
Twilight and the USS Enterprise

Feb 17th, 2014
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  1. Star date 205 234
  2. The Enterprise has been orbiting a new planet for a day now. The crew has been observing the local species: a race of sentient, echnicolored horses, to see whther or not they were hostile.
  4. After concluding that the race is peaceful, we have decided to send a diplomatic party down to greet the populace.
  6. [Picard]
  7. Worf, Data, Jordy, you're coming with me. Number one, you have the ship.
  9. [Reiker]
  10. Yes sir.
  12. [Picard]
  13. We probably won't need quick extraction, but keep a lookout forus anyways.
  15. [Reiker]
  16. Yes sir.
  18. [Picard]
  19. (From the teleporter room) Beam us down.
  21. [O'Brian]
  22. Yes sir. Beaming in 3, 2, 1.
  24. Everything seemed to stop for the crew, and they found themselves conscious again in a small village with grass hut houses. Behind them was a building styled sort of like a gingerbread house.
  26. [Worf]
  27. Captain, scanners show several creaturesbwith hostile intent in the near-
  29. Worf was cut off by the bickering of the entire Top gear crew, and the angry shouts of profanity from inside the gingerbread house.
  31. [Worf]
  32. Uhh...
  34. Captain Picard rushed to the group of arguing men.
  36. [Picard]
  37. Gentlemen! What is with all this arguing and yelling? And how in blazes did you get here?
  39. [James May]
  40. Oh look who shows up now! Mr. Patric Stewert, in his little tight outfit and the rest of the crew.
  42. [Worf]
  43. Hey, don't you dare soeak up to the captain like-
  45. [Picard]
  46. Worf! Let us not get caught up in this pointless squabble. We have a mission to acomplish here.
  48. [Worf]
  49. Of course.
  51. [Data]
  52. Captain, if I may. It appears that all.of the screaming and the car engines and what not have scared most of the residents to take refuge in their houses.
  54. [Picard]
  55. Oh blast it all! How're we supposed to make peace treaties with the locals if they're terrified of us?
  57. [Jordy]
  58. Captain, I'm picking up readings of a strange substance in the air that we weren't reading from the ship. It's... not harmful in any way, but it's very weird.
  61. [Picard]
  62. As long as the substance isn't harmful, we should ignore it for now. Maybe once we find a resident that will talk to us, we can ask them.
  64. [Jordy]
  65. Captain, I think we may have found one.
  67. A purple horse with a horn on its head had walked up to the group. She didn't seem afraid.
  69. [Twilight]
  70. Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, student of the magic of friendship, studying under Princess Celestia herself.
  72. [Picard]
  73. I am Jean-luc Picard, captain of the USS Enterprise, and we have come here to establish peaceful relations with your race of sentient equines
  75. [Twilight]
  76. Oh wow! What do you mean captain, though? We have no ports here around Ponyville.
  78. [Picard]
  79. *Chuckle* The Enterprise isn't a watercraft. It's an interstellar space capitol ship, capable of travel faster than the speed of light.
  81. Twilights eyes lit up as she processed all of the information.
  83. [Twilight]
  86. Twilight sprinted off, leaving the crew staring at each other. Picardvshrugged and began to follow her.
  88. The Enterprise's crew followed the purple horse to a tree that appeared to be hollowed out to be used as housing.
  90. The four men squeezed their way through the very small door, and entered into what appeared to be a library.
  92. Twilight was already sitting at a table, quickly scribbling notes down with a quil.
  94. [Twilight]
  95. Just give me a second! I need to take some notes real quick!
  97. The four stood awkwardly in the doorway, awaiting permission to enter from Twilight.
  99. Twilight finished her writing, turning to a blank page, ready to write more.
  101. [Picard]
  102. Sobyou live in this... tree library, I presume?
  104. [Twilight]
  105. Yes! This is Ponyville's library, but I have a bedroom upstairs.
  107. [Picard]
  108. I see... so, Ponyville, eh? Is that what you refer to yourselves as? Ponies?
  110. [Twilight]
  111. Yes, it is! We are the main species in Equestria, but there is also a kingdom of gryphons to the north of us, some dragon clan, the sort.
  113. [Jordy]
  114. And all of these are sentient races? Where we're from, thesevareball mythical creatures. And I assume that horn on your head implies that you are a unicorn?
