
RO/NM: Fall on the floor

May 28th, 2012
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  1. -- recreantOctopus [RO] quickly scurries down the corridoors of the casino --
  2. -- nitroMerc [NM] is kicking around some poor saps, chuckling to herself. --
  3. -- recreantOctopus [RO] comes to a stop when he sees Cucali. Just who he was looking for. He chuckles to himself at the saps. Then he clears his throat --
  4. -- nitroMerc [NM] turns around and sees who it is. She scoffs. --
  5. NM: Well, l☼☼k wh☼'s here!!
  6. RO: hrumph
  7. -- recreantOctopus [RO] takes out a sheet of paper with some writing on it. He sways on his feet rather than approaching though. Boy was he a lot bolder when writing this at home --
  8. -- nitroMerc [NM] taps her foot as she waits for him to be done. --
  9. -- recreantOctopus [RO] holds out the paper in front of him like it's a magic ward to keep witches away, and walks towards her head down --
  10. -- nitroMerc [NM] squints at the paper. --
  11. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFAR tried to tell everyone that any deal in which CIRRIN RUNFAR has to somehow avoid pissing you off was doomed to failure. nobody listened! or they wanted it to fail. how about a fairer ju
  12. RO: st deal? CIRRIN RUNFAR does pretty much the same thing leaving Amaloc and Paloma alone, except you cant tell CIRRIN RUNFAR anything at all what to do or who to talk to! CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt have to listen to you at all."
  13. NM: Ha ha!! When did y☼u gr☼w the bulge t☼ make demands like that?
  14. NM: I'll accept it, if y☼u thr☼w S☼l in there t☼☼!!
  15. -- recreantOctopus [RO] frowns heavily and shakes his head, and taps his foot --
  16. NM: Whyyyy n☼t? I'd say that's a fair deal!
  17. -- recreantOctopus [RO] more paper and ink --
  18. RO: "because CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt actually care about not talking to others!"
  19. NM: Well, duuuuh! Y☼u can't talk anyway in the first place.
  20. -- recreantOctopus [RO] lets off a low growl at that --
  21. NM: Whaaaaat? I'm just tellin' the truth!!
  22. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes his head in fustration --
  23. NM: C'm☼n, d☼n't be that way!!
  24. NM: Just accept my terms an' we're g☼☼d!
  25. -- recreantOctopus [RO] takes out another paper with a message already prepared --
  26. RO: "screw you"
  27. -- nitroMerc [NM] tries to shove the paper in his face. --
  28. NM: N☼☼☼☼pe! Screw Y☼U, Runfar!!!
  29. NM: We d☼ this my way ☼r n☼ way!
  30. -- recreantOctopus [RO] sputters the paper away, and writes something else --
  31. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFARs never gonna accept that"
