
Pink Horse - Through a Dog's Eyes (Rarity)

Feb 26th, 2014
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  1. "Twilight, do I have to wear this thing?"
  2. >"Yes Spike, the laws here are very specific about dogs like yourself having to wear a leash in public places."
  3. >Spike groans and scratches at his collar with a hindleg, attempting to loosen it's stranglehold on him, "Did it say they have to be this tight too?"
  4. >Twilight gives him an apologetic glance, "Sorry Spike, that was the biggest size they had at the time. We can check back in later this week but for now you'll just have to work with it."
  5. >Spike gives a huff and rolls his eyes,"Well I don't have to enjoy it, and you can't make me!"
  6. >Twilight settles for an exasperated sigh as she holds the leash in her hand.
  7. >They were almost at school, but it would still be a few minutes before they got there.
  8. >"Oh Twilight! What a lovely coincidence to run into you here!"
  9. >Twilight and Spike both turn to see their fashion-eccentric friend Rarity waving a hand in the air in greeting as she jogged as politely as possible towards them.
  10. Spike's eyes immediately seized an opportunity to look up Rarity's skirt as she neared them, as doing so made him feel good for some reason.
  11. >Twilight waved back as Rarity slowed to a halt in front of them, "Good morning Rarity, I'm glad you could join us."
  12. >Rarity acknowledged Twilight before bending over to address Spike,"And how is my favorite talking dog today Spikey-wikey?"
  13. >Spike hopped in place a few times as he replied, "Great now that you're here!"
  14. >Rarity giggled and grabbed the side of his cheek with her hand and lightly shook it,"Well aren't you a sweetie today?"
  15. >As Rarity continues her droll conversation with Spike, Twilight glances around in boredom until her eyes settle on a certain guitar playing highschool waifu stealer.
  16. >Flash catches her eye and gives her a winning smile and pulls out his phone.
  17. >After a few seconds of tapping buttons, he pockets his phone again and waggles an eyebrow at Twilight as she feels a buzzing in her pocket.
  19. She retrieves her phone and reads the message Flash had just sent her, "ay gurl, u wan sum fuk ;)"
  20. >She looks up at him and quickly replies, "Be over in a sec honey bumps." then slips her phone into her pocket again.
  21. >"Rarity?"
  22. >Rarity and Spike both look up at Twilight as she holds a hand out with Spike's leash, "Would you mind looking after Spike for a few seconds? Something just came up that I need to take care of."
  23. >Rarity nods and says, "Of course darling." before taking the leash.
  24. >Twilight claps her hands together once in happiness and dashes towards Flash before disappearing with him into his car.
  25. >Rarity watches as the car suddenly starts moving back and forth, "Silly girl."
  26. >Spike watches the car as well but remains oblivious to the going-ons, "They sure are having a hard time starting that car, huh Rarity?"
  27. >Rarity laughs politely and says, "Good one Spike."
  28. >Spike glances up at her in confusion, "Good what? I was just making an observation."
  29. Rarity stares at him for a few seconds before asking, "You do know they're not trying to start the car right?"
  30. >Spike tilts his head to the side, "Then what are they doing?"
  31. >Rarity glances from side to side as an idea comes to her, "Maybe I'd better show you Spike."
  32. >Spike nods and follows her as she takes him to a secluded alleyway before turning around to explain to him what they were about to do.
  33. "First off Spike, this is something very special that you only do with someone you love, alright?"
  34. >Spike nods enthusiastically.
  35. >"Alright, so when a man, err male and female love each other very much, the male puts his penis inside the female's vagina."
  36. >Spike tilts his head again, "What's a vagina?"
  37. >Rarity smiles and starts to remove her skirt, "Well I'm glad you asked Spike."
  39. Rarity drops her skirt and takes a seat on the ground, spreading her legs and her panties to give Spike a good look at her slick entrance, "Go on Spike, get a good look."
