
Boarding School Part 3

Aug 14th, 2016
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  1. Mr.Clark: What do we have here...
  2. A cell phone.
  3. Audrey: *heart stops, my phone*
  4. Mr.Clark: Well I'm taking this.
  5. You girls don't have what I'm looking for.
  6. *Puts phone in pocket*
  7. Line up in front of your beds.
  9. Who's phone is this?
  10. Noami: It's mine.
  11. Mr.Clark: We will talk about this later Noami.
  12. *leaves*
  13. Audrey: Fuck that was so close.
  14. Shelby: Yea, but we got lucky.
  15. Where's the knife Audrey.
  16. Audrey: I don't know!
  17. Noami: Guys it's gone, maybe someone stole it.
  18. Audrey: Like Madison?
  19. Shelby: Do you think she will actually want to kill you?
  20. Audrey: Yes, She's crazy!
  21. I need my phone.
  22. I need to talk to Sterling
  23. Noami: Let's just all try to sleep.
  24. Tomorrow is a new day.
  25. I'll try to get your phone back.
  26. -
  27. Sterling: Do you know why your dad was looking at you sisters diary?
  28. Luke: To be honest, I think someone told him to.
  29. Sterling: Who?
  30. Luke: I can find out.
  31. I'll just ask my dad.
  32. Sterling: Tell me as soon as you know.
  33. Your sister wants to know.
  34. Mr.Clark: Here's your phone.
  35. Noami: Thanks.
  36. *gets phones*
  37. Mr.Clark: *pulls her in close*
  38. Did you sell any?
  39. Noami: Yea *lies*
  40. Mr.Clark: I'll come to your room later to collect the money.
  41. Noami: Okay...
  42. Mr.Dawson: LEAVES&*&DSJF
  43. Noami: I can't be doing this.
  44. I just need money for cassie and mom.
  45. -One Year Ago
  46. Noami:*in a jail ceil*
  47. Police: Why would a rich girl like you steal?
  48. Noami:*gives police a look*
  49. Police: Anyways your Father is here he posted your bail.
  50. Noami: He's not my Father.
  51. *annoyed*
  52. Police: *unlocks her*
  53. Dad: Noami. Okay time to go home.
  54. Noami: That's it?
  55. Dad: Yea, come on.
  56. -
  57. Dad: Your grounded by the way.
  58. Noami: Why couldn't my mom get me out.
  59. Dad: She's busy.
  61. Poppy: Nice, getting caught.
  62. Noami: Sorry, I'm grounded.
  63. Poppy: How are we gonna raise money to get out of here.
  64. Noami: Don't worry we will okay.
  65. Where's mom?
  66. Poppy: She's at the hospital...
  67. Noami: What why?
  68. Poppy: He beat her again...
  69. Noami: *angry*
  70. We need to get money to at least get 6 months of rent.
  71. Poppy: Stealing things and selling it,
  72. isn't getting us anywhere.
  73. Noami: We have only a thousand saved
  74. that's for one months rent and food for like 2 weeks.
