

Aug 23rd, 2012
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  1. Add to the head title
  3. Aho Craft - Play at Mumble with us at
  9. Commandlist (for server) :
  10. /who (or)(list)(playerlist)(online)(players) - See who is online.
  11. /intro - Replays server's intro.mid file
  12. /motd - Show the message of the day.
  13. /warp [name] - Teleport to specified warp. (For general uses and purposes, there are no warps to use, unless otherwise announced)
  14. /msg (or)(message)(whisper)(pm)(tell) - Sends a message to a player (or console if "!" is used).
  15. /whereami (or)(getpos)(pos)(where) - Get your current location.
  16. /afk - Sets you as afk, If another user uses /msg or /reply while you are away, it will warn them and tell them your status if given. Typing /afk again will set you as no longer being afk.
  17. /me - Send an action message.
  18. /stats <player>- Show stats about yourself or another player
  19. /statsget <playername>- Show stats for an offline player
  20. /statpage - View the various stats pages
  21. /played <playername>- Show play time for you or another player
  22. /laston - View a couple of stats
  23. /sl - view help for the StreetLights plugin.
  24. /market - Get to the p2p market.
  25. /return - Return to the last location after going to market.
  28. /econ
  29. /econ pay <playername> <amount>
  30. /tm req (or) request <name> - Request a player to trade with you.
  31. /tm acc (or) accept - Accept a request.
  32. /tm dec (or) decline - Decline a request.
  33. /tm con (or)confirm - Used to toggle whether or not you have confirmed an offer.
  34. /tm can (or)cancel - Cancels a trade.
  35. /tm open - Reopens the trade window after closing.
  36. /tm addc (or)addcoin <amount> - Adds the amount of currency to the offer.
  37. /tm remc (or)remcoin <amount> - Removes the amount of currency from the offer.
  38. /tm ovf (or) overflow - Opens the virtual overflow chest, if the command user has items that they could not hold after a trade.
  39. /tm help <page number> - Opens the help documentation.
  40. For a video tutorial on TradeMod, view <a href="">this</a>
  41. /jobs help - view help in jobs and how to access one. The in-game help page is extremely well done.
  44. /npc create - NOTE THIS WILL COST YOU 500 PIX TO PERFORM
  46. /trader sell <itemID:amount:datavalue> <price> - This sets the item to be SOLD to other players. Note, you must first have the correct number of items and the correct item in order for it to be sold successfully.
  47. /trader buy <itemID:amount:datavalue> <price> - This is the same, except with to buy. Note you must have the item you wish to buy in the NPC's inventory.
  48. /trader list buy(or)sell - View the shop's buying and selling prices.
  49. /trader buy(or)sell edit <itemID:amount:datavalue> <price> edits an existing shop's prices.
  50. /npc money - view the amount of money your npc has
  51. /npc money add(or)take <amount> - Give or take that amount of money to/from your NPC.
  54. /mcmmo - Displays a description of the mod and how to play
  55. /mcc - Displays a list of mcMMO commands in game
  56. /mcstats - View detailed information on your mcMMO stats
  57. /<skillname> - Displays information of the skill in game, useful for learning what something does without having to come back here and read about it.
  58. /p - toggle party chat or supply additional arguments to send a message
  59. /party <party_name> - (creates a party with said name or attempts to join)
  60. /invite - (invite player to your party)
  61. /accept - (join a party you've been invited to)
  62. /party lock - (useable by party owner)
  63. /party unlock - (useable by party owner)
  64. /party password <password> - (useable by party owner, party must be locked)
  65. /party password "" - (useable by party owner, party must be locked, disables password)
  66. /party kick <player> - (useable by party owner, party must be locked, cannot kick a user with mcmmo.admin without having mcmmo.admin)
  67. /party owner <player> - (useable by party owner, transfers ownership)
  68. /party <party> <password> - (useable by any, to join a password protected and locked party)
  69. /party ? - (extended help)
  70. /invite and /accept - work with new system
  73. /f help,h,? [page] - Displays the ingame help pages
  74. /f list,ls - Lists all factions on the server.
  75. /f show,who *[faction tag] - Show detailed information on a certain faction.
  76. /f map *[on|off] - Show an ascii-art map of the nearby territory. Per default it will render only when you use the command. If you specify on or off you will toggle if the map should render every once in a while.
