
FoE RPG G0 - #009 Landfill: Afterthought

Apr 12th, 2013
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  1. 20:35<SpiritOfFate> ===================================================
  2. 20:42<SpiritOfFate> Only the sound of the griffon's futile struggle is heard around the shack. Around Sotho and Ignis, a set of metal lockers, an old bench, two cabinets and a table, as well as two bouncy spirits, a filly and a mote of flame. The spotlights seeking ponies outside show the night is not over yet.
  3. 20:43* Ignis occupies the bench and looks at the mote, trying to discern both the nature and contorts of the spirit, as well as just what it was was an interesting spirit.
  4. 20:43* Sotho looks to the Bouncy spirits and tilts his head. "Hello there." He says to them
  5. 20:48<SpiritOfFate> The light filly trots closer. "Hi! So..." She looks around. "What are you going to do now?"
  6. 20:49<SpiritOfFate> The mote of flame lands on Ignis' tail. It doesn't burn, instead Ignis feel a thought echo in the back of his mind, about the griffon on the floor and his kind, and... payback].
  7. 20:50<Sotho> "Well..." He looks to Ignis. "I'm not sure. Ignis, what are we going to do?"
  8. 20:50* Ignis looks around the room. "Gear up...and then..." The dragon smiles a little. "Interrogate that birdie should be a good idea..." He narrows his eyes at the griffon. "Shouldn't speak much about what we are going to do near them..." He tilts his head at the mote. "Say, Liberty...what can you tell me about your friend?"
  9. 20:52* Sotho nods. He trots towards the griffon. "I do not wish to hurt you, but I would like to know where your 'gear' is." He says
  10. 20:57<SpiritOfFate> The filly looks at the mote. "It's Revolt. He is angry." A glint of displeasure crossing her eyes.
  11. 20:57* Ignis hmms slightly, examinating the mote. "You know why?"
  12. 20:59<SpiritOfFate> The griffon raises his eyes to Sotho, glares at him and takes a deep breath.
  13. 21:00<SpiritOfFate> Liberty shrugs. "Dunno, but he is. Maybe it's his spirit thing?"
  14. 21:03* Sotho looks to the griffon and shrugs. "I do not need your help, I can search by myself." He looks to the spirit. "Revolt you say? Shouldn't he be happy? We are technically revolting against our 'Masters'."
  15. 21:03<Ignis> ACTION nods. "Gotcha...I'll talk to him about it whenever he can..." The dragon blinks at the mote. "Materialize further? I'm not quite sure how it works...still, we got some things to deal with right now." The dragon raises from his seat and looks at Sotho and the griffin. "When I said about interrogating him, I meant about sensible guard schedules, where are the exits, Knick's whereabouts...just...take the gear he is wearing." Th
  16. 21:03<Sotho> you cut off gear he is wearing." T"))
  17. 21:04<Ignis> *Knick's whereabouts...just...take the gear he is wearing and we'll scour around for the rest." the dragon voices and beginst to search the lockers, containers and whateles, hoping to get a saddlebag/bacpack to lug his stuff.
  18. 21:04* Sotho nods, moveing to strip the griffon
  19. 21:07* Sotho notices the griffon's movements and attempts to punch the griffon in the chest
  20. 21:09<SpiritOfFate> "He is small that way, he doesn't talk much all that often, but he is happy, and he is angry too." Liberty shrugs.
  21. 21:09<SpiritOfFate> The griffon sqwaks and loses his wind.
  22. 21:10* Ignis nods as he scavenges around lockers and cabinets for stuff. "Shouldn't be so bad, compared to the other spirits you came in touch with so far..."
  23. 21:10<Sotho> "Ignis, can you please stop the griffon from calling out to his co-workers?
  24. 21:11<Sotho> "I do not wish to keep punching him in the chest."
  25. 21:11* Ignis rolls his eyes "Tie something into his beak...a rag or something."
  26. 21:11<Sotho> I don't have a rag."
  27. 21:11* Ignis searches for a rag
  28. 21:13<SpiritOfFate> There is a dirty rag in a corner, used for cleaning, from its state
  29. 21:13* Ignis fetches over the rag, gives it to Sotho and goes back to scavenging loot from the lockers and cabinets.