  116. [Twilight]
  117. Yes! You are correct. Therebalso.exist Pegasi, which have wings for flying, earth ponies, which have no special featuees but are very strong, and apicorns, which have wings and horns for magic.
  119. [Jordy]
  120. Did you just say... magic?
  122. [Twilight]
  123. Of course. Do you not have magic?
  125. [Jordy]
  126. Of course not! Magic isn't real!
  128. Jordy notices that Twilight was holding her a magic aura
  130. [Jordy]
  131. But wait... you're holding that quil without touching it!
  133. [Twilight]
  134. Of course. Magic has all sorts of uses. It can be used for levitation, teleportation, conjuration, transmutation, all sorts of things.
  136. [Jordy]
  137. This would probably explajn the readings of an unknown substance in the air! It was probably magic the sensor was detecting.
  139. [Worf]
  140. What of combat? Surely you must have to defend yourselves.
  142. [Twilight]
  143. It can be used for combat, but it's sort of a taboo thing. Combat magic is forbidden for use outside of extreme conditions. Equestria has ruled in almost total peace for more than 1000 years now.
  145. [Picard]
  146. Peace for over 1000 years? It sounds like this Princess Celeatia is either a really good diplomat, or is really good at keeping down bad opinions.
  148. [Twilight]
  149. While Princess Celestia is abgood.diplomat, it's never needed. Ponies are inheritently good, so there is almost never conflict.
  151. [Data]
  152. It would seem these ponies have created almost a perfect utopian society.
  154. [Picard]
  155. It would seem that way, wouldn't it?
  157. [Jordy]
  158. One more question. Can you explain why it is that your sun and moon seem to orbit around your planet so perfectly in 24 hour cycle, instead of the planet orbiting.the sun? This phenomenon is what brought us to your system.
  160. Twilight]
  161. Well, Princess Celestia moves the sun, and Princess Luna moves the moon.
  163. Jordy laughed out loud and covered his mouth with a hand.
  165. [Jordy]
  166. I'm sorry for being rude, but that is just silly.
  168. [Twilight]
  169. What do you mean, silly? Do other planets not have someone to move the moon and sun?
  171. [Jordy]
  172. Twilight, you seem like a very bright pony. Surely you and your race have looked at other systems and noticed?
  174. [Twilight]
  175. Well, honestly, we don't have any telescopes powerful enough to actually see any other systems.
  177. [Twilight]
  178. Don’t get me wrong; astronomy is very important to us ponies, and me especially. But even with magic, we just don’t have the technology to really see and explore space.
  179. [Geordi]
  180. I can sure testify that we were all pretty freaked out when we noticed a star orbiting a planet. That sort of thing just doesn’t happen anywhere else that we’ve seen.
  181. [Twilight]
  182. I promise I’m not lying about the princesses. Their magic is very, very powerful.
  183. [Picard]
  184. Now, it’s not too hard to believe that something of this magnitude exists. There are several races in the universe that far outclass these ponys’ magic.
  185. [Geordi]
  186. I suppose you’re right. Anyways, Miss Twilight, do you have any questions for us? We are here to establish relations with you ponies, if you so wish it. If not, we are perfectly willing to leave your species in peace.
  187. [Twilight]
  188. Oh, I have so much to ask you! As I said before, astronomy is very important to me. I’m a scholar, you see. First and foremost, I am a student of the magic of friendship. But, I also do a lot of scientific research on the side for the princess.
  189. I have a balcony here on my treehouse with a small telescope that I map constellations with at night. My cutie mark here, as you can see, is even a star.
  190. [Worf]
  191. What is this, “cutie mark?”
  192. [Twilight]
  193. Cutie marks are magical marks that every single pony earns on their flank when they finally discover their true talent. Though it isn’t obvious with my mark, my special talent is magic. I’m one of the most powerful unicorns in Equestria.
  194. [Picard]
  195. This is very interesting. Would it be possible for us to have a meeting with your Princess?
  196. [Twilight]
  197. I’m not sure how busy she is, but I could sure send her a letter to see. I’m sure that with an alien species wanting to make contact, that she would gladly accept.