  75. Dad: Thats you you where stealing?
  76. Noami: No that's not why...
  77. Dad: *Grabs Cassie*
  78. Wheres the money,
  79. Poppy:Naomi don't tell him.
  80. Dad: *Pulls Cassie's hair tighter*
  81. Poppy: *hurting her*
  82. Nomai: Stop hurting her!
  83. Dad: If you don't give it to me,
  84. Poppy's talking a trip to the hospital.
  85. Poppy: Don't Noami.
  86. Dad: *punches Cassie*
  87. Poppy: *Falls in the ground and whimpers*
  88. Noami: *tears up*
  89. Stop!
  90. Dad: One kick and I'll break her ribs.
  91. Noami: *Gets money out of book*
  92. *gives money*
  93. Dad: *Grabs money*
  94. *throws it in the fire place*
  95. We are the perfect family.
  96. Don't ruin it.
  97. *leaves*
  98. Noami: Cassie.
  99. Poppy: *bleeding from her lip*
  100. Noami: It's gonna be okay.
  101. I'll find a way.
  102. Poppy: *cries*
  103. -
  104. Noami: Mom your back.
  105. How you are you feeling?
  106. Mom: *silent*
  107. Noami: Mom, We tried and I'l try again and again.
  108. I'll get us out of here.
  109. Mom: *silent*
  110. Men: *Grab Noami*
  111. Noami: What this?
  112. Dad: Your mother and I decided to take you to boarding school.
  113. Noami: What No!
  114. MOM!
  115. MOM!
  116. Mom: *silent and sheds a tear*
  117. Noami: MOM!
  118. Tell him he can't!
  119. MOM!
  120. Dad: Take her way.
  121. Men: *Drag her*
  122. Noami: CASSIE!
  123. WHERE'S CASSIE?!?
  124. MOM!
  125. MOM!
  126. -
  127. Mr.Dawson: Sorry that I had to leave like that.
  128. Shelby: Thats Okay.
  129. Mr.Dawson: Shelby, we shouldn't be doing this.
  130. I can go to jail being with a student.
  131. Shelby: I know, I really like you thought.
  132. Mr.Dawson: We need to stop.
  133. I can't have you as a student anymore.
  134. Shelby: *sad* Why not.
  135. Mr.Dawson: Maybe when you are not my student it will be easier to control my feelings.
  136. Shelby: :(
  137. Mr.Dawson: I'll transfer you out today.
  138. I have to go but.
  139. I'll see you around.
  140. Shelby:(
  141. -
  142. Elliot: Audrey..
  143. Audrey: I know that you told on me Elliot.
  144. Thats why I'm here.
  145. Elliot: Why do you think that?
  146. Audrey: You need to back up.
  147. I don't like you.
  148. You are making my life hell!
  149. Elliot: No stop.
  150. I didn't.
  151. Audrey: I hate you!
  152. Elliot: Audrey listen please.
  153. Audrey: What?
  154. Elliot:There is something about you.
  155. I can't stop thinking about you...
  156. *wants to feel a kiss against his lips*
  157. Audrey: Elliot you have Madison.
  158. I have a boyfriend.
  159. Elliot: *kisses*
  160. Madison: *sees*
  161. :0
  162. *mad*
  163. That's it.
  164. *LEAVES*
  165. Audrey: *pushes Elliot*
  166. Elliot whats the matter with you?!?!?!
  167. Elliot: Sorry- I thought.
  168. Audrey: Stay away from me.
  169. *that kiss brought so many memories*
  170. Mason: Audrey..
  171. What where you planning to do with that knife.
  172. Audrey: Knife? What are you talking about?
  173. Mason: I know that lockdown was because of you.
  174. The knife was in your bag,
  175. I took it before they checked us.
  176. Audrey: Mason.
  177. OMG!
  178. THANKS!
  179. *hugs*
  180. Mason: Yea, yea, but you owe me.
  181. Audrey: What? I didn't ask you help me!
  182. Mason:You wanted to get caught?
  183. I mean i still have it and I can just-
  184. *tries to put knife in Audrey's Bag*
  185. Audrey: ;0
  186. Okay okay,
  187. I'll figure something out.
  188. I have to go.
  189. Mason: *thinks*
  190. -
  191. Leke: Dad.
  192. Mr.Bennet: Yes.
  193. Leke: Dad, why did you read Audrey's Dairy?
  194. Mr.Bennet: Why does that matter?
  195. Leke: Dad- Did someone tell you?
  196. Mr. B: Some kid told me that he knew Audrey.
  197. Luke: And?
  198. Mr.B: And told me that she kept a diary.
  199. And that there was some important things-
  200. that I needed to know.
