

Jul 14th, 2014
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  23. The following style definitions are the core set from which all distribution \
  24. style sheets are based.\
  25. \>", "Text"],
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  163. The cells in this section define styles used for input and output to the \
  164. kernel. Be careful when modifying, renaming, or removing these styles, \
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  166. Some attributes for these styles are actually set in FormatType Styles (in \
  167. the last section of this stylesheet). \
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  680. \>", "Text"],
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  849. The following styles are for linking automatically to the new on-line help \
  850. system.\
  851. \>", "Text"],
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  1334. Cell["\<\
  1335. The cells below define styles that define standard ButtonFunctions, for use \
  1336. in palette buttons.\
  1337. \>", "Text"],
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  1435. Cell["\<\
  1436. The cells below define styles that are used to affect the display of certain \
  1437. types of objects in typeset expressions. For example, \"UnmatchedBracket\" \
  1438. style defines how unmatched bracket, curly bracket, and parenthesis \
  1439. characters are displayed (typically by coloring them to make them stand out).\
  1440. \
  1441. \>", "Text"],
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  1488. Cell["\<\
  1489. The following styles are the default styles for the boxes used in the Front \
  1490. End.\
  1491. \>", "Text"],
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  2393. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Si", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2394. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2396. Cell[StyleData["Subsuperscript"],
  2397. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubsuperscriptBox[#, #2, #3]& )}],
  2399. Cell[StyleData["Superscript"],
  2400. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SuperscriptBox[#, #2]& )}],
  2402. Cell[StyleData["Transpose"],
  2403. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SuperscriptBox[#, "\[Transpose]"]& ),
  2404. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2405. }, Closed]],
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  2409. Cell["Combinatorial functions", "Subsubsection"],
  2411. Cell[StyleData["BellB"],
  2412. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["B", #]& ),
  2413. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2415. Cell[StyleData["BellB2"],
  2416. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2417. SubscriptBox["B", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2418. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BellB", "[",
  2419. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2420. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2422. Cell[StyleData["BellY"],
  2423. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2424. SubscriptBox["Y",
  2425. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(",
  2426. RowBox[{
  2427. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], ")"}]& ),
  2428. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BellY", "[",
  2429. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",",
  2430. RowBox[{"{",
  2431. RowBox[{
  2432. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2433. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2435. Cell[StyleData["BellYMatrix"],
  2436. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2437. SubscriptBox["Y",
  2438. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  2439. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BellY", "[",
  2440. RowBox[{
  2441. TemplateSlotSequence[1, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
  2442. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2444. Cell[StyleData["BellY1"],
  2445. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Y", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2446. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BellY", "[", #, "]"}]& ),
  2447. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2449. Cell[StyleData["BernoulliB"],
  2450. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["B", #]& ),
  2451. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2453. Cell[StyleData["BernoulliB2"],
  2454. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2455. SubscriptBox["B", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2456. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2458. Cell[StyleData["CatalanNumber"],
  2459. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["C", #]& ),
  2460. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2462. Cell[StyleData["EulerE"],
  2463. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["E", #]& ),
  2464. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2466. Cell[StyleData["EulerE2"],
  2467. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2468. SubscriptBox["E", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2469. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"EulerE", "[",
  2470. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2471. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2473. Cell[StyleData["Fibonacci"],
  2474. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["F", #]& ),
  2475. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2477. Cell[StyleData["Fibonacci2"],
  2478. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2479. SubscriptBox["F", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2480. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Fibonacci", "[",
  2481. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2482. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2484. Cell[StyleData["HarmonicNumber"],
  2485. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["H", #]& ),
  2486. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2488. Cell[StyleData["HarmonicNumber2"],
  2489. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubsuperscriptBox["H", #,
  2490. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]]& ),
  2491. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"HarmonicNumber", "[",
  2492. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2493. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2495. Cell[StyleData["LucasL"],
  2496. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["L", #]& ),
  2497. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2499. Cell[StyleData["LucasL2"],
  2500. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2501. SubscriptBox["L", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2502. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"LucasL", "[",
  2503. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2504. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2506. Cell[StyleData["NorlundB"],
  2507. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubsuperscriptBox["B", #,
  2508. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]]& ),
  2509. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2511. Cell[StyleData["NorlundB3"],
  2512. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2513. SubsuperscriptBox["B", #,
  2514. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  2515. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"NorlundB", "[",
  2516. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  2517. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2519. Cell[StyleData["StirlingS1"],
  2520. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubsuperscriptBox["S", #,
  2521. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]]& ),
  2522. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2524. Cell[StyleData["StirlingS2"],
  2525. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  2526. DisplayFunction->(SubsuperscriptBox["\[ScriptCapitalS]", #,
  2527. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]]& ),
  2528. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2529. }, Closed]],
  2531. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2533. Cell["Constants", "Subsubsection"],
  2535. Cell[StyleData["ChampernowneNumber"],
  2536. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["C", #]& ),
  2537. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2539. Cell[StyleData["Cyclotomic"],
  2540. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2541. SubscriptBox["C", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2542. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2544. Cell[StyleData["StieltjesGamma"],
  2545. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Gamma]", #]& ),
  2546. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2548. Cell[StyleData["StieltjesGamma2"],
  2549. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2550. SubscriptBox["\[Gamma]", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  2551. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"StieltjesGamma", "[",
  2552. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2553. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2554. }, Closed]],
  2556. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2558. Cell["Control system functions", "Subsubsection"],
  2560. Cell[StyleData["SystemsModelDelay"],
  2561. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  2562. DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[SystemsModelDelay]", #]& ),
  2563. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2565. Cell[StyleData["TransferFunctionModelFull"],
  2566. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "SystemsModelFull"]],
  2568. Cell[StyleData["TransferFunctionModelMinimal"],
  2569. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
  2570. "ContextMenus", "SystemsModelMinimal"]],
  2572. Cell[StyleData["StateSpaceModelFull"],
  2573. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "SystemsModelFull"]],
  2575. Cell[StyleData["StateSpaceModelMinimal"],
  2576. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
  2577. "ContextMenus", "SystemsModelMinimal"]],
  2579. Cell[StyleData["AffineStateSpaceModelFull"],
  2580. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "SystemsModelFull"]],
  2582. Cell[StyleData["AffineStateSpaceModelMinimal"],
  2583. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
  2584. "ContextMenus", "SystemsModelMinimal"]],
  2586. Cell[StyleData["NonlinearStateSpaceModelFull"],
  2587. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "SystemsModelFull"]],
  2589. Cell[StyleData["NonlinearStateSpaceModelMinimal"],
  2590. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
  2591. "ContextMenus", "SystemsModelMinimal"]]
  2592. }, Closed]],
  2594. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2596. Cell["Discrete functions", "Subsubsection"],
  2598. Cell[StyleData["DifferenceDelta3"],
  2599. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2600. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DifferenceDelta]", #2, #3], #}]& ),
  2601. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DifferenceDelta", "[",
  2602. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2603. RowBox[{"{",
  2604. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2605. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2607. Cell[StyleData["DifferenceDelta4"],
  2608. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2609. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DifferenceDelta]",
  2610. RowBox[{"(", #2, ",", #4, ")"}], #3], #}]& ),
  2611. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DifferenceDelta", "[",
  2612. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2613. RowBox[{"{",
  2614. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2615. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2617. Cell[StyleData["DiscreteRatio3"],
  2618. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2619. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DiscreteRatio]", #2, #3], #}]& ),
  2620. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DiscreteRatio", "[",
  2621. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2622. RowBox[{"{",
  2623. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2624. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2626. Cell[StyleData["DiscreteRatio4"],
  2627. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2628. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DiscreteRatio]",
  2629. RowBox[{"(", #2, ",", #4, ")"}], #3], #}]& ),
  2630. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DiscreteRatio", "[",
  2631. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2632. RowBox[{"{",
  2633. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2634. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2636. Cell[StyleData["DiscreteShift3"],
  2637. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2638. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DiscreteShift]", #2, #3], #}]& ),
  2639. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DiscreteShift", "[",
  2640. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2641. RowBox[{"{",
  2642. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2643. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2645. Cell[StyleData["DiscreteShift4"],
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  2647. SubsuperscriptBox["\[DiscreteShift]",
  2648. RowBox[{"(", #2, ",", #4, ")"}], #3], #}]& ),
  2649. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"DiscreteShift", "[",
  2650. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2651. RowBox[{"{",
  2652. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2653. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2654. }, Closed]],
  2656. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2658. Cell["Elliptic integrals", "Subsubsection"],
  2660. Cell[StyleData["EllipticE"],
  2661. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"E", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2662. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2664. Cell[StyleData["EllipticE2"],
  2665. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"E", "(",
  2666. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2667. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"EllipticE", "[",
  2668. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  2669. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2671. Cell[StyleData["EllipticF"],
  2672. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"F", "(",
  2673. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2674. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2676. Cell[StyleData["EllipticK"],
  2677. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"K", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2678. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2680. Cell[StyleData["EllipticPi"],
  2681. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalPi]", "(",
  2682. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2683. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2685. Cell[StyleData["EllipticPi3"],
  2686. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalPi]", "(",
  2687. RowBox[{#, ";",
  2688. RowBox[{#2, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #3}]}], ")"}]& ),
  2689. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"EllipticPi", "[",
  2690. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  2691. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2693. Cell[StyleData["EllipticNomeQ"],
  2694. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"q", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2695. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2697. Cell[StyleData["InverseEllipticNomeQ"],
  2698. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2699. SuperscriptBox["q",
  2700. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2701. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2702. }, Closed]],
  2704. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2706. Cell["Elliptic functions", "Subsubsection"],
  2708. Cell[StyleData["DedekindEta"],
  2709. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2710. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2712. Cell[StyleData["EllipticTheta"],
  2713. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2714. SubscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", #], "(",
  2715. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2716. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2718. Cell[StyleData["EllipticThetaPrime"],
  2719. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2720. SubsuperscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", #, "\[Prime]"], "(",
  2721. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2722. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2724. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiCD"],
  2725. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2726. SuperscriptBox["cd",
  2727. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2728. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2729. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2731. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiCN"],
  2732. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2733. SuperscriptBox["cn",
  2734. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2735. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2736. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2738. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiCS"],
  2739. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2740. SuperscriptBox["cs",
  2741. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2742. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2743. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2745. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiDC"],
  2746. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2747. SuperscriptBox["dc",
  2748. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2749. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2750. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2752. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiDN"],
  2753. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2754. SuperscriptBox["dn",
  2755. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2756. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2757. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2759. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiDS"],
  2760. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2761. SuperscriptBox["ds",
  2762. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2763. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2764. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2766. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiNC"],
  2767. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2768. SuperscriptBox["nc",
  2769. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2770. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2771. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2773. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiND"],
  2774. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2775. SuperscriptBox["nd",
  2776. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2777. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2778. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2780. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiNS"],
  2781. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2782. SuperscriptBox["ns",
  2783. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2784. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2785. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2787. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiSC"],
  2788. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2789. SuperscriptBox["sc",
  2790. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2791. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2792. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2794. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiSD"],
  2795. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2796. SuperscriptBox["sd",
  2797. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2798. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2799. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2801. Cell[StyleData["InverseJacobiSN"],
