

Oct 5th, 2014
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  2. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Pardon, but do you have a moment?"
  4. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Ah, long time now speak. What can I do for you Eleanor?"
  6. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I seem to recall a long time ago that I heard you follow Him of the
  7. Wet. Is that still a thing?"
  9. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Alas, due to a variety of differences we parted ways. I now serve
  10. Lord Damariel, though as a Kelki, Lord Slyphe will always be my Father."
  12. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Hrm. Well, Him With No Lies is a decent sort. Wonder who I can find
  13. with an eye for the other one, though."
  15. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "You might speak to Valingar, but probably get very little from him.
  16. Cronides is another of His representatives."
  17. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Also Kerryn and Jami."
  19. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Eugh... only one of those is likely to be anything like loquacious
  20. with me. Damn."
  21. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "But if none of those will serve then I have a good relationship with
  22. Lord Slyphe. I can carry a message if you wish?"
  24. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Not so much- I'm actually tentative
  25. ly probing to see if anyone's
  26. noticed anything... well, off. About Him. I've some concerns."
  27. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "You've concerns about Lord Slyphe? I heard there was trouble in your
  28. city the other month. Why ever would you be concerned about Him?"
  30. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Something old is rearing its head. Old wouldn't be a problem but it's
  31. old and -clever-."
  33. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "You will have to be more forthcoming than that. You are the
  34. intellectual in this conversation. I am merely a very blunt instrument."
  36. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Deception is the least of its repertoire, I think, but it's already
  37. gotten claws into Him of the Forest and I suspect even more firmly into Him of the Wet."
  39. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Honestly, I'm not too certain what it is myself, yet, so I can't
  40. really give details without possibly sparking hearsay."
  42. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Well what do you think? Give me your theory."
  44. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "There's more out there with power than just our deities- that much is
  45. obvious even if one hasn't ever gazed between the Threads. We're seeing things that were lost or
  46. confined come back. Him with the Wet took a chunk out of Him of the Frost and now He's got a handful
  47. of chains that He doesn't even know what's on the other end of them. But the thing with the chains,
  48. it's got a mind to be free."
  50. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "And it's already proven itself devious and ruthless... so I've
  51. concerns."
  53. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "The thing with the chains was being guarded by...Lord Maghak I
  54. believe is Whom you're referring to?"
  56. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I wouldn't say guarded. More... indentured, as it were."
  58. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Him with the Frost had a large inheritance."
  60. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I see. So you believe that this...shadow creature is manipulating my
  61. Father?"
  63. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I am rather certain that it already has, at least once- pulled the
  64. wool over Him of the Wet and Him of the Forests quite soundly, and it ended bloodily, the other
  65. month. What concerns me is, Him of the Wet holds the chains now and I don't even know if He's aware
  66. He does. It'll come for Him."
  68. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "You've no other information on this creature? Nothing that could help
  69. with regards to ensuring that such a thing has not happened?"
  71. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Unfortunately, when things are that old, people start talking phrases
  72. that you won't find in any reference book, and you have no point of reference to compare it to. The
  73. most we know for certain is that it claims to be the Sixth, and the only other thing we've seen in
  74. recent times that placed itself in a numerical sequence was the demon Ruin."
  76. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Tell you what though, if I'm wrong and He wasn't being manipulated
  77. it's cause for alarm anyway. Biting a heart off like an apple is the realm of necromancers, not
  78. supposedly 'good' deities."
  80. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Now that I have heard of. Ruin. So, your theory is this "creature"
  81. was indentured somehow to Lord Maghak who was fully aware of the dangers of this demon. That by
  82. taking of Lord Maghak's essence, Lord Slyphe is now in possession of this creature and is not aware
  83. of what it is exactly. That it might be using His ignorance to manipulate Him?"
  85. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I would caution that we're edging thoroughly into the guesswork
  86. bracket of things, but that seems like it might be the case."
  88. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Storms'd be better back in the grasp of Him of the Frost, if you ask
  89. me. His essence knows the old words, the old ways. Even if He doesn't."
  91. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I see. Well, I suppose more than anyone else I know Lord Slyphe. I
  92. have been His Avatar for centuries now. However, surely if it is the essence that remembers then by
  93. imbibing said essence it will be fused with His own and therefore the result will be the same? What
  94. is more in conjunction than Storms and the Sea?"
  96. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "They might be a famous pair in the romantic sense, but Him of the Wet
  97. has a page from the book, it doesn't mean He speaks the language or knows the names."
