
(FR) Parent's Night Out - Part 5

Dec 15th, 2013
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  1. prose:
  2. ----
  3. >The bright morning sun illuminates your marble room and beats on your eyelids.
  4. >You slowly open your eyes from one of the most restful nights of sleep you've had in a long time.
  5. >Most likely due to the source of warmth that is wrapped in your hooves.
  6. >Leaning your head into his neck, you waft in his scent and feel his sculpted marble figure.
  7. >He's all yours.
  8. >He's finally yours.
  9. >The memory of the guard shatters your beautiful moment.
  10. >Now you have to keep him.
  11. >Sneaking yourself out of bed, so you don't wake him, you take to the bathroom to begin your morning routine.
  12. >Stepping into your ornate restroom, you look into the mirror and ponder your next action.
  13. >The basis of the plan was all here, but you need to find the books.
  14. >Your first stop will be the library.
  15. >After getting into the restricted section, you will have to work fast to find all of your study materials.
  16. >Then lastly, you and Anon will have to flee the castle.
  17. >It would only be matter of time until somepony found him.
  18. >The two of you can't be found until the spells are complete.
  19. >You take a deep breath.
  20. "You can do this."
  21. >Stepping into the shower, you remember the look on Anon's face as you flew him through Canterlot last night.
  22. >Pure wonder.
  23. >Warmth filled you up when recalling the mental image.
  24. >You quickly wash your hair and clean your fur.
  25. >Time is going to be of the essence if you are going to make this plan work.
  26. >After drying your hair and taking care of some unmentionables, you exit the bathroom.
  27. >The sight of the young Adonis laying in your bed makes a smile crawl onto your face.
  28. >Once the two of you hit a rest point on the journey, you will have to reward him for being such a good boy.
  29. >Putting your hair into a ponytail, you prepare yourself for anything.
  30. >A moan from the bed tears your attention away from your thoughts.
  31. >Anon slowly rises from your bed and rubs his eyes.
  32. "Good Morning Nonny," you say tenderly.
  33. >"Morning," Anon says groggily.
  34. >You sit next to him on the bed and caress his face with a hoof.
  35. "How are you feeling? I know last night was really rough for you."
  36. >"I'm... okay. I think."
  37. >Your poor sweet little Anon.
  38. "Alright then. I have one tiny errand I need to run and then we can try to begin to make things better with your parents."
  39. >Anon looks up at you with a face full of worry.
  40. >"O-okay."
  41. >That didn't sound very sure of him.
  42. "Is everything alright Nonny?" you inquire while holding him close to you.
  43. >"I... I kinda wanna go home. Maybe Mom and Dad aren't fighting anymore."
  44. >This isn't good.
  45. >You were trying to avoid doing this to him.
  46. "Anon... I don't think that's a very good idea."
  47. >"Why?"
  48. "Anon, your parents were fighting about you."
  49. >The blood runs from Anon's face and tears form in his eyes.
  50. >You rub his back with a hoof while he begins to sob into your underbelly.
  51. "Shhhh. It's okay. It's okay my love."
  52. >The tears dampen your fur and you rest your head on top of his.
  53. "We can make it all better. I know what we have to do."
  54. >"T-thank you Cadance," he chokes out.
  55. "How about you get some sleep and I'll get everything ready for us to go?"
  56. >"Ok."
  57. >You hold his face up to yours and tears run from his sorrowful eyes.
  58. "Everything is going to be okay Nonny. Trust me."
  59. >Putting on a compassionate smile, he calms down a little bit.
  60. >You plant a kiss on his tender lips.
  61. "Get some more rest and don't leave this room, okay?"
  62. >He nods to you and wraps himself back up in the blankets.
  63. >As his eyes close, you place him under a sleeping spell.
  64. >You can't risk him leaving the room.
  65. >After exiting the golden doors to your bedroom, you lock them from the inside with your magic.
  66. >Some of the high guards had keys and most unicorns in the castle could probably unlock them, but they only do so if they need to.
  67. >You have to keep your cool.
