
Cold Bodies, Warm Hearts (ch1)

Aug 6th, 2018
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  1. EARLY RELEASE FOR ALL MY PATRONS! Sorry it's late, I could've sworn I'd posted it last night...
  3. I'll be honest with you, this is an old roleplay and I barely even remember what we did during it haha. But it's of one of the ships I originally coined and wrote the first ever fanfic for (it's called Rust). Weiss and Penny, or as I call it Cold Hard Cash, for lots of robot/lonely cold rich girl reasons.
  5. We wrote it several years ago so any mention/characterization of Winter/Whitely/Jacques is probably off from canon. It's a non-Beacon/non-huntress AU where Weiss is just the heiress to SDC, home-schooled and sheltered.
  7. It's in 5 parts and I hope you enjoy!
  9. Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY.
  11. ----------
  13. Cold Bodies, Warm Hearts
  15. Part 1.
  17. Weiss Schnee was a very important person.
  19. She had a set schedule to abide by, a set time to wake up every morning so she could engage in her scrupulous activities.
  21. There was a certain… person, however, who would always ensure she woke on time, come barging - sometimes quite literally - into her bedroom with a much-too-loud and much-too-cheerful call of her name to rouse her. And as Weiss glared at her alarm clock now, she knew it wouldn't be long before that happened.
  23. She opted to enjoy her last few minutes of rest, closing her eyes again and trying to hold onto the last few shreds of calmness before she could make out the sounds of uniform footsteps coming down the hall. She let out a long sigh as she counted down the final seconds.
  25. 5…4…3…2…
  27. . . .
  29. Penny walked briskly down the halls of the Schnee manor, smiling a bit too widely and eyes a little too bright for that particular time of morning. She walked up to the door and knocked firmly before letting herself in anyway.
  31. "Good morning, Miss Schnee!" Penny called into the room as she walked across it, throwing open the curtains to let in the early morning light. She turned her beaming smile to the room's sole occupant whose only reply was a poorly-concealed groan. Continuing with her wide smile, Penny moved about the room readying things for the heiress' day as per usual.
  33. . . .
  35. Weiss sighed, long and heavy, as her personal bodyguard barged through the door. But she really wasn't surprised anymore. She'd lived with the girl like this all her life, after all.
  37. "Good morning, Penny," Weiss grumbled as she sat herself up. "On time, as always." She rubbed her eyes a bit, watching the girl as she bounded about the room, fixing every single object on every single surface until all was immaculate and not an iota of dust remained. Weiss had long-since given up telling the girl she didn't need to fix everything to such a degree, but Penny never listened, always politely saying things like "Everything has to be perfect - like you!"
  39. She may have been an android, but other than the fact that Penny lacked a heart, there was nothing inhuman about her. She'd been designed and created with the sole purpose in mind to live and grow alongside Weiss, to be her bodyguard, her protector, and her closest companion. And she certainly was.
  41. Sometimes a bit too close.
  43. Weiss made eye contact with the girl and offered a small smile. "And please, when we're alone, call me Weiss," she reminded her yet again.
  45. . . .
  47. "And you abed and grumbling as always," Penny remarked with a giggle as she finished adjusting things to perfection.
  49. Weiss was the only girl Penny had ever been close to; of course that's what she was made to do. Serving and protecting the heiress from a young age, Weiss was the sole reason for her existence, and Penny always tried to treat her as such.
  51. "Of course! And how are you feeling this early morning, Weiss?" Penny strolled over and stuck her smiling face right up close to the heiress' own, putting emphasis on her name.
  53. . . .
  55. Weiss might've taken offense to the comment if she hadn't known any better. But she knew nothing Penny ever said could be with ill-intent; not if it was to or about Weiss, anyway. The girl was always good-natured and peppy in all aspects involving the Schnee heiress.
  57. When Penny skipped over to her, Weiss couldn't help but recoil at the intimate proximity. She should've been used to that by now too, but closeness was still something she was working on.
  59. "I'm well. And I trust you are as well?" Weiss reached her hands up toward Penny so the girl could help her out of bed.
  61. . . .
  63. Penny smiled despite Weiss moving away; intimacy with the heiress was difficult, but something Penny found immensely gratifying on the rare occasions it did happen. Penny reached out, helping the heiress out of the small mountain of downy pillows and comforters that was her bed.
  65. "Sensational!" Penny giggled. "So what's on the agenda for today?"
  67. . . .
  69. "Just the usual," Weiss replied before heading to her dresser to pull out a change of clothes. "Some combat training lessons. But my afternoon tutor caught a cold, so Father told me last night I'll be free this evening shortly after lunch."
  71. It was a nice feeling to have a break every once in a while.
  73. Weiss was an important person. She was the heiress to the company, after all, and even her sister Winter was accompanied by guards everywhere she went. Therefore, Weiss's father kept her inside as much as possible, homeschooling her and training her to fight.
  75. But Weiss never really understood why she herself needed to learn. She enjoyed learning combat and was highly-skilled at it. But any issue that ever came her way was effortlessly dealt with by Penny before Weiss could so much as lift a finger.
  77. Not much happened in the mansion that would require Penny's assistance in a fight, but a kidnapping attempt when Weiss was younger had called for Penny's constant presence with her ever since.
  79. Weiss chose a blue combat skirt for the day, and soon slipped into it after freshening up in her personal bathroom. She was back beside Penny within moments.
  81. "Let's get to breakfast first. Rather than the usual droids, I want to train with you today, Penny."
  83. . . .