  2802. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2803. SuperscriptBox["sn",
  2804. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2805. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2806. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2808. Cell[StyleData["InverseWeierstrassP"],
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  2810. SuperscriptBox["\[WeierstrassP]",
  2811. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2812. RowBox[{
  2813. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2814. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"InverseWeierstrassP", "[",
  2815. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2816. RowBox[{"{",
  2817. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2818. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  2822. SuperscriptBox["\[WeierstrassP]",
  2823. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  2824. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2825. RowBox[{#2, ";", #3}], ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  2826. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"InverseWeierstrassP", "[",
  2827. RowBox[{
  2828. RowBox[{"{",
  2829. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "}"}], ",",
  2830. RowBox[{"{",
  2831. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2832. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2834. Cell[StyleData["JacobiAmplitude"],
  2835. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"am", "(",
  2836. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2837. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2839. Cell[StyleData["JacobiCD"],
  2840. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"cd", "(",
  2841. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2842. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2844. Cell[StyleData["JacobiCN"],
  2845. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"cn", "(",
  2846. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2847. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2849. Cell[StyleData["JacobiCS"],
  2850. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"cs", "(",
  2851. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2852. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2854. Cell[StyleData["JacobiDC"],
  2855. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"dc", "(",
  2856. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2857. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2859. Cell[StyleData["JacobiDN"],
  2860. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"dn", "(",
  2861. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2862. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2864. Cell[StyleData["JacobiDS"],
  2865. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"ds", "(",
  2866. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2867. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2869. Cell[StyleData["JacobiNC"],
  2870. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"nc", "(",
  2871. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2872. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2874. Cell[StyleData["JacobiND"],
  2875. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"nd", "(",
  2876. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2877. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2879. Cell[StyleData["JacobiNS"],
  2880. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"ns", "(",
  2881. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2882. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2884. Cell[StyleData["JacobiSC"],
  2885. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"sc", "(",
  2886. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2887. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2889. Cell[StyleData["JacobiSD"],
  2890. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"sd", "(",
  2891. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2892. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2894. Cell[StyleData["JacobiSN"],
  2895. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"sn", "(",
  2896. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2897. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2899. Cell[StyleData["JacobiZeta"],
  2900. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalZeta]", "(",
  2901. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2902. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2904. Cell[StyleData["KleinInvariantJ"],
  2905. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2906. TooltipBox["J", "KleinInvariantJ"], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2907. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2909. Cell[StyleData["ModularLambda"],
  2910. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2911. TooltipBox["\[Lambda]", "ModularLambda"], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2912. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2914. Cell[StyleData["NevilleThetaC"],
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  2916. SubscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", "c"], "(",
  2917. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2918. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2920. Cell[StyleData["NevilleThetaD"],
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  2922. SubscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", "d"], "(",
  2923. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2924. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2926. Cell[StyleData["NevilleThetaN"],
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  2928. SubscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", "n"], "(",
  2929. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2930. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2932. Cell[StyleData["NevilleThetaS"],
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  2934. SubscriptBox["\[CurlyTheta]", "s"], "(",
  2935. RowBox[{#, "\[VerticalSeparator]", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  2936. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  2939. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[WeierstrassP]", "(",
  2940. RowBox[{
  2941. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2942. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"WeierstrassP", "[",
  2943. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2944. RowBox[{"{",
  2945. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2946. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2948. Cell[StyleData["WeierstrassPPrime"],
  2949. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  2950. SuperscriptBox["\[WeierstrassP]", "\[Prime]"], "(",
  2951. RowBox[{
  2952. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2953. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"WeierstrassPPrime", "[",
  2954. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2955. RowBox[{"{",
  2956. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2957. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2959. Cell[StyleData["WeierstrassSigma"],
  2960. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Sigma]", "(",
  2961. RowBox[{
  2962. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2963. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"WeierstrassSigma", "[",
  2964. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2965. RowBox[{"{",
  2966. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2967. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2969. Cell[StyleData["WeierstrassZeta"],
  2970. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Zeta]", "(",
  2971. RowBox[{
  2972. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  2973. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"WeierstrassZeta", "[",
  2974. RowBox[{#, ",",
  2975. RowBox[{"{",
  2976. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  2977. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  2978. }, Closed]],
  2980. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  2982. Cell["Factorial functions", "Subsubsection"],
  2984. Cell[StyleData["AlternatingFactorial"],
  2985. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"af", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  2986. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2988. Cell[StyleData["AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial"],
  2989. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["A", #]& ),
  2990. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2992. Cell[StyleData["AugmentedSymmetricPolynomialList"],
  2993. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["A", #]& ),
  2994. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial", "[",
  2995. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  2996. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  2998. Cell[StyleData["BarnesG"],
  2999. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"G", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3000. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3002. Cell[StyleData["Beta"],
  3003. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalBeta]", "(",
  3004. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3005. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3007. Cell[StyleData["Beta3"],
  3008. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3009. SubscriptBox["\[CapitalBeta]", #], "(",
  3010. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3011. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Beta", "[",
  3012. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3013. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3015. Cell[StyleData["Beta4"],
  3016. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3017. SubscriptBox["B",
  3018. RowBox[{"(",
  3019. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]], "(",
  3020. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3021. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Beta", "[",
  3022. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
  3023. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3025. Cell[StyleData["BetaRegularized"],
  3026. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3027. SubscriptBox["I", #], "(",
  3028. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3029. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3031. Cell[StyleData["BetaRegularized4"],
  3032. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3033. SubscriptBox["I",
  3034. RowBox[{"(",
  3035. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]], "(",
  3036. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3037. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BetaRegularized", "[",
  3038. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
  3039. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3041. Cell[StyleData["Binomial"],
  3042. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"(",
  3043. GridBox[{{#}, {#2}}], ")"}]& ),
  3044. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3046. Cell[StyleData["CentralMoment"],
  3047. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3048. OverscriptBox["\[Mu]", "\[Tilde]"], #]& ),
  3049. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3051. Cell[StyleData["CentralMomentList"],
  3052. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3053. OverscriptBox["\[Mu]", "\[Tilde]"], #]& ),
  3054. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"CentralMoment", "[",
  3055. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  3056. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3058. Cell[StyleData["Cumulant"],
  3059. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Kappa]", #]& ),
  3060. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3062. Cell[StyleData["CumulantList"],
  3063. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Kappa]", #]& ),
  3064. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Cumulant", "[",
  3065. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  3066. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3068. Cell[StyleData["FactorialMoment"],
  3069. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3070. OverscriptBox["\[Mu]", "_"], #]& ),
  3071. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3073. Cell[StyleData["FactorialMomentList"],
  3074. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3075. OverscriptBox["\[Mu]", "_"], #]& ),
  3076. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"FactorialMoment", "[",
  3077. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  3078. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3080. Cell[StyleData["FactorialPower"],
  3081. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SuperscriptBox[#,
  3082. RowBox[{"(", #2, ")"}]]& ),
  3083. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3085. Cell[StyleData["FactorialPower3"],
  3086. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SuperscriptBox[#,
  3087. RowBox[{"(",
  3088. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]]& ),
  3089. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"FactorialPower", "[",
  3090. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3091. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3093. Cell[StyleData["Fibonorial"],
  3094. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{#,
  3095. SubscriptBox["!", "F"]}]& ),
  3096. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3098. Cell[StyleData["Gamma"],
  3099. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3100. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3101. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3103. Cell[StyleData["Gamma2"],
  3104. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]", "(",
  3105. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3106. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Gamma", "[",
  3107. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  3108. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3110. Cell[StyleData["Gamma3"],
  3111. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalGamma]", "(",
  3112. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3113. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Gamma", "[",
  3114. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3115. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3117. Cell[StyleData["GammaRegularized"],
  3118. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Q", "(",
  3119. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3120. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3122. Cell[StyleData["GammaRegularized3"],
  3123. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Q", "(",
  3124. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3125. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"GammaRegularized", "[",
  3126. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3127. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3129. Cell[StyleData["InverseBetaRegularized"],
  3130. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3131. SubsuperscriptBox["I", #,
  3132. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  3133. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3134. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3136. Cell[StyleData["InverseBetaRegularized4"],
  3137. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3138. SubsuperscriptBox["I",
  3139. RowBox[{"(",
  3140. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}],
  3141. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  3142. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3143. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"InverseBetaRegularized", "[",
  3144. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
  3145. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3147. Cell[StyleData["InverseGammaRegularized"],
  3148. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3149. SuperscriptBox["Q",
  3150. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  3151. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3152. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3154. Cell[StyleData["InverseGammaRegularized3"],
  3155. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3156. SuperscriptBox["Q",
  3157. RowBox[{"-", "1"}]], "(",
  3158. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3159. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"InverseGammaRegularized", "[",
  3160. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3161. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3163. Cell[StyleData["Moment"],
  3164. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", #]& ),
  3165. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3167. Cell[StyleData["MomentList"],
  3168. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", #]& ),
  3169. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Moment", "[",
  3170. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  3171. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3173. Cell[StyleData["PolyGamma"],
  3174. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Psi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3175. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3177. Cell[StyleData["PolyGamma2"],
  3178. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3179. SuperscriptBox["\[Psi]",
  3180. RowBox[{"(", #, ")"}]], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3181. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"PolyGamma", "[",
  3182. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  3183. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3185. Cell[StyleData["PowerSymmetricPolynomial"],
  3186. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["S", #]& ),
  3187. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3189. Cell[StyleData["PowerSymmetricPolynomialList"],
  3190. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["S", #]& ),
  3191. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"PowerSymmetricPolynomial", "[",
  3192. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], "]"}]& ),
  3193. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3195. Cell[StyleData["QBinomial"],
  3196. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3197. RowBox[{"(",
  3198. GridBox[{{#}, {#2}}], ")"}], #3]& ),
  3199. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3201. Cell[StyleData["QFactorial"],
  3202. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3203. SubscriptBox[
  3204. RowBox[{"[", #, "]"}], #2], "!"}]& ),
  3205. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3207. Cell[StyleData["QGamma"],
  3208. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3209. SubscriptBox[
  3210. TooltipBox["\[CapitalGamma]", "QGamma"], #2], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3211. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3213. Cell[StyleData["QPolyGamma"],
  3214. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3215. SubscriptBox["\[Psi]", #2], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3216. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3218. Cell[StyleData["QPolyGamma3"],
  3219. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3220. SubsuperscriptBox["\[Psi]", #3,
  3221. RowBox[{"(", #, ")"}]], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3222. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"QPolyGamma", "[",
  3223. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3224. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3225. }, Closed]],
  3227. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3229. Cell["Generalized functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3231. Cell[StyleData["DiracCombSeq"],
  3232. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Shah]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3233. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3235. Cell[StyleData["DiracDeltaSeq"],
  3236. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Delta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3237. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3239. Cell[StyleData["DiscreteDeltaSeq"],
  3240. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Delta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3241. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3243. Cell[StyleData["HeavisideLambdaSeq"],
