

May 10th, 2014
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  1. [21:08:21] Iron_Heart [] has quit IRC:
  2. [21:08:23] Snow_Blind [] is now known as Frostbite[Snow]
  3. [21:08:33] Glimmer finally saw the corse... And the scales... She scrunchiefaced and backed up a bit. "Is... That a Dragon...?"
  4. [21:09:27] <LightningDancer> !roll 1d10
  5. [21:09:27] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  6. [21:09:35] <LightningDancer> [It begins once more]
  7. [21:09:39] <@Aler|GM> PFFFFFT
  8. [21:09:43] <LightningDancer> Crit fail summons a hostile undead.
  9. [21:09:54] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [OH BOY.]
  10. [21:09:59] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [IT'S TIME TO PURGE]
  11. [21:10:02] <Reiner_Steelfeather> [^^^]
  12. [21:10:11] <Curiosity> [fuck]
  13. [21:10:13] Reiner_Steelfeather 's cold eyes weren't showing much of an emotion at the scene, looking at the speaker, the head, the pony that was playing with a head, back to the speaker. Even under the hood with some features hidden, his face haven't resembled quite those of an ordinary griffon, looking more wild, brutish... if not savage.
  14. [21:10:17] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS, HERETICS]
  15. [21:10:43] <LightningDancer> "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT ON THE LINE?"
  16. [21:10:54] Frostbite[Snow] heard things
  17. [21:11:09] <@Aler|GM> ===> Actually, Lightning's Helpless now. Just waiting for the post.
  18. [21:11:42] <Reiner_Steelfeather> "Thank y-", he trailed off as the odd pony seemed to utter something rather loudly? [Caps?]
  19. [21:12:09] Curiosity made show of backing away from Lightning at the sudden question. Her sight innevitably goes from the gryphon to the pegasus, and a smile appeared on her face when she saw the curious mare doing her odd things. "H-hey, you scared me"
  20. [21:12:39] <Reiner_Steelfeather> "Mm."
  21. [21:13:10] Glimmer though focused her attention on the Griffon's now, just blinking away at them. "I am... Glimmer. I believe that is the form of proper introduction." she cleared her thorat. "And you two are?" she said, looking at the two with her qt royal purple buggy eyes.
  22. [21:13:14] <@Aler|GM> [caps?]
  23. [21:13:15] LightningDancer falls down to the ground, holding her ears tightly "I-I BET YOU KISS MARES TOO"
  24. [21:13:21] Reiner_Steelfeather elected to spectate, the sight looking more than interesting for him too...
  25. [21:14:17] Glimmer is still waiting for a response
  26. [21:14:19] Glimmer cries internally
  27. [21:14:54] Frostbite[Snow] blinks.
  28. [21:15:30] <Curiosity> "Are you fine? Lightning?" Cury leans down without leaving her seat to gaze upon Lightning and her abrupt changes. "Who's a gay faggot that kisses mares?"
  29. [21:15:32] Reiner_Steelfeather blinked, not quite listening to an arriving mare... though he did gave a glance at her, "Steelfeather."
  30. [21:16:16] Glimmer is still very much a Changeling. She looked over to da other Griff :V "And you are?"
  31. [21:17:10] Liliana_Steelfeather doesn't really want to say much, going for trying to mimic Reiner's best stoic attitude, as opening her beak around ponies, especially armed ponies, usually gets her into trouble, especially with him around, letting him do the talking, though she fluffs her wings against her sides and replies, hesitantly, "Steelfeather..."
  32. [21:17:29] Reiner_Steelfeather ...'s when he realizes fully that the garbed 'mare' was actually not quite a mare, but a changeling...
  33. [21:17:47] Glimmer seems a bit confused. "Are you two, as what they would say, married?" she said, tilting her head.
  34. [21:17:56] <Glimmer> "Because you both have the same name?"
