
Who ya' Gonna Call? Part 1

Nov 6th, 2012
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  1. >Your name is Anonymous.
  2. >Your occupation: Ghostbuster. Florida Precinct.
  3. >Your currently standing on beach in Miami, with your three coworkers/friends.
  4. >And your about to send a Class 7 Eldritch Horror back to the watery depths from wince it came.
  5. >"I can't believe we're doing this! You know what could happen if we cross the streams!?" It was Frank. He was the tech guy in your precinct. A really nervous, mousy fella with a pair of glasses so thick it was a miracle he could shoot straight.
  6. >"Total protonic reversal, you knew what you were signing up for... Either we take this thing down, or it'll eat half of Miami then move to Daytona for dessert." Lisa spoke, eying the unholy horror that was forming underneath the stormy waters of the Miami beach. She was always the cool headed one.. A bit crazy though. In a good way.
  7. >"Yeah, fuck that thing. Noone messes with mah goddern Nascar and gits away wit it." Jethro snarks, going back to his heavy southern accent while turning his Dale Earnhardt hat backwards. He always talked that way when he was excited or scared.
  8. >You look down at the wand of your MK III 'Ghoul Shooter' Proton Pack, adjusting the knob on the side... The pack's annoying blare; alerting you that you've just turned off the safety. "Well guys, this will the third time its happened in GB history.. We'll go down heroes either way. In case we don't make it back-"
  9. >"Don't you dare say wha' I think yer bout ta' say Anonymous. You ready sold yer name to tha' devil-thingy so we could find dis 'er nasty 'fore he could start... We're makin' it back to that there station, and gettin' snockered up tonight." You feel Jethro's heavy hand on your shoulder, "Then we're gettin' yer name back."
  10. >You can't help but smile. Jethro always knows what to say at the right time.
  11. "Alright, whose ready to send this fucker back to the abyss?!"
  12. >"YEAH!" they all say.. Save for Frank, who meekly raises his hand.
  13. >You take aim at the swirling mass under the water, and fire... Then Lisa fires, carefully moving her stream to intersect yours. The proton beams dancing along each other in a beautiful, but deadly display of nuclear power.
  14. >"Who wants to live forever anyway?!" She grins, and gives you a wink.
  15. >Next up, Jethro, he begins to chant "To the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee!" The man loved his classic novels.
  16. >"I still think this is a bad idea, but..." Frank is the last to join. Your proton beams begin to swirl and spin erratically. The thing underneath the waves writhing in pain and agony as it releases an alien screech.
  17. >You can hear the packs begin to roar in protest. Its a strange feeling, it kinda feels like all of your atoms are starting to stop and disappear... Oh shit.
  18. >You glance downward, and notice your feet are starting to fade.
  19. >Your brain tells you to stop, but the swirling mass hasn't stop yet.
  20. >So you keep firing... The roaring becomes almost unbearable as the wand fights to jump out of your hand.
  21. >"Stay on target!" Lisa yells.
  23. >You yell at whatever was trying to cross over into your plane of existence... Then you feel weightless. Time seems to slow down as you watch you and your friends fly back into the shallow surf. The swirling mass seems to dim slowly before going out completely.
  24. >Your friends.. They still look whole. You on the other hand, can feel every atom in your body breaking down.
  25. >...It was a good run. You wonder if you can see your friends one last time.
  26. >Too late. Looks like you can't see at all now.
  27. =========
  29. >"Ugggh.." You groan, your entire body feels like its been run over by a Class III possessed object.
  30. >Your eyes shoot open, as you stand up shakily. Your hands begin to touch every part of your body. Its all there!
  31. >Are you dead?
  32. >You reach to your side and grab your PKE meter. It was the retro-design, but the old ones were always more reliable. You turn it on and wave it over yourself. Nope, still alive. You check your Ghost Trap and then your flashlight.. both are there and look functional. And looks like the retro khaki uniform is still fine too, if not soaking wet.
  33. >Okay, still alive. But you don't feel the sand beneath your boots, or waves of ocean water. You look around. Your in the middle of a dense forest.
  34. >Your brain begins to reel at what could have possibly happened...
  35. >The strange energy from the vortex might have fed back into the streams and caused a temporary worm hole to open up and drop you somewhere else.
