
Velcha: Enter

Nov 6th, 2015
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  1. [11:19] * PA launches the Client program on her computer
  2. [11:20] <Strategist14> After a short loading screen, you see the worlds "Server connected!"
  3. [11:20] <Strategist14> words*
  4. [11:20] <Strategist14> On the server program, you get a look at Velcha's room on the monitor, with a toolbar running along the top of the screen
  5. [11:21] <GB> STONE MAN
  6. [11:21] <GB> I CAN SEE A ROOM
  7. [11:22] <PA> *you type into Trollian* Okay, GB, you shou!d be connected. From what ! understand, you shou!d be ab!e to see one of the stone puppeteers as we!!. That wou!d be me.
  8. [11:22] <PA> ((I can copy/paste a description of my house and/or a picture of me if you want))
  10. [11:22] <GB> THIS IS SO COOL
  11. [11:23] <GB> (please)
  12. [11:24] <PA> ((Velcha pictures: House description:
  13. [11:25] <PA> ((It's like a castle. Courtyard's heavily trapped and there are tunnels under it that are portioned off with mucus membranes I can walk through. There is a huge series of tunnels under the house.))
  14. [11:25] * GB pokes Velcha with mouse
  15. [11:26] <Strategist14> It would seem that Velcha is not someone that you can pick up
  16. [11:27] <PA> !'m g!ad you're !mpressed. P!ay around w!th the contro!s a b!t and try not to break anyth!ng.
  17. [11:27] <PA> There'!! be some stuff you have to p!ace soon
  18. [11:28] * GB grabs the moldy couch and flings it aound a bit
  19. [11:32] <Strategist14> The moldy couch gets flung around a bit
  20. [11:33] * PA watches the moldy couch get flung around a bit, having stood up from it abruptly. Hm. This must be what it's like for the others when you fling stuff around. This is bizarre.
  21. [11:34] <GB> OMG THIS IS AMAZING
  22. [11:34] * GB relases couch in mid air
  23. [11:34] <GB> *releases
  24. [11:34] <Strategist14> The couch thumps back down to earth
  25. [11:35] <PA> Hav!ng fun?
  26. [11:36] <GB> Yes but one question
  27. [11:37] <PA> Yes?
  28. [11:37] <GB> Where are the stones?
  29. [11:38] <PA> ...
  30. [11:38] <PA> ! don't need to be near them for them to work for me.
  31. [11:39] <GB> what do they do! :O
  32. [11:40] <PA> That's someth!ng that every stone be!ng or worsh!pper needs to d!scover for themse!ves. [3 :) E]
  33. [11:42] <GB> OMG CAN YOU TEACH ME
  34. [11:42] <GB> WHAT DO I NEED TO DO
  35. [11:42] <GB> PLEASE
  36. [11:47] <PA> Maybe !ater? !t's rea!!y urgent we get a!! the stuff done r!ght now. ! understand my !!fe !s !n danger at the moment.
  37. [11:49] <GB> Oh ok what do you want me to do?
  38. [11:49] * PA goes upstairs to her observation room to see whether she can see the meteor Daemus was describing
  39. [11:50] <Strategist14> You can not
  40. [11:50] <PA> There shou!d be a sma!! number of !tems you can dep!oy somewhere !nto my house. ! need you to p!ace them
  41. [11:51] == GB [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  42. [11:51] <PA> ((Bruh))
  43. [11:51] <Strategist14> ((Welp))
  44. [11:53] <PA> ((I need to thank Daemus for the metagaming ability he granted me))
  45. [11:53] <PA> ((Also I might have dug myself in a bit too deep with that stone lie
  46. [11:53] <Strategist14> ((/me shrugs))
  47. [11:54] <PA> ((BRB))
  48. [11:55] == GB [] has joined #RPGstuck_EntrySequenceFinally
  49. [11:56] <GB> (last message?)
  50. [11:56] <Strategist14> [11:50] <PA> There shou!d be a sma!! number of !tems you can dep!oy somewhere !nto my house. ! need you to p!ace them
  51. [11:57] <GB> Which ones theres a couple of wierd machiney thingys along the toolbar thingy magigger
  52. [11:58] <Strategist14> (( PA ))
  53. [11:59] <PA> A!! the ones that you can p!ace you shou!d. ! can't te!! how far off the meteor !s, but that's no reason to d!!!y-da!!y.
