
ConfigurableMessages Config.yml

Oct 7th, 2014
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  1. # ----------------------------------------------------
  2. # ConfigurableMessages - Configuration file
  3. # ----------------------------------------------------
  4. # Author: Sicka_gp
  5. # ----------------------------------------------------
  6. Plugin:
  7. Config_version: 1
  8. Plugin_version: 1.0.1
  9. AutoUpdate: true
  10. Messages:
  11. FullServer: '&dServer is full!'
  12. WhitelistMessage: '&dYou are not whitelisted on this server.'
  13. DisableAllJoinQuitKickMSG: false
  14. EnableJoinQuitKickMSG: true
  15. UseDefaultMessage: false
  16. EnableTabList: true
  17. UseDefaultTabList: false
  18. UseDefaultTabListColor: false
  19. Groups:
  20. Default:
  21. JoinMessage: '{NAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  22. QuitMessage: ''
  23. KickMessage: '{NAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  24. TabColor: '&f'
  25. TabPrefix: ''
  26. Moderator:
  27. JoinMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  28. QuitMessage: ''
  29. KickMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  30. TabColor: '&6'
  31. TabPrefix: ''
  32. Admin:
  33. JoinMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  34. QuitMessage: ''
  35. KickMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  36. TabColor: '&6'
  37. TabPrefix: ''
  38. Developer:
  39. JoinMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  40. QuitMessage: ''
  41. KickMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  42. TabColor: '&4'
  43. TabPrefix: ''
  44. Owner:
  45. JoinMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  46. QuitMessage: ''
  47. KickMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  48. TabColor: '&4'
  49. TabPrefix: ''
  50. Player:
  51. JoinMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ajoined &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  52. QuitMessage: ''
  53. KickMessage: '{DISPLAYNAME} &ehas been kicked out of the game for {REASON}'
  54. TabColor: '&f'
  55. TabPrefix: ''
  56. MOTD:
  57. ChatMotd:
  58. Enable: true
  59. Messages:
  60. - '&2----------------------------------------------------------------'
  61. - '&9Welcome to &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  62. - '&9There are &c{ONLINE} &9out of maximum &c{MAX_ONLINE} &9players online.'
  63. - '&9Now online: {ONLINE_PLAYERS}'
  64. - '&2----------------------------------------------------------------'
  65. ServerListMotd:
  66. PlayerList:
  67. Enable: true
  68. Messages:
  69. - '&l&5ConfigurableMessages'
  70. - '&8'
  71. - '&8Author: Sicka_gp'
  72. DefaultMOTD:
  73. Messages:
  74. - '&7&m--[-----&a&l Atlas&3Prison &7&m-----]--'
  75. PersonalMOTD:
  76. Enable: true
  77. Faces: false
  78. Unknown: '&7&m--[-----&a&l Atlas&3Prison &7&m-----]--'
  79. Messages:
  80. - '&7&m--[-----&a&l Atlas&3Prison &7&m-----]--'
  81. ScoreBoardMotd:
  82. Enable: false
  83. Interval: 3
  84. Messages:
  85. - '&9Welcome to&6 {3}&9!'
  86. - '&9Now is online&6: {1} &aplayers'
  87. - '&9Time is&6: {5}'
  88. - '&9Enjoy the game&6!'
  89. SidebarItems:
  90. - '&aOnline;%online_players'
  91. - '&aBalance;%bal'
  92. - '&aPing;%ping'
  93. Newbies:
  94. FirstMessageEnable: true
  95. FirstMessage: '&5Welcome &7{NAME} &5to &7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  96. Kits: false
  97. Items:
  98. - 17:0-16
  99. - 17:1-16
  100. - 17:2-16
  101. - 17:3-16
  102. Automessage:
  103. Interval: 60
  104. Enable: true
  105. Prefix: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7]'
  106. Sidebar:
  107. Enable: true
  108. Update: 1
  109. DynamicTitleUpdateInterval: 10
  110. UseDefault: true
  111. Sidebars:
  112. Default:
  113. DynamicTitle:
  114. - '&a&lAtlas&3Prison'
  115. DisabledWorlds:
  116. - exampleworld
  117. Items:
  118. - '&2Online;%online_players'
  119. - '&2Balance;%bal'
  120. - '&2Health;%health'
  121. - '&2Kills;%totalkills'
  122. Admin:
  123. DynamicTitle:
  124. - '&a&lAtlas&3Prison'
  125. - '&l{8}'
  126. - '&l&5{6}'
  127. DisabledWorlds:
  128. - exampleworld
  129. Items:
  130. - '&aOnline;%online_players'
  131. - '&aBalance;%bal'
  132. - '&aPing;%ping'
  133. Player:
  134. DynamicTitle:
  135. - '&a&lAtlas&3Prison'
  136. - '&l{8}'
  137. - '&l&5{6}'
  138. DisabledWorlds:
  139. - exampleworld
  140. Items:
  141. - '&aOnline;%online_players'
  142. - '&aBalance;%bal'
  143. - '&aPing;%ping'
  144. Countdown:
  145. EnableSounds: true
  146. CancelTitle: The countdown was cancelled.
  147. CancelBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] The countdown was cancelled.'
  148. ShutdownTitle: Shutdown in {CD} minutes.
  149. ShutdownBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] The Server will be shut down in {CD}
  150. minutes.'
  151. ShutdownEndBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] The Server is shut down!'
  152. ReloadTitle: Reload in {CD} minutes.
  153. ReloadBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] The Server will be reload in {CD} minutes.'
  154. ReloadingBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] Reloading....'
  155. CountdownTitle: 'Timer: {CD} minutes.'
  156. CountdownBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] The countdown ends for {CD} minutes.'
  157. CountdownEndTitle: Countdown complete {CD}
  158. CountdownEndBroadcastMSG: '&7[&a&lAtlas&3Prison&7] Countdown complete!'
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