  68. >Heading down the stairwell from your tower, you make your way to the castle library.
  69. >The sound of each of your hoofsteps echoes through your ears.
  70. >As you pass guards they go about their normal business, but each of their glances feel like daggers.
  71. >Pull it together girl.
  72. >There is no way that somepony found out yet.
  73. >It doesn't change that it feels like they know something.
  74. >Just focus on the books.
  75. >You know you need the advanced book of love spells.
  76. >Maybe you could find a book that could list some places that could amplify the power of the spells.
  77. >Or maybe a book that could detail some good hiding places until the spells were complete.
  78. >Once you find them, you will have to put as much distance between you and Canterlot as possible.
  79. >As you approach the doors to the royal library, two guards open the doors for you.
  80. >"Good morning Princess."
  81. >You nod to them curtly.
  82. "Thank you gentlecolts."
  83. >Just keep calm and focus on the task at hand.
  84. >First thing is to head to the restricted section.
  85. >Your hoofsteps echo through the high vaulted ceiling of the room as you navigate the labyrinth of book shelves.
  86. >There were plenty of books in here that you rented out to read to Twilight, Shining's sister.
  87. >She was such a smart little filly.
  88. >Her reading level was right on par with yours and she always loved to read books that would make her think.
  89. >You were supposed to babysit her tomorrow.
  90. >The dent that it would make in your babysitting reputation will just have to be endured.
  91. >It was a small price to pay if you were going to keep Anon all to yourself.
  92. >As you approach the librarian's desk, which is hopelessly cluttered with books, she casts you a wide smile.
  93. >The old unicorn had one of the most amazing memories for books that you have ever encountered.
  94. >She never forgot a single one she ever read.
  95. >"Good Morning Princess. Need to check something out?"
  96. >Putting on your best smile, you nod to her.
  97. "Yes. I'm going to need to study some advanced books for my studies with Celestia."
  98. >The librarian nods and a silver energy pulsates from her horn.
  99. >A familiar large oak door slowly appears on a nearby wall.
  100. "Thank you. I won't be too long."
  101. >The librarian returns her attention to sorting books on her desk to return the shelves.
  102. >You make your way to the oak door and let yourself inside the dark room that was closed off to the public.
  103. >This room wasn't nearly as big as the library outside, but contained magic and literature that Celestia deemed too dangerous for the public to read.
  104. >Grabbing a leather bag that you left here on your last trip, you empty out its contents of school books, hair scrunchies and graded homework.
  105. >Crossing the cobwebbed shelves, you return to the shelf that you have given the majority of your attention to since you were allowed access to this room.
  106. >The section of spells and other remedies for altering the emotions of other beings.
  107. >You've read each of these books at least once, and at least one of them has the spell that you are looking for.
  108. >Immediately, you take the book of expert love spells and charms.
  109. >It will have a good backup spell in case Anon...
  110. >No.
  111. >Don't think like that Cadance.
  112. >Anon loves you.
  113. >He wouldn't reconsider spending his life with you.
  114. >Especially after performing the last spell.
  115. >You stare at the book hard.
  116. "I suppose... it's good to play it safe."
  117. >The book is put inside your bag with your magic.
  118. >You open your wings and ascend to the top shelf.
  119. >The book you came here for should be one of the really old books.
  120. >If you remember correctly...
  121. >There it is.
  122. >You pull out a red book that is caked with dust and its spine has seen much better days.
  123. >Slowly descending, you open the book and flip through it.
  124. >The pages are covered in a language that you've been learning very slowly.
  125. >Thank goodness you also have the book to translate the symbols, just in case.
  126. >You find the page for your final spell and read over it carefully, looking for a specific symbol.
  127. >The characters on the page slowly begin to blur together, until you see what you were looking for in the center of the page.
  128. "Irreversible. Perfect."
  129. >A pink glow emanates from your horn as the book is placed neatly inside your bag and you follow it up with the translation book.
  130. >Now, all you had to do is get out of this castle.
  131. >You turn around hastily and run into the shelf of supernatural wonders in Equestria.