  85. Penny nodded, pleased. Weiss was serious about her duties and training, a little too serious sometimes. Hearing there would be time to relax was good. Besides, that meant personal time with the heiress - something Penny always enjoyed.
  87. As usual, Penny noticed Weiss' scar as she went about getting ready for the day; a memento from a time when Penny hadn't been there. While the heiress had always lamented the scar and its visibility, Penny did her best to reassure her that she looked beautiful, commenting that the scar gave her a "fierce beauty".
  89. Penny smirked; she hadn't always had that expression. She was sure she had picked it up from Weiss. Sparring with her mistress had become a more and more regular occurrence as Weiss' skills surpassed the standard androids, making them trivial opponents.
  91. "Of course."
  93. Training with Weiss was thrilling to Penny, a sign of trust, and an intimacy, a dance of skill and sweat, careful grace and feral beauty.
  95. . . .
  97. When she was finished tying her hair up into its usual ponytail, Weiss straightened herself up before heading to the door. Penny bounded at her side, eager as ever to start a new day.
  99. Growing up as she had, Weiss did not have many friends. Any hopes of making them were thwarted by her father's decision to keep her indoors to keep her safe. Penny was her closest companion, and Weiss often dismissed or forgot the fact that she wasn't human.
  101. She still sat down to eat beside Weiss every morning, noon, and evening. She still talked and trained with Weiss every day. She still offered comfort and needed a bit of comforting herself from time to time. She still grew and showed signs of aging as the years went on.
  103. The only thing that was different was beneath her skin, and Weiss didn't care for any of that. Penny was her friend, though it'd take a little effort to ever have her admit such a thing out loud.
  105. They reached the dining hall, and Weiss greeted her father, sister, and brother at the table before taking her seat.
  107. . . .
  109. Penny took her customary seat next to the heiress. While she didn't need to eat, it was one of her duties to make sure nothing Weiss ate was poisoned.
  111. In all their years together the worst Penny had ever discovered was a bit of egg that was a little too far past its sell-by date, but she always insisted on trying anything before Weiss ate any of it. Though if she was being honest with herself, it was just to tease the stubborn girl.
  113. As she sat down, Penny greeted the other members of the Schnee family with courteous nods as food was brought in. Weiss picked up her utensils, but Penny put a hand on hers, stopping her from eating and giving her a teasing look.
  115. "Come now We- Miss Schnee, you know I have to try it first." She almost used her name casually, not something to be done in front of her father.
  117. . . .
  119. Weiss sighed, rolling her eyes good-naturedly.
  121. "Right. How careless of me…" She momentarily put down her utensils and waited for Penny to test the food.
  123. Penny had normal taste buds, so she would react as a human would to poison. Initially, Weiss had been upset that should her food ever truly be poisoned, Penny would suffer the consequences. But luckily for the both of them, Penny's body was equipped with special neurons and devices that would cure her entirely after the initial warning sings of foul play were detected.
  125. If any of the family chefs had wanted Weiss dead, they would have attempted it by now.
  127. . . .
  129. Presently, Penny took a bite of the heiress' food, and Weiss waited patiently for the verdict.
  131. Penny smiled, forking a few bites from Weiss's plate and chewing on it thoughtfully for few moments.
  133. "It's fine," she replied smiling at her charge.
  135. While she admitted to herself that it was at the very most extremely unlikely someone would try to poison Weiss, especially one of the family's own chefs, part of the reason she still insisted on doing it was because she didn't know what she would do with herself if something ever did happen to Weiss.
  137. . . .
  139. "Thank you, Penny," Weiss said. She then took up her fork and knife again and began eating slowly. Her father and sister struck up casual conversations about work or news in town, and Weiss joined in whenever she saw fit. She glanced sideways at Penny a few times to make sure she ate as well.
  141. When at last they had finished, Weiss excused herself. "Thank you for the meal. Now then," she turned to Penny expectantly. "Let's head on over to the training area."
  143. She led the way down the halls that seemed to stretch for miles, but the quick, confident stride Weiss had grown up strutting all her life had her covering the distance in only a few moments.
  145. They reached the exit that led to an outdoor training area, closed off and secured by high fences. Sometimes, their fights could get a little out of hand, so all equipment was made to be sturdy. The ground was majorly level, but there were several hurdles, targets, and jumps set up randomly, changed every day by the servants to keep the heiress' skills sharp.
  147. She turned to Penny and smiled kindly. "Myrtenaster, if you would?"
  149. . . .
  151. Penny followed Weiss's confident stride with her own even pace, quickly reaching the enclosed training grounds. She couldn't help but smile as they walked out onto the familiar grounds - she had many good memories here with Weiss.
  153. At Weiss' request, Penny piped up.
  155. "Certainly!"
  157. Taking the slim rapier from its case, Penny presented it to Weiss, the blade across her open palms as a pair of her own swords floated up behind her, sliding into her hands as Weiss took Myrtenaster. Easing back into her familiar ready stance, Penny grinned across to Weiss.
  159. "En garde!"
  161. . . .
  163. Weiss dipped her head gratefully as she accepted her beloved rapier from the petite hands of her bodyguard. The heiress then took a step back, her blade never leaving its mark where it was aimed at Penny, her eyes never leaving that bright teal gaze that followed her every move.
  165. When she was satisfied with the distance between them, Weiss smirked a little, letting the fun of it all overtake her.
  167. "Allez."
  169. And with that, she charged forward, utilizing her semblance of glyphs to propel herself forward across the open field. She aimed for Penny's legs; as her mistress, Weiss knew all of the girls weak spots.
