
Lifetom Movie Channel: The RP - Part 1?

Dec 16th, 2012
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  1. <Tom_Atlus> ((
  2. -*- Midna ﹤OOC﹥: thank you
  3. -*- Jaspersprite v:]]
  4. <Tom_Atlus> ((Sorry >_<)
  5. <Jaspersprite> [[Don't be uwu]]
  6. <Tom_Atlus> ((But yeah. He's variable as fuck because I use him in a lot of places. I can remove his magic and give him other kinds of abilities if need be, really. Just wondering if anyone's interested in an rp with him ^^; ))
  7. <PounceFurLeon> (does sound a bit OP, is it just me?)
  8. <Jaspersprite> [[Roxy fawns over aCTUAL WIZARD THOMAS ATLUS]]
  9. <PounceFurLeon> (HAHA)
  10. <PounceFurLeon> (omg that should be a thing we play out)
  11. -*- Jaspersprite OMH CAN U SGIN MY CHEST
  12. -*- Jaspersprite *GIN
  13. -*- Jaspersprite *SIGN
  14. <Tom_Atlus> ((XD))
  15. <Tom_Atlus> ((Well...))
  16. <Tom_Atlus> ((okay, for the setting he's in?))
  18. <Tom_Atlus> ((I try to emphasize him getting his ass smacked around a lot))
  19. <Tom_Atlus> W-wait what?! N-no hold on are you even sober right now?!
  20. <PounceFurLeon> (laughter)
  21. <Tom_Atlus> ((I'll give more info in overflow))
  22. <Tom_Atlus> No I don't have magic pens! Why do wizards even need magic pens regular pens do just fine!
  23. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as roLal
  24. -*- roLal Because I forgot her chat handle h r k]]
  25. <roLal> "majyk penz are a tier above normal pens"
  26. <roLal> "liek"
  27. <roLal> "why wouldnt u use them if youve got access 2 them"
  28. <roLal> "think abot it"
  29. <Tom_Atlus> ... I /guess/ I could probably make one, but what would it have as an enchantment?
  30. <roLal> "/majyk/ /freakin/ /mens/"
  31. <roLal> "*pens"
  32. <roLal> "(majyk mens too pls)"
  33. <-> roLal is now known as tipsyLalonde
  34. <tipsyLalonde> "fuk if i know like"
  35. <Tom_Atlus> ... Ooh...
  36. <Tom_Atlus> Ooooh! IDEA!
  37. <Tom_Atlus> I could make one that can write on any surface by using some water enchantments to help it stick to more surfaces.
  38. <Tom_Atlus> Or- or... or maybe learn more about illusion magic to make /really/ invisible ink! Like stuff you'd need some kind of decoder spell to see!
  39. <Tom_Atlus> ... I need to actually /learn/ that branch though. Um... Shit.
  40. -*- PounceFurLeon surfaces such as tipsy chests?
  41. <Tom_Atlus> "... Um. Yes. But I can't uh... I'd..." Tom blushes at the suggestion, looking away from Roxy. "... Erm... No thank you? I mean I don't know /why/ you'd want an autograph from me. It's not like I've actually done anything important yet!"
  42. <tipsyLalonde> "ive never felt teh need 2 rite on errything ever tho"
  43. <tipsyLalonde> "isnt that wat sharpies are for
  44. <tipsyLalonde> "
  45. <tipsyLalonde> "but yeah no tahts cool its just"
  46. -*- PounceFurLeon will admit to a bit of cave painting, herself.
  47. <tipsyLalonde> "/majyk/ /freakin/ /wizrads/"
  48. <Tom_Atlus> "It takes a hell of an understanding of the universe... but... It's definitely an awesome power to have, yeah. I'm still just a student though! So... I hope you don't mind my lack of experience."
  49. <tipsyLalonde> "its not rly evry day you get the opertunity to get written on w/ magical riting impliments"
  50. <tipsyLalonde> "even if tehyr sort of lame riting implimen--"
  51. <tipsyLalonde> "omg r u hrary pooter"
  52. <tipsyLalonde> "r u"
  53. <Tom_Atlus> "No. No I'm not actually."
  54. <Tom_Atlus> "I don't use wands. Although they do help some focus on their spells more easily!"
  55. <Tom_Atlus> "I can teach you a lot about magic and wizards if you want me to. What would you like to know?"
  56. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles gently~
  57. -*- tipsyLalonde G A S P. Wizard tutoring from magical boy in catgirl couch manor. This is /just/ like in the animes-- except neither of them have outrageously proportioned hands. She proceeds to bounce on her heels at the aspect. "omf do i get a supr badical robe 2"
  58. <tipsyLalonde> "is the beard mandirory or not"
  59. <tipsyLalonde> "bcuz teen grl w/ billousing facial hair wtf is this bs"
  60. --> tenaciouslyCrunknasty ( has joined #dickmegle
  61. <Tom_Atlus> "((Gah sorry))
  62. <tipsyLalonde> [[Fffff don't be uvu]
  63. <-> PounceFurLeon is now known as ViceroyAdorabubble
  64. <-> tenaciouslyCrunknasty is now known as gutsyGumshoe
  65. -*- Tom_Atlus looks down at his clothes... really? He's wearing a casual t-shirt, sweat pants, hoodie.... "Badass robes are optional but cool if you can get them to work, yes." Tom says with a smile, sitting down on a couch with Roxy for now. "Beards are also optional."
  66. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble did someone mention wizardly robes. Because bamn. This li'l salamander's got 'em.
  67. <gutsyGumshoe> Roxy, gee whizz! I thought we'd gone over this. You have to respect the facial hair of others.
  68. <Tom_Atlus> ((soooo setting right now?))
  69. <gutsyGumshoe> I think you'd look cute as a brass button with a beard!
  70. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (setting is usually felt manor, usually a living space of some sort, but adjust if you want, it's very flexible)
  71. <tipsyLalonde> "if u kent get a robe 2 work 4 u you clerly was not meant for the life of a wizord i mean mray on a monday morning even the lil lizird guy can wear em like a bamf--" oH. oH OH OH. jANE. She hardly even noticed when they made their way on through. Though, can you blame her? Her attention was mainly taken up by /wIZARDS/. WIZARDS, JANE.
  72. -*- tipsyLalonde /WIZARDS/.
  73. <tipsyLalonde> "oh!"
  74. <gutsyGumshoe> I might even have one your size, if you were so inclined as to try one.
  75. <tipsyLalonde> "idk i mean im probubbly not built 4 it anywat like"
  76. <tipsyLalonde> "id probs just keep trippin over it all over teh place"
  77. <tipsyLalonde> "..."
  78. <tipsyLalonde> "i mite"
  79. <tipsyLalonde> "give it a try tho mabe"
  80. <tipsyLalonde> "what colors do they com in"
  81. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble would volunteer for dressup as well, if you're offering.
