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- #include "Uniforms.glsl"
- #include "Samplers.glsl"
- #include "Transform.glsl"
- #include "ScreenPos.glsl"
- #include "Lighting.glsl"
- #include "Fog.glsl"
- #define PI 3.1415926535
- #define e 2.7182818284
- #ifdef NORMALMAP
- varying vec4 vTexCoord;
- varying vec4 vTangent;
- #else
- varying vec2 vTexCoord;
- #endif
- varying vec3 vNormal;
- varying vec4 vWorldPos;
- #ifdef PERPIXEL
- #ifdef SHADOW
- varying vec4 vShadowPos[NUMCASCADES];
- #endif
- #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
- varying vec4 vSpotPos;
- #endif
- varying vec3 vCubeMaskVec;
- #endif
- #else
- varying vec3 vVertexLight;
- varying vec4 vScreenPos;
- varying vec3 vReflectionVec;
- #endif
- #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
- varying vec2 vTexCoord2;
- #endif
- #endif
- void VS()
- {
- mat4 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
- vec3 worldPos = GetWorldPos(modelMatrix);
- gl_Position = GetClipPos(worldPos);
- vNormal = GetWorldNormal(modelMatrix);
- vWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, GetDepth(gl_Position));
- #ifdef NORMALMAP
- vec3 tangent = GetWorldTangent(modelMatrix);
- vec3 bitangent = cross(tangent, vNormal) * iTangent.w;
- vTexCoord = vec4(GetTexCoord(iTexCoord), bitangent.xy);
- vTangent = vec4(tangent, bitangent.z);
- #else
- vTexCoord = GetTexCoord(iTexCoord);
- #endif
- #ifdef PERPIXEL
- // Per-pixel forward lighting
- vec4 projWorldPos = vec4(worldPos, 1.0);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- // Shadow projection: transform from world space to shadow space
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMCASCADES; i++)
- vShadowPos[i] = GetShadowPos(i, projWorldPos);
- #endif
- #ifdef SPOTLIGHT
- // Spotlight projection: transform from world space to projector texture coordinates
- vSpotPos = projWorldPos * cLightMatrices[0];
- #endif
- vCubeMaskVec = (worldPos - * mat3(cLightMatrices[0][0].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][1].xyz, cLightMatrices[0][2].xyz);
- #endif
- #else
- // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
- #if defined(LIGHTMAP) || defined(AO)
- // If using lightmap, disregard zone ambient light
- // If using AO, calculate ambient in the PS
- vVertexLight = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- vTexCoord2 = iTexCoord2;
- #else
- vVertexLight = GetAmbient(GetZonePos(worldPos));
- #endif
- for (int i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXLIGHTS; ++i)
- vVertexLight += GetVertexLight(i, worldPos, vNormal) * cVertexLights[i * 3].rgb;
- #endif
- vScreenPos = GetScreenPos(gl_Position);
- vReflectionVec = worldPos - cCameraPos;
- #endif
- #endif
- }
- float G_Term( float NoH, float NoL, float NoV, float VoH)
- {
- float a = min( (2 * (NoH*NoV) / VoH),( 2 * (NoH*NoL) / VoH ) );
- return min(1, a);
- }
- float D_Beckmann( float NoH, float roughness)
- {
- float R_sqr = roughness * roughness;
- float NoH_sqr = NoH * NoH;
- float d_a = pow ( e, (NoH_sqr - 1) / ( R_sqr * NoH_sqr));
- float d_b = 4 * (R_sqr * R_sqr);
- return ( d_a / d_b );
- };
- float CookTorrance ( vec3 H, float NoV, float NoL, float NoH, float VoH, float rougness, float fresnel)
- {
- float D = D_Beckmann( NoH, rougness );
- float G = G_Term (NoH, NoL, NoV, VoH);
- return (D * fresnel * G) / ( NoV*NoL );
- };
- vec4 LambertDiffuse( vec4 diffuse )
- {
- return diffuse * (1 / PI);
- };
- void PS()
- {
- //const float e = 2.7182818284;
- //const float pi = 3.1415926;
- // Get material diffuse albedo
- #ifdef DIFFMAP
- vec4 diffInput = texture2D(sDiffMap, vTexCoord.xy);
- #ifdef ALPHAMASK
- if (diffInput.a < 0.5)
- discard;
- #endif
- vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor * diffInput;
- #else
- vec4 diffColor = cMatDiffColor;
- #endif
- // Get material specular albedo
- #ifdef SPECMAP
- vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb * texture2D(sSpecMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
- #else
- vec3 specColor = cMatSpecColor.rgb;
- #endif
- // Get normal
- #ifdef NORMALMAP
- mat3 tbn = mat3(, vec3(, vTangent.w), vNormal);
- vec3 normal = normalize(tbn * DecodeNormal(texture2D(sNormalMap, vTexCoord.xy)));
- #else
- vec3 normal = normalize(vNormal);
- #endif