  99. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I know of no Divine who would willingly relinquish that sort of
  100. essence so I do not think it will go over well with Him to suggest that. However, I do believe that
  101. this...demon talk. It certainly bears watching. I will talk to the others of His Order. They will
  102. listen to me."
  104. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Well, you're right, and I hadn't even thought yet of how best to stick
  105. a snail-fork in Him to get it back out. Likely not something I could engineer. But yes, it does bear
  106. watching. Try not to allow too much hearsay to develop- this is the kind of thing that could easily
  107. spiral out of control- but if you could pass an inkling on, that might head off something a little
  108. more serious, yes."
  110. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Of course. I will only tell His own to watch Him and ensure that
  111. there is no behavior out of the ordinary. However, with his recent return and change from Fabricator
  112. back to Tempest, there is obviously a lot that is out of the ordinary at the moment. Also, I will
  113. not be one to help you "stick a snail-fork in Him" as you so delicately put it."
  115. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I likely wouldn't ask you to be, unless it was going to be necessary
  116. in order to save Him."
  118. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Well, if the circumstances were necessary, of course."
  120. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Folk tend not to like our methods, but the Cabal has everyone's best
  121. interests in mind."
  123. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "The Balance."
  125. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Though I very much fear I've made that up."
  127. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Balance and Rhythm, believe it or not."
  128. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I'm fairly proud I was able to dredge that up from the recesses of my
  129. memory."
  131. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "They're terms bandied about largely by our opposing number, but it is
  132. impossible do be unaware of the natural equilibrium when one makes a profession of listening to the
  133. song of Creation."
  135. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I see. So, what will you be doing in the interim?"
  137. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Oh, keeping track of other threats and whatnot. There's an awful lot
  138. on a Cabalist's plate these days."
  140. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I will not pry. The business of the Cabalists is no business of mine
  141. I assume?"
  143. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "It's a cocktail of 'you shouldn't know' and 'you probably don't want
  144. to know' in most cases."
  146. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Though come to think, there is a recent topic that may be of interest
  147. to you. You're old enough to remember the domes of Kelsys. Were you ever aware of further
  148. emplacements they had built? We've discovered one up at Tasur'ke."
  150. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I have visited my kindred within the Forgotten Domes. I also remember
  151. our ancestral home within Kelsys very well. I thought that they would be cousins but...I see that
  152. there is little that remains of my kindred there. They are naught more than beasts. Rabid beasts."
  154. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Quite remarkably so. One wonders just what happened down there- though
  155. without lucid survivors, the chances of ever knowing are greatly diminished."
  157. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "It does lead one to wonder if there are more, somewhere, though. I
  158. don't suppose you ever ran across documentation to that tune at Kelsys?"
  160. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "I was a young man and vain when Kelsys was still in it's glory. I was
  161. little interested in writings and books. More in girls and exploring. Poking my nose where it did
  162. not belong. I spent the majority of my time in the Tower of the Naldareth."
  164. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Ahh, the follies of youth, eh? Though I'm not much better, aside from
  165. buying produce there I think the most time I ever spent was on a picnic with a fellow."
  167. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "You believe these places of your childhood and youth will be there
  168. forever. You do not think that something could happen in the future to rob you of them. If I did I
  169. would have taken every shred of information I could from the place in an attempt to recreate it's
  170. like again for my brethren. Mournhold is a poor reflection of the Kelki culture. We are innovators,
  171. engineers, tinkerers. Not common fishermen living in hovels that cling to the shore."
  173. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "I do sometimes wonder how they did it. Do you ever get the feeling
  174. that there is something older- not the Ankyreans, beyond them even- something older whose dust we
  175. sift through? That they did, even."
  177. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "That much older than the Ankyreans? I could not say. I am no scholar
  178. I am afraid. I pick up what I can here and there."
  179. Flecking the darkened sky with streaks of orange and magenta, rays of early morning light streak
  180. upwards from a newly awakened sun.
  182. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Ah, pardon, I am just musing anyway. I shall leave you be."
  184. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Perhaps it would be conducive to meet at some point to discuss some
  185. of these things. I seek to better the lives of my brethren. Perhaps you have the knowledge to help.
  186. What do you think?"
  188. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Well, perhaps there will be a time. I get awful busy except for when
  189. there's nobody about, it seems, but that's just the way of things."
  191. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Indeed. With my recent appointment to Herald and also the Daru
  192. Council I know exactly what you mean. We shall just play it by ear as they say."
  194. (Tells): You tell Benedicto, "Right! I'm sure we'll be in touch, either way."
  196. (Tells): Benedicto tells you, "Indeed."
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