  171. But of course, the same was true for Penny.
  173. . . .
  175. Grinning as the dance began, Penny dodged to the side, avoiding Weiss' charge as she brought her pair of swords to bear. Weiss was an excellent fighter with the rapier, but against Penny's twin swords she could be overwhelmed.
  177. But of course they knew each other well enough that it was never that easy.
  179. Swords sang as they clashed, humming from impact after impact as they danced, sidestepping and parrying with long practiced skill.
  181. One of the things she loved most about her training fights with Weiss was that she never really knew who would win; it took but the slightest mistake and the game would be over, just a matter of who would blink first.
  183. And then an opening. Her teal eyes locked with Weiss' crystal blue ones, and in them was a smirk. At this moment Penny realized she had left an opening as well, both moving to exploit. This dance was coming to an end and Penny wasn't sure who was winning.
  185. . . .
  187. Weiss had been raised to be elegant in every sense of the word, and her performance on the battlefield was certainly not an exception. She'd once been told fighting was not unlike dancing, being able to read a partner's motions and follow them, match them step for step.
  189. She twisted her body at every angle necessary to avoid Penny's blades, though Weiss knew they would never actually touch or hurt her. Agile as a cat, the heiress flipped backward off one of her glyphs, crouching and then kicking off one of the hurdles and throwing herself back into the fray.
  191. They were evenly matched more often than not, and Weiss always requested a spar with Penny whenever she grew bored of the usual droids.
  193. It was constant action between them, only a few brief pauses to catch the other's eyes, see if she could read her partner's next move before she could make it. The consistent flow of motion made the half hour they sparred seem like mere minutes. It was exhilarating and intoxicating, and if she could, Weiss would never stop.
  195. But unlike Penny, she was only human, and she had her limits.
  197. One more dodge and one more strike found them at a stalemate, blades at one another's throats, the intensity in their eyes fading as the tension left their shoulders.
  199. "Another draw," Weiss huffed, sheathing her rapier. "I'll best you… next time…" she promised smugly. "Perhaps later though… I need a moment to slow my heart…" She put a hand to her chest and did her best to catch her breath, perpetually in awe - and slightly jealous - that Penny never seemed to be affected in the slightest after such rigorous combat.
  201. . . .
  203. Penny lowered her blades, allowing them to float back to their sheaths as Weiss rested.
  205. "I believe that is the fourth time you've said you'll best me… next time," Penny replied with a wry smile.
  207. Then she watched, interested as Weiss put a hand over her heart. A fascination of hers - the human heart that is.
  209. She did not know what it was like to have something like that always alive and beating, and Weiss' heartbeat had enthralled her ever since the first time she had heard it. It had taken her weeks to build up the courage to ask something so intimate of Weiss, but her curiosity had gotten the better of her.
  211. "Your heart…" Penny murmured, the sound breaking her out of her own reverie as she noticed she had been staring.
  213. . . .
  215. Weiss rolled her eyes as Penny spoke a little amusedly to her. "I know I've said it before… but I actually mean it this time…" she muttered.
  217. The heiress coughed a few times, pacing back and forth for a few seconds and trying to get her pulse to drop. But when she next looked up, her eyes met bright teal again. There was a familiar look in Penny's gaze, and Weiss knew exactly what it meant.
  219. She still remembered the first time Penny had showed interest in her heart. It had been several years ago, and Weiss had only begrudgingly agreed to let her listen then. As they grew older, however, Weiss got more used to the physical contact, uncommon as it was, but still preferred to do such things behind closed doors.
  221. But… no one was here now….
  223. She sighed hopelessly and offered Penny a small smile.
  225. "If… If you'd like to… listen… you're welcome to come here for a moment…"
  227. Weiss opened her arms slightly, inviting.
  229. . . .
  231. Penny glanced around excitedly before quickly moving to Weiss' side. She smiled and gently placed her hands on Weiss' waist, lowering her ear over the heiress' chest, feeling the heat of her body after their training and smelling the light tinge of salty sweat.
  233. Ba-thump…
  235. The bass thump of Weiss' heartbeat filled her ears, causing her to smile. She couldn't quite say why she enjoyed it so much - on the rare occasions Weiss would indulge her, it made her feel closer to the young heiress than anything else. It made her feel warm even though her body was naturally cold due to the lack of a heart of her own.
  237. She closed her eyes and just listened, letting Weiss' gentle heartbeat blot out everything else.
  239. Content to just listen as long as Weiss would allow her to, here was where she felt real, more than just a bodyguard - this was her reason for staying by Weiss' side. She didn't know exactly what it meant or what it was, but she knew it made her happy.
  241. . . .
  243. Weiss shivered slightly as Penny pressed herself against her in a gentle embrace. The girl's body was cold on the surface, but if one was lucky enough to get close to her, there was a warmth Penny possessed that no one else on Remnant had. The heiress herself was cold to the touch and always had been, and she felt that Penny and Penny alone understood her in that sense.
  245. Weiss wrapped her arms around the ginger-haired girl as she nestled close against her collar. Like this, Weiss could feel the workings of Penny's body, the little ticks and clicks of things as they moved about. While others may have flinched, she was more than use to it all by now.
  247. But if slowing her heart was what she intended to do, letting Penny listen to it wasn't going to help Weiss' cause. It made her bashful to know she was listening, and the heiress felt her face grow hot. Rather than slow down, she was sure her heart rate was picking up again, and before long she brought her hands to Penny's shoulders, giving a light push.