  3244. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3245. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3246. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3248. Cell[StyleData["HeavisidePiSeq"],
  3249. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3250. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalPi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3251. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3253. Cell[StyleData["HeavisideThetaSeq"],
  3254. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3255. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3257. Cell[StyleData["KroneckerDeltaSeq"],
  3258. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["\[Delta]", #]& ),
  3259. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3261. Cell[StyleData["UnitBoxSeq"],
  3262. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3263. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalPi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3264. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3266. Cell[StyleData["UnitStepSeq"],
  3267. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Theta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3268. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3270. Cell[StyleData["UnitTriangleSeq"],
  3271. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3272. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3273. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3274. }, Closed]],
  3276. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3278. Cell["Geometric functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3280. Cell[StyleData["BernsteinBasis"],
  3281. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3282. SubscriptBox["B",
  3283. RowBox[{#2, ",", #}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3284. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3286. Cell[StyleData["BSplineBasis"],
  3287. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3288. SubscriptBox["N", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3289. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3291. Cell[StyleData["BSplineBasis3"],
  3292. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3293. SubscriptBox["N",
  3294. RowBox[{#2, ",", #}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3295. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BSplineBasis", "[",
  3296. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  3297. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3299. Cell[StyleData["BSplineBasis4"],
  3300. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3301. SubscriptBox["N",
  3302. RowBox[{#3, ",", #}]], "(", #4, ")"}]& ),
  3303. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"BSplineBasis", "[",
  3304. RowBox[{
  3305. RowBox[{"{",
  3306. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "}"}], ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
  3307. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3309. Cell[StyleData["CardinalBSplineBasis"],
  3310. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3311. SubscriptBox["B", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3312. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3313. }, Closed]],
  3315. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3317. Cell["Hypergeometric functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3319. Cell[StyleData["AiryAi"],
  3320. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Ai", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3321. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3323. Cell[StyleData["AiryAiPrime"],
  3324. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3325. SuperscriptBox["Ai", "\[Prime]"], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3326. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3328. Cell[StyleData["AiryBi"],
  3329. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Bi", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3330. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3332. Cell[StyleData["AiryBiPrime"],
  3333. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3334. SuperscriptBox["Bi", "\[Prime]"], "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3335. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3337. Cell[StyleData["AngerJ2"],
  3338. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3339. SubscriptBox[
  3340. StyleBox["J", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #], "(", #2,
  3341. ")"}]& ),
  3342. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"AngerJ", "[",
  3343. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  3344. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3346. Cell[StyleData["AngerJ"],
  3347. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3348. SubsuperscriptBox[
  3349. StyleBox["J", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #, #2],
  3350. "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3351. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3353. Cell[StyleData["AppellF1"],
  3354. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3355. SubscriptBox["F", "1"], "(",
  3356. RowBox[{
  3357. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ",",
  3358. RowBox[{#3, ";", #4, ";", #5}], ",", #6}], ")"}]& ),
  3359. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3361. Cell[StyleData["BesselI"],
  3362. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3363. SubscriptBox["I", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3364. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3366. Cell[StyleData["BesselJ"],
  3367. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3368. SubscriptBox["J", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3369. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3371. Cell[StyleData["BesselJZero"],
  3372. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["j",
  3373. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]]& ),
  3374. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3376. Cell[StyleData["BesselK"],
  3377. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3378. SubscriptBox["K", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3379. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3381. Cell[StyleData["BesselY"],
  3382. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3383. SubscriptBox["Y", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3384. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3386. Cell[StyleData["BesselYZero"],
  3387. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["y",
  3388. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]]& ),
  3389. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3391. Cell[StyleData["DawsonF"],
  3392. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"F", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3393. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3395. Cell[StyleData["ExpIntegralE"],
  3396. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3397. SubscriptBox["E", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3398. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3400. Cell[StyleData["ExpIntegralEi"],
  3401. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Ei", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3402. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3404. Cell[StyleData["HankelH1"],
  3405. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3406. SubsuperscriptBox["H", #,
  3407. RowBox[{"(", "1", ")"}]], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3408. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3410. Cell[StyleData["HankelH2"],
  3411. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3412. SubsuperscriptBox["H", #,
  3413. RowBox[{"(", "2", ")"}]], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3414. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3416. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric0F1"],
  3417. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3418. TagBox[
  3419. RowBox[{
  3420. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "0"],
  3421. SubscriptBox["F", "1"]}], Identity], "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3422. RowBox[{"(",
  3423. RowBox[{"\[Null]", ";", #, ";", #2}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3424. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3426. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric0F1Regularized"],
  3427. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3428. TagBox[
  3429. RowBox[{
  3430. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "0"],
  3431. SubscriptBox[
  3432. OverscriptBox["F", "~"], "1"]}], Identity], "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3433. RowBox[{"(",
  3434. RowBox[{"\[Null]", ";", #, ";", #2}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3435. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3437. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric1F1"],
  3438. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3439. TagBox[
  3440. RowBox[{
  3441. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "1"],
  3442. SubscriptBox["F", "1"]}], Identity], "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3443. RowBox[{"(",
  3444. RowBox[{#, ";", #2, ";", #3}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3445. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3447. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric1F1Regularized"],
  3448. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3449. TagBox[
  3450. RowBox[{
  3451. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "1"],
  3452. SubscriptBox[
  3453. OverscriptBox["F", "~"], "1"]}], Identity], "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3454. RowBox[{"(",
  3455. RowBox[{#, ";", #2, ";", #3}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3456. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3458. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric2F1"],
  3459. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3460. TagBox[
  3461. RowBox[{
  3462. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "2"],
  3463. SubscriptBox["F", "1"]}], Identity], "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3464. RowBox[{"(",
  3465. RowBox[{
  3466. TagBox[
  3467. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], Identity], ";", #3, ";", #4}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3468. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3470. Cell[StyleData["Hypergeometric2F1Regularized"],
  3471. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3472. TagBox[
  3473. RowBox[{
  3474. SubscriptBox["\[InvisiblePrefixScriptBase]", "2"],
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  3480. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], Identity], ";", #3, ";", #4}], ")"}]}]& ),
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  3535. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3539. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3551. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
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  3561. RowBox[{"(", #, ")"}], #2]& ),
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  3572. "\[InvisibleApplication]",
  3573. RowBox[{"(",
  3574. RowBox[{
  3575. TagBox[
  3576. RowBox[{#, ";", #2, ";", #3}], Identity], ",", #4}], ")"}]}]& ),
  3577. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"QHypergeometricPFQ", "[",
  3578. RowBox[{
  3579. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], ",",
  3580. RowBox[{"{", #2, "}"}], ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
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  3586. RowBox[{#, ";", #}], ")"}], "\[Infinity]"]& ),
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  3588. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3592. RowBox[{"(",
  3593. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ")"}], "\[Infinity]"]& ),
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  3600. RowBox[{"(",
  3601. RowBox[{#, ";", #2}], ")"}], #3]& ),
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  3610. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3612. Cell[StyleData["ScorerHi"],
  3613. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Hi", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3614. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3616. Cell[StyleData["ScorerHiPrime"],
  3617. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Hi'", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3618. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3620. Cell[StyleData["SphericalBesselJ"],
  3621. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3622. SubscriptBox["j", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3623. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3626. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3627. SubscriptBox["y", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3628. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3642. Cell[StyleData["SpheroidalEigenvalue"],
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  3644. SubscriptBox[
  3645. TooltipBox["\[Lambda]", "SpheroidalEigenvalue"],
  3646. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3647. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3661. StyleBox["PS", "IT"],
  3662. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "\[Prime]"], "(",
  3663. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
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  3669. StyleBox["QS", "IT"],
  3670. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(",
  3671. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3672. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3674. Cell[StyleData["SpheroidalQSPrime"],
  3675. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3676. SuperscriptBox[
  3677. SubscriptBox[
  3678. StyleBox["QS", "IT"],
  3679. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "\[Prime]"], "(",
  3680. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3681. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3687. RowBox[{"(", "1", ")"}]], "(",
  3688. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3689. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3691. Cell[StyleData["SpheroidalS1Prime"],
  3692. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3693. SuperscriptBox[
  3694. SubsuperscriptBox["S",
  3695. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
  3696. RowBox[{"(", "1", ")"}]], "\[Prime]"], "(",
  3697. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3698. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3701. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
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  3703. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
  3704. RowBox[{"(", "2", ")"}]], "(",
  3705. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3706. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3708. Cell[StyleData["SpheroidalS2Prime"],
  3709. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3710. SuperscriptBox[
  3711. SubsuperscriptBox["S",
  3712. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
  3713. RowBox[{"(", "1", ")"}]], "\[Prime]"], "(",
  3714. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], ")"}]& ),
  3715. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3719. SubscriptBox[
  3720. StyleBox["H", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #], "(", #2,
  3721. ")"}]& ),
  3722. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3724. Cell[StyleData["StruveL"],
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  3726. SubscriptBox[
  3727. StyleBox["L", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #], "(", #2,
  3728. ")"}]& ),
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  3731. Cell[StyleData["WeberE2"],
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  3733. SubscriptBox[
  3734. StyleBox["E", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #], "(", #2,
  3735. ")"}]& ),
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  3737. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
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  3742. SubsuperscriptBox[
  3743. StyleBox["E", FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSlant -> "Plain"], #, #2],
  3744. "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
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  3749. SubscriptBox["M",
  3750. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
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  3756. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3757. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3758. }, Closed]],
  3760. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3762. Cell["Orthogonal polynomial functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3764. Cell[StyleData["LegendreP"],
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  3766. SubscriptBox["P", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3767. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3776. Cell[StyleData["LegendreP4"],
  3777. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3778. SubsuperscriptBox["P", #, #2], "(", #4, ")"}]& ),
  3779. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"LegendreP", "[",
  3780. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
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  3786. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3789. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3790. SubsuperscriptBox["Q", #, #2], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3791. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"LegendreQ", "[",
  3792. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
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  3797. SubsuperscriptBox["Q", #, #2], "(", #4, ")"}]& ),
  3798. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"LegendreQ", "[",
  3799. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3, ",", #4}], "]"}]& ),
  3800. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3802. Cell[StyleData["WignerD"],
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  3804. SubsuperscriptBox["D",
  3805. RowBox[{#2, ",", #3}], #], "(",
  3806. RowBox[{
  3807. TemplateSlotSequence[4, ","]}], ")"}]& ),
  3808. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"WignerD", "[",
  3809. RowBox[{
  3810. RowBox[{"{",
  3811. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "}"}], ",", #4, ",", #5, ",", #6}],
  3812. "]"}]& ),
  3813. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3814. }, Closed]],
  3816. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3818. Cell["Number theory functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3820. Cell[StyleData["ArithmeticGeometricMean"],
  3821. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"agm", "(",
  3822. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3823. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3825. Cell[StyleData["CarmichaelLambda"],
  3826. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Lambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3828. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3830. Cell[StyleData["DirichletCharacter"],
  3831. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3832. SubscriptBox["\[Chi]",
  3833. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3834. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3837. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3838. SubscriptBox["\[Sigma]", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3839. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3841. Cell[StyleData["EulerPhi"],
  3842. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Phi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3843. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3845. Cell[StyleData["JacobiSymbol"],
  3846. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"(",
  3847. FractionBox[#, #2], ")"}]& ),
  3848. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3850. Cell[StyleData["KroneckerSymbol"],
  3851. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"(",
  3852. FractionBox[#, #2], ")"}]& ),
  3853. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3855. Cell[StyleData["LiouvilleLambda"],
  3856. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Lambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3858. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3860. Cell[StyleData["MangoldtLambda"],