  32. NM: Then t☼☼☼☼☼ bad! I w☼n't accept y☼ur shit either then!
  33. RO: "then we have nothing! should have known words were pointless with you"
  34. NM: Heeeey! I respect w☼rds if they're ☼nes I like!!
  35. NM: Unf☼rtunately, y☼u didn't use aaaany ☼f 'em!
  36. RO: "please boom let CIRRIN RUNFAR explosion talk to Solena bluh bluh loser"
  37. -- nitroMerc [NM] smirks. --
  38. NM: N☼pe! N☼ deal!
  39. NM: An' if y☼u get aaaaanywhere near her ☼r m☼ssybl☼☼d, expect a b☼mb t☼ y☼ur face!! That much ain't g☼nna change.
  40. RO: "well maybe CIRRIN RUNFAR will risk that then!"
  41. NM: Reeeeeeally? Y☼u really riskin' y☼ur life t☼ speak t☼ s☼me airheaded indig☼??
  42. NM: Ha!
  43. -- recreantOctopus [RO] narrows his eyes and looks serious --
  44. RO: "CIRRIN RUNFARs tried everything else with you"
  45. NM: Yeah! See, that's pr☼☼f t☼ give up, riiiight? Just g☼ with what I tell y☼u an' it'll be easy as silk!
  46. RO: "you could tell CIRRIN RUNFAR to do litterally anything else"
  47. NM: Then leeeeeave S☼l al☼ne! H☼w hard is that??
  48. RO: "very CIRRIN RUNFAR had enough of doing that for a sweep"
  49. NM: Well, y☼u just try an' visit her at y☼ur ☼☼☼☼wn risk.
  50. RO: "if its just you then?"
  51. NM: What're y☼u tryin' t☼ say here, rusty?? I d☼n't read stupid!
  52. RO: "keep the others out of this"
  53. NM: ☼utta what, huuuh? I think y☼u're the ☼ne tryin' t☼ drag 'em int☼ things.
  54. -- recreantOctopus [RO] passes the next note and throws up his arms in fustration --
  55. RO: "yeah but theyre not actually going to do anything unless you attack CIRRIN RUNFAR first also dont call CIRRIN RUNFAR rusty"
  56. NM: Weeeell, y☼u have n☼ w☼rries ab☼ut that!!
  57. NM: And whyyyy?
  58. NM: D☼es it b☼☼☼☼ther y☼u, rusty?
  59. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes on the spot --
  60. RO: "yes especially right now!"
  61. NM: T☼☼ bad!
  62. NM: Because I'm g☼nna keep caaaaallin' y☼u that.
  63. -- recreantOctopus [RO] writes and waves another note in her face. --
  64. RO: "call CIRRIN RUNFAR something anything else! gutterblood cumblood shitstain whatever you like"
  65. RO: *scumblood
  66. -- nitroMerc [NM] assumes a thinking pose. --
  67. NM: Hmmmmmm!
  68. NM: H☼w ab☼ut...
  69. NM: N☼, Rusty!!!
  70. RO: "stop it!!
  71. NM: Rusty, rusty, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusty!!
  72. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes and darts out with a hand to try to cover her mouth --
  73. -- nitroMerc [NM] is muffled and slaps at his face to try to get him off. --
  74. NM: Mmmmph!
  75. -- recreantOctopus [RO] lets go as his head is slapped sideways --
  76. NM: S☼☼☼☼? Y☼u want this t☼ be a physical c☼nfr☼ntati☼n?? Is thaaaaaat it?
  77. -- recreantOctopus [RO] looks at her and growls in answer --
  78. NM: Ha! C☼me at me then, ruuuuuuustybl☼☼d.
  79. -- recreantOctopus [RO] takes the bait and thrusts with both hands to shove her --
  80. -- nitroMerc [NM] steps out of the way, holding back for now. --
  81. -- recreantOctopus [RO] almost loses balance but recovers and rushes with a punch towards Cucali's midrift --
  82. -- nitroMerc [NM] blocks and aims a kick at his legs to catch him off-balance --
  83. -- recreantOctopus [RO] stumbles from the kick and tries to grab onto Cucali for balance --
  84. -- nitroMerc [NM] wasn't expecting that and goes down! Whoopswhop. She tries punching his face. --
  85. -- recreantOctopus [RO] not the face, not his beautiful face! He holds up both hands to block her attack --
  86. -- nitroMerc [NM] keeps on punching, trying to break through his defenses. --
  87. -- recreantOctopus [RO] continues to defend his face and takes several hits to gut and other places --
  88. -- nitroMerc [NM] starts to get back up so she can have the higher ground! --
  89. -- recreantOctopus [RO] rolls backwards to get some distance between them --
  90. NM: Ha!!
  91. NM: Was that all y☼u c☼uld d☼?
  92. NM: I've had wrigglers punch harder than y☼u!
  93. -- recreantOctopus [RO] gets up and takes a quick step forward, but suddenly stops, unsure --
  94. RO: ahh arr...
  95. NM: Whaaaat?
  96. NM: Are y☼u chickenin' ☼ut, rusty??
  97. -- recreantOctopus [RO] is in fact checking behind his shoulder to see if the way's clear, and is light on his feet --
  98. NM: .... the fuck are y☼u g☼in'?!
  99. -- recreantOctopus [RO] eyes go slighter wider and he takes several steps backwards --
  100. NM: N☼pe, n☼pe, n☼☼☼☼☼☼pe!
  101. NM: Y☼u ain't g☼in' anywhere until we've settled this!!
  102. -- recreantOctopus [RO] half turns away and cocks his head as if to say "come get me bro" --
  103. -- nitroMerc [NM] grins a terrible, feral grin and leaps after him! --
  104. -- recreantOctopus's [RO'S] vascular pump leaps into his mouth (figuratively) and he springs away as fast as he can! --
  105. -- nitroMerc [NM] runs after him! But all these stupid trolls are in her way!! >;/ She shoves them aside as she goes after him. --
  106. -- recreantOctopus [RO] darts through the other trolls and even jumps on railings and machines to put as much obstacles between him and Cucali. He frequently looks over his shoulder to check if she's still chasing him --
  107. -- recreantOctopus [RO] *many --
  108. -- nitroMerc [NM] is still on his trail, despite these pesky trolls and machines! She's very intent on catching him here! >;/ --
  109. -- recreantOctopus [RO] Cirrin can tell she's not giving up. He rushes around a corner and instead waits just around it, ready to stick his foot out when Cucali comres --
  110. -- nitroMerc [NM] turns around the corner... --
  111. -- recreantOctopus [RO] sticks his foot out --
  112. -- nitroMerc [NM] is not gonna fall for that lame trickoh fuck she's falling the hell did that come from?! --
  113. -- nitroMerc [NM] is sliiiiiiding. --
  114. -- nitroMerc [NM] ouch rug burn! >;( --
  115. -- recreantOctopus [RO] thinks that worked better than expected, and against his better judgement, runs to kick her while she's down --
