitting on Colgate’s back.
  314. >’Who or what is that? Some sort of monkey?’
  315. >’Spike! This is Anon. He’s only young, and We came to see Twilight about him, but he got beaten up by Rainbow.’
  316. >Spike steps out of the way, and Colgate walks in.
  317. >She levitates you off her back and onto a stool.
  318. >’Twilight’ Colgate called.
  319. >’I’ll be down in a second.’ Came a voice from the stairs. ‘If you want, you can make some tea.’
  320. >You look around the room to see it was filled with books.
  321. >It was like a gateway to knowledge.
  322. >You decide if you survive this next week, you wanted to read everything.
  323. >’So,’ said Spike ‘You had a fight with Rainbow?’
  324. >You nod.
  325. >’Wanna see something cool?’
  326. >You nod again.
  327. >Spike takes a deep breath and shoots out a green flame.
  328. >Your eyes go wide, and you smile again.
  330. >There was a sound of hoofsteps coming down the stairs and you look over to see a purple unicorn with a purple mane.
  331. >She immediately notices you, and gallops at you.
  332. >You try to run, but you are immediately grabbed in a magic field.
  333. >’Wow…this must be the new species Colgate contacted me about.’ She said. ‘It really does look like a shaved monkey.’
  334. >She turned you around to see your face.
  335. > Activated ultimate pokerface.
  336. >’Hmm… you seem to have two eyes, and a flat nose and a mouth… but you are covered in blood.’
  337. >She floats you closer to her face.
  338. >’Let’s look at your teeth.’
  339. >Oh, you’ll give her a look.
  340. >She brings you close to her snout.
  341. >You quickly open your mouth and bite her on her nose.
  342. >Her magic drops and you run towards the door that looks like the kitchen.
  343. >You find Colgate holding a teapot with her magic.
  344. >You run behind her, and hide before a furious purple unicorn bursts in.
  345. >’WHERE IS IT?!’ She screamed.
  346. >’What happened?’ Colgate said, hiding you with her tail.
  347. >’That thing bit me!’
  348. >’Hmm…okay? And what did you say or do to “it” before this happened?’
  349. >’Nothing!’
  350. >’Twilight?’
  351. >’Fine.’ Twilight sighs. ‘I came downstairs and it was sitting there, so I ran over to check it out. I looked it over, and remarked in how it did look like a shaved monkey.’
  352. >’So…you ran at HIM, scared HIM to death, and then insulted HIM to his face?’
  353. >’What?’
  354. >’Twilight, did you even once think that he was sentient? Or that he might have feelings? Or be frightened of a purple p0ny running at him? Or even why his nose was flat and his face was covered in blood?’
  355. >You sneak a peek from behind Colgate’s tail to see Twilight’s face looking upset.
  357. >’I…I’m sorry Colgate. I was just so excited about the prospects of a new species, I didn’t think it was sentient.’
  358. >’Well HE is. And he is scared because he is only young, and to top it all off, Rainbow Dash attacked him out of nowhere.’
  359. >’Did he attack her too?’
  360. >’What?! No! She tackled him when we walked here. Anon has done nothing to aggravate anyp0ny, he’s only 10.’
  361. >’And how long does…his kind live for?’
  362. >Colgate looks at you, and you shrug.
  363. >’About 80 to 100 years.’
  364. >’So…he really is just a child?’
  365. >’YES! And he’s scared. And he’s in pain, which was why I brought him here. He has a broken nose, and since you know healing magic, can you heal him please?’
  366. >’Oh of course.’
  367. >She started to walk forwards, and you hid behind Colgate’s tail.
  368. >’Please don’t hide. I’m sorry about before.’
  369. >You slowly walk out from behind Colgate, still wary of Twilight.
  370. >’Go on,’ Colgate said ‘You can trust her.’
  371. >You slowly shuffle over to her, and she gives you a warm smile.
  372. >Her horn started to glow purple.
  373. >’You may feel a little sting.’