- // Get fog factor
- #ifdef HEIGHTFOG
- float fogFactor = GetHeightFogFactor(vWorldPos.w, vWorldPos.y);
- #else
- float fogFactor = GetFogFactor(vWorldPos.w);
- #endif
- #if defined(PERPIXEL)
- // Per-pixel forward lighting
- vec3 lightColor;
- vec3 lightDir;
- vec3 finalColor;
- float diff = GetDiffuse(normal,, lightDir);
- #ifdef SHADOW
- diff *= GetShadow(vShadowPos, vWorldPos.w);
- #endif
- #if defined(SPOTLIGHT)
- lightColor = vSpotPos.w > 0.0 ? texture2DProj(sLightSpotMap, vSpotPos).rgb * cLightColor.rgb : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- #elif defined(CUBEMASK)
- lightColor = textureCube(sLightCubeMap, vCubeMaskVec).rgb * cLightColor.rgb;
- #else
- lightColor = cLightColor.rgb;
- #endif
- #ifdef SPECULAR
- float spec = GetSpecular(normal, cCameraPosPS -, lightDir, cMatSpecColor.a);
- //finalColor = diff * lightColor * (diffColor.rgb + spec * specColor * cLightColor.a);
- #else
- float spec = 1;
- //finalColor = diff * lightColor * diffColor.rgb;
- #endif
- vec3 l = normalize ( - );
- vec3 v = normalize ( - );
- vec3 n = normal;
- vec3 h = normalize ( l + v);
- float VoH = dot(v, h);
- float NoH = dot(n, h);
- float NoL = dot(n, l);
- float NoV = dot(n, v);
- //float rougness = 0.75;
- //float fresnel = 0.7;
- vec4 diffCt = LambertDiffuse( diffColor );
- float ct = CookTorrance(h, NoV, NoL, NoH, VoH, cRougness, cFresnel);
- vec3 specCt = ( + ( specColor )) * max(0.0, ct);
- //vec3 specCt = (diff * lightColor * (diffColor.rgb + spec * specColor * cLightColor.a)) * max(0.0, ct);
- finalColor = diff * ( + (spec *;
- #endif
- #ifdef AMBIENT
- finalColor += cAmbientColor * diffColor.rgb;
- finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
- gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
- #else
- gl_FragColor = vec4(GetLitFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
- #endif
- #elif defined(PREPASS)
- // Fill light pre-pass G-Buffer
- float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;
- gl_FragData[0] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
- gl_FragData[1] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
- #elif defined(DEFERRED)
- // Fill deferred G-buffer
- float specIntensity = specColor.g;
- float specPower = cMatSpecColor.a / 255.0;
- vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
- #ifdef AO
- // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
- finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor * diffColor.rgb;
- #endif
- finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
- #endif
- #ifdef LIGHTMAP
- finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
- #endif
- finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
- #else
- finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
- #endif
- gl_FragData[0] = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), 1.0);
- gl_FragData[1] = fogFactor * vec4(diffColor.rgb, specIntensity);
- gl_FragData[2] = vec4(normal * 0.5 + 0.5, specPower);
- gl_FragData[3] = vec4(EncodeDepth(vWorldPos.w), 0.0);
- #else
- // Ambient & per-vertex lighting
- vec3 finalColor = vVertexLight * diffColor.rgb;
- #ifdef AO
- // If using AO, the vertex light ambient is black, calculate occluded ambient here
- finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * cAmbientColor * diffColor.rgb;
- #endif
- #ifdef MATERIAL
- // Add light pre-pass accumulation result
- // Lights are accumulated at half intensity. Bring back to full intensity now
- vec4 lightInput = 2.0 * texture2DProj(sLightBuffer, vScreenPos);
- vec3 lightSpecColor = lightInput.a * lightInput.rgb / max(GetIntensity(lightInput.rgb), 0.001);
- finalColor += lightInput.rgb * diffColor.rgb + lightSpecColor * specColor;
- #endif
- finalColor += cMatEnvMapColor * textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect(vReflectionVec, normal)).rgb;
- #endif
- #ifdef LIGHTMAP
- finalColor += texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord2).rgb * diffColor.rgb;
- #endif
- finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor * texture2D(sEmissiveMap, vTexCoord.xy).rgb;
- #else
- finalColor += cMatEmissiveColor;
- #endif
- gl_FragColor = vec4(GetFog(finalColor, fogFactor), diffColor.a);
- #endif
- }
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