
Netbeans webapp output

Apr 19th, 2011
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  1. There should be 3 tabs in the output panel
  2. 1: servlet_running:
  4. init:
  5. deps-module-jar:
  6. deps-ear-jar:
  7. deps-jar:
  8. library-inclusion-in-archive:
  9. library-inclusion-in-manifest:
  10. compile:
  11. compile-jsps:
  12. Starting GlassFish Server 3
  13. GlassFish Server 3 is running.
  14. Incrementally deploying Servlet_learning
  15. Completed incremental distribution of Servlet_learning
  16. Incrementally redeploying Servlet_learning
  17. Initializing...
  18. run-deploy:
  19. Browsing: http://localhost:8080/Servlet_learning/
  20. run-display-browser:
  21. run:
  22. BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 37 seconds)
  26. 2: Java DB Database process
  28. 2011-04-19 11:46:26.995 GMT : Security manager installed using the Basic server security policy.
  29. 2011-04-19 11:46:31.520 GMT : Apache Derby Network Server - - (802917) started and ready to accept connections on port 1527
  32. 3:Glassfish server 3
  34. 19 Apr, 2011 5:16:25 PM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.ASMain main
  35. INFO: Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
  36. Welcome to Felix
  37. ================
  38. INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'
  39. INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Tue Apr 19 17:16:50 IST 2011
  40. INFO: Starting Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o - Tue Apr 19 17:16:50 IST 2011
  41. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 446ms listening on port 4848
  42. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 367ms listening on port 3700
  43. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 312ms listening on port 7676
  44. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 494ms listening on port 8181
  45. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 564ms listening on port 8080
  46. INFO: Using com.sun.enterprise.transaction.jts.JavaEETransactionManagerJTSDelegate as the delegate
  47. INFO: SEC1002: Security Manager is OFF.
  48. INFO: Security startup service called
  49. INFO: SEC1143: Loading policy provider
  50. INFO: Realm admin-realm of classtype successfully created.
  51. INFO: Realm file of classtype successfully created.
  52. INFO: Realm certificate of classtype successfully created.
  53. INFO: Security service(s) started successfully....
  54. INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on port 8080
  55. INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-2 on port 8181
  56. INFO: Created HTTP listener admin-listener on port 4848
  57. INFO: Created virtual server server
  58. INFO: Created virtual server __asadmin
  59. INFO: Virtual server server loaded system default web module
  60. INFO: Loading application Servlet_learning at /Servlet_learning
  61. INFO: Loading Servlet_learning Application done is 6137 ms
  62. INFO: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.0.1 (22) startup time : Felix(22750ms) startup services(8553ms) total(31303ms)
  63. INFO: Binding RMI port to *:8686
  64. INFO: Hibernate Validator bean-validator-3.0-JBoss-4.0.2
  65. INFO: Instantiated an instance of org.hibernate.validator.engine.resolver.JPATraversableResolver.
  66. INFO: JMXStartupService: Started JMXConnector, JMXService URL = service:jmx:rmi://victor-laptop:8686/jndi/rmi://victor-laptop:8686/jmxrmi
  67. INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-1 on port 8080
  68. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 5ms listening on port 8080
  69. INFO: [Thread[GlassFish Kernel Main Thread,5,main]] started
  70. INFO: Perform lazy SSL initialization for the listener 'http-listener-2'
  71. INFO: Created HTTP listener http-listener-2 on port 8181
  72. INFO: Grizzly Framework 1.9.18-o started in: 36ms listening on port 8181
  73. INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /home/victor/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /tmp/fileinstall-4789589277542517932, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
  74. INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /home/victor/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /tmp/fileinstall--5096714780384530768, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
  75. INFO: Started bundle: file:/home/victor/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/osgi-web-container.jar
  76. INFO: Loading application Servlet_learning at /Servlet_learning
  77. INFO: Servlet_learning was successfully deployed in 601 milliseconds.
  78. INFO: Updating configuration from org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg
  79. INFO: Installed /home/victor/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/modules/autostart/org.apache.felix.fileinstall-autodeploy-bundles.cfg
  80. INFO: {felix.fileinstall.poll (ms) = 5000, felix.fileinstall.dir = /home/victor/glassfish-3.0.1/glassfish/domains/domain1/autodeploy/bundles, felix.fileinstall.debug = 1, = true, felix.fileinstall.tmpdir = /tmp/fileinstall--5911249117483758128, felix.fileinstall.filter = null}
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