  374. >You close your eyes, and hear a small crack.
  375. >The pain from your face had gone and you could breathe again.
  376. >You open your eyes and give Twilight a small smile.
  377. >’Your welcome, I think?’
  378. >’Anon, how about you go sit on the couch while I chat to Twilight about some things.’
  379. >You nod and walk out to the main part of the library, finding a nice couch to climb up on.
  380. >You had just gotten comfortable when the front door was enveloped in a light blue aura and a white unicorn with a styled purple mane and a silk purple scarf walked in.
  382. >She shook the snow off her gem encrusted boots before her eyes fell on you.
  383. >’Oh aren’t you marvellous. Are you another one of Twilight’s helpers?’
  384. >you just stared at her.
  385. >’Can you understand me Darling?’
  386. >More staring.
  387. >’O…kay. Twilight!’
  388. >’In the kitchen Rarity.’
  389. >Rarity walked to the kitchen door to see Twilight and Colgate sitting down for tea.
  390. >’Hello Colgate, how are we?’
  391. >’Good.’ They both replied.
  392. >’I didn’t know you hired another assistant, Twilight.’
  393. >’Oh, he’s not an assistant.’
  394. >’Oh, so a new pet?’
  395. >A pillow hit Rarity in the back of the head, and she spun to see you sitting there quietly.
  396. >’I…I didn’t know you could get such exotic creatures in P0nyville. Where is the little monkey from?’
  397. >This time, Rarity was knocked forward by a large hardback book.
  398. >She spun again, but you hadn’t moved from your spot.
  399. >Colgate was trying to hold back her laughter.
  400. >’Rarity? I don’t think it’s a good time to call-‘
  401. >’Oh nonsense Darling. Now, where in the Everfree forest did it come fro-AHA!’
  402. >She spun too quickly to see you launch another book, but not fast enough to dodge it.
  403. >The book smacked Rarity in the face, knocking her back to the ground.
  404. >Colgate burst into laughter and Twilight giggled.
  405. >As quickly as she went down, Rarity was up and she was angry.
  406. >’WHY YOU LITTLE!!!’
  407. >Initiate CutenessSecuritySystems.exe
  408. >Operation Sad Kitty.
  409. >You put on your most heartbreaking face, your eyes almost growing larger from cuteness.
  410. >Rarity looks into your eyes, and her anger melts away.
  411. >’D’aww…I can’t stay mad at such a cute face.’
  412. >Good, cos you doubt Colgate would save you a third time.
  414. >Colgate walks forwards.
  415. >’Anon, apologise to Rarity for hitting her.’
  416. >You fold your arms and look at her spitefully
  417. >’Don’t give me that look. Do it!’
  418. >You stand and stomp your foot.
  419. >’I don’t care what she called you, you are my responsibility and you will respect your elders.’
  420. >’Colgate, darling.’ Rarity said, stepping forward ‘I did insult him, don’t yell at him for his actions.’
  421. >’No, Rarity. He has to learn to-‘
  422. >WHACK!!
  423. >Another book finds Colgate in the face.
  424. >Anon: 5 P0nies: 2
  425. >Anon Wins!
  426. >The crowds go…angry.
  427. >Oh darn…Colgate looks angry.
  428. >You try to run, but she already had your legs trapped in a magic field.
  429. >She steps closer.
  430. >’Are you going to apologise to us?’
  431. >You shake your head in defiance.
  432. >Colgate stands close to your face.
  433. >’You want to reconsider that?’
  434. >You stick your tongue at her.
  435. >’Very well…’
  436. >She gives you an evil smile, and you realise what she was planning to do.
  437. >Colgate starts to nuzzle your face and you tense up.
  438. >’Colgate?’ Twilight said ‘What are you doing?’
  439. >’It’s okay. This is how I make him behave. I embarrass him.’
  440. >You try to push her away, but her magic holds you down.
  441. >A wild idea hits you and you hide the smile it gives you.
  442. >As Colgate continues to nuzzle you, you go limp.