  3861. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3862. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalLambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3863. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3865. Cell[StyleData["MoebiusMu"],
  3866. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Mu]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3867. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3869. Cell[StyleData["Prime"],
  3870. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox["p", #]& ),
  3871. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3873. Cell[StyleData["PrimeNu"],
  3874. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Nu]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3875. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3877. Cell[StyleData["PrimeOmega"],
  3878. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3879. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalOmega]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3880. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3882. Cell[StyleData["PrimePi"],
  3883. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Pi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3884. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3886. Cell[StyleData["RamanujanTau"],
  3887. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Tau]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3888. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3890. Cell[StyleData["SquaresR"],
  3891. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3892. SubscriptBox["r", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3893. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3894. }, Closed]],
  3896. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3898. Cell["Numerical funtions", "Subsubsection"],
  3900. Cell[StyleData["Abs"],
  3901. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3902. DisplayFunction->(
  3903. RowBox[{"\[LeftBracketingBar]", #, "\[RightBracketingBar]"}]& ),
  3904. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3907. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3908. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[LeftCeiling]", #, "\[RightCeiling]"}]& ),
  3909. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3911. Cell[StyleData["Floor"],
  3912. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3913. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[LeftFloor]", #, "\[RightFloor]"}]& ),
  3914. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3916. Cell[StyleData["Mod"],
  3917. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{#, " ", "mod", " ", #2}]& ),
  3918. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3920. Cell[StyleData["Norm"],
  3921. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  3922. DisplayFunction->(
  3923. RowBox[{"\[LeftDoubleBracketingBar]", #, "\[RightDoubleBracketingBar]"}]& ),
  3925. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  3928. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(SubscriptBox[
  3929. RowBox[{
  3930. "\[LeftDoubleBracketingBar]", #, "\[RightDoubleBracketingBar]"}], #2]& ),
  3931. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Norm", "[",
  3932. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  3933. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3935. Cell[StyleData["PolynomialMod"],
  3936. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{#, " ", "mod", " ", #2}]& ),
  3937. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3939. Cell[StyleData["PowerMod"],
  3940. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3941. SuperscriptBox[#, #2], " ", "mod", " ", #3}]& ),
  3942. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  3943. }, Closed]],
  3945. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  3947. Cell["Zeta functions", "Subsubsection"],
  3949. Cell[StyleData["DirichletBeta"],
  3950. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Beta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3951. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3953. Cell[StyleData["DirichletEta"],
  3954. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Eta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3955. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3957. Cell[StyleData["DirichletL"],
  3958. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3959. SubscriptBox["L",
  3960. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  3961. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3963. Cell[StyleData["DirichletLambda"],
  3964. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Lambda]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  3966. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3968. Cell[StyleData["HurwitzLerchPhi"],
  3969. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3970. TooltipBox["\[CapitalPhi]", "HurwitzLerchPhi"], "(",
  3971. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3972. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3974. Cell[StyleData["HurwitzZeta"],
  3975. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3976. TooltipBox["\[Zeta]", "HurwitzZeta"], "(",
  3977. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
  3978. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3980. Cell[StyleData["LerchPhi"],
  3981. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CapitalPhi]", "(",
  3982. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], ")"}]& ),
  3983. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3985. Cell[StyleData["MathieuCharacteristicA"],
  3986. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3987. SubscriptBox["a", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3988. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3990. Cell[StyleData["MathieuCharacteristicB"],
  3991. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3992. SubscriptBox["b", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3993. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  3995. Cell[StyleData["PolyLog"],
  3996. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  3997. SubscriptBox["Li", #], "(", #2, ")"}]& ),
  3998. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4000. Cell[StyleData["PolyLog3"],
  4001. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  4002. SubscriptBox["S",
  4003. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}]], "(", #3, ")"}]& ),
  4004. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"PolyLog", "[",
  4005. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",", #3}], "]"}]& ),
  4006. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4008. Cell[StyleData["PrimeZetaP"],
  4009. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"P", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  4010. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4012. Cell[StyleData["RiemannR"],
  4013. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"R", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  4014. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4016. Cell[StyleData["RiemannSiegelTheta"],
  4017. TemplateBoxOptions->{
  4018. DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[CurlyTheta]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  4019. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4021. Cell[StyleData["RiemannSiegelZ"],
  4022. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"Z", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  4023. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4025. Cell[StyleData["RiemannXi"],
  4026. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{"\[Xi]", "(", #, ")"}]& ),
  4027. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4035. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], ")"}]& ),
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  4037. RowBox[{
  4038. TemplateSlotSequence[1, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4043. Tooltip->Automatic}]
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  4053. RowBox[{#, "|",
  4054. RowBox[{#2, "\[SuchThat]", #3}]}], "}"}]& ),
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  4061. RowBox[{#, "|",
  4062. RowBox[{#2, "\[SuchThat]", #3}]}], "}"}]& ),
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  4069. RowBox[{"{",
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  4071. RowBox[{#2, "\[SuchThat]", #3}]}], "}"}], #4]& ),
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  4078. RowBox[{"{",
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  4080. RowBox[{#2, "\[SuchThat]", #3}]}], "}"}], #4]& ),
  4081. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
  4082. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4087. UnderscriptBox["\[Sum]",
  4088. RowBox[{#2, "|", #3}]], #}]& ),
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  4095. UnderscriptBox["\[Product]",
  4096. RowBox[{#2, "|", #3}]], #}]& ),
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  4103. SubscriptBox["min", #2],
  4104. TagBox[
  4105. RowBox[{#, "|", #3}], Identity, SyntaxForm -> "symbol"]}]& ),
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  4114. RowBox[{#, "|", #3}], Identity, SyntaxForm -> "symbol"]}]& ),
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  4122. RowBox[{#,
  4123. RowBox[{"\[DifferentialD]", #2}]}]}]& ),
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  4138. SubscriptBox["\[Integral]", #2], #}]& ),
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  4145. UnderscriptBox["\[Sum]", #2], #}]& ),
  4146. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
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  4152. UnderscriptBox["\[Product]", #2], #}]& ),
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  4160. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
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  4163. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
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  4170. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
  4171. StyleBox["]", AutoStyleOptions -> {"UnmatchedBracketStyle" -> None}]}]& ),
  4173. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
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  4180. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}],
  4181. StyleBox[")", AutoStyleOptions -> {"UnmatchedBracketStyle" -> None}]}]& ),
  4183. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
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  4193. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
  4194. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  4195. }, Closed]],
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  4199. Cell["Physics functions", "Subsubsection"],
  4201. Cell[StyleData["Ket"],
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  4203. TagBox[
  4204. StyleBox["|", SpanMinSize -> 1.7], Identity, SyntaxForm ->
  4205. "\[LeftAngleBracket]"],
  4206. TagBox[#, Identity],
  4207. StyleBox["\[RightAngleBracket]", SpanMinSize -> 1.7]}]& ),
  4208. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
  4209. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4213. StyleBox["\[LeftAngleBracket]", SpanMinSize -> 1.7],
  4214. TagBox[#, Identity],
  4215. TagBox[
  4216. StyleBox["|", SpanMinSize -> 1.7], Identity, SyntaxForm ->
  4217. "\[RightAngleBracket]"]}]& ),
  4218. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
  4219. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4224. AdjustmentBox[
  4225. RowBox[{
  4226. StyleBox[
  4227. AdjustmentBox[#, BoxMargins -> {{0, -0.2}, {0, 0}}],
  4228. AutoStyleOptions -> {"SyntaxErrorStyle" -> "UnmatchedBracket"},
  4229. SpanMinSize -> Automatic], "\[VerticalSeparator]",
  4230. StyleBox[
  4231. AdjustmentBox[#2, BoxMargins -> {{-0.25, 0}, {0, 0}}],
  4232. AutoStyleOptions -> {"SyntaxErrorStyle" -> "UnmatchedBracket"},
  4233. SpanMinSize -> Automatic]}], BoxBaselineShift -> 0],
  4234. "\[RightAngleBracket]"}], ShowSyntaxStyles -> False, SpanMinSize ->
  4235. 1.5]& ),
  4236. InterpretationFunction:>(RowBox[{"BraKet", "[",
  4237. RowBox[{
  4238. RowBox[{"{", #, "}"}], ",",
  4239. RowBox[{"{", #2, "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4240. SyntaxForm->"symbol",
  4241. Tooltip->Automatic}]
  4242. }, Closed]],
  4244. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  4246. Cell["Vector calculus functions", "Subsubsection"],
  4248. Cell[StyleData["Curl"],
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  4250. SubscriptBox["\[Del]", #2], "\[Cross]", #}]& ),
  4251. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4255. SubscriptBox["\[Del]", #2], "\[CenterDot]", #}]& ),
  4256. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4258. Cell[StyleData["Grad"],
  4259. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  4260. SubscriptBox["\[Del]", #2], #}]& ),
  4261. Tooltip->Automatic}],
  4263. Cell[StyleData["Laplacian"],
  4264. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(RowBox[{
  4265. SubsuperscriptBox["\[Del]", #2, 2], #}]& ),
  4266. Tooltip->Automatic}],
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  4277. RowBox[{"{",
  4278. RowBox[{
  4279. TemplateSlotSequence[2, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4280. Tooltip->Automatic}]
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  4292. TemplateBoxOptions->{Tooltip->"Inactive[Sum]"}],
  4294. Cell[StyleData["InactiveProduct"],
  4295. TemplateBoxOptions->{Tooltip->"Inactive[Product]"}],
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  4299. UnderoverscriptBox[
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  4301. RowBox[{#3, "=", #4}], #5],
  4302. FractionBox[#, #2]}]& ),
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  4305. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",",
  4306. RowBox[{"{",
  4307. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4, ",", #5}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4317. RowBox[{#, ",", #2, ",",
  4318. RowBox[{"{",
  4319. RowBox[{#3, ",", #4}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4320. Tooltip->"Inactive[ContinuedFractionK]"}],
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  4324. SubscriptBox[
  4325. StyleBox["\[PartialD]", #],
  4326. RowBox[{
  4327. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}]], #2}]& ),
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  4329. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "D", "]"}], "[",
  4330. RowBox[{
  4331. TemplateSlotSequence[2, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
  4332. Tooltip->"Inactive[D]"}],
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  4339. SubscriptBox[
  4340. StyleBox["\[Del]", #3], #2], #}]& ),
  4341. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
  4342. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "Grad", "]"}], "[",
  4343. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  4344. Tooltip->"Inactive[Grad]"}],
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  4348. SubscriptBox[
  4349. StyleBox["\[Del]", #3], #2],
  4350. StyleBox["\[CenterDot]", #3], #}]& ),
  4351. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
  4352. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "Div", "]"}], "[",
  4353. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
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  4358. SubscriptBox[
  4359. StyleBox["\[Del]", #3], #2],
  4360. StyleBox["\[Cross]", #3], #}]& ),
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  4363. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
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  4368. SubsuperscriptBox[
  4369. StyleBox["\[Del]", #3], #2, 2], #}]& ),
  4370. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
  4371. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "Laplacian", "]"}], "[",
  4372. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  4373. Tooltip->"Inactive[Laplacian]"}],
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  4377. StyleBox["\[LeftDoubleBracket]", #],
  4378. RowBox[{
  4379. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}],
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  4382. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "Part", "]"}], "[",
  4383. RowBox[{
  4384. TemplateSlotSequence[2, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
  4385. Tooltip->"Inactive[Part]"}],
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  4389. StyleBox["/.", #3, FontSize -> Larger], #2}]& ),
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  4391. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", "ReplaceAll", "]"}], "[",
  4392. RowBox[{#, ",", #2}], "]"}]& ),
  4393. Tooltip->"Inactive[ReplaceAll]"}],
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  4396. TemplateBoxOptions->{DisplayFunction->(#& ),
  4397. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", #, "]"}]& )}],
  4399. Cell["\<\
  4400. The styles ending in 3 and 4 correspond to the active styles ending with the \
  4401. same number.\
  4402. \>", "Text",
  4403. CellChangeTimes->{{3.5790297254543743`*^9, 3.579029726092046*^9}, {
  4404. 3.579030663882304*^9, 3.579030701554558*^9}}],
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  4408. SubscriptBox[
  4409. StyleBox["\[DifferenceDelta]", #],
  4410. RowBox[{
  4411. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}]], #2}]& ),
  4412. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
  4413. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", DifferenceDelta, "]"}], "[",
  4414. RowBox[{
  4415. TemplateSlotSequence[2, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
  4416. Tooltip->"Inactive[DifferenceDelta]"}],
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  4424. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4425. RowBox[{"{",
  4426. RowBox[{
  4427. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4428. Tooltip->"Inactive[DifferenceDelta]"}],
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  4437. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4438. RowBox[{"{",
  4439. RowBox[{
  4440. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4451. RowBox[{
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  4461. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4462. RowBox[{"{",
  4463. RowBox[{
  4464. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4471. RowBox[{"(", #3, ",", #5, ")"}], #4], #2}]& ),
  4472. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
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  4474. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4475. RowBox[{"{",
  4476. RowBox[{
  4477. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4478. Tooltip->"Inactive[DiscreteRatio]"}],
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  4482. SubscriptBox[
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  4485. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}]], #2}]& ),
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  4488. RowBox[{
  4489. TemplateSlotSequence[2, ","]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4495. StyleBox["\[DiscreteShift]", #], #3, #4], #2}]& ),
  4496. InterpretationFunction->(RowBox[{
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  4498. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4499. RowBox[{"{",
  4500. RowBox[{
  4501. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
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  4510. RowBox[{"Inactive", "[", DiscreteShift, "]"}], "[",
  4511. RowBox[{#2, ",",
  4512. RowBox[{"{",
  4513. RowBox[{
  4514. TemplateSlotSequence[3, ","]}], "}"}]}], "]"}]& ),
  4515. Tooltip->"Inactive[DiscreteShift]"}]
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  4529. FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {3, 3}}, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.95],
  4530. BaselinePosition -> Baseline]& ),
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  4540. FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {3, 3}}, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.95],
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  4551. FrameMargins -> {{5, 5}, {3, 3}}, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.95],
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  4553. SyntaxForm->"symbol"}]
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  4568. FontWeight->"Plain",
  4569. FontColor->GrayLevel[0.5]],
  4571. Cell[StyleData["QuantityUnitTraditionalLabel"],
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  4573. StyleMenuListing->None,