  54. [12:00] <GB> Okay stoney the stoner lets go!
  55. [12:00] * GB randomly places all the machines around the house randomly with extra randomness
  56. [12:01] * PA is at least 80% sure she's not a stoner, but decides not to comment with anything other than a scowl.
  57. [12:02] <Strategist14> The machines are placed about randomly with extra randomness
  58. [12:03] <PA> ((Where are?))
  59. [12:03] <Strategist14> ((Randomly))
  60. [12:03] <PA> ((That helps on my end :P ))
  61. [12:03] <Strategist14> (( GB where?))
  62. [12:04] <PA> ((LONK
  63. [12:08] <Strategist14> (( GB ))
  64. [12:11] <GB> Its random
  65. [12:11] <GB> and randomly distributed
  66. [12:11] <PA> ((Dude.))
  67. [12:11] <GB> yes?
  68. [12:14] <PA> ((How am I supposed to work with this if you don't say where any of the things are))
  69. [12:15] <GB> let the dm decide
  70. [12:15] <GB> its random
  71. [12:15] <GB> calm jeez
  72. [12:15] <PA> ((But the DM was asking where you put them too man))
  73. [12:16] <GB> let the dm decide
  74. [12:17] <Strategist14> They're all outside, lined up neatly
  75. [12:17] <Strategist14> Sometimes random works out
  76. [12:17] <GB> (^booya m80)
  77. [12:17] <PA> (Outside as in, the Courtyard?)
  78. [12:18] <Strategist14> ((Sure))
  79. [12:18] <PA> (Shit.)
  80. [12:18] <PA> Yo, GB, ! fe!t the p!ace shake. Where'd you end up p!ac!ng the mach!nes?
  81. [12:20] <GB> I dunno I kinda just tossed them about a bit
  82. [12:20] <GB> the stones will decide their fate
  83. [12:20] <GB> amirighte :D
  84. [12:21] * PA is really starting to feel this whole stones thing become a giant pain in her ass.
  85. [12:21] <PA> Sure. Guess !'!! have to go f!nd where you put them then.
  86. [12:22] <GB> :D
  87. [12:22] * PA uses the vantage point she's already in to look out over the trapped maze that is her courtyard to see whether the machines were placed outside.
  88. [12:22] <Strategist14> Yup, they're in there alright
  89. [12:23] <PA> ((So, the actual living part of her hive is like the keep of a castle, and currently she's at the top of that at the turret-y type part. The courtyard is a giant, trap-heavy maze that's walled in. So you know.))
  90. [12:23] <Strategist14> ((So it's entirely enclosed?))
  91. [12:24] <PA> ((There's a door that leads from the Keep to the maze courtyard, and there's a gated entrance.
  92. [12:24] <Strategist14> The machines are right by the door, lined up neatly
  93. [12:24] * GB flings couch at the machines
  94. [12:24] <GB> this game isnt very good
  95. [12:24] <Strategist14> The totem lathe falls over under the couch's weight
  96. [12:25] * PA proceeds downstairs and out the door into the maze, right where the machines are. You're lucky this part of hte maze is untrapped.
  97. [12:26] <PA> ((The couch was... on the second floor... And the machines are outside. Did you bust a hole in my wall?))
  98. [12:26] <GB> ((aye))
  99. [12:27] <GB> Graphics are pretty tight tho
  100. [12:27] * PA stops once she gets to her living area to find a giant hole in the wall
  101. [12:27] <PA> WHAT D!D YOU JUST DO!?
  102. [12:28] <GB> Jeez calm down its just a game
  104. [12:28] * PA bustles over to the hole to look through and inspect the damage
  105. [12:29] <GB> Its... just a game...?
  106. [12:30] <Strategist14> The wall has been thoroughly smashed through
  107. [12:30] <Strategist14> Underneath, you can see the couch resting on top of one of the machines, which has fallen over
  108. [12:31] <PA> GOG D!#*&@!T [3>.<E]
  109. [12:31] <PA> ((So. That was very much shouted, not typed.))
  110. [12:32] * PA chucks a bomb out deep into her maze. The sound of a distant explosion seems to satiate her slightly.
  111. [12:32] <GB> Man your character looks angry. Did I do something wrong?
  112. [12:33] <PA> *typed* That character... !s very much me. You are man!pu!at!ng my env!ronment. And you just put a g!gant!c gap!ng ho!e !n the s!de of my house.