  77. /f join [faction] - Join a faction.
  78. /f leave - leave your current faction
  79. /f chat,c - Switch faction only chat on and off.
  80. /f home - Teleport to the faction home
  81. /f create [faction tag] - Create a new faction with you as admin.
  82. /f desc [desc] - Change the faction description.
  83. /f open,close - Switch if invitation is required to join your faction
  84. /f deinvite,invite,inv [player name] - Invite / deinvite a player to your faction. If your guild is closed invitations are required to join the guild.
  85. /f sethome - Set the faction home
  86. /f claim,unclaim, declaim - Claim or unclaim the land where you are standing. The area claimed is a minecraft “chunk”. It is an 16×16 area all the way from bedrock to the sky. If you are claiming territory from another faction you must start at the border. Only faction moderators and admin can do this.
  87. /f tag [faction tag] - Change the faction tag
  88. /f kick [player name] - Kick a player from the faction. Faction moderators can kick normal players but not eachother. The faction admin can kick moderators though.
  89. /f mod [player name] - Give or revoke moderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be faction admin to do this.
  90. /f admin [player name] - Hand over your admin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing it over. You will not be admin for the faction any longer. You will be turned into a moderator, but the new admin could kick you any time.
  91. /f title [player name] *[title] - Set or remove a players title. This serves special meaning. It’s just fun and allows you to “promote” players.
  92. /f ally, neutral, enemy [faction name] - Set which relation your WISH you had to another faction.
  106. Intro to our server:
  107. We are a small server that originaly started in 2012. We pride ourselves on
  108. doing a good job are keeping our server clean.(But what server doesn't?)
  109. We're a small server dedicated to the casual and maybe-a-bit-more-than-casual minecrafter. We think the super hardcore player will find the server a bit slow ^^; (At lesat Remi would find it that way if he were still in his super hardcore MC days) Enjoy the econ! PvP and Factions does exist for a reason, though. Whether you decide to be a peaceful trading faction or a sword and bow brandishing one is up to you!
  110. We're overall a pretty lax server.
  112. We have a mumble, btw.
  114. Have fun, trade, pvp, create factions, and play AhoCraft!
  121. ECONOMY
  122. We try to think of our server as a pretty heavily econ focused server. Of course, it's entirely possible to play without focusing on econ at all, like any minecraft server, but we currently have it possible for many econ interactions to take place. Currently, we have a large market set up at spawn. This is accessible by going down the diamond stairs at the center of spawn. However, prices are set up in such a way to heavily encourage player-to-playe(p2p) trading. We have it set up so you MAY create npc traders for a price. Currently, you can only set up shops within the p2p market area, accessible with /market. We heavily encourage p2p trading and as such, have also installed the Trading Mod plugin for quick, one-time trades. To view the commands, just type "/tm help" or read the commands section of this site.
  126. First of all, you'll want to make sure you have at the very least, 1000pix as that's the price for creating a trader.
  127. 1) /npc create <name> - this will create your NPC.
  128. 2) /toggle trader - This will make your NPC a trader
  129. 3) Right click your NPC to start stocking him now.
  130. 4) /trader sell(or)buy <itemID:amount:datavalue> <amount> to set the buying or selling price. Keep in mind that you need the exact number of items you want to buy/sell in order for this to work.
  131. 5) To take out money from your NPC and into your own account, use /npc money take <amount> or to view the amount of money your NPC has, /npc money
  137. PLUGINS - Some server management plugins are purposely omitted
  139. For a quick list of our primary plugins: Factions, BOSEconomy, Citizens, McMMO, MC Jobs, and RuneCraft.
  141. AntiRelog - Don't log off while in combat, you maggot! Doing so will make you drop everything, as if you had just died.
  142. BeardAch - Achievements plugin that ties into BeardStat
  143. BeardStat - A statistics plugin. Commands are found in the commandlist.
  144. BOSEconomy - Our economy plugin. Simple and effective.
  145. Boutique - Allows you to put your shop on a listing of different shops so users can find you!
  146. Citizens - Used for NPCs, quests, and various other fun mechanics.
  147. CommandBook - Basic server commands for both users and staff. Donors and VIP get access to more commands.
  148. CreeperHeal - A fun plugin. Instead of completely disabling creeper damage, we have it so that it will simply regenerate creeper damage over a short period. This only affects creeper damage and TNT and such can still be used as normal.