  36. >... Goddamnit, where's Frank when you need him?
  37. >You reach into your pocket, taking out your smart phone, Ghostbuster Edition of course... No signal.
  38. "Hello? Lisa? Frank? Jethro?!"
  39. >You shout while scanning your surroundings. You see nothing but trees.. But they're not normal trees. They don't look like an pine, oak or cedar that you've ever seen.
  40. >All of your boyscout knowledge can't seem to identify any of this foliage. Where did you end up?
  41. >Okay, the good news is: your still alive, you still have all of your gear, and your phone is working. The bad news is: you've been teleported into some untouched forest in the middle of nowhere, your phone can't get a signal, and your soaked in ocean water.
  42. "Hello?! Is anyone out there?! I'm lost!"
  43. >You shout in vain, the only thing you hear is the sound of small animals scurrying about. Yeah, that was a long shot anyway.
  44. >Time for plan C. Pick a direction, and get to walking.
  45. =========
  46. >You've been walking for about an hour, and the cool night air is causing the sea water to bite your bones angrily.
  47. >Your entire body begins to shiver as hypothermia sets in.
  48. >You don't want to go out like this. Dying saving the world, sure.. But dying due to hypothermia? Now that is a lame way to go.
  49. >Not to mention painful.
  50. >Your PKE meter releases a beep.
  51. >... Did it get a reading off something?
  52. >You reach for it with a shaky, clammy hand, and turn it on.
  53. >... And there it is. A steady flux of ectoplasmic energy coming from off to your left.
  54. >That meant there was a ghost nearby. And where there are spooks, there is usually people.
  55. >And they might have a phone.
  56. >Or it could be the ghost of a dead chipmunk, but at this point its worth trying.
  57. ========
  58. >After what seemed like hours, the PKE meter gets a bigger, better reading... Its a town!
  59. >Thank you whatever local god inhabits this place.
  60. >You break out into a jog, you can still see your breath hang in the air.
  61. >Almost there Anonymous. So close to rescue.
  62. >As you get closer to the buildings, you notice something... Off about them.
  63. >They look too small for a person to live in, with the doorways coming up eye level. Not to mention the architecture. One even looks like a goddamn carousel!
  64. >Way to go, Anon. You found a deserted tourist trap. Screw it, maybe there is a security guard here or something.
  65. "Hello? Is anyone here?!"
  66. >You stumble forward, still following the signal on your PKE.
  67. "I need help. I'm suffering from hypothermia. Anyone? Please?!"
  68. >Your body is about to give out, you can feel your knees begin to buckle as you fall.
  69. >Your crawling now along a dirt road, still following the PKE meter.
  70. >Your vision is becoming blurry.
  71. >You stop in front of a wooden door, and look up. The building looks a bit like a tree with windows in it. You spy something inside though. Lights. Someone might be inside, and the PKE is going off the charts.
  72. >You hope the ghost inside is friendly, or at least reasonable.
  73. >You raise your hand and begin to slam on the door with your gloved hand.
  74. "Please... Help... So cold."
  75. >You plead, now coughing uncontrollably.
  76. >"Argh! Why is it always in the middle of book organization night?!"
  77. >A voice. Adrenalin begins to surge through your body, as your eyes get wide. Your saved!
  78. "Please! Help! I'm suffering from hypothermia."
  79. >You shout, and you hear... Clopping coming from behind the door.
  80. >"What?! I'll be out in a second, wait right there."
  81. >Clopping? Who the hell walks around their house hitting coconuts together?!
  82. >You don't care. You sit down and take in deep breathes, rubbing your arms to try to warm them back up.
  83. >The door swings open, and you look at the face of your savior.
  84. >It was tiny horse. And it was purple. With giant eyes, and a horn sticking out of its head. And from the looks of it, it was just as shocked to see you.
  85. >Your PKE sounded like it was about to explode. Was this the source of all that ectoplasmic energy?!
  86. "Help."
  87. >Is all you can squeak out before falling backward.
  88. >Perhaps, surviving total protonic reversal took alot out of you. Or maybe it was the hypothermia. Or you could have just had seen enough weird shit for tonight. No matter the reason, you lose consiousness right there.
  90. End Chapter One: Total Protonic Reversal
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