  4574. FontWeight->"Plain"]
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  5003. AutoSpacing->False,
  5004. SingleLetterItalics->False,
  5005. MultiLetterItalics->False,
  5006. SingleLetterStyle->None,
  5007. MultiLetterStyle->None,
  5008. LowerCaseStyle->None,
  5009. GreekStyle->None,
  5010. ZeroWidthTimes->False,
  5011. StyleMenuListing->None]
  5012. }, Closed]],
  5014. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5016. Cell["FormatType Styles", "Subsection"],
  5018. Cell["\<\
  5019. The cells below define styles that are mixed in with the styles of most \
  5020. cells. If a cell's FormatType matches the name of one of the styles defined \
  5021. below, then that style is applied between the cell's style and its own \
  5022. options. This is particularly true of Input and Output.\
  5023. \>", "Text"],
  5025. Cell[StyleData["CellExpression"],
  5026. PageWidth->Infinity,
  5027. CellMargins->{{6, Inherited}, {Inherited, Inherited}},
  5028. ShowCellLabel->False,
  5029. ContextMenu->FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["ContextMenus", "CellExpression"],
  5030. ShowSpecialCharacters->False,
  5031. AllowInlineCells->False,
  5032. Hyphenation->False,
  5033. AutoItalicWords->{},
  5034. AutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5035. PasteAutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5036. LanguageCategory->None,
  5037. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5038. FontFamily->"Courier",
  5039. FontSize->12,
  5040. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True},
  5041. Background->GrayLevel[1]],
  5043. Cell[StyleData["InputForm"],
  5044. PageWidth->Infinity,
  5045. InputAutoReplacements->{},
  5046. AllowInlineCells->False,
  5047. Hyphenation->False,
  5048. AutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5049. PasteAutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5050. AutoSpacing->False,
  5051. NumberMarks->True,
  5052. AutoNumberFormatting->False,
  5053. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5054. FontFamily->"Courier",
  5055. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True}],
  5057. Cell[StyleData["OutputForm"],
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  5059. TextAlignment->Left,
  5060. LineSpacing->{0.6, 1},
  5061. AutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5062. PasteAutoQuoteCharacters->{},
  5063. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5064. FontFamily->"Courier",
  5065. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True}],
  5067. Cell[StyleData["StandardForm"],
  5068. InputAutoReplacements->{
  5069. "->" -> "\[Rule]", ":>" -> "\[RuleDelayed]", "<=" -> "\[LessEqual]", ">=" ->
  5070. "\[GreaterEqual]", "!=" -> "\[NotEqual]", "==" -> "\[Equal]", "@>" ->
  5071. "\[InlinePart]", "<->" -> "\[UndirectedEdge]", ParentList},
  5072. LineSpacing->{1.25, 0, 2},
  5073. SingleLetterItalics->False,
  5074. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5075. FontFamily->"Courier",
  5076. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True}],
  5078. Cell[StyleData["TraditionalForm"],
  5079. TextClipboardType->"PlainText",
  5080. InputAutoReplacements->{
  5081. "->" -> "\[Rule]", ":>" -> "\[RuleDelayed]", "<=" -> "\[LessEqual]", ">=" ->
  5082. "\[GreaterEqual]", "!=" -> "\[NotEqual]", "==" -> "\[Equal]", "@>" ->
  5083. "\[InlinePart]", "<->" -> "\[UndirectedEdge]", ParentList},
  5084. ShowSyntaxStyles->False,
  5085. LineSpacing->{1.25, 0, 2},
  5086. SingleLetterItalics->True,
  5087. TraditionalFunctionNotation->True,
  5088. DelimiterMatching->None,
  5089. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5090. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True}],
  5092. Cell[StyleData["TextForm"],
  5093. TextClipboardType->"PlainText",
  5094. InputAutoReplacements->{"TeX" -> FormBox[
  5095. StyleBox[
  5096. RowBox[{"T",
  5097. AdjustmentBox[
  5098. "E", BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5],
  5099. "X"}], SingleLetterItalics -> False], TraditionalForm], "LaTeX" ->
  5100. FormBox[
  5101. StyleBox[
  5102. RowBox[{"L",
  5103. StyleBox[
  5104. AdjustmentBox[
  5105. "A", BoxMargins -> {{-0.5, -0.3}, {0, 0}}, BoxBaselineShift -> -0.4],
  5106. FontSize -> Smaller], "T",
  5107. AdjustmentBox[
  5108. "E", BoxMargins -> {{-0.3, 0}, {0, 0}}, BoxBaselineShift -> 0.5],
  5109. "X"}], SingleLetterItalics -> False], TraditionalForm], "mma" ->
  5110. "Mathematica", "Mma" -> "Mathematica", "MMA" -> "Mathematica",
  5111. "gridMathematica" -> FormBox[
  5112. RowBox[{"grid",
  5113. AdjustmentBox[
  5114. StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"],
  5115. BoxMargins -> {{-0.175, 0}, {0, 0}}]}], TextForm], "webMathematica" ->
  5116. FormBox[
  5117. RowBox[{"web",
  5118. AdjustmentBox[
  5119. StyleBox["Mathematica", FontSlant -> "Italic"],
  5120. BoxMargins -> {{-0.175, 0}, {0, 0}}]}], TextForm], ParentList},
  5121. SingleLetterItalics->False],
  5123. Cell["\<\
  5124. Not a real form, but it shares properties with StandardForm and \
  5125. TraditionalForm\
  5126. \>", "Text"],
  5128. Cell[StyleData["CodeLikeForm"],
  5129. TextClipboardType->"InputText",
  5130. InputAutoReplacements->{
  5131. "->" -> "\[Rule]", ":>" -> "\[RuleDelayed]", "<=" -> "\[LessEqual]", ">=" ->
  5132. "\[GreaterEqual]", "!=" -> "\[NotEqual]", "==" -> "\[Equal]", "@>" ->
  5133. "\[InlinePart]", "<->" -> "\[UndirectedEdge]", ParentList},
  5134. ShowAutoStyles->True,
  5135. ShowCodeAssist->True,
  5136. ShowMissingStyles->True,
  5137. ShowSyntaxStyles->True,
  5138. CodeAssistOptions->{"DynamicHighlighting"->True},
  5139. LanguageCategory->"Input",
  5140. ShowStringCharacters->True,
  5141. SingleLetterItalics->False,
  5142. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5143. PrivateFontOptions->{"OperatorSubstitution"->True}],
  5145. Cell["\<\
  5146. The style defined below is mixed in to any cell that is in an inline cell \
  5147. within another.\
  5148. \>", "Text"],
  5150. Cell[StyleData["InlineCell"],
  5151. ShowCodeAssist->False,
  5152. CodeAssistOptions->{"DynamicHighlighting"->False},
  5153. TextAlignment->Left,
  5154. LanguageCategory->"Formula",
  5155. ScriptLevel->1,
  5156. StyleMenuListing->None],
  5158. Cell[StyleData["InlineCellEditing"],
  5159. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5160. Background->RGBColor[0.964706, 0.929412, 0.839216]]
  5161. }, Closed]],
  5163. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5165. Cell["Placeholder Styles", "Subsection"],
  5167. Cell["\<\
  5168. The cells below define styles useful for making placeholder objects in \
  5169. palette templates.\
  5170. \>", "Text"],
  5172. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5174. Cell[StyleData["Placeholder", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Label"]],
  5175. ShowSyntaxStyles->False,
  5176. Placeholder->True,
  5177. ShowStringCharacters->False,
  5178. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5179. FontSize->9,
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  5183. 0.49321736476691846`, 0.49321736476691846`, 0.49321736476691846`],
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  5188. Directive[
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  5191. TagBoxOptions->{Editable->False,
  5192. Selectable->False,
  5193. StripWrapperBoxes->False}],
  5195. Cell[StyleData["Placeholder", "Presentation"],
  5196. FontSize->18],
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  5199. FontSize->8],
  5201. Cell[StyleData["Placeholder", "Printout"],
  5202. FontSize->8]
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  5205. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5207. Cell[StyleData["SelectionPlaceholder", StyleDefinitions -> StyleData["Label"]],
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  5209. Placeholder->True,
  5210. ShowStringCharacters->False,
  5211. StyleMenuListing->None,
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  5216. 0.24887464713511864`, 0.24887464713511864`, 0.24887464713511864`],
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  5218. 0.7737544823376822, 0.7539940489814603, 0.6170748455024033],
  5219. FrameBoxOptions->{BaselinePosition->Baseline,
  5220. FrameMargins->2,
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  5222. Directive[
  5223. GrayLevel[0.79185],
  5224. Dashing[{0, Small}]]}},
  5225. TagBoxOptions->{Editable->False,
  5226. Selectable->False,
  5227. StripWrapperBoxes->False}],
  5229. Cell[StyleData["SelectionPlaceholder", "Presentation"],
  5230. FontSize->18],
  5232. Cell[StyleData["SelectionPlaceholder", "Condensed"],
  5233. FontSize->8],
  5235. Cell[StyleData["SelectionPlaceholder", "Printout"],
  5236. FontSize->8]
  5237. }, Closed]],
  5239. Cell[StyleData["PrimaryPlaceholder"],
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  5245. Selectable->False,
  5246. StripWrapperBoxes->False}]
  5247. }, Closed]],
  5249. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5251. Cell["Selected Styles from HelpBrowser", "Subsection"],
  5253. Cell["Styles needed for Copy/Paste functionality.", "Text"],
  5255. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5257. Cell[StyleData["MathCaption"],
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  5265. ParagraphSpacing->{0, 8},
  5266. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5267. FontColor->GrayLevel[0.2]],
  5269. Cell[StyleData["MathCaption", "Presentation"],
  5270. CellFrame->{{0, 0}, {0, 1}},
  5271. CellMargins->{{66, 12}, {3, 36}},
  5272. FontSize->24],
  5274. Cell[StyleData["MathCaption", "Printout"],
  5275. CellMargins->{{39, 0}, {0, 14}},
  5276. Hyphenation->True,
  5277. FontColor->GrayLevel[0]]
  5278. }, Closed]],
  5280. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5282. Cell[StyleData["ObjectName"],
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  5285. CellMargins->{{24, 22}, {6, 16}},
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  5288. DefaultFormatType->DefaultInputFormatType,
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  5292. LanguageCategory->"Input",
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  5295. StyleMenuListing->None,
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  5304. Scaled[0.499]}}, "ColumnsIndexed" -> {}, "Rows" -> {{1.}},
  5305. "RowsIndexed" -> {}}}],
  5307. Cell[StyleData["ObjectName", "Presentation"],
  5308. CellMargins->{{24, 22}, {9, 24}},
  5309. FontSize->48],
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  5312. CellMargins->{{72, 4}, {1, 14}},
  5313. CellGroupingRules->{"SectionGrouping", 90},
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  5315. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5316. FontFamily->"Courier",
  5317. FontSize->12,
  5318. FontWeight->"Bold"],
  5320. Cell[StyleData["ObjectName", "Printout"],
  5321. CellMargins->{{0, 0}, {5, 14}},
  5322. HyphenationOptions->{"HyphenationCharacter"->"-"},
  5323. FontSize->21]
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  5358. Offset[2.5]}}, "RowsIndexed" -> {}}}],
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  5372. StyleMenuListing->None,
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  5378. HyphenationOptions->{"HyphenationCharacter"->"-"},
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  5405. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  5407. Cell[StyleData["Notes"],
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  5410. "\[FilledSmallSquare]", FontColor ->
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  5421. Cell[StyleData["Notes", "Presentation"],
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  5423. FontSize->22],
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  5427. HyphenationOptions->{"HyphenationCharacter"->"-"},
  5428. ParagraphSpacing->{0, 6},
  5429. ParagraphIndent->-10,
  5430. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5431. FontFamily->"Times"],
  5433. Cell[StyleData["Notes", "Printout"],
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  5435. Hyphenation->True,
  5436. HyphenationOptions->{"HyphenationCharacter"->"-"},
  5437. FontSize->9]
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  5456. FormatType->StandardForm,
  5457. ShowStringCharacters->True,
  5458. NumberMarks->True,
  5459. StyleMenuListing->None,
  5460. FontWeight->"Bold"],
  5462. Cell[StyleData["InlineOutput", "Presentation"],
  5463. CellMargins->{{66, 4}, {12, 12}},
  5464. FontSize->24],
  5466. Cell[StyleData["InlineOutput", "Printout"],
  5467. ShowCellBracket->False,
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  6628. }, Closed]],
  6629. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6630. Cell[23874, 845, 32, 0, 45, "Subsection"],
  6631. Cell[23909, 847, 108, 3, 43, "Text"],
  6632. Cell[24020, 852, 70, 0, 36, 70, 0, "StyleData", "FunctionLink", "All"],
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  6636. Cell[24258, 860, 552, 16, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Link", "All",
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  6638. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6639. Cell[24813, 878, 39, 0, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "Link", "Presentation"],
  6640. Cell[24855, 880, 61, 1, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "Link", "Printout"]
  6641. }, Closed]],
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  6645. Cell[25268, 894, 372, 7, 36, 67, 0, "StyleData", "Hyperlink", "All"],
  6646. Cell[25643, 903, 56, 1, 35, 41, 0, "StyleData", "Hyperlink", "Condensed"]
  6647. }, Closed]]
  6648. }, Closed]]
  6649. }, Closed]],
  6650. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6651. Cell[25760, 911, 62, 0, 33, "Section"],
  6652. Cell[25825, 913, 119, 4, 31, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Header", "All",
  6653. StyleMenuListing->None],
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  6655. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6656. Cell[26007, 922, 60, 1, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "HeaderSubsection", "All",
  6657. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6658. Cell[26070, 925, 55, 1, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "HeaderTitle", "All",
  6659. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6660. Cell[26128, 928, 118, 4, 29, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Footer", "All",
  6661. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6662. Cell[26249, 934, 57, 1, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "FooterSection", "All",
  6663. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6664. Cell[26309, 937, 60, 1, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "FooterSubsection", "All",
  6665. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6666. Cell[26372, 940, 55, 1, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "FooterTitle", "All",
  6667. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6668. Cell[26430, 943, 101, 3, 31, 29, 0, "StyleData", "PageNumber", "All",
  6669. StyleMenuListing->None]
  6670. }, Closed]],
  6671. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6672. Cell[26568, 951, 62, 0, 33, "Section"],
  6673. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6674. Cell[26655, 955, 5330, 101, 74, 41, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowNavigationBar", \
  6675. "All",
  6676. CounterIncrements->"SlideShowNavigationBar",
  6677. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6678. Cell[31988, 1058, 248, 8, 19, 54, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowNavigationBar", \
  6679. "SlideShow"],
  6680. Cell[32239, 1068, 160, 5, 19, 53, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowNavigationBar", \
  6681. "Printout"]
  6682. }, Closed]],
  6683. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6684. Cell[32436, 1078, 282, 7, 41, 34, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowCanvas", "All"],
  6685. Cell[32721, 1087, 72, 1, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowCanvas", \
  6686. "SlideShow"]
  6687. }, Closed]],
  6688. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6689. Cell[32830, 1093, 465, 13, 62, 35, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowSection", "All",
  6690. CounterIncrements->"Section",
  6691. CounterAssignments->{{"Subsection", 0}, {"Subsubsection", 0}},
  6692. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6693. Cell[33298, 1108, 129, 3, 76, 51, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowSection", \
  6694. "Presentation"],
  6695. Cell[33430, 1113, 96, 2, 76, 48, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowSection", \
  6696. "SlideShow"],
  6697. Cell[33529, 1117, 104, 2, 58, 47, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowSection", \
  6698. "Printout"]
  6699. }, Closed]],
  6700. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6701. Cell[33670, 1124, 315, 10, 50, 33, 0, "StyleData", "SlideHyperlink", "All",
  6702. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6703. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6704. Cell[33988, 1136, 110, 2, 36, 45, 0, "StyleData", "SlideHyperlink", "Printout"]
  6705. }, Closed]],
  6706. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6707. Cell[34135, 1143, 244, 8, 40, 31, 0, "StyleData", "PreviousNext", "All",
  6708. CounterIncrements->"PreviousNext",
  6709. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6710. Cell[34382, 1153, 120, 3, 56, 47, 0, "StyleData", "PreviousNext", \
  6711. "Presentation"],
  6712. Cell[34505, 1158, 95, 2, 93, 44, 0, "StyleData", "PreviousNext", \
  6713. "SlideShow"],
  6714. Cell[34603, 1162, 120, 3, 40, 43, 0, "StyleData", "PreviousNext", "Printout"]
  6715. }, Closed]],
  6716. Cell[34738, 1168, 313, 9, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "SlidePreviousNextLink", \
  6717. "All",
  6718. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6719. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6720. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6721. Cell[35076, 1181, 330, 9, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SlideTOCLink", "All",
  6722. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6723. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6724. Cell[35409, 1192, 108, 2, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", "SlideTOCLink", "Printout"]
  6725. }, Closed]],
  6726. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6727. Cell[35554, 1199, 162, 4, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "SlideTOC", "All",
  6728. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6729. Cell[35719, 1205, 55, 1, 38, 40, 0, "StyleData", "SlideTOC", "SlideShow"],
  6730. Cell[35777, 1208, 65, 1, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "SlideTOC", "Printout"]
  6731. }, Closed]],
  6732. Cell[35857, 1212, 373, 11, 51, 40, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowPaletteTitle", \
  6733. "All",
  6734. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6735. ButtonStyleMenuListing->None],
  6736. Cell[36233, 1225, 297, 9, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "SlideShowPaletteButton", \
  6737. "All",
  6738. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6739. ButtonStyleMenuListing->None],
  6740. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6741. Cell[36555, 1238, 353, 9, 58, 29, 0, "StyleData", "FirstSlide", "All",
  6742. CounterIncrements->{"SlideShowNavigationBar"}],
  6743. Cell[36911, 1249, 139, 5, 2, 42, 0, "StyleData", "FirstSlide", "SlideShow"],
  6744. Cell[37053, 1256, 138, 5, 2, 41, 0, "StyleData", "FirstSlide", "Printout"]
  6745. }, Closed]]
  6746. }, Closed]],
  6747. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6748. Cell[37240, 1267, 132, 5, 33, "Section"],
  6749. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6750. Cell[37397, 1276, 36, 0, 45, "Subsection"],
  6751. Cell[37436, 1278, 237, 8, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "DeployedCell", "All"],
  6752. Cell[37676, 1288, 73, 0, 43, "Text"],
  6753. Cell[37752, 1290, 512, 14, 40, 76, 0, "StyleData", "DockedCell", "All"],
  6754. Cell[38267, 1306, 104, 2, 40, 82, 1, "StyleData", "SystemDockedCell", "All"],
  6755. Cell[38374, 1310, 154, 4, 44, 79, 0, "StyleData", "DockedTitleCell", "All"],
  6756. Cell[38531, 1316, 88, 1, 40, 88, 1, "StyleData", "PluginDockedCell", "All"],
  6757. Cell[38622, 1319, 75, 0, 43, "Text"],