  113. [12:34] <GB> heheheheheh good one
  114. [12:34] <GB> seriously tho what are we doing
  115. [12:34] <GB> like
  116. [12:34] <GB> your obviously joking
  117. [12:36] <PA> !'m comp!ete!y ser!ous. More ser!ous than you must be w!th a!! th!s stone b!abber. What do you want me to do to prove ! ex!st?
  118. [12:36] * PA proceeds down another flight of stairs and out into the doorway to the courtyard, where she examines the couch and the machine it's sitting on.
  119. [12:36] <GB> Yes please
  120. [12:38] <PA> Okay. !'m go!ng to use my "mag!c stone powers" or whatever the s#!t to put my f!#*!ng couch back where !t f&!*#k!ng be!ongs. Watch carefu!!y.
  121. [12:39] * PA uses Lift to pick up the moldy couch and slide it almost tenderly back through the hole in the second story of her Keep.
  122. [12:39] <PA> ((How much PP does this cost me))
  123. [12:39] <Strategist14> ((Lift reduces max PP, so...))
  124. [12:39] <PA> ((That's only if you use it to permafloat yourself))
  125. [12:40] <Strategist14> ((Let's say 20 PP))
  126. [12:40] <PA> ((Well, that's almost all of it :P Are you saying that I'm equally heavy/heavier than my couch? :P))
  127. [12:41] <GB> (that makes sense actually)
  128. [12:41] <PA> ((22 PP --> 2 PP. You're gonna have to meditate later.))
  129. [12:45] <Strategist14> ==>
  130. [12:45] * PA focuses intently. With great effort showing on her face, the couch lifts itself from the ground and hovers towards the hole in the wall. It's a bit shaky, but it makes its way back through the hole and sets itself back down approximately where it was before.
  131. [12:46] <GB> OH COOL
  133. [12:49] <PA> You don't un!ock that k!nd of th!ng. !'ve a!ways been te!ek!net!c.
  134. [12:49] <GB> Oh so its your class?
  135. [12:49] <GB> Idk I'm not huge on mmos
  136. [12:51] <PA> Th!s !s rea! !!fe, GB. Not an MMO. A rea! !!fe game. Can you put that mach!Ne back the r!ght s!de up?
  137. [12:51] <GB> Okie dokie crazy stone lady
  138. [12:51] * PA meanwhile goes to examine the one with the lid Daemus had been describing
  139. [12:51] * GB filps the machine
  140. [12:53] <Strategist14> The lidded machine gets flipped
  141. [12:54] <Strategist14> It lands on its top, then rolls off to the side
  142. [12:54] <PA> ((Did the lid at least get knocked off?))
  143. [12:54] <Strategist14> A coloured cylinder slides out of an opening on the top, along with a flashing sphere
  144. [12:54] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  145. [12:55] * PA grabs the cylinder into her sylladex and examines the flashing sphere. Was this the sprite thing Daemus had been describing earlier?
  146. [12:55] <Strategist14> It would seem so
  147. [12:57] * PA uncaptchalogues her lusus, that horn-shelled acidic snail, pushes it out of the cage it was in, and shepherds it towards the sprite.
  148. [12:58] <Strategist14> The kernel seems to sense this motion, and responds in kind
  149. [12:58] <PA> *It's given you trouble lately, but it doesn't feel right to not use your lusus.*
  150. [12:58] <Strategist14> Your lusus vanishes in a flash of light, leaving an imprinted sigil on the floating orb
  151. [13:01] <PA> *cool. You go to the other machine, the one that some weird extraworldly voice had called a totem lathe, which is still on its side. Damn. It probably won't work like this*
  152. [13:02] <PA> Hey, GB. Can you put th!s one r!ght s!de up?
  153. [13:03] <PA> (( GB ))
  154. [13:03] <GB> ()ssorry
  155. [13:04] * GB flips the other machine
  156. [13:04] <Strategist14> The lathe is now rightside-up
  157. [13:05] <GB> I did it
  158. [13:05] <GB> :D
  159. [13:05] <PA> Thank you!!!
  160. [13:05] * PA puts the cylinder in the lathe
  161. [13:08] <Strategist14> The cylinder is now in the lathe
  162. [13:08] <PA> Um... Hm.
