

Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. 16:37 Greg I want to introduce the World Forgers as a thing in an RP. That's purely it for me, after that I'm focusing on the other RPs.
  2. 16:38 Meridian Vekadem sorta like unbalancing things. Religiously think its the natural course of the universe, politically and strategically abuse the shit out of their tech, equivalents of metas, and underhanded efforts and do not like the idea of stopping
  3. 16:38 Meridian Seeing earth as a little bit similar they might give a tiny helping hand
  4. 16:39 Meridian If they survive, hey the bid worked and they have an ally to bounce things off of
  5. 16:39 Meridian if they fail, hey the bid failed but the scavenging more than makes up for it
  6. 16:40 Meridian most selfish helping ever
  7. 16:48 Greg Also, I did this lazy comparison of the lower class and higher class Verji'kan. The Lower Class are usually laborers or soldiers, with the Higher Class being Philosophers, Political Leaders, Generals, etc
  8. 16:48 Meridian Ooooh
  9. 16:48 Meridian I like it
  10. 16:49 Sylum they lose their hands higher up?
  11. 16:50 Meridian Like, goddamn
  12. 16:50 Greg They don't have hands to begin with. They're squid ayys put in suits.
  13. 16:50 Meridian They are telekinetics, no?
  14. 16:50 Greg Lower Class is Standard Armor, they can't do much with what they have, Higher Class can access Advanced Telepathy.
  15. 16:50 Sylum But really, that is cool, I like how the higher ups get anti gravity tech, or more telekinetics powers
  16. 16:51 Greg Telekinetics is given to the Lower Class in times of war or struggle.
  17. 16:52 Sylum Maybe the giant head one you made can be the supreme leader
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