  198. [Picard]
  199. Won’t a letter take a long time?
  200. [Twilight]
  201. Not at all. Spike, come down here!
  202. [Spike]
  203. One second!
  204. [Picard]
  205. Who is this Spike? Is he your assistant?
  206. [Twilight]
  207. Yes! He’s a baby dragon that I hatched from an egg when I was just a filly
  208. [Worf]
  209. A baby dragon, you say?
  210. [Twilight]
  211. Yup! Dragons are one of the sentient races in Equestria. He’s been helping me for a long time, now.
  212. Spike came down the stairs.
  213. [Spike]
  214. Something you need, Twili- What are those things?!
  215. [Twilight]
  216. Calm down, Spike! These are some guests from a different planet. They come from Space, Spike! Isn’t that awesome?!
  217. [Spike]
  218. Are you being serious? Because if you are, that’s awesome!
  219. [Twilight]
  220. Yes, and I need to send a letter to Princess Celesta, requesting an audience with her. They are here on a diplomacy mission, to strike a peace treaty with us. Here, I prepared the letter in advance. I figured you would want to meet the princess.
  221. Twilight hands Spike the letter, who then takes a deep breath, before whisking the letter off in a puff of green flame
  222. [Geordi]
  223. How did he do that?!
  224. [Twilight]
  225. *giggles* Magic.
  226. [Geordi]
  227. You know, that’s usually a sarcastic remark, but here it’s very true.
  228. [Twilight]
  229. Yup! Now, I have so many questions for you, as well. I think Spike raised a good one, though. What are all of you?
  230. [Picard]
  231. Well, we’re a fairly diverse group. Lieutenant Commander LaForge here and I are both Homosapiens – humans. Mankind. Lieutenant Commander Data here is an android with artificial intelligence. He is completely sentient, save for a lack of emotions. And Lieutenant Commander Worf is what you would call a Klingon.
  232. [Twilight]
  233. Did you say that he was of artificial intelligence?! How is that possible?!
  234. [Data]
  235. Our technology has come very far. Once mankind was able to successfully map out the human brain completely, they were able to replicate it in me. I am one of a kind, though, save for one more android, built by myself.
  236. [Twilight]
  237. That’s absolutely astounding… I just… Wow. But you lack emotions? How can you even live without that?
  238. [Data]
  239. I could ask you the same question, Miss Sparkle. Neither of us can comprehend each other’s situations on the matter.
  240. [Twilight]
  241. I guess you’re right, but… wow. Anyways, my next question. How big is the universe? Surely you’ve traveled to many different places.
  242. [Picard]
  243. Indeed we have. Even with our technology, we have no way of detecting the exact size of the universe. You must understand, it is almost incomprehensibly big .
  244. [Twilight]
  245. Oh, I understand completely. What is it like, traveling on a space ship?
  246. [Picard]
  247. Well, that we can answer for you, if you want. If you wouldn’t mind, we could beam you aboard the Enterprise right now, and let you see.
  248. [Twilight]
  249. Oh my gosh, seriously? You’d let me?!
  250. [Spike]
  251. I don’t know, Twilight…
  252. [Picard]
  253. I understand your hesitations, Mr. Spike. But, I can assure you, without a fathom of a doubt, that it is 100% safe for her to visit. It wouldn’t be for too long.
  254. [Twilight]
  255. That would be so amazing! Oh my gosh, may I please?
  256. [Picard]
  257. Of course you can. Our ship is open to anybody, person or pony, who wishes to join us.
  258. [Spike]
  259. I don’t feel so good… *Burp*
  260. [Twilight]
  261. Oh, the Princess wrote back!
  262. [Geordi]
  263. Seems receiving letters is a lot more uncomfortable than sending.
  264. [Spike]
  265. You can say that again…
  266. [Twilight]
  267. The Princess said she would love to meet you! Tomorrow morning in Canterlot, 9:00 A.M. Sharp.
  268. [Geordi]
  269. Canterlot… That sounds an awful lot like Camelot. It’s sort of eerie how close these ponys’ culture comes close to human culture, just a friendlier version with horse puns.
  270. [Picard]
  271. We will be there for sure. Can you give us the coordinates to Canterlot?
  272. [Twilight]
  273. Of course! If you could show me a map of the planet somehow, I can show you exactly where.
  274. [Picard]
  275. That sounds like something to do aboard the ship. Well, what do you say? Shall we beam up?
  276. [Twilight]
  277. Oh yes! I’m so excited! Let me pack some things. I must take notes!
  278. Twilight scurried around her house, packing a small saddlebag full of stuff for her trip. Spike decided to stay behind and manage the library while she was gone. They stepped outside the building.