  132. >A handful of books fly off the shelves and lay in the floor in a disarray.
  133. >Quickly, you place the books back on the shelves.
  134. >Hopefully nopony will notice.
  135. >Quickly you move towards the large oak door and open it slowly.
  136. >Peeking out into the library, you see the librarian busy humming a tune to herself and returning books to their proper home.
  137. >Quietly closing the door behind you, it slowly disappears back into the wall.
  138. >Your horn glows with magical energy and you teleport outside the library so you don't alert the librarian.
  139. >You take a deep breath and make your way back to your room.
  140. >Anon will have to ride on your back and there won't be much other room for supplies.
  141. >There shouldn't be much that you need out in the wild.
  142. >You could summon almost anything you will need for supplies out of thin air.
  143. >All you need is Anon now.
  144. >"Princess Cadance."
  145. >The sound of the guard about makes you jump out of your skin.
  146. >Quickly, you attempt to recompose yourself.
  147. "Y-yes? How can I help you?"
  148. >Turning to the stallion's voice, you see the same royal guard that disturbed you from last evening, but with dark circles under his bloodshot eyes.
  149. >He rises from his kneeling position and addresses you formally.
  150. >"You wanted me to keep you informed on the search Princess. I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time."
  151. "No! No. Of course not. What's the status?" You reply with concern.
  152. >"I've had my guards out all evening searching for the human... So far we have been unsuccessful. He may be hiding somewhere in the city, so we have expanded our search parameter. We would like for you to stay on watch as well, since you were one of the last few that was in contact with him."
  153. >You nod to the stallion.
  154. "Of course. I will keep the guards on alert for him. What about the Anon's parents? How are they holding up?"
  155. >The stallion checks his reports.
  156. >"It looks like his parents are currently at their home. They seem to be trying to make amends after last evening's events."
  157. "That's good. I'm happy to hear everything is alright."
  158. >"If we can't find him at the end of the day, we will need to consult our high wizard to perform a location spell."
  159. "A location spell?"
  160. >You eye the guard curiously.
  161. >"Yes. We've only had to use it a few times because the process to use it is so taxing, but my men have never lost a child before and we need to save him before there is any harm brought to him."
  162. "Of course... I've just never heard it before. Silly me!"
  163. >You give an awkward chuckle and smile to the guard.
  164. "Well then. Continue the search and I'll inform the guards to stay on watch. Good luck."
  165. >"Thank you Princess."
  166. >The guard reverently bows and begins to walk off.
  167. "Oh, one more thing!"
  168. >The stallion turns to you curiously.
  169. >"Yes Princess?"
  170. "Get some rest. You look exhausted."
  171. >He smiles and nods.
  172. >"Of course Princess."
  173. >The guard walks to the end of the hall and turns out of sight.
  174. >That was way too close.
  175. >Plus you don't have much time.
  176. >How could you possibly have missed something this big?!
  177. >You were even studying the history of the royal guard in class at school!
  178. >Then again, your notebooks have been filled with doodles of Anon...
  179. >Pencil sketches of him lying in his bed as you stroke his hot monkey-
  180. >Cadance.
  181. >You have to keep yourself together.
  182. >Hastily trotting back to your room, the eyes of the guards feel judgmental and prying.
  183. >There is no way they found him.
  184. >The door is locked.
  185. >You nearly break into a full out gallop as you get to your room.
  186. >With a lump in your throat, you pull on the door.
  187. >Locked.
  188. >You exhale a lifetime's worth of stress.
  189. >Unlocking the door with your magic, you make your way back in and re-lock it.
  190. >Lying underneath the covers of your bed, with the sun gently on his beautiful face, is your Anon.
  191. >You move to your makeup table and slip one more book inside your bag.
  192. >With another quick spell, you counter the sleeping spell.
  193. >Anon's eyes begin to flutter open and he stretches his arms out widely.
  194. >After a loud yawn, he rubs his eyes.
  195. "Morning sleepyhead. Enjoy your extra sleep?"