  249. "All right… I'm fine now. Let's get back to training for a while." She met Penny's eyes, her own cheeks still flushed.
  251. . . .
  253. Penny felt the slight push and was about to move away when she heard Weiss' heartbeat increase in tempo. She stayed just long enough to hear another beat, definitely faster, before she moved away, immediately missing the comforting sound and gentle embrace.
  255. She didn't know what would cause Weiss' heart to beat faster so suddenly. Slightly worried, she looked up to her.
  257. "Are you sure you're okay?"
  259. . . .
  261. Weiss put her hand back to her chest to try and calm the turmoil within. "Y-Yes. I'm quite sure. Don't worry about it." She looked away, cheeks still pink, willing the blush to leave them.
  263. "Well then, like I said, I've got the afternoon off, so what say you to a quick lunch? And then we can stay inside. It looks like it's about to rain soon anyway. I can catch up on some paperwork."
  265. Without waiting for an answer, she began heading off toward the mansion before Penny could bring up the matter of her heart again.
  267. But she knew Penny, and she knew if the girl set her mind to a topic, she wouldn't come off it until it was addressed fully. Weiss just hoped she could slip out of this one.
  269. . . .
  271. Penny jogged to catch up, saving her questions for later. Still not quite satisfied with Weiss' answer, she figured she could at least wait until later tonight when they would be alone.
  273. "All right, lunch and then paperwork! But only if you promise you'll take some time to actually relax before bed. Rest is essential!" Penny proclaimed, giving the heiress a pointed, but good-natured glare.
  275. . . .
  277. Weiss straightened her posture as she continued to walk. "We'll see. It depends if I can finish all of my work on time. I dislike not meeting my quota, you know that. I'll work hard to finish," she promised.
  279. They ate a brief lunch, light and simple, getting back some energy after the exhilarating training regime. Once they'd finished, Weiss led the way to her private study. She only had tutoring lessons a few days a week, and on the other days she would use the time to complete her assignments.
  281. She had a pile of things to get into now, and she took her seat and set to work, Penny offering the occasional assistance whenever necessary.
  283. Weiss was good at working nonstop, though that oftentimes meant she didn't know when to stop. She hardly spoke a word for over two hours as she researched on her scroll and personal computer, transferred information, read articles, and wrote down pages' worth of information. She liked working and being busy almost as much as she enjoyed battle training, pausing only when her fingers got numb as she shook them out.
  285. . . .
  287. Penny sighed, knowing that Weiss could and often would get caught up in her work. No sooner had they arrived in her private study than Weiss was already busy.
  289. Penny knew she enjoyed it to a certain extent - she was a master of organization and the like. Penny helped when she could, often getting books or other documents from around the room while Weiss stayed at her desk. The rest of the time Penny merely sat and watched, knowing that Weiss hated being interrupted.
  291. It wasn't until the fourth time Weiss had to shake her hands to regain feeling that Penny finally decided that was enough.
  293. "Come on Weiss, I think that's plenty for today! Give your hands a break." Penny went up to Weiss' desk and placed her hands on it to lean over.
  295. . . .
  297. Weiss blinked herself back into reality, pulled from her reverie where she had been lost in her work as Penny spoke her name. The heiress sat back a little and rubbed her eyes briefly, curling her fingers again.
  299. "Just a moment, Penny. I'm almost finished with this assignment. I need to finish it now, or else I won't be able to delve back in from here tomorrow. I'll forget all I want to say." She offered a reassuring smile. "I won't be much longer, I promise."
  301. She continued to work, putting her full effort into completing the assignment. And even then, it took another half hour for her to put the final touches on things.
  303. When at last it was completed, Weiss' posture faltered a bit and she wiped an arm across her face, heaving a sigh. "All right. I'll be up in a moment. I'm just… a bit dizzy…"
  305. . . .
  307. Penny frowned, but moved back to her seat to allow Weiss to finish her work - it was better to let her finish rather than try and argue with her.
  309. "Not one more thing as soon as this is done!" she replied giving Weiss a doting glare.
  311. When Weiss finally finished, Penny could tell she had been working too hard, from her exhausted look and shaky movement. Penny moved quickly to her side, shaking her head.
  313. "You are working too hard! You need to relax." Penny leaned over to help Weiss up. "Come on. What do you want to do, that isn't work?" she asked.
  315. . . .
  317. "Sorry," she murmured. Weiss knew she could be her own worst enemy sometimes, and she truly felt guilty about worrying Penny so much. She leaned slightly against her for support, blinking until her vision evened out.
  319. She pondered the question for a moment before giving her reply. "Well.. considering my afternoon was freed up, I'm not really hungry enough for supper. I suppose I could just retreat to my room early this evening."
  321. She knew doing as much would not only feel good for herself, but would compensate for worrying Penny; it would make her bodyguard feel much better if Weiss were to retire early.
  323. "I promise no more work until tomorrow, okay? Thank you for looking out for me, Penny." Without even thinking too much into it, Weiss pressed a small, appreciative kiss to the girl's cheek.
  325. . . .
  327. Penny held onto the girl until she steadied before loosening her hold, if only slightly. "It's what I'm here for! Don't worry about it. Retiring early sounds like a stupendous idea!"
  329. Going to bed early would be good for helping Weiss recover, and it would give Penny an opportunity to ask her about why her heart had beat faster after training.
  331. Then Penny felt Weiss' lips press briefly against the side of her cheek. A bolt of warmth like lightning surged through her, causing her to look up for half a second before she blinked and the feeling faded, leaving a lasting warmth where Weiss' lips had been. The aftereffect left her feeling bubbly and happy as she escorted Weiss back towards her room.