  279. [Picard]
  280. Okay, teleportation might seem a bit odd at first.
  281. [Twilight]
  282. Oh, I teleport all the time. Not in this same manner, I’m sure, but it is teleportation.
  283. [Picard]
  284. I see… Well then, let’s go, shall we? This is Captain Picard to O’Brian. We are ready to beam up now.
  285. [O’Brian]
  286. Yes sir.
  287. The distinct humming noise of the teleporter working could be heard, and suddenly everything stopped. Then, everything resumed again, but the setting had changed completely. Twilight and the crew were standing on the inside of the Enterprise’s teleporter room. Twilight was looking around curiously, eyeing everything in the room.
  288. [Twilight]
  289. This is truly amazing… I can’t believe I’m actually standing on a starship.
  290. [Geordi]
  291. Not only that, but you’re also orbiting several thousand miles in the air above your planet.
  292. Twilight’s face seemed to lose a little bit of color.
  293. [Twilight]
  294. That’s… Oh man. I need to sit down for a second…
  295. [Worf]
  296. Don’t worry, I will carry you to the bridge.
  297. Worf picked up Twilight, who was threatening to fall right over, and carried her to the bridge with the rest of the crew. They group arrived, and everyone turned to see the Klingon carrying a small, purple horse.
  298. [Picard]
  299. Everyone, meet Miss Twilight Sparkle. She has shown interest in seeing our ship, so I invited her aboard to see around. Miss Sparkle is a part of the equine species that we have been observing for the last day or so. They refer to themselves as Ponies.
  300. [Beverly]
  301. Why is Worf holding her? Is she hurt?
  302. [Twilight]
  303. No, I’m fine, I just… got a little dizzy when Mr. LaForge mentioned we were several thousand miles above my home… I think I’m feeling better now though, thank you, Mr. Worf.
  304. Twilight jumped down, and began to walk around the bridge
  305. [Twilight]
  306. Can you see the planet from here?
  307. [Wesley]
  308. You can over here. Computer, give us visual on the planet below.
  309. A live image of the planet that Equestria resided on came into view on the screen. Twilight simply stared in awe.
  310. [Twilight]
  311. It’s… it’s so beautiful.
  312. [Picard]
  313. Your world is a magnificent one. We have been orbiting the planet for a day now, before we decided to send down a party to communicate with you ponies.
  314. [Twilight]
  315. I… I want to bring Celestia here! She needs to see what Equestria looks like from above. She has the power to move the sun itself, but has never seen what our planet looks like, as far as I know.
  316. [Picard]
  317. We would be honored to have your royalty aboard our ship. If you want, we can have someone show you around the ship.
  318. [Twilight]
  319. I would love that!
  320. [Picard]
  321. Great. Riker, would you do the honors? I’ll take back over here for now. We have some experimenting to do with this… magic.
  322. [Riker]
  323. Magic, sir? Are you being serious?
  324. [Picard]
  325. As serious as I can be in the presence of a talking purple pony.
  326. [Riker]
  327. Sir.
  328. Riker and Twilight got on the turbo lift.
  329. [Riker]
  330. Deck 10.
  331. [Twilight]
  332. So can the computer hear and react to any crew member anywhere on the ship at any time?
  333. [Riker]
  334. It sure can.
  335. [Twilight]
  336. I can’t even explain how excited this all makes me! I really want to study your technology and figure out how it works.
  337. [Riker]
  338. From what I could see if your dwellings below, I don’t think you would be able to jump straight into some of what makes our ship as grand as it is.
  339. [Twilight]
  340. *Giggle* I like a good challenge. I’m sure I’m just as versed in mathematics and physics as you are.
  341. [Riker]
  342. *raises an eyebrow at Twilight* Oh, you think so?
  343. [Twilight]
  344. Mmhmm! We can test that later, though. Where are we going?
  345. [Riker]
  346. We’re going to Ten Forward. It’s the ship’s social hub, you could say.
  347. The turbo lift arrives on Deck 10. Twilight and Riker step out and walk down a hallway to the bar area. Twilight looked at all of the crew members who were hanging out in the lounge area.
