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Sep 14th, 2012
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  2. <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
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  23. PageArray[0]="Vergeet niet in te schrijven voor de audities ATK<BR>(toneel, zang, dans, decor)voor 19/9!<BR>Inschrijfformulier bij de receptie. <BR>&nbsp;<BR>5hv en 6vw SOK indeling, tijden en locatie hangt op het sportbord. <BR>Sta je niet op de lijst meld je dan bij één van de docent BWO.<BR>&nbsp;<BR>";
  24. PageArray[1]="14-09 / Vrijdag<BR>Afwezig: ROW<BR><center><table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"z\"><tr><td class=x>klas</td><td class=x>uur</td><td class=x>docent</td><td class=x>vak</td><td class=x>lokaal</td><td class=x>vak</td><td class=x>docent</td><td class=x>lokaal</td></tr></table></center><center><table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" class=\"z\"><tr><td class=y>1C</td><td class=y>4</td><td class=y>LAT</td><td class=y>ne</td><td class=y>101</td><td class=y>ne</td><td class=y>LAT</td><td class=y>117</td></tr><tr><td class=x>1G</td><td class=x>4</td><td class=x>ROW</td><td class=x>en</td><td class=x>015</td><td class=x>en</td><td class=x>VEM</td><td class=x>015</td></tr><tr><td class=y>2M</td><td class=y>6</td><td class=y>SCL</td><td class=y>en</td><td class=y>015</td><td class=y>en</td><td class=y>SCL</td><td class=y>010</td></tr></table></center>&nbsp;<BR>&nbsp;<BR>";
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