  6758. Cell[38700, 1321, 221, 6, 36, 78, 0, "StyleData", "AttachedCell", "All"],
  6759. Cell[38924, 1329, 108, 2, 36, 86, 1, "StyleData", "SystemAttachedCell", "All"],
  6760. Cell[39035, 1333, 121, 3, 43, "Text"],
  6761. Cell[39159, 1338, 252, 5, 40, 72, 0, "StyleData", "Paste", "All",
  6762. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6763. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6764. Cell[39414, 1345, 418, 11, 40, 75, 0, "StyleData", "Evaluate", "All",
  6765. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6766. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6767. Cell[39835, 1358, 370, 9, 40, 79, 0, "StyleData", "EvaluateCell", "All",
  6768. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6769. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6770. Cell[40208, 1369, 357, 9, 40, 79, 0, "StyleData", "CopyEvaluate", "All",
  6771. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6772. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6773. Cell[40568, 1380, 373, 10, 40, 85, 1, "StyleData", "CopyEvaluateCell", "All",
  6774. StyleMenuListing->None,
  6775. ButtonStyleMenuListing->Automatic],
  6776. Cell[40944, 1392, 56, 1, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "HistoryCurrentPage", \
  6777. "All"],
  6778. Cell[41003, 1395, 38, 0, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "HistoryPreviousPage", "All"],
  6779. Cell[41044, 1397, 34, 0, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "HistoryNextPage", "All"]
  6780. }, Closed]],
  6781. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6782. Cell[41115, 1402, 33, 0, 29, "Subsection"],
  6783. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6784. Cell[41173, 1406, 280, 10, 4, 28, 0, "StyleData", "PageBreak", "All"],
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  6786. Cell[41559, 1423, 99, 3, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "PageBreak", "Printout"]
  6787. }, Closed]]
  6788. }, Closed]],
  6789. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6790. Cell[41707, 1432, 38, 0, 29, "Subsection"],
  6791. Cell[41748, 1434, 330, 6, 59, "Text"],
  6792. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6793. Cell[42103, 1444, 107, 2, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "UnmatchedBracket", "All",
  6794. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6795. Cell[42213, 1448, 73, 1, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", "UnmatchedBracket", \
  6796. "Printout"]
  6797. }, Closed]],
  6798. Cell[42301, 1452, 123, 2, 43, 90, 1, "StyleData", "CoordinateTooltipLabel", \
  6799. "All"],
  6800. Cell[42427, 1456, 167, 5, 60, 34, 0, "StyleData", "CalculatePrompt", "All",
  6801. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6802. Cell[42597, 1463, 84, 2, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "CalculateInput", "All",
  6803. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6804. Cell[42684, 1467, 120, 4, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "CellInsertionMenu", "All",
  6805. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6806. Cell[42807, 1473, 242, 7, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", \
  6807. "CellInsertionMenuShortcut", "All",
  6808. StyleMenuListing->None]
  6809. }, Closed]],
  6810. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6811. Cell[43086, 1485, 40, 0, 29, "Subsection"],
  6812. Cell[43129, 1487, 106, 3, 43, "Text"],
  6813. Cell[43238, 1492, 199, 5, 40, 29, 0, "StyleData", "ActionMenu", "All"],
  6814. Cell[43440, 1499, 133, 1, 40, 78, 0, "StyleData", "ActionMenuLabel", "All"],
  6815. Cell[43576, 1502, 71, 0, 36, 71, 0, "StyleData", "Animate", "All"],
  6816. Cell[43650, 1504, 83, 1, 35, 83, 1, "StyleData", "AnimateLabel", "All"],
  6817. Cell[43736, 1507, 71, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Button", "All"],
  6818. Cell[43810, 1511, 109, 1, 40, 79, 0, "StyleData", "GenericButton", "All"],
  6819. Cell[43922, 1514, 27, 0, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Checkbox", "All"],
  6820. Cell[43952, 1516, 30, 0, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "CheckboxBar", "All"],
  6821. Cell[43985, 1518, 35, 0, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "CheckboxBarLabel", "All"],
  6822. Cell[44023, 1520, 30, 0, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "ColorSetter", "All"],
  6823. Cell[44056, 1522, 30, 0, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "ColorSlider", "All"],
  6824. Cell[44089, 1524, 125, 2, 40, 31, 0, "StyleData", "ControlStyle", "All"],
  6825. Cell[44217, 1528, 262, 8, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "DialogStyle", "All"],
  6826. Cell[44482, 1538, 83, 1, 40, 83, 1, "StyleData", "FileNameSetter", "All"],
  6827. Cell[44568, 1541, 665, 13, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "FileNameSetterBoxes", \
  6828. "All"],
  6829. Cell[45236, 1556, 634, 11, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "FileNameSetterBoxes4", \
  6830. "All"],
  6831. Cell[45873, 1569, 27, 0, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "FlipView", "All"],
  6832. Cell[45903, 1571, 132, 3, 52, 41, 0, "StyleData", "GeneralizedPlaceholder", \
  6833. "All"],
  6834. Cell[46038, 1576, 123, 3, 38, 33, 0, "StyleData", "FieldHintStyle", "All"],
  6835. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6836. Cell[46186, 1583, 1222, 43, 35, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics", "All",
  6837. CounterIncrements->"Graphics",
  6838. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6839. Cell[47411, 1628, 43, 0, 35, 43, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics", "Presentation"],
  6840. Cell[47457, 1630, 111, 2, 27, 40, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics", "Condensed"],
  6841. Cell[47571, 1634, 161, 4, 33, 39, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics", "Printout"]
  6842. }, Closed]],
  6843. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6844. Cell[47769, 1643, 103, 3, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsAxes", "All"],
  6845. Cell[47875, 1648, 113, 3, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsAxes", "Printout"]
  6846. }, Closed]],
  6847. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6848. Cell[48025, 1656, 77, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsTicks", "All"],
  6849. Cell[48105, 1660, 87, 2, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsTicks", "Printout"]
  6850. }, Closed]],
  6851. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6852. Cell[48229, 1667, 87, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsFrame", "All"],
  6853. Cell[48319, 1671, 97, 2, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsFrame", "Printout"]
  6854. }, Closed]],
  6855. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6856. Cell[48453, 1678, 82, 2, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsFrameTicks", \
  6857. "All"],
  6858. Cell[48538, 1682, 92, 2, 36, 49, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsFrameTicks", \
  6859. "Printout"]
  6860. }, Closed]],
  6861. Cell[48645, 1687, 216, 6, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsGridLines", \
  6862. "All"],
  6863. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6864. Cell[48886, 1697, 60, 1, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsLabel", "All"],
  6865. Cell[48949, 1700, 70, 1, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsLabel", "Printout"]
  6866. }, Closed]],
  6867. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6868. Cell[49056, 1706, 827, 30, 35, 72, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3D", "All"],
  6869. Cell[49886, 1738, 45, 0, 35, 45, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3D", "Presentation"],
  6870. Cell[49934, 1740, 113, 2, 27, 42, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3D", "Condensed"],
  6871. Cell[50050, 1744, 91, 1, 33, 41, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3D", "Printout"]
  6872. }, Closed]],
  6873. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6874. Cell[50178, 1750, 88, 2, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DAxes", "All"],
  6875. Cell[50269, 1754, 98, 2, 36, 45, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DAxes", \
  6876. "Printout"]
  6877. }, Closed]],
  6878. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6879. Cell[50404, 1761, 79, 2, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DTicks", "All"],
  6880. Cell[50486, 1765, 89, 2, 36, 46, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DTicks", "Printout"]
  6881. }, Closed]],
  6882. Cell[50590, 1770, 223, 6, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DFaceGrids", \
  6883. "All"],
  6884. Cell[50816, 1778, 212, 6, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DBox", "All"],
  6885. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6886. Cell[51053, 1788, 62, 1, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DLabel", "All"],
  6887. Cell[51118, 1791, 72, 1, 36, 46, 0, "StyleData", "Graphics3DLabel", "Printout"]
  6888. }, Closed]],
  6889. Cell[51205, 1795, 31, 0, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "GraphicsGrid", "All"],
  6890. Cell[51239, 1797, 64, 1, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Inactive", "All"],
  6891. Cell[51306, 1800, 419, 8, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "ImageGraphics", "All"],
  6892. Cell[51728, 1810, 212, 3, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "Image3DGraphics3D", \
  6893. "All"],
  6894. Cell[51943, 1815, 234, 3, 35, 77, 0, "StyleData", "NetworkGraphics", "All"],
  6895. Cell[52180, 1820, 185, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "NetworkVertex", "All"],
  6896. Cell[52368, 1826, 181, 4, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "NetworkEdge", "All"],
  6897. Cell[52552, 1832, 66, 1, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Grid", "All"],
  6898. Cell[52621, 1835, 106, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Column", "All"],
  6899. Cell[52730, 1839, 113, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "InlineText", "All",
  6900. StyleMenuListing->None],
  6901. Cell[52846, 1845, 520, 16, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "InputField", "All"],
  6902. Cell[53369, 1863, 26, 0, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Labeled", "All"],
  6903. Cell[53398, 1865, 31, 0, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "LabeledLabel", "All"],
  6904. Cell[53432, 1867, 32, 0, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "LabeledSlider", "All"],
  6905. Cell[53467, 1869, 37, 0, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "LabeledSliderLabel", \
  6906. "All"],
  6907. Cell[53507, 1871, 75, 0, 36, 75, 0, "StyleData", "ListAnimate", "All"],
  6908. Cell[53585, 1873, 87, 1, 35, 87, 1, "StyleData", "ListAnimateLabel", "All"],
  6909. Cell[53675, 1876, 152, 3, 40, 76, 0, "StyleData", "ListPicker", "All"],
  6910. Cell[53830, 1881, 106, 1, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "LocatorPane", "All"],
  6911. Cell[53939, 1884, 195, 5, 35, 30, 0, "StyleData", "Manipulator", "All"],
  6912. Cell[54137, 1891, 214, 6, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "Manipulate", "All"],
  6913. Cell[54354, 1899, 199, 5, 35, 34, 0, "StyleData", "ManipulateLabel", "All"],
  6914. Cell[54556, 1906, 72, 1, 38, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Menu", "All"],
  6915. Cell[54631, 1909, 274, 9, 40, 28, 0, "StyleData", "MenuLabel", "All"],
  6916. Cell[54908, 1920, 27, 0, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "MenuView", "All"],
  6917. Cell[54938, 1922, 202, 5, 40, 32, 0, "StyleData", "MenuViewLabel", "All"],
  6918. Cell[55143, 1929, 25, 0, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Opener", "All"],
  6919. Cell[55171, 1931, 29, 0, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "OpenerView", "All"],
  6920. Cell[55203, 1933, 26, 0, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Overlay", "All"],
  6921. Cell[55232, 1935, 53, 1, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Pane", "All"],
  6922. Cell[55288, 1938, 61, 1, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "PaneSelector", "All"],
  6923. Cell[55352, 1941, 257, 7, 52, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Panel", "All"],
  6924. Cell[55612, 1950, 235, 7, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "PanelLabel", "All"],
  6925. Cell[55850, 1959, 198, 5, 40, 28, 0, "StyleData", "PopupMenu", "All"],
  6926. Cell[56051, 1966, 134, 1, 40, 77, 0, "StyleData", "PopupMenuLabel", "All"],
  6927. Cell[56188, 1969, 28, 0, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "PopupView", "All"],
  6928. Cell[56219, 1971, 36, 0, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "ProgressIndicator", "All"],
  6929. Cell[56258, 1973, 30, 0, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "RadioButton", "All"],
  6930. Cell[56291, 1975, 33, 0, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "RadioButtonBar", "All"],
  6931. Cell[56327, 1977, 38, 0, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "RadioButtonBarLabel", "All"],
  6932. Cell[56368, 1979, 25, 0, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Setter", "All"],
  6933. Cell[56396, 1981, 28, 0, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "SetterBar", "All"],
  6934. Cell[56427, 1983, 25, 0, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Slider", "All"],
  6935. Cell[56455, 1985, 27, 0, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Slider2D", "All"],
  6936. Cell[56485, 1987, 28, 0, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "SlideView", "All"],
  6937. Cell[56516, 1989, 56, 1, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "TabView", "All"],
  6938. Cell[56575, 1992, 156, 4, 38, 31, 0, "StyleData", "TabViewLabel", "All"],
  6939. Cell[56734, 1998, 26, 0, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Toggler", "All"],
  6940. Cell[56763, 2000, 29, 0, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "TogglerBar", "All"],
  6941. Cell[56795, 2002, 528, 14, 43, 31, 0, "StyleData", "TooltipLabel", "All"],
  6942. Cell[57326, 2018, 475, 18, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "TextStyling", "All"],
  6943. Cell[57804, 2038, 237, 5, 36, 86, 1, "StyleData", "TextStyleInputField", \
  6944. "All"],
  6945. Cell[58044, 2045, 594, 20, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  6946. "InputFieldDefaultNumberStyle", "All"],
  6947. Cell[58641, 2067, 207, 4, 36, 110, 1, "StyleData", \
  6948. "InputFieldDefaultTextStyle", "All"],
  6949. Cell[58851, 2073, 33, 0, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "VerticalSlider", "All"],
  6950. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6951. Cell[58909, 2077, 43, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  6952. Cell[58955, 2079, 126, 1, 35, 73, 0, "StyleData", "GeoGraphics", "All"]
  6953. }, Closed]],
  6954. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6955. Cell[59118, 2085, 41, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  6956. Cell[59162, 2087, 28, 0, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "TableView", "All"],
  6957. Cell[59193, 2089, 215, 6, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "TableViewGrid", "All"],
  6958. Cell[59411, 2097, 197, 5, 36, 85, 1, "StyleData", "TableViewNumbers", "All"],
  6959. Cell[59611, 2104, 145, 4, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "TableViewStrings", "All"],
  6960. Cell[59759, 2110, 178, 4, 36, 89, 1, "StyleData", "TableViewExpressions", \
  6961. "All"],
  6962. Cell[59940, 2116, 121, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "TableViewLabels", "All"]
  6963. }, Closed]]
  6964. }, Closed]],
  6965. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6966. Cell[60110, 2125, 40, 0, 29, "Subsection"],
  6967. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6968. Cell[60175, 2129, 45, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  6969. Cell[60223, 2131, 207, 5, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Mouseover", "All"],
  6970. Cell[60433, 2138, 428, 10, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "MouseoverTemplate", "All"],
  6971. Cell[60864, 2150, 538, 13, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "HyperlinkURL", "All"],
  6972. Cell[61405, 2165, 521, 13, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "HyperlinkPaclet", "All"],
  6973. Cell[61929, 2180, 527, 13, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "HyperlinkDefault", \
  6974. "All"],
  6975. Cell[62459, 2195, 651, 16, 36, 42, 0, "StyleData", "HyperlinkStaticTemplate", \
  6976. "All"],
  6977. Cell[63113, 2213, 621, 16, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "HyperlinkTemplate", \
  6978. "All"]
  6979. }, Closed]],
  6980. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  6981. Cell[63771, 2234, 42, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  6982. Cell[63816, 2236, 151, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "CantorStaircase", "All"],
  6983. Cell[63970, 2241, 128, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Conjugate", "All"],
  6984. Cell[64101, 2245, 148, 3, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "ConjugateTranspose", "All"],
  6985. Cell[64252, 2250, 126, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "CoshIntegral", "All"],
  6986. Cell[64381, 2254, 124, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "CosIntegral", "All"],
  6987. Cell[64508, 2258, 154, 4, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Det", "All"],
  6988. Cell[64665, 2264, 120, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "FresnelC", "All"],
  6989. Cell[64788, 2268, 120, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "FresnelF", "All"],
  6990. Cell[64911, 2272, 120, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "FresnelG", "All"],
  6991. Cell[65034, 2276, 120, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "FresnelS", "All"],
  6992. Cell[65157, 2280, 125, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "Gudermannian", "All"],
  6993. Cell[65285, 2284, 123, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Haversine", "All"],
  6994. Cell[65411, 2288, 134, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Inverse", "All"],
  6995. Cell[65548, 2293, 179, 4, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "InverseGudermannian", \
  6996. "All"],
  6997. Cell[65730, 2299, 177, 4, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "InverseHaversine", "All"],
  6998. Cell[65910, 2305, 134, 2, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "LogisticSigmoid", "All"],
  6999. Cell[66047, 2309, 183, 3, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "MinkowskiQuestionMark", \
  7000. "All"],
  7001. Cell[66233, 2314, 186, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "MixedFraction", "All"],
  7002. Cell[66422, 2320, 123, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "PartitionsP", "All"],
  7003. Cell[66548, 2324, 123, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "PartitionsQ", "All"],
  7004. Cell[66674, 2328, 625, 15, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Piecewise", "All"],
  7005. Cell[67302, 2345, 145, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Residue", "All"],
  7006. Cell[67450, 2350, 22, 0, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Row", "All"],
  7007. Cell[67475, 2352, 309, 6, 36, 67, 0, "StyleData", "RowDefault", "All"],
  7008. Cell[67787, 2360, 327, 7, 36, 72, 0, "StyleData", "RowNoSeparators", "All"],
  7009. Cell[68117, 2369, 326, 7, 36, 73, 0, "StyleData", "RowWithSeparator", "All"],
  7010. Cell[68446, 2378, 328, 7, 36, 74, 0, "StyleData", "RowWithSeparators", \
  7011. "All"],
  7012. Cell[68777, 2387, 126, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SinhIntegral", "All"],
  7013. Cell[68906, 2391, 124, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "SinIntegral", "All"],
  7014. Cell[69033, 2395, 107, 1, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "Subsuperscript", "All"],
  7015. Cell[69143, 2398, 97, 1, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "Superscript", "All"],
  7016. Cell[69243, 2401, 128, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Transpose", "All"]
  7017. }, Closed]],
  7018. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7019. Cell[69408, 2408, 48, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7020. Cell[69459, 2410, 111, 2, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "BellB", "All"],
  7021. Cell[69573, 2414, 226, 5, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "BellB2", "All"],