  443. >No matter how much she tickles you, your body doesn’t move.
  444. >You feel her suddenly stop nuzzling you.
  445. >’Anon? Are you okay?’
  446. >You stay catatonic, and you can see she is worried.
  447. >’Anon, if you are okay, please tell me.’
  448. >You don’t move, and you force yourself to hide the smile.
  450. >’Oh Crisis no… David is going to be angry at me. He told me not to tease you like that, and I still did.’
  451. >Hearing that made this ten times better.
  452. >’Twilight, I should get Anon back home for now. Can you let me know what Princess Celestia says in the letter?’
  453. >’Of course Colgate.’ You hear Twilight say.
  454. >Magic envelopes your body and you are lifted from the ground and onto Colgate’s back.
  455. >You lie there, motionless, having a hell of a time.
  456. >Colgate walks out the door and towards the clock shop.
  457. >Along the way, you could hear Colgate sobbing.
  458. >’David told me not to tease him…He said the colt was alone…I promised…’
  459. >Your heart felt heavy hearing this.
  460. >You wrap your arms around her neck, and give her a hug.
  461. >She almost jumps out of her skin.
  462. ‘She called me a monkey…’ you whisper.
  463. >’You are a monkey’
  464. ‘Yes, but I’m your family’s monkey.’
  465. >’You’re pretty good at playing dead.’
  466. ‘How do you think I lasted so long held captive?’
  467. >Colgate looked depressed again.
  468. ‘Don’t worry. Come on, let’s go home. The Doctor must miss me by now.’
  469. >Colgate laughed.
  470. >’Yeah, he’s probably working on the TARDIS right now.’
  471. ‘What’s a “Tadas”?’
  472. >’Uh…nothing. We can talk about when you get older.’
  473. ‘Colgate…You said you thought of me as family, right?’
  474. >’Yeah, of course Anony mouse.’
  475. >You giggle at her nickname for you.
  476. ‘Well…can I call you…”Aunty”?’
  477. >Colgate stopped walking.
  478. >’Ah-wha…?’
  479. ‘Don’t….don’t worry about it?’
  480. >’Okay…Nephew.’
  481. >You smile and hug Colgate around the neck.
  482. >’Don’t worry, silly filly. Come on. I’ll get you home and then I’ll grab Minnie and we can have dinner together.’
  483. ‘Thank you Aunty Colgate.’
  485. >You and Colgate walk into the clock shop just as a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane walked out.
  486. >’Ah Colgate, Anon,’ The Doctor said from behind the counter. ‘I didn’t think you’d be back this late.’
  487. >’We had some issues at the Library. Twilight said she would contact us when a letter came through.’
  488. >’What…what happened?’
  489. >You couldn’t hide your smile.
  490. >’Anon, here, threw 2 books at Rarity and bit Twilight.’
  492. >The Doctor burst out laughing.
  493. >Colgate hit him over the head.
  494. >’Don’t encourage him.’
  495. >’Oowww…Anything else.
  496. >’Yeah, Rainbow Dash beat him up on the way there, so if she comes by, demand an apology.’
  497. >’Are you okay Anon?’
  498. >You nod as you walk out of the room.
  499. >You were tired, and wanted to relax.
  500. >As you hit the hall, a wave of smell hit you.
  501. >The strong essence of gumballs coming from the other end of the house.
  502. >As you creep closer, you can hear a female voice singing.
  503. >It was unlike any voice you had heard before.
  504. >” Tick tock goes the clock, And what now shall we play? Tick tock goes the clock, Now summer’s gone away?”
  505. ‘Hello? Is anyone down here?’
  506. >The voice continued to sing, the smell of gumballs getting stronger.
  507. >You get to the end of the hall, the singing and smell coming from the other side.
  508. >You try for the handle, and it was unlocked.
  509. >Pushing the door open, you immediately notice how dark it is.
  510. >You step in, following the singing and smell again, not noticing the door closing behind you on it’s own.
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