  82. <tipsyLalonde> "which color inhances ur majyk abililities teh most"
  83. <gutsyGumshoe> Hmm, that is true. I would have to confiscate your martini for the duration of the beard-wearing, though. These are high-end disguises!
  84. <Tom_Atlus> "... None of them? The magic system I work off of doesn't actually have that kind of thing happening! I could give you an enchanted one, maybe, but... I still need to practice on enchantments. Also hi there Jane! Pleased to meet you." Tom says with a bright grin.
  85. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh, why, hello there :B
  86. <gutsyGumshoe> And who might you be?
  87. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble hops and waves her(his?) arms in the air, trying to get even a morsel of attention or involvement from way down at tummy-height compared to the rest.
  88. <tipsyLalonde> "waht if the marktini is enchanted w/ a magical anti-spillin enchantement or w/e"
  89. <tipsyLalonde> "u can do taht rite tom"
  90. <tipsyLalonde> "toms my bro also wizrod"
  91. -*- gutsyGumshoe is distracted by the darling salamander. "Goodness! Look at the adorable little hoppity whatsit!"
  92. -*- tipsyLalonde sLINGS ARM OVER SHOULDERS.
  93. <ViceroyAdorabubble> Viceroy: Make the face at Jane. You know, that one.
  94. <tipsyLalonde> "yea i know the lil salilmander dropped in all adorbs w/ a robe &"
  95. <Tom_Atlus> "Aaaw adorable Salamander~" Tom says, chuckling a bit before turning to Jane. "The name's Tom! Thomas Nemamiah Atlus. Pleased to meet you!" He says, extending a hand to Jane to shake while hugging Roxy back?
  96. <gutsyGumshoe> She even has a little scarf that matches yours, Roxy. Is she a fellow student in the "arts of the paranormal"?
  97. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane makes airquotes at the phrase.
  98. <tipsyLalonde> "... omg whAT IF TEHYRE A WIRAD TOO THO"
  99. <tipsyLalonde> "yes she is my cassm8"
  100. <ViceroyAdorabubble> Yes that one.
  101. -*- gutsyGumshoe She then gives Tom a firm handshake. CROCKER GRIT.
  102. <tipsyLalonde> "we carpool on teh same broom"
  103. <ViceroyAdorabubble> .gif
  104. --> mib_9j4055 ( has joined #dickmegle
  105. <-- mib_9j4055 ( has quit (Client Quit)
  106. <gutsyGumshoe> Well, then, we can't just let her hop along all by her lonesome.
  107. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble figures she can get a little of everything while she's here. Magic lessons, and a nice mustache maybe.
  108. -*- Tom_Atlus grins sheepishly, shaking back and trying to match Jane's firmness. "Oh my... um... I have students? This is uh... oh jesus I don't know about teaching..." Tom's pretty flustered all of a sudden. Sheesh, what's gotten into him? It's probably the tipsy but hot girl slinging an arm over his shoulder right now. Oh jeez no spell in the world could prepare him for something like this. "...I...
  109. -*- Tom_Atlus .../could/ make a spill proof glass actually! It's one of the first enchantments I ever made!"
  110. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane raises her eyebrows skeptically. "Is that so?"
  111. <tipsyLalonde> "/see/"
  112. <tipsyLalonde> "he is liek the perf wingman too"
  113. <Tom_Atlus> Tom grabs the nearest glass, quickly making a quick measurement of its dimensions before closing his eyes for a few moments, concentrating...
  114. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane watches with a distinctly unimpressed air as she takes one of the salamancer's tiny paws in hand.
  115. <Tom_Atlus> "... okay..." He says, his hands glowing with power for a short few seconds before he picks up the cup, summoning some water using water based magic, filling the cup to the brim. "Lets hope this works!" He says, before taking the cup and flipping it upside down!
  116. <Tom_Atlus> ... Nope. Not a drip spills. Yay for beginner level enchantments!
  117. -*- tipsyLalonde >Jaw: Descend
  118. <Tom_Atlus> ((PFFF))
  119. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble holds Jane's hand and offers a darling smile up at her. The salamander skin feels a little moist.
  120. <Tom_Atlus> ((Sorry I just love that line))
  121. <tipsyLalonde> [[Fff]]
  122. <gutsyGumshoe> Hmm! May I see the glass?
  123. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble waddles under the glass, peering straight up at the suspended water. She bubbles at it curiously.
  124. <tipsyLalonde> "jaen omg im p sure this aint no parol trick r nothing it is legit MAGIX @ WORK"
  125. -*- Tom_Atlus passes Jane the glass, letting her do what she will with it
  126. <tipsyLalonde> "*palor"
  127. <tipsyLalonde> "*parlor jfc"
  128. <gutsyGumshoe> Shoosh, Roxy.
  129. <Tom_Atlus> "... Is she always this tipsy, if you don't mind me asking? I only just arrived at this mansion so..." Tom grins sheepishly again.
  130. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane tips the glass herself with the same results. Befuddled, she yanks a magnifying glass out of her sylladex and peers at the glass. Sniffs it, taps it, gives it a thorough examination, even tasting the water.
  131. -*- gutsyGumshoe She frowns at the boy as she hands back the glass. "Not always."
  132. <gutsyGumshoe> Just...mostly. We're working on it, though, aren't we Roxy?
  133. <tipsyLalonde> "more or lex"
  134. <tipsyLalonde> "*less /KFC/"
  135. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble mmmmm.
  136. <tipsyLalonde> "*jfv"
  137. <tipsyLalonde> "*fuk"
  138. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble licks her lips at the mention of 7 secret herbs and spices.
  139. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles. "... I wonder what I've done wrong, to draw a frown from you. Oh well!" Tom holds the cup and drinks from it, the water flowing smoothly once his mouth touches it. A few moments later he finishes the glass. "What do you do here usually anyway?" Tom asks, tilting his head. "I'm a new resident and just moved here so..."
  140. <gutsyGumshoe> Roxy, don't use such harsh and dubiously fried language around the baby.
  141. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble crosses her arms and puffs out her cheeks.
  142. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble not a baby.
  143. -*- Tom_Atlus offers to pet ViceroyAdorabubble?
  144. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh, pardon me. The, uhhh...young lady?
  145. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble relaxes her ridiculously cute pouting when petted.
  146. <gutsyGumshoe> Young man?
  147. <tipsyLalonde> "young saladmander"
  148. <gutsyGumshoe> Yes, that.
  149. -*- Tom_Atlus gently pets the Viceroy, his heart melting from adorableness. "Aaaw she's such a /sweetie/~"
  150. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble mmmmm salads also good.
  151. <Tom_Atlus> "Where's she from anyway? I've never seen anything like her!" Tom asks, curious...
  152. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble reaches into her wizardly robes... Whips out a wand, since she thought it might interest Tom and/or Roxy. It's not her's, it's Rose's, but still.