  348. [Gainan]
  349. Well what do we have here?
  350. [Riker]
  351. Hello, Guinan. This is Twilight Sparkle, a native of the planet that we are currently orbiting. From what I hear, your planet has magic, correct?
  352. [Twilight]
  353. Yes, it does! *She picks up a glass using her levitation* My magic still works, but I can feel it’s a lot more faint than in Equestria.
  354. [Guinan]
  355. Wow, that is something. What are you doing with her, Riker?
  356. [Riker]
  357. I’m just showing her around the ship. Captain’s orders.
  358. [Guinan]
  359. Well, you picked the right place to come if you want to see a lot of the ship’s crew in one area. Can I get you something to drink, Miss Sparkle?
  360. [Twilight]
  361. An apple juice would be great, thank you.
  362. [Guinan]
  363. Coming right up.
  364. Twilight watches as Guinan goes to the matter replicator and uses it to replicate a perfectly chilled glass of apple juice.
  365. [Twilight]
  366. Oh wow! Did you just create matter?!
  367. [Guinan]
  368. Not created. It just replicates matter. The ship has a store of energy and things that can be used to replicate any sort of food you could imagine.
  369. [Twilight]
  370. Can it be used to replicate anything, besides just food?
  371. [Guinan]
  372. Of course, but the only real purpose for it here on the ship is for food replication.
  373. [Deanna]
  374. Oh, hello there, Riker, Guinan. Who is this?
  375. [Twilight]
  376. My name is Twilight Sparkle. Pleased to meet you!
  377. [Deanna]
  378. You may call me counselor Troi.
  379. [Twilight]
  380. Counselor? I’m guessing that’s your job on the ship?
  381. [Deanna]
  382. Yes. I am a species that you might call a betazoid. I am able to actually detect the emotions of others. And from what I can sense from you, you seem to be absolutely awestruck at our ship.
  383. [Twilight]
  384. *giggling* I’m sure you didn’t need to more than look at me to see that. But yes, I am amazed by all of these technological breakthroughs. I hope we might be allowed to share in the secrets of some of your technology.
  385. [Riker]
  386. We already have some spare matter replicators, programmed with all of our own food sources prepared to leave with you. Also, because of the dangers of war and other civilizations besides our own, we can’t completely give out all of our technology secrets.
  387. [Twilight]
  388. You are at war?
  389. [Riker]
  390. Well, sort of. We’re currently at truce with the Romulans, but our relations with them are very sour. They are very territorial, and refuse to join the Federation.
  391. [Twilight]
  392. A war between two space faring civilizations… that sounds horrible.
  393. Riker]
  394. It is. War is not something we want, but defending ourselves from danger is just as important as branching out.
  395. [Deanna]
  396. Twilight, there’s something about you. When I read the emotions of a humanoid, their thoughts and emotions are usually swirling radically. Even the most level headed humanoid, like take Captain Picard, has this swirling effect. But you… Your mind is very calm. I take it your race is very peaceful?
  397. [Twilight]
  398. We haven’t had any war in over a thousand years.
  399. [Troi]
  400. One thousand years? That is certainly an achievement. I can tell that your species is inherently good. Man kind, however, is not. That’s not to say some men AREN’T good by nature, but our species as a whole is not.
  401. [Twilight]
  402. That’s so weird to think that somepony, er, somebody, might be a truly bad person at heart. That just doesn’t really happen where I’m from..
  403. [Riker]
  404. *chuckling* I’m sorry, did you just somepony?
  405. [Twilight]
  406. *blushing* Yeah, sorry. I try not to let it slip around non-ponies.
  407. [Riker]
  408. Can you tell me this: is all of your species as downright adorable as you are? I can think of some little girls on this ship that would die to have a magical talking pony as a friend.
  409. [Twilight]
  410. *still blushing* I feel I wouldn’t be the one to judge my own species’ cuteness level. And I’m sure from the outside, our pretty, utopian society seems a bit silly. I can promise you, though, that we do have plenty of bad, evil things.
  411. [Riker]
  412. What’s the worst thing that you can possibly have?
  413. [Twilight]
  414. Well, we have these pony-like sentient creatures called changelings, that feed off of love.
  415. [Riker]
  416. They feed off of love? How does that work?
  417. [Twilight]
  418. We’re not really sure. And changelings I guess would be the usually inherently bad creatures in our world. There’s also Discord, the god of Chaos.