  7022. Cell[69802, 2421, 390, 11, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "BellY", "All"],
  7023. Cell[70195, 2434, 281, 7, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "BellYMatrix", "All"],
  7024. Cell[70479, 2443, 179, 3, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "BellY1", "All"],
  7025. Cell[70661, 2448, 116, 2, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "BernoulliB", "All"],
  7026. Cell[70780, 2452, 146, 3, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "BernoulliB2", "All"],
  7027. Cell[70929, 2457, 119, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "CatalanNumber", "All"],
  7028. Cell[71051, 2461, 112, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "EulerE", "All"],
  7029. Cell[71166, 2465, 228, 5, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "EulerE2", "All"],
  7030. Cell[71397, 2472, 115, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Fibonacci", "All"],
  7031. Cell[71515, 2476, 234, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "Fibonacci2", "All"],
  7032. Cell[71752, 2483, 120, 2, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "HarmonicNumber", "All"],
  7033. Cell[71875, 2487, 248, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "HarmonicNumber2", "All"],
  7034. Cell[72126, 2494, 112, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "LucasL", "All"],
  7035. Cell[72241, 2498, 228, 5, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "LucasL2", "All"],
  7036. Cell[72472, 2505, 147, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "NorlundB", "All"],
  7037. Cell[72622, 2510, 276, 6, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "NorlundB3", "All"],
  7038. Cell[72901, 2518, 149, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "StirlingS1", "All"],
  7039. Cell[73053, 2523, 167, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "StirlingS2", "All"]
  7040. }, Closed]],
  7041. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7042. Cell[73257, 2532, 34, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7043. Cell[73294, 2534, 124, 2, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "ChampernowneNumber", "All"],
  7044. Cell[73421, 2538, 145, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "Cyclotomic", "All"],
  7045. Cell[73569, 2543, 127, 2, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "StieltjesGamma", "All"],
  7046. Cell[73699, 2547, 251, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "StieltjesGamma2", "All"]
  7047. }, Closed]],
  7048. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7049. Cell[73987, 2557, 49, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7050. Cell[74039, 2559, 144, 3, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SystemsModelDelay", \
  7051. "All"],
  7052. Cell[74186, 2564, 122, 1, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", \
  7053. "TransferFunctionModelFull", "All"],
  7054. Cell[74311, 2567, 131, 2, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7055. "TransferFunctionModelMinimal", "All"],
  7056. Cell[74445, 2571, 116, 1, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "StateSpaceModelFull", \
  7057. "All"],
  7058. Cell[74564, 2574, 125, 2, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "StateSpaceModelMinimal", \
  7059. "All"],
  7060. Cell[74692, 2578, 122, 1, 36, 44, 0, "StyleData", \
  7061. "AffineStateSpaceModelFull", "All"],
  7062. Cell[74817, 2581, 131, 2, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7063. "AffineStateSpaceModelMinimal", "All"],
  7064. Cell[74951, 2585, 125, 1, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7065. "NonlinearStateSpaceModelFull", "All"],
  7066. Cell[75079, 2588, 134, 2, 36, 50, 0, "StyleData", \
  7067. "NonlinearStateSpaceModelMinimal", "All"]
  7068. }, Closed]],
  7069. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7070. Cell[75250, 2595, 43, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7071. Cell[75296, 2597, 317, 7, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "DifferenceDelta3", "All"],
  7072. Cell[75616, 2606, 361, 8, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "DifferenceDelta4", "All"],
  7073. Cell[75980, 2616, 311, 7, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteRatio3", "All"],
  7074. Cell[76294, 2625, 355, 8, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteRatio4", "All"],
  7075. Cell[76652, 2635, 311, 7, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteShift3", "All"],
  7076. Cell[76966, 2644, 355, 8, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteShift4", "All"]
  7077. }, Closed]],
  7078. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7079. Cell[77358, 2657, 43, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7080. Cell[77404, 2659, 121, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticE", "All"],
  7081. Cell[77528, 2663, 254, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticE2", "All"],
  7082. Cell[77785, 2670, 164, 3, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticF", "All"],
  7083. Cell[77952, 2675, 121, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticK", "All"],
  7084. Cell[78076, 2679, 176, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticPi", "All"],
  7085. Cell[78255, 2684, 302, 6, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticPi3", "All"],
  7086. Cell[78560, 2692, 125, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticNomeQ", "All"],
  7087. Cell[78688, 2696, 179, 4, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "InverseEllipticNomeQ", \
  7088. "All"]
  7089. }, Closed]],
  7090. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7091. Cell[78904, 2705, 43, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7092. Cell[78950, 2707, 128, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "DedekindEta", "All"],
  7093. Cell[79081, 2711, 184, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticTheta", "All"],
  7094. Cell[79268, 2717, 206, 4, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "EllipticThetaPrime", "All"],
  7095. Cell[79477, 2723, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiCD", "All"],
  7096. Cell[79698, 2730, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiCN", "All"],
  7097. Cell[79919, 2737, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiCS", "All"],
  7098. Cell[80140, 2744, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiDC", "All"],
  7099. Cell[80361, 2751, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiDN", "All"],
  7100. Cell[80582, 2758, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiDS", "All"],
  7101. Cell[80803, 2765, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiNC", "All"],
  7102. Cell[81024, 2772, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiND", "All"],
  7103. Cell[81245, 2779, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiNS", "All"],
  7104. Cell[81466, 2786, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiSC", "All"],
  7105. Cell[81687, 2793, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiSD", "All"],
  7106. Cell[81908, 2800, 218, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "InverseJacobiSN", "All"],
  7107. Cell[82129, 2807, 396, 10, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "InverseWeierstrassP", \
  7108. "All"],
  7109. Cell[82528, 2819, 461, 12, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "InverseWeierstrassP4", \
  7110. "All"],
  7111. Cell[82992, 2833, 171, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiAmplitude", "All"],
  7112. Cell[83166, 2838, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiCD", "All"],
  7113. Cell[83333, 2843, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiCN", "All"],
  7114. Cell[83500, 2848, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiCS", "All"],
  7115. Cell[83667, 2853, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiDC", "All"],
  7116. Cell[83834, 2858, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiDN", "All"],
  7117. Cell[84001, 2863, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiDS", "All"],
  7118. Cell[84168, 2868, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiNC", "All"],
  7119. Cell[84335, 2873, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiND", "All"],
  7120. Cell[84502, 2878, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiNS", "All"],
  7121. Cell[84669, 2883, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiSC", "All"],
  7122. Cell[84836, 2888, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiSD", "All"],
  7123. Cell[85003, 2893, 164, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiSN", "All"],
  7124. Cell[85170, 2898, 178, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiZeta", "All"],
  7125. Cell[85351, 2903, 163, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "KleinInvariantJ", "All"],
  7126. Cell[85517, 2908, 167, 3, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "ModularLambda", "All"],
  7127. Cell[85687, 2913, 204, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "NevilleThetaC", "All"],
  7128. Cell[85894, 2919, 204, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "NevilleThetaD", "All"],
  7129. Cell[86101, 2925, 204, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "NevilleThetaN", "All"],
  7130. Cell[86308, 2931, 204, 4, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "NevilleThetaS", "All"],
  7131. Cell[86515, 2937, 335, 8, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "WeierstrassP", "All"],
  7132. Cell[86853, 2947, 378, 9, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "WeierstrassPPrime", \
  7133. "All"],
  7134. Cell[87234, 2958, 336, 8, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "WeierstrassSigma", "All"],
  7135. Cell[87573, 2968, 333, 8, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "WeierstrassZeta", "All"]
  7136. }, Closed]],
  7137. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7138. Cell[87943, 2981, 44, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7139. Cell[87990, 2983, 133, 2, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "AlternatingFactorial", \
  7140. "All"],
  7141. Cell[88126, 2987, 134, 2, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7142. "AugmentedSymmetricPolynomial", "All"],
  7143. Cell[88263, 2991, 247, 4, 36, 51, 0, "StyleData", \
  7144. "AugmentedSymmetricPolynomialList", "All"],
  7145. Cell[88513, 2997, 119, 2, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "BarnesG", "All"],
  7146. Cell[88635, 3001, 153, 3, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Beta", "All"],
  7147. Cell[88791, 3006, 270, 6, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Beta3", "All"],
  7148. Cell[89064, 3014, 319, 8, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Beta4", "All"],
  7149. Cell[89386, 3024, 174, 4, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "BetaRegularized", "All"],
  7150. Cell[89563, 3030, 341, 8, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "BetaRegularized4", "All"],
  7151. Cell[89907, 3040, 139, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Binomial", "All"],
  7152. Cell[90049, 3045, 154, 3, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "CentralMoment", "All"],
  7153. Cell[90206, 3050, 252, 5, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "CentralMomentList", \
  7154. "All"],
  7155. Cell[90461, 3057, 121, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "Cumulant", "All"],
  7156. Cell[90585, 3061, 214, 4, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "CumulantList", "All"],
  7157. Cell[90802, 3067, 149, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "FactorialMoment", "All"],
  7158. Cell[90954, 3072, 249, 5, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "FactorialMomentList", \
  7159. "All"],
  7160. Cell[91206, 3079, 145, 3, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "FactorialPower", "All"],
  7161. Cell[91354, 3084, 274, 6, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "FactorialPower3", "All"],
  7162. Cell[91631, 3092, 136, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "Fibonorial", "All"],
  7163. Cell[91770, 3097, 133, 3, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Gamma", "All"],
  7164. Cell[91906, 3102, 241, 5, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Gamma2", "All"],
  7165. Cell[92150, 3109, 259, 5, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Gamma3", "All"],
  7166. Cell[92412, 3116, 152, 3, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "GammaRegularized", "All"],
  7167. Cell[92567, 3121, 267, 5, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "GammaRegularized3", \
  7168. "All"],
  7169. Cell[92837, 3128, 212, 5, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "InverseBetaRegularized", \
  7170. "All"],
  7171. Cell[93052, 3135, 386, 9, 36, 42, 0, "StyleData", "InverseBetaRegularized4", \
  7172. "All"],
  7173. Cell[93441, 3146, 206, 5, 36, 42, 0, "StyleData", "InverseGammaRegularized", \
  7174. "All"],
  7175. Cell[93650, 3153, 328, 7, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", "InverseGammaRegularized3", \
  7176. "All"],
  7177. Cell[93981, 3162, 116, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Moment", "All"],
  7178. Cell[94100, 3166, 207, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "MomentList", "All"],
  7179. Cell[94310, 3172, 126, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "PolyGamma", "All"],
  7180. Cell[94439, 3176, 267, 6, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "PolyGamma2", "All"],
  7181. Cell[94709, 3184, 130, 2, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", "PowerSymmetricPolynomial", \
  7182. "All"],
  7183. Cell[94842, 3188, 239, 4, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7184. "PowerSymmetricPolynomialList", "All"],
  7185. Cell[95084, 3194, 163, 4, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "QBinomial", "All"],
  7186. Cell[95250, 3200, 161, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "QFactorial", "All"],
  7187. Cell[95414, 3206, 183, 4, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "QGamma", "All"],
  7188. Cell[95600, 3212, 150, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "QPolyGamma", "All"],
  7189. Cell[95753, 3217, 285, 6, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "QPolyGamma3", "All"]
  7190. }, Closed]],
  7191. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7192. Cell[96075, 3228, 46, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7193. Cell[96124, 3230, 130, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "DiracCombSeq", "All"],
  7194. Cell[96257, 3234, 132, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "DiracDeltaSeq", "All"],
  7195. Cell[96392, 3238, 135, 2, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteDeltaSeq", "All"],
  7196. Cell[96530, 3242, 147, 3, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "HeavisideLambdaSeq", "All"],
  7197. Cell[96680, 3247, 139, 3, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "HeavisidePiSeq", "All"],
  7198. Cell[96822, 3252, 136, 2, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "HeavisideThetaSeq", \
  7199. "All"],
  7200. Cell[96961, 3256, 130, 2, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "KroneckerDeltaSeq", \
  7201. "All"],
  7202. Cell[97094, 3260, 135, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "UnitBoxSeq", "All"],
  7203. Cell[97232, 3265, 130, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "UnitStepSeq", "All"],
  7204. Cell[97365, 3269, 144, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "UnitTriangleSeq", "All"]
  7205. }, Closed]],
  7206. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7207. Cell[97546, 3277, 44, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7208. Cell[97593, 3279, 174, 4, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "BernsteinBasis", "All"],
  7209. Cell[97770, 3285, 147, 3, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "BSplineBasis", "All"],
  7210. Cell[97920, 3290, 274, 6, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "BSplineBasis3", "All"],
  7211. Cell[98197, 3298, 329, 8, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "BSplineBasis4", "All"],
  7212. Cell[98529, 3308, 155, 3, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "CardinalBSplineBasis", \
  7213. "All"]
  7214. }, Closed]],
  7215. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7216. Cell[98721, 3316, 49, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7217. Cell[98773, 3318, 119, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "AiryAi", "All"],
  7218. Cell[98895, 3322, 157, 3, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "AiryAiPrime", "All"],
  7219. Cell[99055, 3327, 119, 2, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "AiryBi", "All"],
  7220. Cell[99177, 3331, 157, 3, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "AiryBiPrime", "All"],
  7221. Cell[99337, 3336, 293, 7, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "AngerJ2", "All"],
  7222. Cell[99633, 3345, 215, 5, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "AngerJ", "All"],
  7223. Cell[99851, 3352, 238, 6, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "AppellF1", "All"],
  7224. Cell[100092, 3360, 142, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "BesselI", "All"],
  7225. Cell[100237, 3365, 142, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "BesselJ", "All"],
  7226. Cell[100382, 3370, 140, 3, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "BesselJZero", "All"],
  7227. Cell[100525, 3375, 142, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "BesselK", "All"],
  7228. Cell[100670, 3380, 142, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "BesselY", "All"],
  7229. Cell[100815, 3385, 140, 3, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "BesselYZero", "All"],
  7230. Cell[100958, 3390, 119, 2, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "DawsonF", "All"],
  7231. Cell[101080, 3394, 147, 3, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "ExpIntegralE", "All"],
  7232. Cell[101230, 3399, 126, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "ExpIntegralEi", "All"],
  7233. Cell[101359, 3403, 179, 4, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "HankelH1", "All"],
  7234. Cell[101541, 3409, 179, 4, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "HankelH2", "All"],
  7235. Cell[101723, 3415, 338, 8, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "Hypergeometric0F1", "All"],
  7236. Cell[102064, 3425, 378, 9, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7237. "Hypergeometric0F1Regularized", "All"],
  7238. Cell[102445, 3436, 331, 8, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "Hypergeometric1F1", "All"],
  7239. Cell[102779, 3446, 371, 9, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7240. "Hypergeometric1F1Regularized", "All"],
  7241. Cell[103153, 3457, 387, 10, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "Hypergeometric2F1", \
  7242. "All"],
  7243. Cell[103543, 3469, 427, 11, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7244. "Hypergeometric2F1Regularized", "All"],
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  7247. Cell[104262, 3491, 236, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinBei2", "All"],
  7248. Cell[104501, 3498, 123, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinBer", "All"],
  7249. Cell[104627, 3502, 236, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinBer2", "All"],
  7250. Cell[104866, 3509, 123, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinKei", "All"],
  7251. Cell[104992, 3513, 236, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinKei2", "All"],
  7252. Cell[105231, 3520, 123, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinKer", "All"],
  7253. Cell[105357, 3524, 236, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "KelvinKer2", "All"],
  7254. Cell[105596, 3531, 139, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "LogGamma", "All"],
  7255. Cell[105738, 3536, 124, 2, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "LogIntegral", "All"],
  7256. Cell[105865, 3540, 149, 3, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "MittagLefflerE", "All"],
  7257. Cell[106017, 3545, 278, 6, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "MittagLefflerE2", "All"],
  7258. Cell[106298, 3553, 153, 3, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "ParabolicCylinderD", \
  7259. "All"],
  7260. Cell[106454, 3558, 139, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "Pochhammer", "All"],