  35. [21:18:21] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [/me is surprised a changeling wouldn't automatically assume siblings... but w/e]
  36. [21:18:23] Curiosity pokes Lightning once, wanting to see if she reacts
  37. [21:19:01] Reiner_Steelfeather blinked and turned his head to face his partner, raising his brow just a little...
  38. [21:19:12] Frostbite[Snow] is around, staring at >cool! a dragon corpse!
  39. [21:19:19] Liliana_Steelfeather ruffles her feathers a little, and gives Reiner a shrug.
  40. [21:19:47] Glimmer is so innocent she doesn't even know the concept yet! She kept her head tilted though, still waiting for an answer.
  41. [21:21:34] <LightningDancer> [Sorry, doing stuffs :x]
  42. [21:21:37] Curiosity doesn't even shrug at the lack of response, merely going back to see the gryphons with a smile, conscious of her stained mane and fur, without mentioning the clothes... she must looks terrible, but "that's of no concern with this visitors" she said to herself, then opening her mouth to speak externally now. "They look more like siblings to me, Glimmer."
  43. [21:21:38] Reiner_Steelfeather brings his attention back to an odd looking scene, making another quick observation of... a situation, before looking back at a... changeling? Undisguised changeling. Alright. "We're... affiliated."
  44. [21:21:40] <Curiosity> [no prob]
  45. [21:23:07] <Glimmer> "Affiliated... Siblings? Like Curiosity said?" she looked over their feathered/furred bodies. "You both look wounded. I can bring you back to the Clinic for assistance, I help out there."
  46. [21:23:19] Frostbite[Snow] thinks this guy's kinda uh... i dunno, tight? 'Affiliated' I can't belive this dick.
  47. [21:24:07] <Glimmer> [brb]
  48. [21:24:32] LightningDancer ignores them, muttering curses to herself and that ethereal voice and rubbign her temples quickly
  49. [21:27:42] <Glimmer> [back]
  50. [21:27:45] Reiner_Steelfeather scrubbed off blood from his chest, coating feathers a bit more with crimson... he wasn't very sure about how to take all this, considering how these equins were acting, nor that an undisguised changeling was roaming freely in the town itself... an odd strange little town, "That would be helpful, even though we're in a bit of a hurry."
  51. [21:28:33] Liliana_Steelfeather nods quietly in agreement.
  52. [21:29:32] Glimmer nodded as well ! "Alright. Frostbite," she looked over to said Batty. "or somepony... Can you help me get Iron, and the Steelfeather's to the Clinic?"
  53. [21:30:27] <Curiosity> "Good idea, Glimmer, I'll take care of Iron lying there and the dragon, then catch you up later at the clinic" Cury jumps off the head and trots towards the old pony :3 ."Viejita~"
  54. [21:30:35] Reiner_Steelfeather wasn't completely implying that he wanted to venture forth into the clinic and was about to clarify that, but... the name picked up his attention, "... Iron?"
  55. [21:31:14] Liliana_Steelfeather can't leave that last comment by Curiosity unanswered, hesitantly asking, "... What do you mean you'll take care of that dragon?"
  56. [21:31:15] Curiosity looks back to Reiner with a quirked eyebrow. "You know her, Steelfeathers?"
  57. [21:31:30] Glimmer brought her qt buggy eyes and head to attention to Reiner. "Yes. Iron Heart. She is a great mare."
  58. [21:32:10] <Curiosity> [I'm going to sell his meat all the way down my shopstand]
  59. [21:32:27] Frostbite[Snow] is just there.