  30. 21:14* Sotho ties it around the beak of the griffon
  31. 21:14* Sotho goes back to striping the chicken of his gear
  32. 21:31<SpiritOfFate> Sotho gets the griffon's Leather Armor, Leather Helmet, saddle bags, 20 rubber bullets and 12 common bullets, 2 tablets of Buck, a lighter and binoculars
  33. 21:33* Sotho puts on the leather armor and helemt with the saddlebags and pockets the rest of the things
  34. 21:35<SpiritOfFate> Only one locker is unlocked. It has weapon repair kit, a bandolier and pack of cigarettes and a pair of radios. The cabinet has a bottle full of coffee, two snack cakes and a couple kitchen utensils. The second one also has a locked drawer, other than the chains you used
  35. 21:37* Ignis wears the bandolier and pockets utensils? Spoons? Spoons? SPOOOOOOOOOONS!!!!!1!!1!
  36. 21:38<Sotho> "Whats our plan from here?" He asks. "I still have an explosive collar in case you've forgotten."
  37. 21:39* Ignis nods. "yea...I know." The dragon looks at the locked drawer. "Think you can get that one open? If not, I'm planning to crack it..."
  38. 21:39<Ignis> "Wait, wait....did the guard had any keys?"
  39. 21:40<Sotho> "None."
  40. 21:41* Ignis tries to crack the drawer
  41. 21:43* Ignis can't get that open, so he backs off. "If you want to give a go at it..."
  42. 21:44<Sotho> "I doubt I can get it." He says.
  43. 21:44<Ignis> "There is only one way to find out."
  44. 21:44* Sotho sighs and trots over
  45. 21:46* Sotho tries to no avail
  46. 21:47* Ignis shakes his head. "Its okay, we tried." The dragon looks at the griffon for a bit. "Say, did he had some spare bullets on him?"
  47. 21:48* Sotho nods. "Rubber and regular."
  48. 21:48* Ignis extends his claw. "May I have them? I'd hate to run out of ammo out there if...we need to shoot."
  49. 21:49* Sotho nods and gives both the bullets over, 20 rubber and 13 regular
  50. 21:50<Sotho> 12*
  51. 21:50* Ignis takes the bullets and place them into the bandolier. "I found a couple of radios, but figures we ain't getting" He looks at the exit. "Only one place to go, I believe..."
  52. 21:51* Sotho nods. "What about our friends?"
  53. 21:52* Ignis smirks. "We'll get to them...I have a thought..." The dragon leaves the shack.
  54. 21:52* Sotho follows. "What thought is that?"
  55. 21:53* Ignis walks back down, lowering his tone so that only Sotho would hear "Get the boss, then we'll have a coin worthwhile trading for our friends."
  56. 21:53<Sotho> "And my collar?" He whispers back
  57. 21:54* Ignis nods. "That too, she ain't gonna risk her fat neck over slaves."
  58. 21:54* Sotho nods. "Alright then."
  59. 21:55* Ignis sliently scoots over to the garage, trying to pry it open.
  60. 22:00* Ignis finds impossible to open it...instead, he looks for another way into the main house...
  61. 22:04<Sotho> "There was a door on the infirmarary leading back towards the house. We can go through there. Somepony was asleep there last time though."
  62. 22:04* Ignis nods. "Should be our best bet...I'm out of ideas."
  63. 22:06* Sotho starts to trot back towards wherever the infirmary was
  64. 22:07* Ignis follows.
  65. 22:09<SpiritOfFate> You make your way through the darkness, avoiding the spotlights. The other shack where the infirmary is, is unlit, but open, as the old pony left. Chroma is inside, sleeping.
  66. 22:09* Sotho trots into the infirmary, looking to chroma slighlty
  67. 22:10* Ignis figures its best not to bother the mare, he looks around for guard gear...armors, weapons, ammo and the such.
  68. 22:11<SpiritOfFate> It's a tall earth pony mare. The infirmary doesn't have guard gear but there are a number of mediboxes.
  69. 22:14* Ignis refrains from taking the mediboxes...he looks around for keys, discarded bullets retrieved from wounds, impounded stuff from patients...that sorta thing.
  70. 22:26<SpiritOfFate> Other than that, all you can see is a safe.
  71. 22:31* Ignis eyes at the safe. "Wanna take that baby with us? Should be quite the burden, but with any luck, might have a nice surprise inside."
  72. 22:31* Sotho nods. "Might as well, if worse comes to worse, throw it at an enemy." He chuckles
  73. 22:32* Ignis smirks. "May work, still, I think it would be best used as cover instead as a weapon." The dragon moves to one side of the safe and lifts it.
  74. 22:33* Sotho nods. "We should keep moving."
  75. 22:34* Ignis lugs the safe with the help of the zebra towards the house.
  76. 22:36* Sotho helps Ignis whil heading towards the house
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