  149. DeathControl - Ever get frustrated from dying in lava while mining? Well we're a bit lenient on that! If you die from the Void(should NEVER happen), lava, or PvP, and have valuable ORES on you, you may keep a small percentage of it. Keep in mind, this is configured ONLY for ores at the moment. You will still lose armor, tools, and other non-ore materials.
  150. HatMe - A fun plugin that allows VIP, Donors, and staff to place blocks on their head. Again, this is not available by default.
  151. McMMO - A great plugin that introduces "skill leveling" into minecraft! Adds an interesting twist to PvP! Check out the full capabilities of McMMO on their <a href="">wiki page</a>!
  152. MC Jobs - The default way to earn some money! Keep in mind, this is only meant to keep you afloat. Not to make you rich! Make more money by trading with other players!
  153. Multiverse-Core-Inventories-Portals - Our multi-world management plugin. For normal users, they may only access the default world, AhoCraft. At the current time, Nether is not available as all items from the nether are available in Our market warp is currently possible with Multiverse-Portals. It's the diamond steps on the top-tier of spawn! Check it out!
  154. NoLagg - Basic anti-lag plugin. This will prevent common problems like smokescreens, extreme tnt lag and some chunk lag. (You can still crash the server with 250k tnt, though... ^^;)(Admins have tried. We know.)
  155. PermissionsEx - This is our permissions plugin.
  156. Region Specific Permissions - Though not currently in use within AhoCraft, we are able to change permissions per WorldGuard region.
  157. Runecraft - Everyone should know <a href="">Runecraft</a> ^^;
  158. SignEdit - A VIP/Donor only feature, but now you can edit signs without having to destroy the old one!
  159. SignShop - One of our shop plugins. The other being Citizens
  160. StreetLights - This is an awesome plugin available to anyone! If you place a redstone lamp, you can make it turn onn and off based on the time!
  161. TradeMod - Allows users to trade quickly for one-time transactions! It also supports economy so you can trade money as well as items!
  162. WorldEdit - No You Cannot Use It.
  163. WorldGuard - No You Cannot Use It.
  172. Current Staff
  173. Admins:
  174. Remi_Scarlet - Active. Owner and manager extraodinaire. Ex-griefer team captain.(Well, maybe ex.)
  175. msm595 - That Guy Who Owns The Rig But Never Actually Comes On The Server And Does All The Back-End Management Like The Site You're Looking At Right Now. Ex-griefer. (Also codes our very own custom client.)
  176. Apocalypse41195 - Semi-Active. Some Fag who's a fellow griefer and happens to be Remi's internet bro.
  177. JayJaey - That Other Guy Who's Never On Except To Work On The Giant 3D Remilia Statue.
  179. The Sage:
  180. SteelCollar - The guy who actually knows what he's doing, hence the name. Originally was going to do "Wise Old Man" on the suggestion of Firath but that was a bit too long.
  182. Jr Admin:
  183. Firathmagi - A good-natured and friendly admin. Also, notoriously lazy.(I'm quoting you, Firath.)
  184. TNGStaffan - Remi's personal Shota. Also an ex-griefer.
  186. Jr Mod
  187. BKMDOG21 - A Moderator-in-training(sort of?) Ask him for any help if you need it.
  198. Usergroups
  200. Admins - The ones who keep the server rolling.(Well, some of them, at any rate.)
  201. The Sage - Exclusive group to SteelCollar cuz lol. It's just an admin with a fancy name.
  202. Jr. Admins - Admin-in-Training. Essentially an admin.
  203. Moderator - One below Jr. Admin. Can rollback and worldedit.
  204. Jr. Moderator - Moderator-in-Training. Learning the basics of server management and administration.
  205. Donor - Those who help finance the server are extremely important and dear to us. We'll pamper you a bit :3
  206. Super VIP - A very important person. Hurr. Do not ask to get this position. It will only be given upon the discretion of Remi_Scarlet and staff.