  163. [13:09] * PA checks her log from her conversation with Daemus again
  164. [13:09] <PA> Where'd you put the card, GB ?
  165. [13:10] * GB places card on roof
  166. [13:10] * PA looks around to see whether there's a spare captchalogue card lying around somewhere
  167. [13:11] <Strategist14> You don't seem to have left any captcha cards lying around the courtyard
  168. [13:13] <PA> You sigh and suppose you're gonna have to wander around again and see if you can find whatever bullshit this is
  169. [13:13] * PA wanders back inside the house and goes upstairs, all the way up to the top, looking for some kind of special captcha card
  170. [13:14] <Strategist14> Roll Perception
  171. [13:14] <PA> roll 1d20-1 because Stammers likes making things difficult
  172. [13:14] <`DM> PA rolled 1d20-1 because Stammers likes making things difficult [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
  173. [13:14] <PA> fuck
  174. [13:14] <PA> are you kidding
  175. [13:14] <Strategist14> The card obviously doesn't exist
  176. [13:15] <Strategist14> Daemus must be lying about that part
  177. [13:15] <PA> What a shithead.
  178. [13:16] <PA> You wander back downstairs and slide one of your own, blank cards into the machine to see if that'll do anything, because there's obviously a card slot and this machine MUST do SOMETHING.
  179. [13:16] <Strategist14> The lathe spins the dowel around a bit, then stops
  180. [13:17] <PA> You reclaim the card, the dowel, and kick the lathe.
  181. [13:17] <Strategist14> Your foot clangs against the lathe
  182. [13:18] <PA> You now instead proceed to the alchemiter and place the unmarked dowel on its podium thingy.
  183. [13:21] <Strategist14> Nothing happens
  184. [13:23] <PA> You scowl.
  185. [13:23] <PA> Hey! GB ! You there!?
  186. [13:23] <GB> HELLO
  187. [13:24] <PA> HI
  188. [13:25] <PA> D!d you put a card down somewhere? My source says there's supposed to be one but ! can't f!nd !t and apparent!y !t's supposed to be th!s spec!al one
  189. [13:33] <PA> *you're still a little fiesty from the couch debacle earlier. Maybe you just missed it because your mind was clouded.*
  190. [13:34] <PA> *You sit down and meditate.*
  191. [13:35] <Strategist14> Your server seems to have stopped doing things
  192. [13:35] <PA> *lucky you're not in a rush. It usually takes you next to no time at all to regenerate all of your PP. Either you don't have a lot or you're really good at meditating.*
  193. [13:36] <Strategist14> After a while, you feel much better
  194. [13:36] <PA> *Mind clear, although still a little grumbly about your useless server, you search the house again for the card.*
  195. [13:37] <PA> roll 1d20-1 and don't fuck me over again dice
  196. [13:37] <`DM> PA rolled 1d20-1 and don't fuck me over again dice [ 1d20=4 ]{3}
  197. [13:37] <PA> :(
  198. [13:37] <Strategist14> Well
  199. [13:37] <Strategist14> It's not out here with you
  200. [13:37] <PA> ((This is stupid.))
  201. [13:37] <Strategist14> So you guess that narrows it down?
  202. [13:39] <PA> *maybe it got put somewhere out in the middle of the maze. You don't particularly feel like disarming and rearming all of your traps so you just use Lift again - this time on yourself - and hover up, even above your Keep, looking down over the walls of the maze, trying to find the damn thing that probably exists.
  203. [13:39] <PA> -20pp
  204. [13:39] <Strategist14> Perception again
  205. [13:40] <PA> roll 1d20-1
  206. [13:40] <`DM> PA rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}
  207. [13:40] <PA> ((WHY))
  208. [13:40] <Strategist14> Hard to tell. But... maybe?