  153. <Tom_Atlus> "Oh my..." Tom tilts his head. "Can I see that wand?" He asks, holding a hand to the viceroy, palm up.
  154. <tipsyLalonde> "not sure! nevur saw her b4 or anything"
  155. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble is from a land filled with much wind and mushrooms - not like she can actually vocalize that.
  156. <tipsyLalonde> "maybe shes from the magikal pets store across the rainbow in narnia or somethin equally redic--"
  157. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble tugs the wand away protectively toward herself, then eyes Tom for a moment... Before slowly deciding she'll trust him, and offering it to him. Sorry, it's just that she's been trusted to be a TOP NOTCH FAMILIAR/ASSISTANT.
  158. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles, gently taking the wand and examining it. "My... this one's pretty strong, actually! Is it yours?" He asks curiously
  159. -*- tipsyLalonde Oh! Hot damn, the saladmander even got themselves a wand of some form or another. She eyes the wand as though it's encrusted with diamonds, hands clasped and sparkly-eyed. "hot /dam/"
  160. <tipsyLalonde> "is liek"
  161. <tipsyLalonde> "errything here a wizarf"
  162. <gutsyGumshoe> Hmm! This certainly seems like a mystery.
  163. <tipsyLalonde> "jane r u a sekret wizarg"
  164. <Tom_Atlus> ((which wand is it?))
  165. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane twirls her fine-ass mustache thoughtfully.
  166. <tipsyLalonde> "a detective wizart w/ a penchant 4 hardboiled bsnss & facial hair"
  167. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble shakes her head. It's not hers, she's holding it for a friend. Holding several in fact. She's umbrella rack, but for wands. Yes that's an accurate metaphor.
  168. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh, don't be silly! I don't have the time for wizardish japery when the game is afoot :B
  169. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble which game?
  170. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble is it a fun game??
  171. <Tom_Atlus> Tom eventually returns the want after a short while. "Whoever you're holding those wands for must be pretty powerful. I'd like to meet them sometime!" Tom says with a gentle smile before petting Viceroy again... He offers her a few jelly beans.
  172. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane kneels down to look the little orange familiar in the eye. "Could you perhaps lead us to where you've come from, young salamancer?"
  173. <Tom_Atlus> "I'd like to know too!~"
  174. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble takes the wand back, then peers at the jellybeans in his palm. Ooh. Are these... /magic/ beans. She takes the blue one.
  175. <Tom_Atlus> "Detective Jane and the annoying mage that follows her around. Would probably make for a good show?"
  176. <tipsyLalonde> "heck it could make 4 a gr8 channel all togetter"
  177. <tipsyLalonde> "well call it"
  178. <tipsyLalonde> "lifetom"
  179. <Nitro> [Lifetom]
  180. <Nitro> [Lies down and dies laughing]
  181. -*- Tom_Atlus snrks before doubling over laughing. "Oh god! Pffhahaha!"
  182. <gutsyGumshoe> omg)
  183. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble looks up at Jane with a bit of surprise, then flails briefly. She bubbles up a couple bubbles shaped like classic iconography from her homeland - a mushroom, a windy thingy, and a pipe with a little red arm-swingy-dealy thing.
  184. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane covers her mouth and giggles like an idiot. Hoo hoo hoo hoo!
  185. -*- gutsyGumshoe She attempts to stifle her laughter as clues are dispensed.
  186. -*- tipsyLalonde She'll be here all week, folks.
  187. <gutsyGumshoe> So a mushroom, a life symbol turned onto its side, and a mailbox flappy dealie.
  188. <gutsyGumshoe> Were you sent in the mail, by chance?
  189. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble frowns and flips the fuck out at such a suggestion. Are you calling her a mail-order salabride that shames her ancestors beyond belief.
  190. <Tom_Atlus> "... You guys are awesome. By the way." Tom says, examining the clues...
  191. <tipsyLalonde> "shit i know i didnt order em or nothin"
  192. <tipsyLalonde> "o"
  193. <tipsyLalonde> "tanks c:"
  194. <Tom_Atlus> At least until the Viceroy flips the fuck out. "H-hey don't worry about it! Calm down!"
  195. <tipsyLalonde> "wOAH i think u insultand their culture or somethin"
  196. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble even more shameful than these frivolous robes.
  197. <tipsyLalonde> "the postal system is taboo in salamander land"
  198. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh dear, I'm so sorry!
  199. <tipsyLalonde> "cmon jane ur teh detective here we r just simple wizards/wizards in trainin"
  200. <gutsyGumshoe> Uhh. Uh.
  201. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble shakes her head to that too, it's actually quite tied into their lore. Not that that's particularly relevant to matters at hand currently.
  202. <Tom_Atlus> "... So it's... a land that has a lot of mushrooms and has a big emphasis on the mailing system?"
  203. <gutsyGumshoe> And that strange symbol.
  204. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble points at Tom, and pokes her own snout with her other paw.
  205. <gutsyGumshoe> I've seen it before, I'm sure of it.
  206. <gutsyGumshoe> A land, you said?
  207. <gutsyGumshoe> A land of...oh!
  208. <gutsyGumshoe> She must be from one of the session's planets!
  209. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble flails about excitedly.
  210. <gutsyGumshoe> One we've yet to go to, Roxy? I thought there were only the four, one for each of us.
  211. <Tom_Atlus> "Session planets?" Tom asks, unfamiliar with the concept...
  212. <tipsyLalonde> "oh!!! jane 'phoedex rite' strikes again lol"
  213. <tipsyLalonde> "*fedex"
  214. <tipsyLalonde> "*phoenix"
  215. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh, well, yes, I suppose you wouldn't be familiar with it, having lived here all your life.
  216. <gutsyGumshoe> This is actually...oh, drat, how shall I explain it...
  217. <tipsyLalonde> "mabe its like"
  218. <tipsyLalonde> "from anoter sesh"
  219. <tipsyLalonde> "from what i ken gatter"
  220. <gutsyGumshoe> Another session?
  221. <tipsyLalonde> "theres a million universes out der or w/e"
  222. <tipsyLalonde> "we /cant/ be liek"
  223. <tipsyLalonde> "the only peeps that ever pulled this off"
  224. <gutsyGumshoe> Not to mention others may have escaped the Earth with their own copies of the game.
  225. <gutsyGumshoe> You did describe it as hilariously easy to obtain.
  226. <Tom_Atlus> "... Is it like some kind of game? Where you fight for your survival?"
  227. <gutsyGumshoe> That's the gist of it, yes.
  228. <Tom_Atlus> Tom nods, his expression darkening a bit. "... I see... I'm sorry you have to go through that."
  229. <gutsyGumshoe> There's some bigger picture, though. We haven't quite figured it out, yet, only having been here for a few weeks, but we're hot on its tail :B
  230. <tipsyLalonde> "dont sweat it tom i mean"
  231. <Tom_Atlus> "... So you brought up escape... What does that mean?"