  196. >Anon nods and smiles.
  197. >"I never get to sleep in on a Saturday! So now what do we do?"
  198. "Now Nonny, we get to go camping."
  199. >Anon's face lights up a little bit.
  200. >"That sounds fun! I've never gone camping before!"
  201. "Well then, we are going to have a lot of fun. Let's get going."
  202. >"Can we have some breakfast?" he asks groggily.
  203. >You shake your head.
  204. "Not right now. Maybe when we find our campsite though."
  205. >Gently, you lift the boy into the air and onto your back with your magic.
  206. >You open the doors to the balcony and step out into the fresh air.
  207. >According to the book... Northwest.
  208. >Taking a few steps backward, you spread your wings and gallop.
  209. >Anon wraps around you in a tight embrace.
  210. >With a mighty flap, the two of you begin your escape from Canterlot.
  212. >The sun gently makes its way into your quiet home.
  213. >As your eyes gradually open, you wonder if it was all some crazy dream.
  214. >You look down to see your wife laying across you on the couch.
  215. >The two of you must have fell asleep on the couch, waiting for any sort of news for where Anon could be.
  216. >The guards checked in occasionally, but it was more to make sure that the two of you were stable more than anything else.
  217. >They said they would inform us immediately if they found anything on Anon.
  218. >However, they didn't even have a clue.
  219. >Not even a print.
  220. >It's like Anon magically disappeared.
  221. >A part of you aches inside, knowing that there was always a possibility of him disappearing, since he didn't belong to this world, but not like this.
  222. >Not this way.
  223. >He has to be found.
  224. >You can make everything better.
  225. >Running a hoof through Willow's mane, your guilt overwhelms you.
  226. >This is all your fault.
  227. >Even if Willow was giving you a second chance... it doesn't mean Anon would.
  228. >You used to believe you were a good father, but you just let your son run off into the night, all alone.
  229. >Grabbing a nearby pillow, you gently set your wife's head on it.
  230. >After a heavy sigh, you head into your kitchen for a glass of water.
  231. >There has to be an easy way to fix all of this.
  232. >Grabbing a few pony-strength aspirin for your aching stress headache, you pour a glass of water.
  233. >Examining the small white pills, you wish it were that easy to fix your marriage.
  234. >It will take a long time to rebuild that trust.
  235. >You furrow your brow and take the pills.
  236. >Time was something you had.
  237. >You can do this.
  238. >The chance to redeem yourself is right at your doorstep.
  239. >You will be a good father and a good husband, if it's the last thing you do.
  240. >"Could you get me two as well?"
  241. >Willow groggily walks in with some of the worst bed head that you've ever seen.
  242. "Yeah, of course."
  243. >Refilling the glass and getting out some for her, she takes them without a second thought.
  244. >"Any news while I was out?"
  245. >You shake your head.
  246. >She sighs and sits at the table with her head in her hooves.
  247. "They will find him... I know they will."
  248. >"But-"
  249. "Don't think like that."
  250. >You kneel down by your wife.
  251. "I'll go to Princess Celestia herself if they think that it will help. We will have our baby Willow."
  252. >The gentle mare begins to sniffle and you hold her in your hooves.
  253. "We will have him back," you say tenderly while stroking her mane.
  254. >There is a quiet knock at the door, just barely audible from the kitchen.
  255. >The two of you latch onto it and sprint to the door.
  256. >Nearly ripping it off the hinges, you feel a ripe sense of hope well up from inside you.
  257. >A guardsman stands outside at attention.
  258. "Did you find him?" You ask with hope filling every word.
  259. >The guard gently shakes his head.
  260. >"We needed to expand the parameter out into Canterlot. We still haven't found any sign of your son."
  261. >Willow makes her way back inside as she does her best to hold back fresh tears.
  262. "Well, doesn't that mean you will be spread even more thin? Isn't there anything you can do with magic... or potions... or magic crystals or something? There has to be something!"
  263. >The guard shifts uncomfortably.