  209. [13:40] <Strategist14> You can't see it in there
  211. [13:40] <Strategist14> Hard to find such a small card in such a big maze
  212. [13:41] <PA> *Shame your psionics don't have magic locatey powers.* (Am I basically just gonna have to keep rolling perception until I get something higher than five))
  213. [13:41] <PA> ((Gonna take forever))
  214. [13:41] <Strategist14> ((Or you could take 10))
  215. [13:41] <PA> roll 10d20-1
  216. [13:41] <`DM> PA rolled 10d20-1 [ 10d20=80 ]{79}
  217. [13:41] <PA> roll 10#d20-1
  218. [13:41] <`DM> PA rolled 10#d20-1 [ 1d20=6 ]{5}, [ 1d20=18 ]{17}, [ 1d20=12 ]{11}, [ 1d20=17 ]{16}, [ 1d20=7 ]{6}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}, [ 1d20=15 ]{14}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}, [ 1d20=10 ]{9}, [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
  219. [13:41] <Strategist14> ((That's not quite what I meant))
  220. [13:42] <PA> ((kek))
  221. [13:42] <PA> ((don't be silly it's totally what you meant))
  222. [13:43] <Strategist14> ((Yeah good point))
  223. [13:45] <PA> ((So now what?))
  224. [13:45] <Strategist14> ((Well you could always take 10))
  225. [13:45] <Strategist14> ((Or I guess wait for Stammers again))
  226. [13:45] <PA> *You guess your eyes really MUST have been fucked up by that snail goop. Hm.*
  227. [13:46] <PA> ((10 minute break?))
  228. [13:47] <Strategist14> ((Yes))
  229. [13:47] <PA> ((Gotcha))
  230. [13:48] <Strategist14> After ten minutes of methodical searching, you eventually locate the offending card on your roof
  231. [13:49] * PA is now thoroughly exasperated. She takes the card and flies down to the Lathe, where she re-inserts the totem and the new card.
  232. [13:50] <Strategist14> The lathe spins, and carves the totem into a wavy shape
  233. [13:51] <PA> As you take the totem, you check on SnailshellSprite and look at the sky to check for meteors. Maybe Daemus wasn't a total shithead.
  234. [13:51] <Strategist14> No meteors visible yet
  235. [13:51] <PA> That's good. Time to put the totem on the podium thing.
  236. [13:53] <Strategist14> A coloured tome appears on the pedestal
  237. [13:53] <PA> What color?
  238. [13:53] <Strategist14> Your text colour
  239. [13:54] <PA> ah. Makes sense
  240. [13:54] <PA> You approach the tome slowly and look at its cover.
  241. [13:54] == GB [] has left #RPGstuck_EntrySequenceFinally []
  242. [13:54] == PA has changed nick to Velcha
  243. [13:54] <Strategist14> There is no label
  244. [13:55] <Velcha> You take the book in your hands and open it.
  245. [13:55] <Strategist14> Each page is made of clear crystal
  246. [13:55] <Velcha> No words?
  247. [13:55] <Strategist14> None
  248. [13:56] <Velcha> You flip open to a random page halfway through the tome.
  249. [13:56] <Strategist14> Also blank crystal
  250. [13:56] <Velcha> You poke the page with your finger.
  251. [13:56] <Strategist14> It feels like glass
  252. [13:57] <Velcha> Hm. Did a pencil or something also spawn in with it?
  253. [13:58] <Strategist14> Nothing
  254. [13:58] <Strategist14> Make a perception check, please
  255. [13:58] <Velcha> roll 1d20-1 to read the spooky book
  256. [13:58] <`DM> Velcha rolled 1d20-1 to read the spooky book [ 1d20=11 ]{10}
  257. [13:59] <Strategist14> A shadow seems to be forming around you
  258. [13:59] <Velcha> It... definitely is a spooky book then. You try to rip a page out of the book.
  259. [14:00] <Strategist14> Make a strength check
  260. [14:00] <Velcha> roll 1d20
  261. [14:00] <`DM> Velcha rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=3 ]{3}
  262. [14:00] <Velcha> fuck
  263. [14:00] <Strategist14> Nope, those pages are there to stay
  264. [14:00] <Velcha> You attempt to walk out of the shadow with the book
  265. [14:01] <Strategist14> Your entire courtyard seems to be under the effect
  266. [14:01] <Velcha> So you go back inside.
  267. [14:01] <Strategist14> You are now inside. The shadow seems to have left you alone now
  268. [14:02] <Velcha> You attempt to break one of the pages. It feels like glass, after all.
  269. [14:02] <Strategist14> Strength check
  270. [14:02] <Velcha> roll 1d20
  271. [14:02] <`DM> Velcha rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  272. [14:02] <Velcha> come on dice
  273. [14:02] <Strategist14> Nope, the page seems unharmed
  274. [14:03] <Velcha> You... try to write on it with a writing apparatus?
  275. [14:03] <Strategist14> Where do you get that?