  40. >Spike trails his eyes up to hers then tentatively inched forward, sniffing as a strange aroma meets his nose.
  41. >It smelled like Rarity, but much stronger.
  42. >Needless to say it smelled great.
  43. >After a couple seconds of staring at it, Spike asks the million dollar question,"Can we do what you were talking about earlier Rarity?"
  44. >Rarity grins at him and says, "Are you saying you love me Spike?"
  45. >Spike nods as a strange feeling goes throughout him, ending at the base of his tail, like something in him was coming out.
  46. >Rarity grins and pulls her panties down her legs before getting on her hands and knees with her rear end facing Spike, "Alright let me show you what to do. You see that large red rod between your legs?"
  47. >Spike didn't remember there ever being such a thing like that before but looked down anyways.
  48. >To his surprise, there was indeed an object matching that description.
  49. >He touches it with his paw and feels a little pinprick of pleasure.
  50. >"I-is that, me?"
  51. >Rarity nods, "Yes sweetie, that's your penis. Now what you're going to do is put your front legs onto my hips and put that into-" she pauses to point a finger at her cooch, "this."
  52. >Spike nods and hops onto his hind legs before leaning onto Rarity's hindquarters and thrusting his hips forward.
  53. >His attempt to pierce her fails and he awkwardly deflects to the right.
  54. >Rarity giggles at his clumsiness and reaches a hand to grab his dick, "Here, let me do it."
  55. >Spike allows her to pull him into the right position and slowly eases forward until he feels his tip penetrate her, then immediately begins to push.
  56. >Rarity groans in delight as Spike quickly pushes himself in as far as he can and then stops,"Now what?"
  57. >"Now pull it back, but not out and do what you just did. Try to do it quickly though."
  59. >He nods and pulls himself out, smiling as a feeling of euphoria rushes throughout his body.
  60. >After he gets about halfway out, he thrusts forward again and is greeted with delighted coos as he starts to get a rhythm.
  61. >"Ah yes Spike, you're doing wonderful!"
  62. >Spike quickens his pace in response and starts to feel a tight bulge moving through him, "Rarity, I feel like something's going to come out!"
  63. >Rarity turns to him suddenly,"Already? Spike, pull out quickly before you knot me!"
  64. >Her words falls on deaf ears as Spike's tempo only gets faster.
  65. Rarity feels a large ball attempt to enter her,"Spike, please stop! You'll be stuck inside of me for a lo- Ah!"
  66. >Her words are cut short as he forces the entirety of his cock into her, roughly rubbing her walls with his newfound girth.
  67. >"R-rarity!", he screams as he feels himself burst inside of her.
  68. >Rarity feels a new warmness inside of her as sperm is shot directly into her womb.
  69. >"S-spike...", she whispers as she crumples to the ground.
  70. >Spike slows himself until he's standing still, panting after exerting himself that much.
  71. >"Wow Rarity, that was great!"
  72. >He tries to back up but feels a stabbing pain in his dick.
  73. >He yelps in surprise and returns to his previous stance.
  74. >He glances down and realizes that he is stuck inside of her until that large ball goes away.
  75. >"R-rarity?", he calls out, "Are you awake?"
  76. >Her silence fills him with dread, which is quickly replaced by panic as he hears another voice.
  77. >"Rarity! Spike! Where did you go?"
  78. >Spike glances back at Rarity and realizes he can't be caught like this and begins to pull back at full force.
  79. >After a couple seconds of pain, a loud "pop" is heard and he tumbles backwards out of the alley.
  80. "There you are Spike, where did rarity go?"
  81. >Spike breaks out in a cold sweat and replies, "She went ahead to school already."
  82. Twilight sighed and picked up his leash, "I guess we'll meet her there then."
  83. Spike nods and begins to trot after her, glancing back as he did.
  84. >He suddenly spotted two shady looking guys walking into the alley he had just occupied and felt a sudden reassurance.
  85. >"At least someone would be there to help her up.", he thought to himself.
  87. End.
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