  264. >"I'm afraid that's all I really know sir... I'm sorr-"
  265. >You grab the guard by his armor and pull him face to face with you.
  266. "Now you listen to me. One day you are going to be a father and I'm sure you are going to be a great one. So you will understand that if there is anything that you could do to save your kid, that you would do it. So don't sit there and withhold information from me because I swear to Celestia, that if there is one little thing I can do for him, I'm going to do it."
  267. >Letting him go, the guard backs away fearfully.
  268. >"I-I heard whispers that if they can't find him... they are going to have a high wizard do some spell. So we will know where he is by the end of today. For sure!"
  269. >A small amount of relief washes over you.
  270. "Thank you. I'm sorry I was so forceful."
  271. >The guard nods.
  272. >"Don't tell anypony what I told you and we'll let this slide."
  273. >You nod in agreement.
  274. >"We will let you know if we begin to escalate the case."
  275. "Thank you."
  276. >The guard trots off and you gently close the door.
  277. >"What was all that?"
  278. >You turn to your wife, who is holding a tear-stained cloth.
  279. "I pressed him for information. It looks like if they can't find him soon that they are going to use some sorta spell to find him. Maybe even get Celestia involved."
  280. >A small smile curls on her face.
  281. >"So... they will find him no matter what."
  282. "That's what I think."
  283. >You sit down on the couch and she lays on you again.
  284. >"Do you think he's okay? I don't know what I would do if-"
  285. "Don't think like that... he's going to be fine."
  286. >Willow takes a few deep breaths to calm herself.
  287. >"Thank you."
  288. >You look at her curiously.
  289. "For what?"
  290. >"For being here."
  291. >She looks up into your eyes and you look into hers.
  292. >For a moment, you recognize the same young girl that you fell in love with so many years ago.
  293. >Slowly you lean into her and your lips connect.
  294. >At least this search will all be over soon.
  295. >You can only hope.
  297. >The vast green landscape moves swiftly beneath you and Cadance as you cling to her for dear life.
  298. >Yet, despite your fear of heights, you can't help but watch feel awe at the clear sunny sky and the wide open plains.
  299. >You have been riding on Cadance for a few hours now and if it weren't for her warm body and fur, you would be chilled to the bone by the high winds.
  300. >Cadance's expression is ambiguous to you, as you wonder where she could possibly be taking you.
  301. >Above all, one thing is beginning to settle inside you.
  302. >You miss your Mom and Dad.
  303. >What could they be doing right now?
  304. >Maybe they were making amends.
  305. >Maybe they could work things out all by themselves and wouldn't need Cadance's help.
  306. >You would do anything to go back to them right now and be held in your Mom's hooves.
  307. >They were probably really worried about you.
  308. >A feeling of guilt unsettles your stomach.
  309. >Slowly, Cadance begins her descent as the flowered plains begins to dissolve into a sea of trees.
  310. >You let out a breath of relief when Cadance touches the ground.
  311. >The warm air deices your numb skin.
  312. >"Let's take a quick break here Nonny."
  313. "Cadance... where are we?"
  314. >"Well... if I had to guess... about fifty miles from Canterlot."
  315. >Fifty miles!
  316. >The realization of how far from home you are begins to wash over you and fear begins to settle inside you.
  317. "Y-you'll take me back home sometime... R-right?"
  318. >Cadance wouldn't keep you away from everyone.
  319. >She wouldn't want you to be sad.
  320. >She turns to you with a concerned expression.
  321. >"I don't know if you can go back Anon... think about how mad your parents are."
  322. >The pit of your stomach drops to the ground.
  323. >"If you went back now, they might get angry again or even hurt you... I'm trying to protect you Nonny."
  324. >Tears begin to surface, but you do your best to hold them back.
  325. "You don't know that... maybe they are making things better."
  326. >Cadance kneels down beside you and wraps you in her hooves.
  327. >"You have to trust me Anon... this is for the best."
  328. >She pecks your cheek and lifts your head to look her in the eyes.
  329. >"I love you Anon. Don't you love me?"
  330. >The overwhelming guilt makes your heart burn.