  276. [14:04] <Velcha> Damn. Saw right through my master plan.
  277. [14:04] <Velcha> It's upstairs near Velcha's comic book collection.
  278. [14:05] <Strategist14> You scribble on the page, but rather ineffectually
  279. [14:06] <Velcha> Now rather annoyed, you take the book to the top floor where you usually do experiments and stuff as well as observe shit in your courtyard, and put a bomb under it.
  280. [14:07] <Strategist14> There is now a bomb under the book
  281. [14:07] <Velcha> You light the bomb.
  282. [14:08] <Strategist14> The book is launched into the air
  283. [14:08] <Velcha> You catch it and see whether the bomb did, well, anything.
  284. [14:08] <Strategist14> The book is unharmed
  285. [14:09] <Velcha> Bluh.
  286. [14:09] <Velcha> Gotta be more imaginative than that, Velcha.
  287. [14:09] <Strategist14> You hear a second explosion, this one some distance away from you
  288. [14:09] <Velcha> Oh fuck. You look off in the distance to see what you can see
  289. [14:10] <Strategist14> A smoking crater, a short distance away from your hive
  290. [14:10] <Velcha> Fuck.
  291. [14:10] <Velcha> You lift up the book and look THROUGH a page at the crater.
  292. [14:10] <Strategist14> No difference
  293. [14:11] <Velcha> You try to rip a page out again.
  294. [14:11] <Velcha> Roll 1d20 for super uber strongness
  295. [14:11] <`DM> Velcha rolled 1d20 for super uber strongness [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
  296. [14:11] <Velcha> yay
  297. [14:11] <Strategist14> The crystal breaks
  298. [14:11] <Strategist14> The page is now out, its edge jagged
  299. [14:12] <Velcha> Hm. That did nothing. You re-insert the page into a different part of the book and examine where it had been.
  300. [14:13] <Strategist14> The book has another, matching jagged edge
  301. [14:13] <Velcha> Being the same one I just ripped the page out of or no?
  302. [14:13] <Strategist14> Yes
  303. [14:14] <Velcha> Damn it.
  304. [14:14] <Velcha> You poke the jagged edge.
  305. [14:14] <Strategist14> Your finger is now pricked on the crystal
  306. [14:20] <Velcha> You close the book back?
  307. [14:20] <Velcha> ((Sorry Strat I suck))
  308. [14:24] <Strategist14> The book is now closed
  309. [14:27] <Strategist14> (( Velcha ))
  310. [14:27] <Velcha> You go back downstairs and look out the door into the courtyard. Is the darkness still there?
  311. [14:27] <Velcha> ((was thinking sorry))
  312. [14:29] <Strategist14> The darkness is noticeable. It's far from absolute, but there is definitely a shadow being cast over it
  313. [14:30] <Velcha> You open the book and walk back out into the darkness, looking for what might be casting the shadows
  314. [14:34] <Strategist14> There MAY be a giant rock in the sky above you
  315. [14:34] <Strategist14> That would probably do it
  316. [14:37] <Velcha> Yeahhh, that sounds about right. You pull out one of your Velcha-brand firebombs, and attempt to use it to set the book on fire. Of course, once you're far enough into the darkness to prevent your house being set on fire
  317. [14:38] <Strategist14> The book seems to be rather nonflammable
  318. [14:38] <Velcha> You look through the page again, this time putting it between you and the fiery light source. You are rather starting to worry about that rock.
  319. [14:39] <Strategist14> Looking through the page doesn't seem to accomplish anything
  320. [14:40] <Velcha> You attempt to smash the pages again.
  321. [14:40] <Strategist14> Roll
  322. [14:40] <Strategist14> Str
  323. [14:40] <Velcha> roll 1d20 for bibliocide
  324. [14:40] <`DM> Velcha rolled 1d20 for bibliocide [ 1d20=20 ]{20}
  325. [14:40] <Velcha> NAT 20 BITCH
  326. [14:40] <Strategist14> You sink your fist through the page
  327. [14:40] <Strategist14> And the next one
  328. [14:40] <Strategist14> And the next one
  329. [14:41] <Strategist14> In fact, you crush every last page in that book to dust
  330. [14:41] <Velcha> ... Does it do anything
  331. [14:41] <Strategist14> As your fist lands on the back cover
  332. [14:41] <Strategist14> Your world disappears in a flash of light
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