  232. <tipsyLalonde> "look on the brite side! we finally got to meet eachother in person and all so its not liek it TOTALLY sux"
  233. <Tom_Atlus> "Was the earth really awful where you're from or...?"
  234. <gutsyGumshoe> Well, MY earth was quite alright from my perspective, despite the myriad assassination attempts.
  235. <gutsyGumshoe> Roxy, on the other hand, came from an entirely different set of circumstances. It took me quite a while to understand them, myself.
  236. <gutsyGumshoe> Now I'm just glad she's here with me instead of where she was, to put it simply.
  237. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble has an idea!! She grabs Jane's hand and tugs, trying to lead her somewhere. The others of course can come too, but she can't tug all of them along!
  238. <gutsyGumshoe> I- oh! Mercy me, I'm sorry, little one, we've all become all kinds of distracted.
  239. <tipsyLalonde> "lets just say if i could nevr see a kiddy pool ever again itd be too soon ):"
  240. <gutsyGumshoe> Come, everyone, it seems she's trying to lead us somewhere.
  241. -*- gutsyGumshoe She grabs Roxy's hand and is tugged along by the enthusiastic little mancer.
  242. <Tom_Atlus> "Alright sure!" Tom says with a smile, standing up and stretching... He helps Roxy up from her seat too.
  243. <tipsyLalonde> "jayn r u gettin kidnapped to teh serket society of salamander wizards"
  244. <gutsyGumshoe> If I am, then so are you! Hoo hoo!
  245. -*- Tom_Atlus wonders if he's bothering the pair... they seem like good friends. Maybe he should head back to his room... and finish unpacking...? But the curiosity of seeing a new foreign land just tickles him! He has to go!
  246. <tipsyLalonde> "r u-- hey!!! im comin im comin hold ur hornses" She hastily moves along with the gutsy gumshoe, tripping over her own feet a few times in the process. God /damn/, where's the fire??? She's too drunk to be rushing anywhere.
  247. -*- tipsyLalonde In hindsight, she's too drunk for a lot of things.
  248. -*- tipsyLalonde She ain't even care.
  249. -*- Tom_Atlus follows along after them like the awkward third wheel he is.
  250. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble leads Jane and the crew out the Felt Manor door. Thanks to the nature of the ever-shifting dream bubbles, as they wander outside, the environment shifts to reflect Viceroy's memories of her homeland. A dimly-lit, yet eerily beautiful, landscape begins to stretch out.
  251. <ViceroyAdorabubble>
  252. -*- tipsyLalonde MAJYKL third wheel tyvm
  253. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (oops did that not show .png )
  254. <Tom_Atlus> "... whoa..." Tom clears his throat, clearly impressed by the scenery. "... I don't think I've ever seen anything like this before." He holds a hand up as it glows with a soft power... "... Air's breathable too. Not that it matters here..." Tom mumbles, following Jane and Roxy along...
  255. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane pauses to tilt her head back and marvel at the newfound land.
  256. <gutsyGumshoe> It does matter sometimes, actually. The world of another of our friends requires a gas mask to visit.
  257. <gutsyGumshoe> I don't think I'll ever get used to this, my stars and garters.
  258. <gutsyGumshoe> This place is almost as beautiful as Roxy's!
  259. -*- tipsyLalonde ... Glory be. It's as though it's a work of art, brought to life. Or death, if you wanna get technical. The landscape in front of her is admired silently for a few breathtaking moments, every color taken in as Roxy wisely gives her input.
  260. <tipsyLalonde> "jeesus DIX i aint drunk enough 4 dis"
  261. <gutsyGumshoe> No no, Roxy, I think you are precisely drunk enough. It's the rest of us who aren't.
  262. <-- Midna ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  263. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble as promised, there are the mushrooms, glowing in a similar colour to Jane's beloved wardrobe and text. And the wind promised also delivers, tousling their hair.
  264. <Tom_Atlus> Tom nods sagely at Jane's comment, stoically silent... "My goodness, I think I would live here if given the chance. Would make an excellent summer home..."
  265. --> Midna ( has joined #dickmegle
  266. *** Mode #dickmegle +o Midna by ChanServ
  267. <tipsyLalonde> "lets bust out the breathalizer and get to meassuring exactly what level of drunkosity i am staged @"
  268. <tipsyLalonde> "how many shots until im at an accexable level of trashed"
  269. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble lets the humans wander and/or explore the land formed by her memories. She takes great pride in how they love it so much.
  270. <gutsyGumshoe> I think your ability to say the word 'acceptable' is adequate measurement of your sobriety, Roxy.
  271. <Tom_Atlus> "Agreed..." Tom says, hushed despite there being no need to whisper. "... How old are you two, anyway?" Tom asks
  272. <tipsyLalonde> "accepetabel is a triky as /fuck/ word ok"
  273. --> timaeusTestified ( has joined #dickmegle
  274. <gutsyGumshoe> Fifteen and a half, on my end.
  275. -*- gutsyGumshoe She says, as she uses her magnifying glass to prod at a glowing mushroom.
  276. <tipsyLalonde> "sexteen & counting rite here"
  277. <-> timaeusTestified is now known as Guest2817
  278. <tipsyLalonde> "*sixteen omfg"
  279. <ViceroyAdorabubble> The fungus is a bit bouncy! And naturally luminescent.
  280. <tipsyLalonde> "(u didnt hear nothin.........)"
  281. <-- Guest2817 ( has quit (Client Quit)
  282. <Tom_Atlus> Tom blinks, tilting his head at their ages. "Huh! Okay." He wonders why Roxy is drinking at such a young age...
  283. <gutsyGumshoe> Right ;B
  284. -*- tipsyLalonde Roxy wonders why Tom is /WIZARDING/ at such /HIS/ age
  285. -*- tipsyLalonde /THOMAS/
  286. -*- tipsyLalonde /THOMATHAN/
  287. -*- Tom_Atlus D:
  288. -*- gutsyGumshoe THOMATHAN H WIZARDGUY
  289. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (ROFL.)
  290. -*- gutsyGumshoe THE H STANDS FOR HELLA
  291. <Tom_Atlus> ((OMFG))
  292. -*- tipsyLalonde YES TANK U JANALINE
  293. <Tom_Atlus> Tom sits on a fungus idly... only to get bounced off. He lands right on his face.
  294. <Tom_Atlus> "ow..."
  295. -*- gutsyGumshoe NP ROXACEA
  296. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane can't help hide a bucktoothed grin as she rushes over to help him up. "Are you alright?"
  297. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble Tom's gambit suffers.
  298. <Tom_Atlus> "Y-yeah. Wasn't expecting the mushrooms to be bouncy though!" He says, rubbing his nose as he stands up.
  299. <gutsyGumshoe> Well, it is a vidjamagame.
