
Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. options:
  2. perm: skypot.staff
  3. perm.msg: &4&oVous n'avez pas la permission.
  5. command /mod:
  6. permission: {@perm}
  7. permission message: {@perm.msg}
  8. description: Skript de Modération pour Skypot !
  9. trigger:
  10. clear player's inventory
  11. heal player
  12. set the player's gamemode to creative
  13. set player's fly mode to true
  14. wait 1 second
  15. give a stick of unbreaking 3 named "&6Téléporteur random" to the slot 2 of player
  16. give a sugar of unbreaking 3 named "&9Raffraichir les Joueurs" to the slot 3 of player
  17. give a wooden sword of knockback 5 named "&aKNOCKBACK 5" to the slot 0 of player
  18. if {vanish.%player%} is false:
  19. give a light green dye named "&aVanish &7[&cOFF&7]" to the slot 8 of player
  20. else if {vanish.%player%} is true:
  21. give a light green dye named "&aVanish &7[&aON&7]" to the slot 8 of player
  22. reveal player to all players
  23. send "&a/mod Effectué." to executor
  24. execute command "playsound note.snare %player%"
  26. on join:
  27. set {vanish.%player%} to false
  28. set {slow.%player%} to false
  29. reveal player to all players
  31. on right click with stick:
  32. if name of player's tool is "&6Téléporteur random":
  33. teleport player to (random player out of all players)
  34. if random player out of all players is player:
  35. send "&7Le RANDOM TP est tombé sur vous. Veuillez réessayez."
  36. stop
  37. else if random player out of all players is not player:
  38. loop all players in radius 3 around player:
  39. set {_lol} to "%loop-player%"
  40. send "&2Vous avez été téléporter à &c%{_lol}%&7."
  41. set the player's gamemode to creative
  42. set player's fly mode to true
  44. on rightclick with light green dye:
  45. if name of player's tool contains "&aVanish":
  46. if {vanish.%player%} is false:
  47. hide player to all players
  48. send "&cPlus personne ne vous vois."
  49. set name of player's tool to "&aVanish &7[&aON&7]"
  50. set {vanish.%player%} to true
  51. set the player's gamemode to creative
  52. set player's fly mode to true
  53. else if {vanish.%player%} is true:
  54. set the player's gamemode to creative
  55. set player's fly mode to true
  56. reveal player to all players
  57. send "&aVous êtes de nouveau visible."
  58. set {vanish.%player%} to false
  59. set name of player's tool to "&aVanish &7[&cOFF&7]"
  61. on teleport:
  62. if {vanish.%player%} is true:
  63. set the player's gamemode to creative
  64. set player's fly mode to true
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