  60. [21:32:36] <Glimmer> >not selling the scales and bones to make armor with | Dovakhiin pls]
  61. [21:33:01] <Frostbite[Snow]> *Kinda awkward... she starts retreating into Stralth mode*
  62. [21:33:03] <Curiosity> [/me just want the shekels]
  63. [21:33:16] <Curiosity> [*tips menohra*]
  64. [21:33:25] <Glimmer> [*unsheathes katana*]
  65. [21:33:35] <Curiosity> [*leaves*]
  66. [21:33:37] <@Aler|GM> [*tips batdora*]
  67. [21:33:49] Reiner_Steelfeather couldn't say much, retorting to the dragon-neck-severing pony while he made a mental note on Glimmer's comment, "Iron is a common name.", he says, casting a sideways glance at Lily before he moves closer behind Curiosity towards downed earth pony... his eyes freezing on the downed pony...
  68. [21:33:54] <Frostbite[Snow]> [/me does as well]
  69. [21:34:50] Glimmer just casually approaches the two Griff's, slowly though. "Are you two able to walk on your own? Or do you need assistance?"
  70. [21:35:32] Liliana_Steelfeather takes a step a bit away from the changeling, trying to address the blood-coated, head-severing mare again, "... I asked what you're gonna do with this dragon."
  71. [21:36:22] Curiosity moves to a side, not wanting to give her back to the stranger, with her eyes fixated on his bird face. "I think so... there was an Iron where I come from... he wasn't a common pony, tho." Oh... I'm probably going to make some guys take it to the town. We'll see what useful thing we can do with it." Cury says in reply to Liliana, without staring away from Reiner.
  72. [21:37:12] Glimmer stops though, a bit confused from the Griff backing away. "Did I do something wrong?" she said with, you guessed it! A confused tone.
  73. [21:37:26] <Reiner_Steelfeather> "I'm alright. Just a scratch.", he retorts to the changeling... clinic worker, while his eyes scan over the injured pony, "Mm, she needs help."
  74. [21:37:48] Frostbite[Snow] is stealthy.
  75. [21:37:57] <Reiner_Steelfeather> !roll d10
  76. [21:37:57] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  77. [21:38:12] <Curiosity> [:c]
  78. [21:38:13] Reiner_Steelfeather is completely oblivious to Frost's presense
  79. [21:38:13] <Glimmer> IDS HABBEDIN :DDDDDD AGAIN :DDDDDDD
  80. [21:38:20] <Reiner_Steelfeather> :3
  81. [21:38:48] Frostbite[Snow] sneakies closer to the Griffs
  82. [21:39:23] LightningDancer cries
  83. [21:39:46] Curiosity drops her attention back to Iron, opting to leave the rest of questions and answers after taking care of the mess. "I'll take care of Lightning too after this, go on with the gryphs, Glim"
  84. [21:40:28] <Glimmer> "Alright. Then if you two will follow me, I can bring you to the Clinic. If either of you need a hand with walking, just use me for support." she turned about, though kept her noggin fixaded on the two Griff's, still amazed at the Birdcats.
  85. [21:40:57] Frostbite[Snow] uses this chance to strike...
  86. [21:41:04] Reiner_Steelfeather brings his claw up to his cheek, scratching it a little and takes a look between them, noticing another odd looking frosty pony and then down at the crying one...
  87. [21:41:20] <Frostbite[Snow]> !roll 1d10 Attack*?????
  88. [21:41:20] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  89. [21:41:35] <Reiner_Steelfeather> [Strike whom though?]
  90. [21:42:10] Frostbite[Snow] fails kinda sorta, stumbling a short distance from fuggin' Reiner... not close enough...
  91. [21:42:23] Frostbite[Snow] gets up and brushes herself off, coughing. "Nothing happened."
  92. [21:42:24] Aler|GM sloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyy begins progessing her wa-oh god no. She immediately about faced. "Frosty," she watched this scene unfold as the Batmare de-stealths. "not right now please, they are injured!"
  93. [21:42:44] <@Aler|GM> gfjtgfukjdrt
  94. [21:42:52] Glimmer sloooowwwwwlllllyyyyyyyyyy begins progessing her wa-oh god no. She immediately about faced. "Frosty," she watched this scene unfold as the Batmare de-stealths. "not right now please, they are injured!"