  300. -*- Tom_Atlus That's implying that his gambit didn't dive down to its lowest dregs when his air magic teacher tossed him off a cliff screaming FLY PETER PAN FLYYYYY
  301. -*- tipsyLalonde Roxy /would/ be helping the poor chap get himself up, but she's far too busy examining the fungi in a signifigantly more safe, cautious manner.
  302. -*- Tom_Atlus Tom is a firm believer that it will /stay/ lower
  303. -*- tipsyLalonde By attempting to eat one.
  304. <gutsyGumshoe> They tend to be bouncy from what I've gathered, or to make you either grow or become invincible when consumed.
  305. <tipsyLalonde> "invicniple u say"
  306. <Tom_Atlus> "Heh. Video game tropes! I'm just hoping they're not-" Tom sees Roxy nom on a Mushroom. "P-p-poisonous! Oh no!"
  307. <gutsyGumshoe> Usually accompanied by some upbeat music.
  308. -*- tipsyLalonde CHEW--
  309. <gutsyGumshoe> I- what?
  310. <gutsyGumshoe> ROXY!!!
  312. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble scurries over, and educates the humans on how to properly seat yourself on a mushroom. She uses her tail to kinda squish it down before she slowly puts her bum down, and then it doesn't bounce her off. Sittin' pretty on a glowy mushroom. Polaroid moment.
  313. <tipsyLalonde> "CANFT TALK IM EATIN 2 LOWD"
  314. <tipsyLalonde> "YOLO"
  315. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble Roxy through the looking glass.
  316. <Tom_Atlus> "Oh no! J-jane help me get her to spit it out! I haven't tested it yet!" He stutters, quickly making his way over to Roxy. "Please at least let me make sure they aren't poisonous before swallowing!"
  318. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble boggles vacantly at these shananigans. Why don't they want Roxy to eat the mushrooms...?
  319. <tipsyLalonde> "HOW ABOUT NOLO--"
  320. <tipsyLalonde> "o /fien/ tom"
  321. -*- gutsyGumshoe Casey shows all of them up in maturity and coordination and no one notices
  322. -*- tipsyLalonde Begrudgingly spits out her mouthful. It tastes pretty bitchin, though. She doesn't get what the big deal is.
  323. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane makes it to Roxy just as she spits out the mushroom goo and slips on it in a perfect slapstick pratfall.
  324. -*- gutsyGumshoe Her moustache detaches and floats gently down to join her.
  325. -*- tipsyLalonde What's gonna happen. She gets /dreamdead/. Unless this is one of those dealies where if she dies in her dream she DIES IN /REAL/ /LIFE/. She makes note to keep an eye out for Krueger as she watches Jane fall to the ground.
  326. -*- tipsyLalonde An extremity is pointed. "lol u ok" She helpfully inquires.
  327. <ViceroyAdorabubble>
  328. <Tom_Atlus> Tom picks a smaller mushroom and starts analyzing it to the best of his capabilities... The healing magic training he's picked up at least lets him pick up obvious poisons, so a spot check is always good! ... Either way he finds nothing. Nodding to himself before noticing Jane falling over! He casts a minor bit of air magic to cushion Jane's fall a bit to make it less painful!
  329. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (none of my pics are working .png )
  330. <gutsyGumshoe> yes exactly thank u asey ilu)
  331. <gutsyGumshoe> no it worked for me)
  332. <tipsyLalonde> [[Not for me o8]]
  333. <Tom_Atlus> ((I'm using Chatzilla so eeeeeverything works for me XP))
  334. <tipsyLalonde> [[o m,o]]
  335. <gutsyGumshoe> The spell does not, unfortunately, cushion the blow to her prankster's gambit. She slowly sits up, straightening her fedora and primly patting her mustache back into place.
  336. <gutsyGumshoe> /Well/.
  337. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble has already scooped up the dropped mustache, and experiments pasting it to her own upper lip.
  338. <Tom_Atlus> "You okay miss Jane?" Tom asks, passing around mushrooms for everyone. "The mushrooms are okay to eat now! Sorry for making all of us panic like that..."
  339. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble could have told you that
  340. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble why don't you ask a native jfc
  341. -*- gutsyGumshoe With a sigh she stands up and brushes off her bottom. "Better safe than sorry, I suppose."
  342. <gutsyGumshoe> Not as if I require any assistance making a fool out of myself, ha-ha.
  343. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble bubbles at Jane and points to the mustache, asking if she's properly displaying this attire.
  344. <gutsyGumshoe> What- oh!
  345. <Tom_Atlus> "I know how that feels, definitely..." Tom looks over at the Viceroy and gives a thumbs up, sitting down on a mushroom properly this time...
  346. <-- tipsyLalonde ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  347. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble use your tail tom
  348. <gutsyGumshoe> Hoo hoo, yes, it suits you! Let me fix it for you, darling, it's a bit crooked.
  349. -*- gutsyGumshoe Stacheadjust!
  350. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble lets her fix it, then displays it with pride, closing her eyes.
  351. -*- Tom_Atlus uses a bit of air magic to simulate that...
  352. <-- Midna ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  353. <gutsyGumshoe> There, perfect!
  354. <gutsyGumshoe> Now you are properly dressed for any occasion!
  355. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble wizardly robes check. scarf check. mustache check.
  356. <Tom_Atlus> "Aaaw, she looks fantastic~"
  357. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble bubbles at the others, wondering if they want her to show them anything in her homeland.
  358. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (tipsylalonde did u pass out)
  359. <Tom_Atlus> ((XD))
  360. <-- GamerDater ( has quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
  361. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles, looking up at the sky... He reaches a hand up towards it, just wondering what it could show...
  362. --> GamerDater ( has joined #dickmegle
  363. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble It would seem a numerous amount of tiny lights are caught just under the dark clouds that cover the sky.
  364. <Tom_Atlus> Tom points up at the lights that flicker about in the sky... He looks to the Viceroy. "... What /are/ they?" He asks, hoping for some kind of bubble symbolism to help lead the way once more.
  365. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble needn't rely on bubbles this time. She harkens to the lights, sending some bubbles into the sky to get their attention. Several of the lights break off from the main group and fly down to flitter around the humans. Close up, they're more easily recognizable as fireflies.
  366. <Tom_Atlus> "... Fireflies..." Tom cups his hands together, letting a few land in his palms and skitter about a bit. "... Thank you, this is /beautiful/ !" He says, his eyes filled with childlike wonder
  367. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (did gutsygumshoe pass out too)
  368. <Tom_Atlus> ((I assume so XP))
  369. <Tom_Atlus> ((This is so adorable though!))
  370. <Tom_Atlus> ((At least I think so. Do you?))
  371. <Nitro> [She doesn't usually.]
  372. <Nitro> [Might have gotten distracted though.]
  373. <Tom_Atlus> ((Oh well))
  374. <ViceroyAdorabubble> The fireflies blink their behinds at the boy. .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / .- / .-- .. --.. .- .-. -.. ..--..