  207. VIP - An important person to the server. Whether it was due to a large amount of dedication to bettering the server, a player who's stuck through with the server from good to bad, or just someone who Remi likes xD
  208. Regular - A user who's very active and can be thought of as a "regular" user.
  209. Default - The default group you are upon logging in.
  217. <h1>AhoCraft Server Rules</h1>
  218. <h3>First things first...</h3>
  219. If you found this page by roaming the site, good job. If you found it through actually following instructions at spawn, you earn an imaginary cookie.<br />
  220. <br />
  221. Good job!<br />
  223. So I mention "common sense" at the server spawn, but it actually is a bit more confusing than just that.
  225. Our server uses a strange combination of pvp-factions set of rules. For general intents and purposes, no "griefing" is allowed, UNLESS you are in a faction war with another faction. (declared by setting a faction as an enemy with /f enemy <factionname>) In which case, you are free to rip the enemy base to shreds and make a new lava monument in its place.
  226. However, if you do NOT have a war declared, and this includes even if you are not in a faction, griefing is not allowed. Though we are a PvP Factions server, we are also an economy server and wish to provide both the trader/peaceful type players and the PvP type players a fair chance.
  228. <i>What is griefing:</i> On our server, we define the act of griefing as the act of intentionally defacing, destroying, or otherwise altering one's posession, land, home, etc in an unfavorable way to the owner, with the intent of bringing grief, sadness, pathos, sadface.jpg, rage.jpg, or otherwise undesirable emotions to that said owner.
  229. tl;dr, don't be a douchebag.
  231. Onto the point of pvp-ing. In the "war zone" (viewable on-map via "/f map on") all rules are dropped and anyone is free to kill. This includes neutral factions. If you want to settle a grudge against someone but don't want to risk a faction war, you can do it here. There are no rules regulating pvp in the warzone. If you have a sword and you see another player, slice 'em up. Keep note that within the warzone, you have pockets of "safezones" visible via the distinct buildings with glowstone towers protruding out of them. Please keep in mind that we have plugins preventing relogging so if you try to log out, you will almost 100% die regardless. Don't relog. It's weak.
  232. Outside of the warzone, you may still pvp, but keep in mind that unless you have declared a faction an enemy, you are not to attack them. Peaceful factions may not be pvp'd at any time.
  234. Let's define a few things:
  235. Normal Faction: This is the default faction. If you've just created a faction, it's default and neutral to every faction.. You may ally or set enemies with other factions at this point.
  236. Allied Faction: If you have decided to ally with another faction, though you share no land, you are essentially in the same faction. You also have access to alliance chats with commands in-game.
  237. Enemy Faction: This one doesn't mean much. You're just publicly stating you hate the guts of another faction.
  238. Peaceful Faction: Though usually not available, our server allows factions to purchase peaceful status for a hefty price of 75,000 coins. Peaceful factions are essentially exempt from the Factions plugin in almost every regard. You do not lose power on death, you cannot be attacked, your land cannot be claimed (and you cannot claim others' lands) and you're basically free to build superstructures with no fear of destructuion, as long as you claim your own territory.
  240. Real quickly, I'd like to mention that "glitching," "hacking," or otherwise using "exploits" to enter enemy faction land is STRONGLY discouraged and will be enforced. First offense will be a simple kick, warning, and restoration of any damage you caused(with you paying for it) Second offense will be a 24 hour ban. Third offense is permanent ban.
  242. <h3>Now the other rules that aren't as confusing...</h3>
  244. Please don't abuse the economy in any way. If you find an exploit, please report it as I will reward you with a hefty sum. Exploiting market and/or econ will give you an instant 72 hour ban. Second offense and you're gone.
  246. Do not abuse mcMMO if you find an exploit of sorts or anything unintended by the plugin author. Offenses will be dealt the same as econ exploits.
  248. MobRider is a fun plugin. That doesn't mean you can intentionally annoy people by riding them. If they ask you to get off, please get off. Ridee's, you may use "/mobrider buck" to get them off you.
  250. RedstoneChips is a VIP only feature. Do not ask about it, please.
  252. hatMe is also a VIP feature.
  254. Runecraft IS enabled. Keep in mind any waypoint you create is accessible by anyone, if they can guess it. Use with caution. Do not exploit RC. First offense will be a warning and any damages repaired (you pay) Second offense is a 24 hour ban. Third offense is permanent ban.
  256. StreetLights is an all-use plugin. Have fun.
  258. No You Can Not Have An Admin WorldEdit For You.
  260. <h3>tl;dr...</h3>
  262. Don't be a dick. Don't be a douche. Play nicely(unless you're at war). Most important of all, have some fun.
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