
VoltLabs Mod FO4

Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. Mod Project 1: Business based in main FO4 area – Using existing building adding entry door into new layout and interior cell created for mod.
  3. Synopsis of elements:
  4. Company based on organic modifications – some rough hints at turning down the FEV project for fears of the long term results and focusing modification of small organisms for various purposes (fuel production, bio-luminescence etc).
  6. Company name: VOLT (Volgart Organic Laboratories and Technologies) with lightning bolt symbol in a circle. William Volgart the founder and CEO.
  8. First floor – Simple layout with entry, desk and reception. Make it look like a mix of a waiting area and display area with broken cases, sort of like the entrance to the mechanists lair area but less desks more waiting area.
  10. Secondary entrance on first floor at loading dock (find a building this will work with, modify layout appropriately)
  12. First level has reception desk with working terminal, display cases, general garbage and a loading dock with various offices that are for logistics personel such as sales, distribution etc, plus a work area in the back for the loading dock with a service elevator down and several 'loader' robots in standby (maybe one malfunctioning and attacking.
  14. Security terminal in loading area with robot control and turret control with 2 turrets on either end of loading area. Some crates, mostly broken with some medical items in them (chems/aneseptic etc)
  16. Second floor – Corporate offices and the like, mostly destroyed, hints at major production facilities below main building, complaints about fumes from below, sound bothering the sales teams etc.
  18. Hidden elevator from first floor down to research area – Off of break room. Note on several computers about being sure to not let any 'public' see use of restricted access point. (door is hidden with a button inside a storage closet kind of thing, not a hack but elevator won't initially work from this point)
  20. All the above in one cell.
  22. Second Cell – Service area from loading docks down -
  24. Lower Levels.
  25. Robotically run chem production systems. Use conveyor systems etc, mostly broken robots some functioning some turrets etc... Hints at a research level even lower
  27. Area full of chems, supplies, etc, but most are 'ruined' so find a way to put in 'trash' chems and the look of much destroyed items and out of age items. A few 'sealed' cases still good. One end should be high radiation with glowing items spilled if possible.
  29. Research lab – Furthest down -
  30. Many ghouls – Virus got loose, toxic area, design debuff similar to molerat disease – cure locked away in president office on top floor but key at bottom of lab with prez ghoul. Give ghouls attack similar to mirelurk hunter/king. No lighting until primary generator turned on, this generator turns on the secret elevator.
  32. Research area consists of many ghouls, broken labs, locked doors, shattered equipment, and a few research notes, most scrawled after the computers broke. A few holotapes pointing to some clues about the cure, notes from the pres about how he wishes he could get to the cure, him locked alone in the last room, maybe a holotape of him realizing he's going mad and changing.
  34. Virus was intended to be a bio-luminescence effect to be applied to trees to remove some need for street lights. Infected humans instead. All ghouls should 'glow' making them easy to see in the dark.
  36. If player is infected give -1 charisma until cured but constant glow effect as well (light yellow?) similar to if pipboy is on perhaps? As well as +1 perception. Player may decide not to use cure...
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