  375. <Tom_Atlus> "..." His detection magic teacher gave him a minor lesson in morse code. He's barely able to catch the word Wizard amongst the flashes. "... Yes, yes I am. It seems like everyone's asking me that question lately~" He says to the fire flies, smiling gently
  376. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (just wait until you meet eridan jfc)
  377. <Tom_Atlus> ((XD))
  378. <gutsyGumshoe> whoops got distracted)
  379. --> tophatTimelady ( has joined #dickmegle
  380. <Tom_Atlus> ((Hopefully not Fandom!Eridan? *shot*))
  381. <gutsyGumshoe> christ i hope not)
  382. <tophatTimelady> (wweh)
  383. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (nyeh.)
  384. <tophatTimelady> (my food's cold)
  385. <gutsyGumshoe> NOPE.JPG)
  386. <tophatTimelady> (>:0)
  387. --> Jaspersprite ( has joined #dickmegle
  388. <tophatTimelady> (o hi jasp(
  389. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane thoughtfully chews her mushroom and pats the passed-out Roxy's bouffant. Is that man talking to the fireflies that the tiny lizard girl summoned from the clouds? Why, yes. Yes he is. Totally normal occurance.
  390. <Nitro> [Welcome back, Jaspurrs. Want me to PM you the stuff you missed?]
  391. <Tom_Atlus> "They speak in morsecode I think!" Tom says, grinning goofily at Jane. "Oh man this is /so cool/ !"
  392. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble actually hasn't been here since the whole wizardly robe and wand thing. Maybe she should go see that Clan of the Secret Wizard and see if they're recruiting.
  393. <gutsyGumshoe> Mff? Mff! Mhmgh- oh, I have a book of code-languages with me, let me see-
  394. -*- gutsyGumshoe She rummages about in her specibus for a moment before producing a sizeable tome with an 'aha!'
  395. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble forgets that the consorts won't be here, this is merely a dream memory.
  396. <Jaspersprite> [[Yes hi hG o: And that would be nice thank uvu]]
  397. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (roxy passed out, too many bad shrooms)
  398. <Jaspersprite> [[Laughs]]
  399. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (yolo turned out to be tragically true)
  400. <gutsyGumshoe> alas, poor roxy)
  401. <Jaspersprite> [[Mushroomtinis are the next big thing]]
  402. <gutsyGumshoe> i knew her, thomathan)
  403. -*- Jaspersprite in hindsight it wasn't such a hot idea after a-- snrk]]
  404. <gutsyGumshoe> Now, let's see...
  405. <gutsyGumshoe> Dash, dot...dash dot dot? Dot dot...hmm...
  406. <gutsyGumshoe> This is extraordinary. I'm a bit embarrassed I didn't think of it first.
  407. --> Serenity ( has joined #dickmegle
  408. <Tom_Atlus> "They're saying something about a wizard... What have you gathered so far, ma'am?" He asks Jane
  409. <Serenity> (i'll just multitab)
  410. <Jaspersprite> [[Fff]]
  411. <gutsyGumshoe> I think they've asked if you are one, quite simply. Remarkable.
  412. <gutsyGumshoe> What shall I tell them?
  413. -*- Jaspersprite squints]]
  414. -*- Jaspersprite Are PMs working for me--]]
  415. -*- Serenity already got her answer to that one! She and a couple buddies buzz around Jane. .- -. -.. / -.-- --- ..- /// .-- .... .- - / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..-
  416. <gutsyGumshoe>!
  417. -*- Tom_Atlus tilts his head. "What, what is it JAne?"
  418. <Tom_Atlus> *Jane
  419. <gutsyGumshoe> She's asking what I am.
  420. <gutsyGumshoe> How shall I respond...
  421. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles, kicking back and letting Jane answer
  422. -*- gutsyGumshoe She thinks for a moment, then pulls out an alchemized flashlight-pipe combo.
  423. -*- gutsyGumshoe She hesitantly flashes a reply. ".--- .- -. ."
  424. -*- Tom_Atlus watches Jane communicate with the fireflies with a flash light... It's a sight that tickles his heart, if only because it's just really adorable to watch.
  425. <Serenity> -.. .. -.. / -.-- --- ..- / -... .-. .. -. --. / - .... . -- / .... . .-. . the bugs ask the salamancer.
  426. <gutsyGumshoe> I've told them my name...I think.
  427. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble responds with blubby bubbles that pop in a similar way to the flashing of their behinds. .. / .--. .-. --- -- .. ... . / - .... . -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / --. --- --- -.. /// - .... . -.-- / ... . . -- / - --- / .-.. .. -.- . / .. - / .... . .-. .
  428. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane claps excitedly, grinning like a fool.
  429. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jiminy cricket, secret codes out the wazoo!
  430. -*- Tom_Atlus taps at the ground experimentally... "-- -.-- / .... --- ...- . .-. -.-. .-. .- ..-. - / .. ... / ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. / --- ..-. / . . .-.. ..."
  431. -*- Tom_Atlus grins goofily. He couldn't resist. "... --- .-. .-. -.-- / - .... .- - / .-- .- ... / .- / .--- --- -.- ."
  432. <Nitro> [oH]
  433. <Nitro> [Sorry Jasp I]
  434. <Nitro> [Got distracted]
  435. -*- Serenity and her friends form the shape of a question mark near the boy.
  436. <Serenity> .-- - ..-.
  437. <Jaspersprite> [[It's cool uvu]]
  438. -*- Serenity and her buds buzz about Roxy's collapsed body like so many flies. .. ... / ... .... . / --- -.-
  439. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh drat, I can't seem to keep up. What is she asking now?
  440. <Tom_Atlus> Umm... hold on...
  441. -*- Serenity repeats herself if necessary.
  442. <Tom_Atlus> Tom watches the blinking, walking over to Jane and looking over her should at the tome... "..." He taps a response soon afterwards. "... .... . .----. .-.. .-.. / -... . / ..-. .. -. ."
  443. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble bubbles at the humans! .-- --- .-- / -.-- --- ..- / --. ..- -.-- ... / ... .--. . .- -.- / -... ..- --. ??! Of course, it's a bit harder to read bubble-pop morse code than lights doing it. They might have trouble.
  444. --> Midna ( has joined #dickmegle
  445. *** Mode #dickmegle +o Midna by ChanServ
  446. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane hastily jots down dots and dashes in the margins of her book
  447. -*- gutsyGumshoe She snorts. "Speaking...big? Bug! Oh!"
  448. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble jane no it's a priceleSS HEIRLOOM
  449. <gutsyGumshoe> kodes for kids is not an heirloom, casey)
  450. <Tom_Atlus> "Um... Well, back where I'm from it's called Morse Code actually! It's a kind of communication based on rhythm and stuff." Tom explains.