  333. . . .
  335. "You work too hard sometimes too, you know," Weiss informed the girl. Penny continued to hold onto her all the way back to her quarters, halting to support Weiss whenever she needed to rest for a moment to fight off a dizzy spell.
  337. They reached Weiss' room, and the heiress led Penny inside. The sunlight that filled the room in orange splashes signified that it was almost sunset, and Weiss wouldn't feel so bad about resting early if she wasn't wasting daylight.
  339. "Thank you, Penny." She slipped away from her aide and went to her dresser to pull out her blue nightgown. Penny often slept in the room beside Weiss' where she could keep alert to the sounds of anything that could potentially go amiss while still allowing Weiss her privacy. But tonight, Weiss decided to offer a change of plans.
  341. "Penny? Would you… like to stay with me tonight? You've done so much for me today, as you have been all my life, but these past few weeks in particular. I know you're uneasy when you have to leave me, and I would rather you stay as well. So….?" She looked over to the ginger-haired girl curiously.
  343. . . .
  345. As Weiss moved away to get her nightgown, Penny did her usual, going about the room and adjusting the few things that had gone amiss since her patrol that morning, humming happily to herself, still feeling bubbly and wondering what she was going to do with herself after Weiss went to bed.
  347. And then an unexpected request.
  349. "Oh?" Penny cocked her head, a smile slowly growing on her face. "O-Of course I will! Certainly! Anything for you, Weiss!" The setting sun was at her back making her red hair seem to glow in the evening light. "I'll go change into something to sleep in while you finish getting ready for bed. I'll be right back!"
  351. Grinning, she hurried out the door.
  353. . . .
  355. Weiss watched as the excited girl scampered off to get a change of clothes. The heiress then retreated to her personal bathroom and washed up a bit, brushing her teeth and letting down her hair to comb through it before slipping into her soft sleepwear.
  357. Once she'd finished up, she returned to her bed and took a seat on the edge, gazing out the window and across the distant buildings of Vale, tracing the line of the horizon with her eyes. It had be a while since Penny had stayed in the same bed as her for a night, probably over a year, and the heiress admitted she was… a bit flustered.
  359. She knew she liked Penny far more than she should've, and needed to remind herself that there was nothing wrong with that. Penny experienced every emotion just as humans did, save from exhaustion and fatigue. But she could still love…
  361. Weiss shook her head, trying not to dwell on those thoughts right now. But she needed to remind herself that Penny was a normal girl and deserved everything Weiss did, and then some.
  363. . . .
  365. Penny quickly changed into her own sleeping attire, a simple pair of loose comfortable pants and a t-shirt in the same green and black and beige of her normal uniform.
  367. As she walked back to Weiss' room, she thought of the kiss Weiss had given her earlier - she couldn't remember that ever happening before. Weiss had given her silly friendly kisses on the cheek before, posing for pictures or some such, but she had never felt that… that electricity before.
  369. While she was fully capable of feeling any normal human emotion, it didn't mean she was any better at understanding them.
  371. Penny returned to Weiss' room, shutting the door behind herself. She walked over to Weiss' bed and sat down on the edge next to her.
  373. "It's been quite a while hasn't it?" she replied rubbing the back of her head bashfully.
  375. . . .
  377. Weiss looked up when the girl reentered the room, closing the door for privacy's sake. Penny sat down beside her, and it was a soft, slow motion.
  379. Around others, Penny was a loud, hyperactive, energetic girl, and she could be that way around Weiss as well.
  381. But it was times like these when she was reserved and quiet that truly got to Weiss. It was a side of Penny no one else got to see, a behavior she and she alone had the pleasure and honor of experiencing. It made her feel special, and like she was special to Penny as more than just a mistress or a sparring partner.
  383. "Yes. It's been too long, I think," Weiss agreed. She pulled her legs up onto the bed and moved the blankets down. The long day was catching up with her, and the heiress laid herself down onto her back, exhaling a long, slow breath. "Make yourself comfortable, Penny." She patted the space beside her invitingly.
  385. . . .
  387. Penny slid herself into the bed slowly and laid down next to Weiss, getting comfortable, pulling the thick comforter part-way up. She laid her head down on the pillow, looking across to Weiss next to her, and then down to where her heart beat beneath the blue fabric.
  389. Penny chewed on her lower lip - dare she ask?
  391. She looked back up to Weiss' crystal blue eyes, seeing that the heiress had noticed her meaningful glance and figured she was caught.
  393. "May I?" She questioned, hoping Weiss wouldn't mind terribly to indulge her. Some small part of her still wondered about the rapid heartbeat earlier, and she wanted to listen again and hear it to make sure the heiress was okay.
  395. . . .
  397. Weiss knew that when she invited Penny to stay the night that this would be a part of the deal. But she was confident she could handle it.
  399. She smiled kindly. "Of course you may."
  401. Weiss opened up her arms again as Penny slipped easily into them. Weiss pulled her close, positioning the girl slightly on top of herself, allowing Penny to rest her head over her chest. The heiress kept her arms around the girl's torso, and her fingers went to curl through her soft hair.
  403. She stared up at the ceiling, still bright with a bit of sunlight, trying to slow her breathing. She was convinced she could stay composed and focused on inhaling slowly and deeply, and exhaling in time.
  405. And for a while, Weiss succeeded in keeping calm. But once Penny started snuggling closer to listen better, the heiress felt her breath hitch as she was forced to remember she was listening. The blood rushed to her face as the realization washed over her for the second time that day.