  331. >She's making you choose between her and your parents.
  332. "I-I think so."
  333. >"You THINK so?"
  334. >Cadance sounds impatient and angry.
  335. >You try to look away but she forces you to look forward at her.
  336. >The way she holds your jaw sends pain through your face and tears leak out.
  337. "Cadance... you're hurting me..."
  338. >You gasp for breath and try to push her hooves off of your face.
  339. >"Say that you love me."
  340. >Her eyes are filled with a fiery intensity.
  341. "Cadance, please."
  342. >This isn't like her.
  343. >This doesn't make sense
  344. >Why won't she let go?
  345. >"SAY IT."
  346. >For the first time, you fear for what she could do to you if you resisted her.
  347. "I love you."
  348. >She lets go and the tears begin to flow freely.
  349. >Your sobs are the only sound that travel through the field of white flowers and echo through the dark woods.
  350. >She stands up and examines her surroundings.
  351. "I wanna go home now..."
  352. >"We can't go back Anon."
  353. "Why NOT?" you manage to choke out among shallow breaths.
  354. >"We've come too far to go back now."
  355. >Although you're angry, confused and you would hate to admit it, she has a point
  356. >If you tried to run home now, you would probably get lost along the way.
  357. >You can't even imagine how far fifty miles is.
  358. >For that matter, you don't even know what direction to go to get back home.
  359. >She turns to you, watching you cry.
  360. >"This is for the best Anon... you have to believe me."
  361. "I-I can't. Mom and Dad couldn't be that mean to me... they just couldn't. I wanna go home!"
  362. >You sit on the ground in defiance.
  363. >Cadance looks down at you, an expression of sadness filling you with more guilt.
  364. >Or perhaps that look is actually disappointment.
  365. >"Do you really want to go home Anon?"
  366. >Wiping your eyes, you look up at her with a renewed sense of hope.
  367. >You nod to her, the lump in your throat leaving you speechless.
  368. >She sighs and pulls a book out of the bag that she brought with her.
  369. >"I'll prepare a spell for you."
  370. >Jumping to your feet, you nearly tackle her in a massive hug.
  371. "Thank you... so much."
  372. >She wraps her hoof around you and kisses the top of your head.
  373. >After a warm moment, you let go of the pink alicorn.
  374. >"Stand right there and I'll make this quick. This might sting a little bit."
  375. >You move a few feet away from her and hold your arms out wide.
  376. "Will this help?"
  377. >She lets out a light chuckle.
  378. >"Sure."
  379. >Once she finds the right page, she looks up at you and gives a light smile.
  380. >However, it looks like something is troubling her.
  381. >"I love you Nonny."
  382. >She looks down and begins to mutter some words that you can't comprehend.
  383. >Her horn begins to glow a bright pink color, pulsating with power.
  384. >The letters from the book begin to glow a similar pink hue and her body begins to glow with energy.
  385. "Cadance... is this right?"
  386. >She begins to lift into the air.
  387. >The memory of the stallion screaming in pain fills your mind.
  388. >Cadance wouldn't.
  389. >Her voice booms loudly a final word of power and a massive beam of magic flies from her horn to you.
  390. >Your pupils dilate and fear fills your soul.
  391. >You flinch.
  393. >Slowly you float back to the ground, looking at Anon's body lay silently in the field of flowers.
  394. >That... isn't supposed to happen.
  395. "ANON!"
  396. >You gallop to his side and kneel over him.
  397. >Quickly, you check his pulse and breathing.
  398. >The spell was only supposed to be cast on adult ponies... but you thought maybe he could handle it.
  399. >If he didn't take this one well... How well would he actually be able to handle the spell you actually wanted to cast?
  400. >His breathing is light, but his pulse is fine.
  401. >You lay in the flowers next to him and exhale a relieved sigh.
  402. >Anon's eyes gently flutter open.
  403. "Anon... I'm so happy that-"
  404. >He leaps on top of you and a new expression in his eyes instantly turns you on.
  405. >Lust.
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