  451. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (maybe not in YOUR customs)
  452. <Serenity> .-- .. --.. .- .-. -.. / -... --- -.-- / -.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / .- -. -.-- / .-- . .- - .... . .-. / ... .--. . .-.. .-.. ...
  453. -*- Serenity flutters up to indicate the clouds she'd come down from.
  454. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh dear, that's a lengthy one... let's see...
  455. <Tom_Atlus> Hrm....
  456. -*- Tom_Atlus looks up at the sky, a ball of wind forming in his hands as he taps at the ground... "-. --- - .... .. -. --. / ... - .-. --- -. --. / . -. --- ..- --. .... / - --- / -... .-. . .- -.- / - .... --- ... . / -.-. .-.. --- ..- -.. ..."
  457. <Tom_Atlus> ".. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.--"
  458. <Serenity> -.--.- ---...
  459. <Tom_Atlus> "... I ... I can't tell what that is?"
  460. <Tom_Atlus> "That doesn't seem like a sentence."
  461. -*- Serenity form a ): shape with their bodies.
  462. <Serenity> .-- . / -.-. .- -. -. --- - / --. . - / - .... .-. --- ..- --. .... / - .... . / -.-. .-.. --- ..- -.. ... / - --- / - .... . / ... -.- -.--
  463. <Serenity> .-- . / .- .-. . / - .-. .- .--. .--. . -..
  464. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane looks up, slightly frustrated. "How are you able to understand morse code so well, Tom?"
  465. <Serenity> (the tiny word was just a sadface but i guess it didn't translate well)
  466. <Tom_Atlus> "Well I got dumped on an island once and had to rescue myself using morse code from a reference book my teacher gave to me..." He says with a /completely/ straight face.
  467. -*- gutsyGumshoe Blinks.
  468. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh.
  469. <Serenity> Truly, theirs is a story as tragic as Shakespeare.
  470. <gutsyGumshoe> Well, you're not the first person I've met who has gotten themselves stranded on an island by far.
  471. <gutsyGumshoe> How on Earth did you save yourself with morse code, though?
  472. <Tom_Atlus> Tom grins. "Really? I'd love to meet them!" He says before looking up at the sky again. "... Lit a signal fire. Saw a boat passing in the distance and had to memorize a few messages to send to them... They send some complicated stuff so it took me a while of searching to understand exactly what they meant... A few hours of miscommunication later I eventually got the hang of it." He says,...
  473. <Tom_Atlus> ...dispelling the wind ball in his hands. "... Although after that I decided to learn Morse Code more juuuust in case I got stuck without a reference guide one day."
  474. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble hurries back toward the two humans. Funny, no one had even noticed she was gone - Anyway, she holds a few bowls of Cream of Glowshroom soup for the group to share. Eerie, the liquid glows too--
  475. -*- Tom_Atlus smiles, thanking the Viceroy and petting her gently on the head before enjoying the soup
  476. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble It glows enough that Jane might be able to read by its light.
  477. <gutsyGumshoe> Oh, err, thank you Miss Salamancer.
  478. -*- gutsyGumshoe Tentatively....tastes the soup...
  479. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble Apparently lots of things glow here. Bugs and flora.
  480. -*- gutsyGumshoe She makes a face. "How odd. It's a little like licking a battery."
  481. - {Day changed to Sat Dec 15 00:00:00 2012}
  482. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble The soup is creamy, not unlike Cream of Mushroom soup back home. Except for that zing, yeah.
  483. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane opts to use her electric soup as source of light rather than nourishment.
  484. -*- gutsyGumshoe She shakily flashes out a question to the world at large. ".-- .... .- - / .. ... / - .... .. ... / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . / -.-. .- .-.. .-.. . -.. ..--.."
  485. <Serenity> The world at large answers back. Many of the fireflies up above join in, the very sky twinkling its answer: - .... . / .-.. .- -. -.. / --- ..-. / .-- .. -. -.. / .- -. -.. / ... .... .- -.. .
  486. <gutsyGumshoe> Wind...and Shadow? Shade.
  487. <gutsyGumshoe> This is a game world then.
  488. <gutsyGumshoe> But from whose session?
  489. <gutsyGumshoe> Hmm...
  490. <gutsyGumshoe> .-- .... --- / .. ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .... . .-. --- ..--..
  491. -*- Serenity doesn't know how to answer that.
  492. <Serenity> .-- . / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / .- .-- .- .. - / --- ..- .-. / .... . .-. --- / - --- / ... .-- . . .--. / .- .-- .- -.-- / - .... . / -.-. .-.. --- ..- -.. ...
  493. -*- Tom_Atlus sighs, staring up at the clouds... ".. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- .-.-.-"
  494. <Serenity> PErhaps the answer is of this fashion because Jane asked the fireflies, whom were never 'saved'. Perhaps it's because this is merely a memory of the pre-hero past. Any number of reasons for a 'heroless' land.
  495. <Tom_Atlus> He taps out.
  496. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as valliantVirtue
  497. <-> valliantVirtue is now known as calamitousGodlyhood
  498. <gutsyGumshoe> Wind, then.
  499. <gutsyGumshoe> Wind or something like it will be the aspect of their hero.
  500. <Serenity> .- / .... . .-. --- / --- ..-. / .-- .. -. -.. / ..-. --- .-. / .- / .-.. .- -. -.. / --- ..-. / .-- .. -. -..
  501. <gutsyGumshoe> We are expecting the arrival of several players into our session, actually. One of them may be able to help, perhaps.
  502. <-> You are now known as vermilionVanquisher
  503. <-- Darlos9D (~kvirc@ has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  504. <Tom_Atlus> "I might be able to help clear away /some/ of the clouds if I could get close enough but... I don't know. I don't think I'm strong enough..." Tom sighs.
  505. <-> calamitousGodlyhood is now known as valliantVirtue
  506. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble looks concerned. The humans seem to be worried about the fate of her land, which is admirable, but maybe they're forgetting this is only a memory of the real thing. Can she do anything to alleviate the worry?
  507. <gutsyGumshoe> It's alright, Tom. I don't think it would work if it isn't done by a hero of the correct aspect.
  508. -*- Tom_Atlus sighs, lying down on his mushroom and reaching up to the sky. "... Darn context based game events..." Tom whispers, letting his hand fall after a short while...
  509. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble forms a bubble in the somewhat-crude shape of a boy in a hoodie with a long, long hood. And again, that windy thing symbol from earlier.
  510. <Tom_Atlus> "... I guess he's the hero of this land then. I wonder where he is...?"
  511. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble misses daddy.
  512. <gutsyGumshoe> I don't know. Maybe in another land, helping another player with their puzzles.
  513. <-> tophatTimelady is now known as Rabbit
  514. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble single salamander tear for dramatic effect--
  515. <gutsyGumshoe> Aww.
  516. <gutsyGumshoe> It will be alright, dearie.
  517. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble hugs Jane's middle, and is comforted enough not to cry.
