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Furnace Pony

a guest
Mar 6th, 2012
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  1. > You browse in a second-hand store, leafing through some old vinyl records, some older CRT monitors and TV's -- you nearly buy an Apple II but think better of it
  2. > You hear a raspy little cough in one corner of the room
  3. > Turning around you find a shivering mass of pony, metallic and rilled with tiny piping
  4. > "Are you okay?"
  5. > She looks up with such mournful eyes, "I'm just so cold and hungry."
  6. > You spy a rather sizable inlet for natural gas
  7. > Those soft brown eyes, flecked paint from her face to her hooves
  8. > "... How much are you?"
  10. > $50 and you're the proud owner of a sentient furnace-pony
  11. > Taking her home you find your apartment IS set up for natural gas
  12. > Call up the gas company for hookup
  13. > need "a few days"
  14. > Furnace Pony is shivering, less than in the store, but still perceptibly, on your couch even under three blankets
  15. > "Is there anything else you eat?"
  16. > Her eyes dart around, eying some of the firewood you'd chopped for the fireplace this apartment was MEANT to have based on the listing but didn't
  17. > "Mama was a stove, I can eat some of that maybe?"
  18. > Gnawing on a bit of log, she starts to warm
  19. > one blanket off - half a log
  20. > two blankets off - a second log, god she's eating voraciously
  21. > After a good four logs she's throwing off a comfortable rolling heat, eyes glistening with happy tears, "Oh thank you thank you thank you!"
  22. > She leaps into your arms on your couch, nestling into your chest
  23. > You feel warm
  24. > you feel warm inside too
  26. > you come home from work
  27. > there is a neat little pile of ash on one corner of the room
  28. > Furnace pony is in the kitchen, sobbing quietly in a fetal position
  29. > "What happened?!"
  30. > "I- I took a nap after I ate a little and- and-"
  31. > She's looked back toward the living room, beginning to wail again at the sight of what used to be a wicker-basket chair
  32. > You suddenly recall how much you fucking hated that chair
  33. > "It- it's okay, Mini, it's fine. We'll get you some nice soft flame-retardant pillow to sleep on, okay?"
  34. > She looks up, awestruck you aren't furious, then babbling excitedly "REALLY? FOR ME?"
  35. > the sound of her jumping up and down is a lot like brass bearings hitting the linoleum over and over
  36. > The downstairs neighbors must hate you by now
  37. > You don't care, Mini is so excited and you finally have an excuse to not keep Mom's housewarming gift
  38. > you smile as you go get the vacuum cleaner
  40. Author: chistery !!vGFyxi9fnOL
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