  407. She lost count of how many seconds each breath lasted, and her pristine routine was ruined within the blink of an eye. She could feel her own pulse faintly, and the controlled, slow pace it had maintained until seconds ago was completely gone. It was pounding hard and fast now, and she squeezed Penny tighter subconsciously, silently begging it to slow down.
  409. Damn, I was doing so well-!
  411. . . .
  413. Penny hummed happily as she snuggled up against Weiss, resting her head against Weiss' chest as the heiress embraced her, running her soft hands through Penny's hair.
  415. Penny listened happily to the rhythmic beat of Weiss' heart, smooth and steady as usual now. Reassured, she relaxed, allowing herself to be lost in the steady rhythm as she closed her eyes and snuggled a little closer.
  417. And then it happened again. Weiss' heart began to beat faster, and before long was pounding in her chest. Penny opened her eyes and moved herself up onto one arm, looking into Weiss' eyes worriedly.
  419. "Weiss, why is your heart beating so fast? Are you ill?" she worried, eyes darting scanning her charge.
  421. . . .
  423. Weiss groaned internally, knowing she'd set Penny off on the topic yet again. She quickly tried to brush it off.
  425. "N-No, I'm not ill at all. I'm fine, Penny. I'm just fine. Don't pay it any mind." She turned her face away, knowing it was pink. "It'll be fine in a moment." Hopefully.
  427. She reached up and brought Penny back down to her prior position so she couldn't see Weiss' face, and the heiress tried to resume her slower breathing and deep intakes of breath to slow her heart again.
  429. She swore it was a plot of the universe against her, because nothing was working anymore. Her breathing was still quick and shallow and her pulse still was hammering. She knew she was digging her own grave; she simply held onto a shred of hope that Penny wouldn't bring it up again.
  431. "It's fine," Weiss said aloud to convince the both of them. "It's… it's fine…"
  433. . . .
  435. Penny allowed Weiss to pull her back down, hearing her slamming heartbeat again and knew Weiss was trying to brush it off. She gave Weiss a minute to see if it would calm again, but when it didn't, Penny continued to fret.
  437. "Weiss… why is your heart like this? Please- you know you can tell me… I'm worried about you…"
  439. Penny mumbled the last part, but since she hadn't moved her head from Weiss' chest, she knew that the heiress would have heard her. Penny hoped Weiss would tell her what she was obviously trying to hide. She didn't know what it could be that was making Weiss hesitate to tell her, and that concerned her.
  441. . . .
  443. If they could just ignore the issues of her misbehaving heart, Weiss knew it would get better before long. But talking about it - and while Penny was still listening to every beat - wasn't going to do much good. If Weiss kept acknowledging it, it would only get faster, and it was.
  445. But she knew she was worrying Penny, and that was unfair. She knew that if their positions had been reversed, Weiss would be just as curious and concerned as Penny was now.
  447. She took a deep breath and swallowed, breathing heavier in hopes to calm things down.
  449. "It's… it's normal, Penny. It's normal for a person's heart to be this way when they're embarrassed or after lots of exercise. I'm not sick, I promise. Please don't worry. I'm only…" She couldn't think of the right word, so she tried something else. "It's only so fast… because you're listening. It can be bad for it to beat so quickly, but not for reasons like this."
  451. She hoped she was making some sense.
  453. . . .
  455. Penny closed her eyes and listened to the rapid pulse. Something inside made her smile; she was making Weiss like this. Maybe… maybe it wasn't a bad thing, but then what was it?
  457. "It's only so fast because of me?" Penny wondered aloud. "Am I different to you than someone else? Does anyone else make your heart beat fast like this?" she rambled.
  459. . . .
  461. Weiss had hoped to get off the topic now that she'd answered the initial question, but Penny was prepared with an arsenal of new ones. Weiss sighed, feeling the girl on top of her move in time with the exhale.
  463. "No," she replied, deciding to give a straight answer instead of dodging. "There are times when it'll beat quickly around certain people, if I'm nervous or scared. That time… a few years ago, when I was almost kidnapped-" Her breath hitched at the memories of it all, and she quickly tried to push them away. "Back then… when my heart was beating, it was so fast and hard… it hurt…"
  465. She realized she was shaking, and her pulse probably took a fearful throb to it. But she closed her eyes and nuzzled her nose into Penny's soft hair, breathing mor evenly.
  467. "But now… it's not bad, Penny. It's fast, yes, but it's for a good reason. And no one else can make that happen except for you. You're special to me."
  469. . . .
  471. Penny listened intently as Weiss tried to explain what was happening to her. She heard Weiss' heartbeat hammer at the memory of the failed kidnapping, so she hugged her a little tighter.
  473. She was here - Penny swore to herself that there should never be a reason for Weiss to be scared as long as she was near.
  475. Penny smiled as Weiss nuzzled into her hair and her heart returned to the happy flutter it had been before. She nestled herself a little deeper into Weiss, pressing their bodies close under the blankets. She hummed happily and smiled. She was special to Weiss, and Weiss was special to her.
  477. "You know... you've made me feel things no one else has ever made me feel." She turned her face down so Weiss wouldn't be able to see her blush. "Like when you gave me that kiss earlier…"
  479. . . .
  481. Weiss shifted so that rather than having Penny lay partially over her, the girl rested fully on top of Weiss' stomach and chest. This way, she could still listen to Weiss' heart, but the heiress enjoyed the weight against her; she felt protected, secure-
  483. -and undeniably warm.