  518. -*- gutsyGumshoe Pat pat pat, Jane awkwardly goes on the little salamander's hooded head. "Shoooosh."
  519. <Tom_Atlus> Tom sits down next to Jane and the salamander, helping Jane calm her down...
  520. -*- Serenity buzzes near Tom. .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -.-- --- ..- / ... .... --- .-- / ..- ... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / ... -.- .. .-.. .-.. / .-- .. - .... / .-- .. -. -..
  521. -*- Tom_Atlus translates the meaning and nods, outstretching a hand in a claw shape...
  522. -*- Tom_Atlus concentrates as a visible ball of wind form in his hand... He draws his hand back and thrusts it forward, a gust of wind blowing forward from his palm.
  523. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane blinks at this display. "Oh. My."
  524. <gutsyGumshoe> It seems you really are a wizard.
  525. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble pulls out her wand, eager to join in the magics. That'll cheer her up.
  526. -*- Tom_Atlus nods. "... Let me see if this still works..." He says, climbing up on top of a mushrom and jumping off of it as high as he can! He stretches his arms out, palms down and feet flat as he slowly hovers to the ground using air magic rather than crashing in a heap
  527. --> Eridicks ( has joined #dickmegle
  528. <Eridicks> wwell.
  529. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble watches Tom perform a feat and instantly thinks it looks like a lot of fun. She climbs atop the same big glowy mushroom and looks intent to jump as well.
  530. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane watches, agog. She examines the wizard as if searching him for hidden wires.
  531. <gutsyGumshoe> So wind magic, and flight. Or are wind magic and flight one in the sa- oh gracious what is the baby doing!
  532. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble l e a p s
  534. -*- gutsyGumshoe SWEET CATCH!!!
  535. -*- Tom_Atlus lands, his mini heart attack over... "Oh thank goodness, awesome work Jane!" He says, sighing in relief. He walks over to Jane and Viceroy, using some wind magic to help lower them down safely.
  536. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble gives Jane a /look/ from the place safe in her arms. You know the one. The one that says "spoilsport."
  537. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (alternate ending: "Not a babyyyyyyy*splat*)
  538. --> mib_b6jlnj ( has joined #dickmegle
  539. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane is too busy hugging the salamander to care about any looks given or recieved.
  540. <-- Eridicks ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  541. <-- mib_b6jlnj ( has quit (Client Quit)
  542. <gutsyGumshoe> Perhaps...her first lesson could be flight. So that I don't ever have to do that again.
  543. <Tom_Atlus> "I wonder indeed..." Tom sighs, sitting down next to Jane and offering a hug? "Air magic can come with flight but that's for more powerful masters of the craft."
  544. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble squints one eye closed, sticks her blue tongue out the side, and points her wand. She kinda wants the kinda magic you can shoot. Or something.
  545. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane gives him a chummy pat on the shoulder instead, calming down. Near death experiences, magic people. Business as usual.
  546. -*- Tom_Atlus accepts the chummy shoulder pat gladly, examining the wand once more. "I believe that the wands you have might cast different sorts of spells depending on what kind they are..." Tom says to the viceroy, smiling gently. "All you have to do is focus on the spell that the wand wants you to cast, and focus your energy into it. At least that's the presumption I can make..."
  547. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble usually just resorts to this.
  548. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble flails the fuck out of her wand until it maybe does or maybe does not spew magics.
  549. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble is just a familiar she was never really taught to USE the wands.
  550. <Tom_Atlus> Tom gently holds Viceroy's wrists. "No no, just flailing won't do you much good..." He says, smiling warmly. "Here now, let me see?" He asks, hoping to borrow the wand for a few moments.
  551. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble calms down and lets him handle the salamancer wand.
  552. -*- Tom_Atlus takes the wand, focusing on the wand's energy... what spell he wonders, what piece of arcane might has been embedded in this spell...
  553. -*- Tom_Atlus flicks the wand once, focusing his energy and thoughts, willing the wand's spell into existence! ((It's up to you))
  554. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (kinda a reference to this-- )
  555. -*- Midna ﹤OOC﹥: omfg i remember that
  556. <gutsyGumshoe> heeheehee cool)
  557. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble A nearby mushroom tears up out of the ground and floats in the air. Viceroy bubbles excitedly.
  558. <gutsyGumshoe> Gadzooks!
  559. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (I was tempted to make Tom earn trust to touch salamander wand too--)
  560. -*- Tom_Atlus blinks, setting the mushroom back into the ground. He hands the wand back to the viceroy and aims her at a small mushroom. "Think about what the spell is calling to you, what it needs... then focus and clear your other thoughts from your mind... and cast with a simple flick." He says, passing the wand back to the Viceroy.
  561. <Tom_Atlus> ((Wait shit repetition ftl))
  562. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble narrows her eyes, and sticks her blue tongue out the side. Watch carefully guys this is CRITICAL TECHNIQUE.
  563. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble focuses...aims... and...
  564. -*- Tom_Atlus waits patiently, watching her /carefully/
  565. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble abruptly diSOBEYS
  566. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble at the last minute, turning to Tom and flicking in his direction to make him airborne instead.
  567. -*- gutsyGumshoe Jane takes FUCKING COVER TALLYHO
  568. -*- gutsyGumshoe YOUTH ROLL
  569. -*- gutsyGumshoe NICE ABSCOND!
  570. <Tom_Atlus> "W-whoa! Okay! Hahaha! Holy jeez this is awesome! W-wait Jane come back!"
  571. -*- Tom_Atlus flips around in the air awkwardly, okay! This is cool!
  572. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble points Tom in the direction of the fireflies, insisting he buzz around with them.
  573. <Serenity> .-- - ..-.
  574. -*- Tom_Atlus laughs, flipping around amongst the fire flies before stabilizing himself with air magic...
  575. <Tom_Atlus> "Awesome work mage in training! You've got this spell stuff /down/ ! WHOO HOO!"
  576. <Serenity> -.-- --- ..- / .--- .- -.-. -.- .. -. --. / --- ..- .-. / -... .. - / .-- .. --.. .- .-. -.. / -... --- -.-- (semi-ooc lol)
  577. <-- Rabbit ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  578. <Tom_Atlus> ((XD)))
  579. <Tom_Atlus> Tom is having too much fun to care right now!
  580. --> tophatTimelady ( has joined #dickmegle
  581. <ViceroyAdorabubble> (i should turn in, so i'll use this post to duck out. if you two have anything to RP alone feel free.)
  582. -*- ViceroyAdorabubble thankfully puts Tom down before she can manage to do any bodily damage. She drops him a bit roughly since she just stops the spell outright, but he's got the air thingy so he'll be fine. She scampers off to find some more things to float around, easily excited by this new power she's unlocked.
  583. <Tom_Atlus> Tom phews, waving goodbye for now and chilling out on a mushroom again...
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