  116. -- nitroMerc [NM] takes the kick... but also grabs his leg! --
  117. NM: Y☼u're... n☼t g☼in'... anywhere!!!!!
  118. RO: ehhhh!
  119. -- nitroMerc [NM] tries to yank him down! --
  120. -- recreantOctopus [RO] stupidly tries to run away while his leg his grabbed and trips --
  121. -- nitroMerc [NM] stands up as she draaaags him toward her. --
  122. -- recreantOctopus [RO] tries to curl around and attack Cucali but can't quite reach while been dragged foot first --
  123. -- nitroMerc [NM] kicks him in return for the kick he gave her! --
  124. NM: I'm g☼nna teach y☼u a less☼n, y☼u scumbl☼☼d, ☼ne that y☼u w☼n't f☼rget!!!!
  125. RO: oof!
  126. -- recreantOctopus [RO] twists this way and that way trying to get at Cucali, or at least break free of the hold --
  127. -- nitroMerc [NM] tries to keep her grip steady as she aims another kick at him. --
  128. RO: aaaahh
  129. -- recreantOctopus [RO] winces and is pretty helpless to avoid these attacks, but doesn't make it easy for her --
  130. NM: Scream l☼☼☼☼☼☼uder f☼r me, rusty!!
  131. RO: grrrrrrrr!
  132. NM: That isn't l☼☼☼☼ud en☼ugh f☼r me!
  133. -- nitroMerc [NM] aims another kick at him! --
  134. RO: aaaaaah ahhh
  135. -- recreantOctopus [RO] sounds faked and not actually pained at all --
  136. -- nitroMerc [NM] kicks harder for that. --
  137. RO: aaaaaaagh!
  138. -- recreantOctopus [RO] a short sound that takes the breath out of him, sounding more real this time --
  139. NM: Thaaaaaat's what I wanna hear, rusty. Y☼u screamin' niiiice an' l☼ud f☼r me!
  140. NM: Are we havin' fun yet??
  141. -- recreantOctopus [RO] nods his head --
  142. NM: N☼pe! I can tell that y☼u're lyin'!!
  143. -- nitroMerc [NM] gives another kick. She smirks. She's enjoying this way too much. --
  144. RO: fffffffff
  145. -- recreantOctopus [RO] gives her an expression that reads 'no shit' --
  146. NM: Hey!! What's with that l☼☼k, huh? Y☼u're just gettin' what c☼mes t☼ y☼u, y☼u d☼uchen☼zzle!
  147. NM: If I had it my way I'd rip y☼u limb fr☼m limb, stew y☼ur eyeballs f☼r my s☼up, an' sc☼☼p ☼ut y☼ur guts myself!!!!
  148. NM: But y☼u kn☼w? I can't! I'm a civilized tr☼ll!
  149. -- recreantOctopus [RO] raises an eyebrow --
  150. NM: I'll just kick y☼u ar☼und like the barkbeast y☼u are an' leave y☼u t☼ run h☼me with y☼ur tail between y☼ur legs!!!
  151. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shakes his head very very fast --
  152. NM: N☼☼☼☼☼?
  153. NM: What d☼ y☼u mean by that???
  154. -- recreantOctopus [RO] grits his teeth and puts his hands together in a pleading motion --
  155. NM: Aaaaw?? Beggin' n☼w??
  156. -- recreantOctopus [RO] shudders and slowly nods his head --
  157. -- nitroMerc [NM] leans down. --
  158. NM: T☼☼ bad, because that ain't g☼nna help y☼u.
  159. -- recreantOctopus [RO] grins and aims a kick at her now closer face --
  160. -- nitroMerc [NM] is now an idle chum! --
  161. -- nitroMerc [NM] wasn't expecting that. She takes the kick to the face and stumbles back, shouting and swearing. --
  162. RO: hahaha
  163. -- recreantOctopus [RO] jumps to his feet --
  164. NM: Get back here--!!!!
  165. -- recreantOctopus [RO] throws ink at her and runs. Wububububub! --
  166. -- nitroMerc [NM] FUUUUUUUU --
  168. -- recreantOctopus [RO] runs off and slips into a small space somewhere to hide and wait for her to calm down or get bored --
  169. -- nitroMerc [NM] storms away, spewing obsceneties at a million words per minute as she brushes the ink from her face. --
  170. -- recreantOctopus [RO] stays in his hiding place for hours after --
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