  95. [21:42:54] <Glimmer> [:3]
  96. [21:42:59] Frostbite[Snow] jumps. "NYGHEGHGGH..."
  97. [21:43:09] Frostbite[Snow] disappears into the trees.
  98. [21:43:19] Curiosity takes in a deepbreath and starts lifting the sleeping old lady :3. "HGNnggnnnn!!" Cury's thin frame has troubles to get Iron over her back, but after seconds of struggling, she managed to give a free ride to sleeping veteran. "L-let's go.." The words come out squeezed, much like she looksright now as the heavy mare gives troubles to the slender one.
  99. [21:43:39] <Glimmer> [Death by Snu Snu when?]
  100. [21:44:00] Liliana_Steelfeather wonders wtf these ponies are doing... not right now? This settlement is strange. She walks slowly along with Reiner, following that unexpected changeling, still very much on edge from this town of seemingly insane equines.
  101. [21:44:01] Reiner_Steelfeather observed another pony nearly jump up on his, perhaps, his claws and claw daggers that were strapped to fingers and hand spreading apart... before the bat pony jetted the hell away.......
  102. [21:44:28] Glimmer can still see emotions~
  103. [21:44:30] <Reiner_Steelfeather> "..."
  104. [21:45:05] Curiosity takes the first hoofsteps forward with great effort, gaining a bit of speed gradually. Silently besides the wheeze of her lungs at every step, Cury moves towards the clinic with the group.
  105. [21:45:05] Frostbite[Snow] would've poked Reiner, no cause for alarm.
  106. [21:45:22] Glimmer sighed a bit as she turned about once again. "I am sorry about that. She only came here yesterday. Now, if you would please follow me, we can get both your wounds looked at."
  107. [21:45:42] <Curiosity> [>poking the guy who divebombed into a dragon and survived, from the darkness]
  108. [21:45:44] <Curiosity> [>good idea]
  109. [21:45:50] <Curiosity> [Have you never seen movies!?]
  110. [21:45:54] <Glimmer> [>who was also pooped on by a bird :D]
  111. [21:46:04] <Curiosity> [oh I had forgotten about it]
  112. [21:46:25] Reiner_Steelfeather put his claw down, feeling unsettled himself by a very -very- odd bunch, but... Iron was there. Slowly he proceeded to move after the changeling... nurse...
  113. [21:46:47] <Reiner_Steelfeather> [>implying]
  114. [21:47:10] <@Aler|GM> /me strokes Reiner's head. "ssshhhh. no tears."
  115. [21:47:12] <@Aler|GM> ]
  116. [21:48:05] Glimmer isn't really a nurse, more like someone who can get bored and prefers well lit areas. Though she waited for >Liliana to get up before going onwards to help these nice looking Griffon's out and will not declare them Kebab's
  117. [21:49:16] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [/me wonders what will happen if dis changeling finds out what Lily can do...]
  118. [21:49:37] Glimmer is just a simple OP mage oke
  119. [21:50:06] Curiosity wants to put Iron into a bed now before she dies crushed
  120. [21:50:16] Glimmer is waiting for the Griff's to tag along
  121. [21:50:16] Frostbite[Snow] reappears.
  122. [21:50:17] <Liliana_Steelfeather> [I mean- nevermind.]
  123. [21:50:37] <Glimmer> [Non-kebab pls~]
  124. [21:50:37] <Reiner_Steelfeather> [/me tunes out 'spur of the moment' shite]
  125. [21:50:37] Reiner_Steelfeather continued to follow the ling, keeping himself relatively close to Lily and brushed her hood a bit with his beak, finishing if up with "Got some things on it."
  126. [21:50:41] Liliana_Steelfeather is tagging along with Reiner, staying very, very alert, and not the most keen of griffons on going inside... settlements.
  127. [21:50:57] Glimmer does indeed begin escorting them to the Clinic! #havencannon
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