  485. Most people assumed Penny was cold to the touch, but there was only a thin layer of cool beneath her skin. Overall, Penny was as warm as any human being, perhaps even more so than Weiss herself.
  487. The heiress' body shuddered as she adjusted to the warmth pressed against her. She reached up to gently tug the pink ribbon out of Penny's hair and place it aside, curling her fingers through the soft, thick, ginger tresses. She then had Penny turn her head a little, and Weiss dipped her face down to kiss the girl's temple.
  489. "You like it when I kiss you?"
  491. . . .
  493. Penny allowed herself to be pulled on top of Weiss, cuddling herself against the slight girl.
  495. She knew Weiss was unusually cold - by human standards it was something they both shared. But when she were this close for long enough, her underlying warmth would seep through.
  497. It occurred to her that she may have been the only person ever to feel Weiss' inner warmth, being the only one Weiss ever allowed close enough.
  499. She felt Weiss pull the bow out and run her soft fingers through her hair before tilting her head up and placing a light kiss on her forehead. She was sure she went cross-eyed as she watched Weiss, that same feeling of electric warmth shooting through her and seeming to settle in her cheeks.
  501. "Y-Yes…" she stammered.
  503. . . .
  505. Weiss smiled kindly in the fading sunlight. The darkness was just starting to slip in, but she could see the brightness of Penny's eyes more clearly than anything. The girl was a bit stiff, and somehow, Weiss had calmed herself down enough to be less tense than her bodyguard.
  507. She felt she knew a way to make Penny relax.
  509. "Then let me give you some more…"
  511. Wrapping her arms around the back of Penny's neck, she pulled her down slowly. She kissed Penny's forehead again, cool lips to cool skin, though the contact was soft.
  513. Weiss then moved to Penny's cheek, the tip of her nose, and then the bridge of it before she couldn't hold herself up any longer. She fell back onto her pillow and caught her breath, rubbing her hands up and down Penny's slim back, willing the girl to relax a bit.
  515. . . .
  517. Penny felt each kiss, felt each touch of soft cool lips to her face, each one followed by the jolt of warmth shooting through her.
  519. When Weiss laid back down, Penny melted, mechanical muscles easing off as she rested on top of the heiress. Weiss rubbed small circles into her back and she hummed pleasantly, Weiss' heartbeat still thrumming in her ears.
  521. "I could stay like this forever! Just you and I, warm together. It's sensational," she hummed lazily. "What does it mean when you care for someone that much? Do you know, Weiss?" Penny cooed, her grasp of human emotions eluding her.
  523. . . .
  525. Weiss sighed blissfully as Penny rested against her. She'd gotten used to the slight hardness of her bodyguard's form, and by now, all Weiss could feel was the softness, the way Penny molded herself into her, fitting perfectly.
  527. All the nights she'd spent alone and cold in bed, Weiss had felt a clawing loneliness. Only now was all that stuff of the past. She wondered why it'd taken her so long to think to invite Penny to rest with her.
  529. She wondered if Penny missed her at night just as much, but liked to believe she knew the answer for sure.
  531. Instead of answering the girl's question right away, Weiss decided to reply with another question.
  533. "I'm fairly certain I know what it all means, but let me ask you, Penny…" She tapped the girl's shoulder, waiting until Penny lifted her head and looked down to meet her eyes. "How would you feel… about kissing me?"
  535. . . .
  537. Penny enjoyed her closeness with Weiss. Every night she slept by herself she worried, without cause mostly, but none the less she worried.
  539. And now, snuggled close, she felt better, not only able to keep Weiss safe but also just so she didn't have to sleep alone. She was with the one she cared about most.
  541. She looked to the side, half closing her eyes before smiling affectionately. She dipped her head and placed a soft kiss over Weiss' heart, then another along her jaw, and one on her cheek before moving towards her lips.
  543. "I- I think I figured out what it means," she replied softly, cool lips hovering less than an inch from Weiss' own. Penny looked into Weiss' crystal eyes, asking for permission.
  545. . . .
  547. She must've been insane.
  549. For most of her life, Penny had been her bodyguard, her aide, and her protector. She was always helping Weiss, defending her and agreeing with her, a constant, reliable source of support. They had grown closer over the years, and every day they grew closer and closer still.
  551. Weiss knew she'd fallen for the girl, and for the longest time had repressed those emotions, thinking it was improper.
  553. But once she'd finally admitted defeat, she realized she didn't care what society thought of her having affections for her bodyguard. It was beyond her control, and honestly, knowing Penny felt the same and always had made Weiss' heart swell gleefully.
  555. She didn't care if she was insane.
  557. It was all happening so quickly, and she let it. When Penny looked cautiously down into her eyes, politely and patiently asking consent, Weiss couldn't give it quickly enough. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her arms pulling Penny down ever so slightly.
  559. . . .
  561. This was right.
  563. This moment, this sensation - she was real and she was alive, and hopelessly hopelessly in love.
  565. Warmth filled Penny even though Weiss' lips were cool, pressed ever so tenderly but needfully against her own. Her eyes fluttered shut as she poured all of her emotion into that kiss; she wanted Weiss to know how she felt and this was the only way Penny knew how to show her.
  567. She wasn't sure if this was right, if it was okay for her to be like this with Weiss, the one she was meant to protect.
  569. She also wasn't sure she cared. This moment was too right, too perfect. She didn't care what anyone else thought. All that mattered was Weiss.
  571. . . .
  573. The seconds leading up to the kiss were borderline torment, and Weiss kept second-guessing herself; what if Penny pulled away? What if Weiss messed this up? Or worse - what if she was dreaming, if none of this was real?