  419. [Riker]
  420. God?
  421. [Twilight]
  422. Yeah. Discord can make anything he wants happen with the snap of his fingers. He lives to see everything in chaos.
  423. [Deanna]
  424. That sounds suspiciously like some God of chaos we know, personally…
  425. [Twilight]
  426. You have a God of chaos, too?
  427. [Riker]
  428. I get the feeling they may be one in the same beings.
  429. [Picard from communicator]
  430. Captain to Riker. Report to the bridge with Twilight.
  431. [Riker]
  432. On our way, sir. Let’s go, Twilight.
  433. [Twilight]
  434. Okay. It was nice meeting you two!
  435. [Deanna]
  436. Likewise! I hope we get to stick around a little longer, now. I want to see your home world and its inhabitants for myself.
  437. [Guinan]
  438. You have a nice day, Miss Sparkle.
  439. Riker and Twilight made their way back to the bridge, where the crew had been studying the “magic’
  440. [Geordi]
  441. Well, the ship can in fact detect the magic, now that we know what we’re looking for. We could even detect when Twilight was using magic on the ship. But we have no idea what it’s made of, how it works, or anything.
  442. [Twilight]
  443. Oh, I can explain everything about it to you, if you want. Your ship probably isn’t picking up the magic itself, per say, but more likely it’s picking up the resonation that the magic leaves behind when it’s used. If I pick up something with my magic, like so *she picks up a pen* the magic is directly affecting the object. The magic itself is just that; magic. My horn is able to directly connect to an object and manipulate and move it. Depending on the power of the magic user, you can do whatever you want
  444. [Geordi]
  445. This magic stuff sure is impressive. Can magic act as a source of energy?
  446. [Twilight]
  447. Why yes, it can. But much like matter to energy conversions, there is a loss of magic when converted to energy. It’s not perfect. If I were to cast a spell that, say, would power a small light bulb, then that spell would only last until I dissipate the spell myself, or until I am unable to power the spell with my own magic.
  448. [Riker]
  449. So it’s all dependent on the user.
  450. [Twilight]
  451. Precisely. Luckily, small spells take up such an insignificant amount of energy from us, that one could easily cast a spell that lasts throughout our entire lives without even realizing that any magic were being drained from us. My friend Rainbow Dash has a pet turtle with a magic propeller on the back of his shell that allows him to fly around, supplied by my magic. That spell takes up so little magic from me that I don’t even have to think about powering it.
  452. [Riker]
  453. Rainbow Dash? Flying pet turtle? *Riker laughs out loud*
  454. [Twilight]
  455. *blushing* Yeah, heh.
  456. [Beverly]
  457. Stop giving the poor girl a hard time, Riker.
  458. [Twilight]
  459. Oh, it’s fine. I understand that, to all of you, who have probably experienced many horrible things while traveling a universe so filled with life that we had no idea about, our world probably seems really silly. Magic and friendship and what not…
  460. [Picard]
  461. Oh, no. If anything your world should be a shining example of what the rest of the universe should strive to be. I mean honestly, I can’t think of many races that have ever gone 1000 years of existence without any war. It’s truly an accomplishment, for sure.
  462. [Twilight]
  463. I… thank you, Captain Picard. You all are such great people. I can’t wait for you to meet Princess Celestia tomorrow! Oh, I’m just so exicted!
  464. [Picard]
  465. If you’d like, we could allow you to say in our guest quarters on the ship, tonight.
  466. [Twilight]
  467. I’d love to, but I need to get back and prepare for tomorrow. Oh, I just remembered, I need to show you where Canterlot is.
  468. Twilight walks over to the main screen, looking carefully at the planet below.
  469. [Twilight]
  470. Here! It will be in this location here.
  471. [Picard]
  472. And you’re sure of this?
  473. [Twilight]
  474. Yes, positive.
  475. [Picard]
  476. Thank you for all your help today, Twilight. It has been an honor meeting you.
  477. [Twilight]
  478. *bowing* The honor is all mine, Captain Picard. I will see you tomorrow morning!... Now how do I get off?
  479. Riker led Twilight to the teleporter room, and had Twilight teleported back to Ponyville, where she immediately ran to her house to start writing and tell Spike all about her adventure to the ship.
  481. FIN
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