  201. Luke: Who was the kid?
  202. Mr.B: That Elliot kid.
  203. Luke: Audrey's Ex?
  204. Mr.B: That's the one.
  205. He even told me about the boarding school.
  206. Luke: *in shock*
  208. *Dail's Sterling*
  209. Sterling, I know why my dad looked in her diary.
  210. Audrey's Ex ratted her out.
  211. Sterling: Are you serious where is he?
  212. *types Elliot Campbell*
  213. Luke: I don't know.
  214. Sterling: Come over to my place.
  215. Right Now.
  216. Luke: Sure.
  217. -
  218. Sterling: Luke.
  219. Luke: Hey.
  220. Beileigh: Hold on, I found him.
  221. Elliot Campbell: Auradon Prep Boarding School
  222. He goes to Auradon Prep...
  223. Where Audrey goes.
  224. Luke:!
  225. Sterling:!
  226. Luke: My dad said that Elliot told him about the boarding school.
  227. Sterling: Do you think that Elliot wants her there with him?
  228. Luke: Thinking about it- I think so.
  229. Sterling: But why?
  230. Luke: Maybe to get her back?
  231. Beiliegh: No that can't be -
  232. There are so many pictures of him with a girl.
  233. Says that he has a girlfriend.
  234. Sterling: Maybe we are reading to much into this.
  235. Luke: Do you think this Elliot guy will want to hurt her?
  236. Sterling: *is worried*
  237. -
  238. Noami: I can't do this anymore.
  239. *takes out the bag of weed*
  240. I need to find a way to make money another way.
  241. *throws weed into river*
  242. Mr.Clark: What the hell are you doing!
  243. :0
  244. -
  245. Audrey: *Walking*
  246. Madison: You think that this is a joke.
  247. Audrey: What do you mean?
  248. Maidson: I saw you kissing Elliot.
  249. Audrey: NO NO NO...
  250. Madison: Do you want me to hurt you?
  251. I don't know what you did with that knife.
  252. But believe me,
  253. I'll having you leaving this place in a body bag.
  254. Audrey: I don't like Elliott.
  255. I have a boyfriend.
  256. Madison: I'll keep you in close watch.
  257. Audrey: Whatever.
  258. leaves*
  259. -
  260. Audrey: Urgh, Such a stressful day!
  261. Shelby: I've been having a whatever day.
  262. Audrey: I didn't see you in Mr. Dawsons class today.
  263. Shelby: Yea, I transfered..
  264. Audrey: Oh- Why is that?
  265. Shelby: -
  266. Audrey: Oh, and have you seen Naomi
  267. I really need my phone.
  268. Shelby: I haven't she should be one her way home.
  269. Audrey: So guess what Mason actually got the knife from me!
  270. Shleby: Mason, he's creepy.
  271. Audrey: Yea, like I'm starting to see it.
  272. Shelby: Audrey you won't tell anyone.
  273. Audrey: About?
  274. Shleby: I have been seeing someone-
  275. but they stopped wanting to see me.
  276. Audrey: Who is it?
  277. Shelby: You don't know him..*lies*
  278. Audrey: It's getting late we should sleep.
  279. Shelby: Yea- its almost 10.
  280. -
  281. Madison: Elliot! I saw you kissing her!
  282. Elliot: Madison, I been trying to break this off for months!
  283. I don't like you how I used to!
  284. Madison: So you are going to be with the New girl!
  285. She has a BOYFRIEND!
  286. She TOLD ME!
  287. Elliot: You need to chill!
  288. We have to break up.
  289. I don't love you anymore!
  290. Madison: You are gonna play for this!
  291. Elliot: Madison-
  292. Madison: *Stroms Off*
  293. Elliot: Madison Wait.
  294. Madison: *Screams*
  295. Elliot: MADISON!
  296. *RUNS TO HER*
  297. What the ma-
  298. *see's blood and school uniform*
  299. Madison: What is this?
  300. Elliot: Thats allot of blood.
  301. Madison: Where did it come from?
  302. Elliot: Seems like it washed up here from the river.
  303. Madison: What should we do?
  304. Elliot: Lets go find a teacher...
  305. *They run off together*
  306. Elliot: I don't know who can be up right now.
  307. Madison:It's past curfew.
  308. What if it's nothing.
  309. Like what if its just a prank.
  310. Elliot: Madison, we need to do the right thing.
  311. Madison: I'm going to my room,
  312. I don't want to get in trouble for being past curfew.
  313. *They hear footstep*
  314. !
  315. Elliot: shhh-
  316. *whispers* Go, I'll handle this.
  317. Madison: *nods*
  318. Leaves
  319. Elliot: *try's to look who it can be*
  320. *see's Mr.Clark*
  321. Mr.Clark: *looking for something*
  322. Elliot: Mr. Clark?
  323. Mr.Clark: *shocked*
  324. elliot: Are you looking for something?
  325. Mr.Clark: *stops searching* No-
  326. Why you out here!
  327. It's past curfew!
  328. *Grabs Elliots Arm*
  329. I'm taking you with me.
  330. Elliot: Mr.Clark, I found a bloody school uniform farther the river.
  331. Mr.Clark: *shocked*
  332. Where?
  333. Elliot: I can show you if you let me-
  334. Mr.Clark: *Lets Elliot go*
  335. Elliot: Follow me-
  336. They LEAVE
  337. Elliot: It's over there
  338. *points, throws snowball*
  339. Mr.Clark: *goes*
  340. *See's uniform*
  341. Fuck, It's her.
  342. -
  344. Elliot what are you doing here?
  345. Your past curfew.
  346. Noami: I can't do this anymore.
  347. I can't.
  348. I'm not that kind of girl.
  349. *pulls out phone*
  350. I'll call the police right now.
  351. Mr.Clark: You won't dare.
  352. Noami: *Dail's 911*
  353. I press the call button.
  354. I'll tell them everything.
  355. About you and the Drugs.
  356. About you forcing students to sell drugs!
  357. About you and Poppy!
  358. Mr.Clark:*Pulls out gun*
  359. Don't bring her into this.
  360. Noami: Where is she!
  361. Mr.Clark: *shots her*
  362. Noami: *is shook*
  363. *Falls in the river*
  364. Mr.Clark: *puts gun in coat*
  365. *Watches her float away*
  366. -
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