  575. Thankfully, Penny didn't let her fret for too long.
  577. The contact started out light and tentative. But before it could get awkward or either of them could even consider recoiling, they melted into it easily. Weiss pushed up against her lips, and Penny's weight added almost no pressure on her chest, allowing Weiss to move freely.
  579. This was the first time she'd ever kissed or been kissed, and Weiss nearly cried from the wash of emotion that overcame her then. She'd never felt so complete, so entirely whole, so warm…
  581. So loved…
  583. A few tears ended up slipping down in the end, and her heart was thrumming. Weiss was reluctant to lay her head back down and break the contact to catch her breath, her stomach rising up into Penny's as she refilled her lungs. Her voice was thick from crying, but a smile spread over her lips as she spoke only one word:
  585. "Penny…"
  587. . . .
  589. Penny nearly collapsed into Weiss as they separated, burying her face into the side of the heiress' neck. A single gasped word escaped her lips in response:
  591. "Weiss…"
  593. She held her close, wrapping her arms around Weiss, needing to feel her. Pressing her cheek against Weiss', she felt wetness.
  595. Pushing up, she saw tears on the heiress' cheek, but the glowing smile let her know they were of joy. She smiled back, eyes full of affection as she gently wiped the tears away with the back of her hand.
  597. "Weiss…" She murmured again, voice thick as tears began to cloud her vision.
  599. This was alien, something she was never meant to do, but Weiss had let her in, given her something she never thought she would have: Love.
  601. . . .
  603. Weiss closed her eyes for a moment as she felt Penny's fingers gliding lightly over her cheeks, catching her tears. And when Penny said her name like that - the usual energy and volume traded for quiet sincerity…
  605. Weiss cried harder.
  607. It was embarrassing to let Penny see her like this - she knew she must've looked like a train wreck as she sobbed softly. But when she next managed to reopen her eyes, a light gasp came out.
  609. "Penny…"
  611. There was a wetness behind the girl's teal eyes, and Weiss held her breath.
  613. Penny had never cried before, not in all the twelve years they'd been together since her creation when Weiss was five. Weiss had simply assumed it wasn't possible for her to shed tears, considering she could not feel pain as strongly as a human could. But Weiss had never considered the thought that Penny could cry from joy like she could.
  615. Weiss smiled up at her, more tears spilling over.
  617. "Penny… come here…" She brought the girl down to her, kissing her cheeks just beneath her eyes, happy that Penny felt just as elated as Weiss herself did. "You're so precious to me," she breathed. "More than you could ever know…"
  619. . . .
  621. Weiss cradled Penny against her, placing gentle kisses on her as the tears finally slid down her cheeks.
  623. "Weiss, you are the only thing in the world that matters to me. Only because of you do I live. Only because of you do I have a heart." Penny placed her hand gently over Weiss' chest. "Beating fast enough for both of us."
  625. She held herself close to Weiss, let the heiress' heartbeat fill her senses as she relaxed into the embrace; and for that moment Penny knew what it was like to have a heart.
  627. "I'm yours."
  629. . . .
  631. Weiss may have let slip a chuckle at Penny's clever words. A small, cool hand was placed over the center of her collar, where Weiss' heart beat strongest. Only Penny could do such a thing; Weiss trusted her entirely, body and soul.
  633. "I'm yours as well," Weiss promised.
  635. Words. But she wanted to give her proof. And she could think of only one thing.
  637. She held Penny tightly, feeling the intimate workings of her body as Weiss encouraged her to listen to the song of her heart.
  639. "Listen. You can hear it, can't you? My heart beats only for you, Penny. It's yours. I love you..." She kissed the top of the girl's head, and with her confession came a new fervor to her pulse, a new wetness to her cheeks, and a new warmth to her chest.
  641. . . .
  643. Penny hummed happily, floating in utter bliss as Weiss held her close.
  645. "It really is beating for me, isn't it? That's spectacular! I love it. I love you…" She spoke quietly into the girl's white hair as she nestled back into her.
  647. With those words came a new conviction; bodyguard wasn't a strong enough word anymore. She was Weiss' guardian now, the shield to her sword, her comfort when she was down, her partner in times of need, and her lover when times were calm and the rest of the world could be shut away.
  649. Weiss was her everything and Penny was determined to be her anything when she needed it.
  651. . . .
  653. It was almost unreal, almost unbelievable, but Penny's warmth was more than enough proof. Weiss was glad things had come to light between them at long last. It had taken so long to get here, and yet there was nowhere else they were meant to go.
  655. With Penny's promises of love still in her ears, Weiss closed her eyes as the last of the tears dried. She relaxed, though maintained her embrace on Penny to keep her comfortable.
  657. The heiress let out a long, blissful sigh, and at last her conscious started to fade. Her heartbeat slowed along with her breathing, and she couldn't wait to wake the next morning to find Penny still beside her, proving to her that this wasn't all just a dream…
  659. . . .
  661. Penny listened for a while until Weiss' breathing evened and her heart slowed to its normal soft rate. She held Weiss close as the girl slipped off into sleep before slowly letting herself rest as well.
  663. She didn't quite "sleep", but rested, still alert to the world around her. She would keep Weiss safe, and warm while she slept, hoping her dreams would be pleasant, while waiting for her to wake up the next morning and smile at her.
  665. -----------
  667. A/N: Part 1 is the longest by far simply because it needed to establish their relationship. The following parts will be a bit shorter but more plot-based. If you can call a roleplay for fun plot-heavy.
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