  7261. Cell[106596, 3563, 645, 17, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "QHypergeometricPFQSeq", \
  7262. "All"],
  7263. Cell[107244, 3582, 243, 5, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "QPochhammer1", "All"],
  7264. Cell[107490, 3589, 268, 6, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "QPochhammer2", "All"],
  7265. Cell[107761, 3597, 165, 4, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "QPochhammer", "All"],
  7266. Cell[107929, 3603, 121, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "ScorerGi", "All"],
  7267. Cell[108053, 3607, 127, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "ScorerGiPrime", "All"],
  7268. Cell[108183, 3611, 121, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "ScorerHi", "All"],
  7269. Cell[108307, 3615, 127, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "ScorerHiPrime", "All"],
  7270. Cell[108437, 3619, 151, 3, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "SphericalBesselJ", \
  7271. "All"],
  7272. Cell[108591, 3624, 151, 3, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "SphericalBesselY", \
  7273. "All"],
  7274. Cell[108745, 3629, 188, 4, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SphericalHankelH1", "All"],
  7275. Cell[108936, 3635, 188, 4, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SphericalHankelH2", "All"],
  7276. Cell[109127, 3641, 230, 5, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalEigenvalue", \
  7277. "All"],
  7278. Cell[109360, 3648, 219, 6, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalPS", "All"],
  7279. Cell[109582, 3656, 260, 7, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalPSPrime", "All"],
  7280. Cell[109845, 3665, 219, 6, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalQS", "All"],
  7281. Cell[110067, 3673, 260, 7, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalQSPrime", "All"],
  7282. Cell[110330, 3682, 232, 6, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalS1", "All"],
  7283. Cell[110565, 3690, 273, 7, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalS1Prime", "All"],
  7284. Cell[110841, 3699, 232, 6, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalS2", "All"],
  7285. Cell[111076, 3707, 273, 7, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "SpheroidalS2Prime", "All"],
  7286. Cell[111352, 3716, 207, 5, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "StruveH", "All"],
  7287. Cell[111562, 3723, 207, 5, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "StruveL", "All"],
  7288. Cell[111772, 3730, 293, 7, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "WeberE2", "All"],
  7289. Cell[112068, 3739, 215, 5, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "WeberE", "All"],
  7290. Cell[112286, 3746, 170, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "WhittakerM", "All"],
  7291. Cell[112459, 3752, 170, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "WhittakerW", "All"]
  7292. }, Closed]],
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  7294. Cell[112666, 3761, 56, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7295. Cell[112725, 3763, 144, 3, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreP", "All"],
  7296. Cell[112872, 3768, 252, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreP3", "All"],
  7297. Cell[113127, 3775, 261, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreP4", "All"],
  7298. Cell[113391, 3782, 144, 3, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreQ", "All"],
  7299. Cell[113538, 3787, 252, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreQ3", "All"],
  7300. Cell[113793, 3794, 261, 5, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "LegendreQ4", "All"],
  7301. Cell[114057, 3801, 398, 11, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "WignerD", "All"]
  7302. }, Closed]],
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  7304. Cell[114492, 3817, 48, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7305. Cell[114543, 3819, 161, 3, 36, 42, 0, "StyleData", "ArithmeticGeometricMean", \
  7306. "All"],
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  7308. "All"],
  7309. Cell[114848, 3829, 183, 4, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "DirichletCharacter", \
  7310. "All"],
  7311. Cell[115034, 3835, 154, 3, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "DivisorSigma", "All"],
  7312. Cell[115191, 3840, 125, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "EulerPhi", "All"],
  7313. Cell[115319, 3844, 141, 3, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "JacobiSymbol", "All"],
  7314. Cell[115463, 3849, 144, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "KroneckerSymbol", "All"],
  7315. Cell[115610, 3854, 137, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "LiouvilleLambda", "All"],
  7316. Cell[115750, 3859, 143, 3, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "MangoldtLambda", "All"],
  7317. Cell[115896, 3864, 125, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "MoebiusMu", "All"],
  7318. Cell[116024, 3868, 111, 2, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Prime", "All"],
  7319. Cell[116138, 3872, 123, 2, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "PrimeNu", "All"],
  7320. Cell[116264, 3876, 138, 3, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "PrimeOmega", "All"],
  7321. Cell[116405, 3881, 123, 2, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "PrimePi", "All"],
  7322. Cell[116531, 3885, 129, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "RamanujanTau", "All"],
  7323. Cell[116663, 3889, 143, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "SquaresR", "All"]
  7324. }, Closed]],
  7325. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7326. Cell[116843, 3897, 43, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7327. Cell[116889, 3899, 154, 4, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Abs", "All"],
  7328. Cell[117046, 3905, 143, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Ceiling", "All"],
  7329. Cell[117192, 3910, 137, 3, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Floor", "All"],
  7330. Cell[117332, 3915, 121, 2, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Mod", "All"],
  7331. Cell[117456, 3919, 169, 5, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Norm", "All"],
  7332. Cell[117628, 3926, 274, 6, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Norm2", "All"],
  7333. Cell[117905, 3934, 131, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "PolynomialMod", "All"],
  7334. Cell[118039, 3938, 151, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "PowerMod", "All"]
  7335. }, Closed]],
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  7337. Cell[118227, 3946, 39, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7338. Cell[118269, 3948, 131, 2, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "DirichletBeta", "All"],
  7339. Cell[118403, 3952, 129, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "DirichletEta", "All"],
  7340. Cell[118535, 3956, 170, 4, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "DirichletL", "All"],
  7341. Cell[118708, 3962, 137, 3, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "DirichletLambda", "All"],
  7342. Cell[118848, 3967, 208, 4, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "HurwitzLerchPhi", "All"],
  7343. Cell[119059, 3973, 185, 4, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "HurwitzZeta", "All"],
  7344. Cell[119247, 3979, 165, 3, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "LerchPhi", "All"],
  7345. Cell[119415, 3984, 157, 3, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "MathieuCharacteristicA", \
  7346. "All"],
  7347. Cell[119575, 3989, 157, 3, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "MathieuCharacteristicB", \
  7348. "All"],
  7349. Cell[119735, 3994, 143, 3, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "PolyLog", "All"],
  7350. Cell[119881, 3999, 264, 6, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "PolyLog3", "All"],
  7351. Cell[120148, 4007, 122, 2, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "PrimeZetaP", "All"],
  7352. Cell[120273, 4011, 120, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "RiemannR", "All"],
  7353. Cell[120396, 4015, 144, 3, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "RiemannSiegelTheta", \
  7354. "All"],
  7355. Cell[120543, 4020, 126, 2, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "RiemannSiegelZ", "All"],
  7356. Cell[120672, 4024, 125, 2, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "RiemannXi", "All"],
  7357. Cell[120800, 4028, 122, 2, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Zeta", "All"],
  7358. Cell[120925, 4032, 256, 6, 36, 24, 0, "StyleData", "Zeta2", "All"],
  7359. Cell[121184, 4040, 119, 2, 36, 27, 0, "StyleData", "ZetaZero", "All"]
  7360. }, Closed]],
  7361. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7362. Cell[121340, 4047, 41, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7363. Cell[121384, 4049, 229, 6, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedSet", "All",
  7364. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7365. Cell[121616, 4057, 230, 6, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedList", "All",
  7366. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7367. Cell[121849, 4065, 267, 7, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7368. "ConditionedSetWithAttributes", "All",
  7369. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7370. Cell[122119, 4074, 268, 7, 36, 48, 0, "StyleData", \
  7371. "ConditionedListWithAttributes", "All",
  7372. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7373. Cell[122390, 4083, 219, 6, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedSum", "All",
  7374. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7375. Cell[122612, 4091, 227, 6, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedProduct", "All",
  7376. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7377. Cell[122842, 4099, 261, 7, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedMin", "All",
  7378. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7379. Cell[123106, 4108, 261, 7, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedMax", "All",
  7380. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7381. Cell[123370, 4117, 259, 7, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedIntegrate", \
  7382. "All",
  7383. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7384. Cell[123632, 4126, 218, 6, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "ConditionedLimit", "All",
  7385. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7386. Cell[123853, 4134, 198, 5, 36, 34, 0, "StyleData", "DomainIntegrate", "All",
  7387. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7388. Cell[124054, 4141, 189, 5, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "DomainSum", "All",
  7389. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7390. Cell[124246, 4148, 197, 5, 36, 32, 0, "StyleData", "DomainProduct", "All",
  7391. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7392. Cell[124446, 4155, 333, 8, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "IntervalOpen", "All",
  7393. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7394. Cell[124782, 4165, 339, 8, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "IntervalOpenClosed", "All",
  7395. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7396. Cell[125124, 4175, 339, 8, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "IntervalClosedOpen", "All",
  7397. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7398. Cell[125466, 4185, 335, 8, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "IntervalClosed", "All",
  7399. StyleMenuListing->None]
  7400. }, Closed]],
  7401. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7402. Cell[125838, 4198, 42, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
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  7404. Cell[126198, 4210, 312, 8, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Bra", "All"],
  7405. Cell[126513, 4220, 852, 20, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "BraKet", "All"]
  7406. }, Closed]],
  7407. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7408. Cell[127402, 4245, 50, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7409. Cell[127455, 4247, 146, 3, 36, 23, 0, "StyleData", "Curl", "All"],
  7410. Cell[127604, 4252, 149, 3, 36, 22, 0, "StyleData", "Div", "All"],
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  7412. Cell[127893, 4262, 147, 3, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "Laplacian", "All"],
  7413. Cell[128043, 4267, 69, 1, 36, 26, 0, "StyleData", "Indexed", "All"],
  7414. Cell[128115, 4270, 346, 9, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "IndexedDefault", "All"]
  7415. }, Closed]],
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  7417. Cell[128498, 4284, 106, 1, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7418. Cell[128607, 4287, 91, 1, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveIntegrate", \
  7419. "All"],
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  7422. Cell[128873, 4296, 477, 11, 36, 45, 0, "StyleData", \
  7423. "InactiveContinuedFractionK", "All"],
  7424. Cell[129353, 4309, 448, 10, 36, 50, 0, "StyleData", \
  7425. "InactiveContinuedFractionKNoMin", "All"],
  7426. Cell[129804, 4321, 361, 10, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveD", "All"],
  7427. Cell[130168, 4333, 81, 1, 36, 39, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDTraditional", \
  7428. "All"],
  7429. Cell[130252, 4336, 290, 7, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveGrad", "All"],
  7430. Cell[130545, 4345, 322, 8, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiv", "All"],
  7431. Cell[130870, 4355, 321, 8, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveCurl", "All"],
  7432. Cell[131194, 4365, 313, 7, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveLaplacian", "All"],
  7433. Cell[131510, 4374, 400, 10, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "InactivePart", "All"],
  7434. Cell[131913, 4386, 304, 6, 36, 37, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveReplaceAll", \
  7435. "All"],
  7436. Cell[132220, 4394, 142, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveHead", "All"],
  7437. Cell[132365, 4398, 232, 5, 43, "Text"],
  7438. Cell[132600, 4405, 408, 10, 36, 42, 0, "StyleData", \
  7439. "InactiveDifferenceDelta", "All"],
  7440. Cell[133011, 4417, 427, 10, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", \
  7441. "InactiveDifferenceDelta3", "All"],
  7442. Cell[133441, 4429, 462, 11, 36, 43, 0, "StyleData", \
  7443. "InactiveDifferenceDelta4", "All"],
  7444. Cell[133906, 4442, 400, 10, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteRatio", \
  7445. "All"],
  7446. Cell[134309, 4454, 419, 10, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteRatio3", \
  7447. "All"],
  7448. Cell[134731, 4466, 454, 11, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteRatio4", \
  7449. "All"],
  7450. Cell[135188, 4479, 400, 10, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteShift", \
  7451. "All"],
  7452. Cell[135591, 4491, 419, 10, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteShift3", \
  7453. "All"],
  7454. Cell[136013, 4503, 454, 11, 36, 41, 0, "StyleData", "InactiveDiscreteShift4", \
  7455. "All"]
  7456. }, Closed]],
  7457. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7458. Cell[136504, 4519, 40, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7459. Cell[136547, 4521, 362, 9, 52, 38, 0, "StyleData", "NotationTemplateTag", \
  7460. "All",
  7461. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7462. Cell[136912, 4532, 365, 9, 52, 37, 0, "StyleData", "NotationPatternTag", "All",
  7463. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7464. Cell[137280, 4543, 367, 9, 52, 39, 0, "StyleData", "NotationMadeBoxesTag", \
  7465. "All",
  7466. StyleMenuListing->None]
  7467. }, Closed]],
  7468. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7469. Cell[137684, 4557, 40, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7470. Cell[137727, 4559, 119, 2, 36, 31, 0, "StyleData", "QuantityUnit", "All",
  7471. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7472. Cell[137849, 4563, 167, 5, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "QuantityUnitLabel", "All",
  7474. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7475. Cell[138019, 4570, 124, 3, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7476. "QuantityUnitTraditionalLabel", "All",
  7477. StyleMenuListing->None]
  7478. }, Closed]],
  7479. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7480. Cell[138180, 4578, 38, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7481. Cell[138221, 4580, 1266, 26, 36, 25, 0, "StyleData", "Entity", "All"],
  7482. Cell[139490, 4608, 1867, 37, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "EntityClass", "All"],
  7483. Cell[141360, 4647, 755, 16, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "EntityProperty", "All"],
  7484. Cell[142118, 4665, 1172, 25, 36, 38, 0, "StyleData", "EntityPropertyClass", \
  7485. "All"],
  7486. Cell[143293, 4692, 625, 11, 36, 30, 0, "StyleData", "EntityValue", "All"]
  7487. }, Closed]],
  7488. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7489. Cell[143955, 4708, 41, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7490. Cell[143999, 4710, 1085, 24, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "NotebookObject", \
  7491. "All"],
  7492. Cell[145087, 4736, 1084, 24, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "NotebookObjectUnsaved", \
  7493. "All"],
  7494. Cell[146174, 4762, 338, 7, 36, 40, 0, "StyleData", "NotebookObjectMissing", \
  7495. "All"],
  7496. Cell[146515, 4771, 590, 13, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "CellObject", "All"],
  7497. Cell[147108, 4786, 301, 6, 36, 36, 0, "StyleData", "CellObjectMissing", "All"],
  7498. Cell[147412, 4794, 632, 14, 36, 28, 0, "StyleData", "BoxObject", "All"]
  7499. }, Closed]],
  7500. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7501. Cell[148081, 4813, 37, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7502. Cell[148121, 4815, 4773, 78, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "DateObject", "All"],
  7503. Cell[152897, 4895, 2755, 48, 36, 29, 0, "StyleData", "TimeObject", "All"]
  7504. }, Closed]],
  7505. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7506. Cell[155689, 4948, 61, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7507. Cell[155753, 4950, 161, 3, 36, 47, 0, "StyleData", \
  7508. "TemplateBoxErrorDisplayStyle", "All",
  7509. StyleMenuListing->None],
  7510. Cell[155917, 4955, 173, 4, 36, 55, 0, "StyleData", \
  7511. "TemplateBoxErrorDisplayArgumentStyle", "All",
  7512. StyleMenuListing->None]
  7513. }, Closed]],
  7514. Cell[CellGroupData[{
  7515. Cell[156127, 4964, 38, 0, 44, "Subsubsection"],
  7516. Cell[156168, 4966, 278, 6, 36, 35, 0, "StyleData", "DifferenceDelta2", \
  7517. "All"],
  7518. Cell[156449, 4974, 272, 6, 36, 33, 0, "StyleData", "DiscreteRatio2", "All"],
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  7561. "Condensed"],
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  7585. "Presentation"],
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  7592. "Presentation"],
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  7650. "Printout"]
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  7677. "All"],
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  7689. "All"]
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  7705. "Printout"]
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  7744. "Printout"]
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  7748. "All",
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  7751. "Printout"]
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  7758. "Printout"]
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  7816. "All"],
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  7845. "All"]
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  7855. "SuggestionsBarControlActive", "All"],
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  7881. "All"]
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  7890. "All"]
  7891. }, Closed]]
  7892. }, Closed]]
  7893. }
  7894. ]
  7895. *)
  7897. (* End of internal cache information *)
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