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May 12th, 2013
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  1. May 12 23:42:41 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: System app "" has died. Spawning again...
  2. May 12 23:42:41 Apple-TV[1] ([132]): ( Exited: Terminated: 15
  3. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Notice: Installing: [AppleTV] (793.00)
  4. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/0bacon.dylib
  5. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: 0bacon (Save Our Bacon) (beigelist-2.2.4) loaded.
  6. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: Captured original IMP 0x40bedd for -[NSURL _queryParameters]
  7. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/apocalypsePony.dylib
  8. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Warning: nil class argument
  9. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/beigelist6.dylib
  10. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: beigelist6 (beigelist6-2.2.5) loaded.
  11. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: MS:Notice: Loading: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/updateBGone.dylib
  12. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: Telling the system app that it can start immediately
  13. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: unable to send receive right to UIStatusBarServer: (ipc/send) invalid destination port
  14. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received automatic time zone enabled
  15. May 12 23:42:42 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received source available from "Location"
  16. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : Migration starting...
  17. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : Migration unnecessary (no last migration nor updated from)
  18. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: This can most likely be replaced with [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds] or the like
  19. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Initializing
  20. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  21. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV kernel[0]: AppleRGBOUT, capabilities:supportsMirroring=0
  22. May 12 23:42:43: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  23. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: IOMobileFrameBufferGetMirroringCapability returning 0 via kIOMFBConnectMethod_GetMirroringCapability
  24. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : NOT enabling CA root layer scaling.
  25. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV mediaserverd[46]: >vad< EXCEPTION: 23:42:43.230 [tid 0x2ff1e000] VirtualAudio_PlugIn.cpp[2071]: GetPropertyData(): kVirtualAudioObjectCategoryNotSupportedError: "Category crec is not supported."
  26. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] BRLog : RESTORE: Checking obliterate on boot flag: 0
  27. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: -[<LTAppDelegate: 0x1eda13f0> completeNormalApplicationDidFinishLaunching]
  28. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup time request.
  29. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTime: timezone already set.
  30. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received setup timezone request.
  31. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: TMSetupTimeZone: timezone already set.
  32. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : Reloading URL bag
  33. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: -[<BRApplianceManager: 0x1ed45c20> loadAppliances]
  34. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV wifid[28]: WiFi:[390091363.568609]: Enable WoW requested by "AppleTV"
  35. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 1 (connect-by address, passive)
  36. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: none, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  37. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : AP: Failed to get current network for WiFi channel.
  38. May 12 23:42:43 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 2 (connect-by hostname
  39. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  40. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: iTunes Store environment is: ST11
  41. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary
  42. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV profiled[145]: (Note ) profiled: Service starting...
  43. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 3 (connect-by address, passive)
  44. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: none, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  45. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: +[<ATVSWUpdateCheckTask: 0xb36e34> _shouldPerformCheck]
  46. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 4 (connect-by hostname
  47. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  48. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 5 (connect-by hostname
  49. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  50. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : PM: Set PM idle time to 15 seconds.
  51. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : PM: Set PM assertion to hold off idle sleep.
  52. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : PM: Set PM assertion to enable idle sleep.
  53. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: 2013-05-12 11:42:44.555853 PM [AppleTVIR] Setting MCU system state to normal
  54. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: 2013-05-12 11:42:44.565899 PM [AppleTVIR] Powering on DisplayPort
  55. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV backboardd[58]: 2013-05-12 11:42:44.568595 PM [AppleTVIR] AppleANX9836 appeared after try 1
  56. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] BRLog : Serial Number:C07F2Q64DDR5
  57. *** OS 10A406e, IR 01.31, iBoot 1537.4.19, SW 5.1 / 5201 ***
  58. *** OS partition size/free:617340928/76931072 ***
  59. *** data partition size/free:7351836672/6702096384 ***
  60. *** AVF main repository size:5633849754 ***
  61. *** AVF secondary repository size:209715200 ***
  62. *** Current Date:5/12/13, 11:42 PM ***
  63. *** Time Zone:Europe/Dublin (GMT+01:00) offset 3600 (Daylight) (set:1) ***
  64. *** Activation State:1 ***
  65. May 12 23:42:44 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: BLAppManager -> attempting to load legacy XBMC.frappliance...
  66. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: BLAppManager -> loaded legacy XBMCAppliance
  67. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: -[<BRApplianceManager: 0x1ed45c20> loadAppliances]
  68. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Attempting to set display to default mode
  69. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Sorted default modes to try: (
  70. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  71. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  72. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  73. "mode:<CADisplayMode 1024 x 768; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  74. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  75. "mode:<CADisplayMode 800 x 600; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  76. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  77. "mode:<CADisplayMode 720 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000",
  78. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000",
  79. "mode:<CADisplayMode 640 x 480; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:50.000000"
  80. )
  81. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : About to set display mode to: mode:<CADisplayMode 1280 x 720; pixelAspect 1> refreshRate:60.000000
  82. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Display mode change successful
  83. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Calling BKS to change refresh rate 1 60.000000
  84. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Setting color mode from preferences to 1
  85. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Setting color mode to 1.
  86. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Setting color mode from preferences to 1
  87. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] Display : Setting color mode to 1.
  88. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSWU : Starting prior asset purge...
  89. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Received time 05/12/2013 22:42:44±120.00 from "iTunesStoreServer"
  90. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Not setting system time to 05/12/2013 22:42:44 from NTP because time is unchanged
  91. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV timed[30]: (Note ) CoreTime: Want active time in 34.33hrs. Need active time in 117.66hrs.
  92. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV kernel[0]: launchd[146] Builtin profile: mobileassetd (sandbox)
  93. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Authentication is necessary
  94. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Entered authenticate...
  95. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Starting authentication
  96. May 12 23:42:45 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Calling AuthenticateMusicStoreUser: attempt 1.
  97. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Returned from AuthenticateMusicStoreUser: status 0, waiting for store response
  98. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 6 (connect-by hostname
  99. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  100. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 7 (connect-by hostname
  101. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  102. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 5.0/9A334 to: 5.1.1/9B206/(null)
  103. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 5.1/9B176 to: 5.1.1/9B206/(null)
  104. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 5.0.1/9A405 to: 5.1.1/9B206/(null)
  105. May 12 23:42:46: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  106. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 5.1/9B176 to: 5.1.1/9B206/(null)
  107. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 5.0/9A334 to: 5.1.1/9B206/(null)
  108. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  109. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  110. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A407 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  111. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  112. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  113. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  114. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  115. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  116. May 12 23:42:46: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  117. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  118. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  119. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.2/10A550 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  120. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  121. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A8426 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  122. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  123. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.2/10A8500 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  124. May 12 23:42:46 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  125. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  126. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  127. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  128. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  129. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  130. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B144 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  131. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  132. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  133. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  134. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  135. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  136. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B147 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  137. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  138. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  139. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  140. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  141. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  142. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  143. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  144. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  145. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  146. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  147. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.1/10B145 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  148. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B147 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  149. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  150. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Store authentication succeeded
  151. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Submitted request to login to StoreServices: waiting for store response.
  152. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  153. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 6 (connect-by hostname
  154. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  155. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  156. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A8426 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  157. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  158. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  159. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  160. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  161. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  162. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.2/10A8500 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  163. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  164. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 2 times ---
  165. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  166. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  167. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  168. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  169. May 12 23:42:47: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  170. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  171. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  172. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B147 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  173. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B144 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  174. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  175. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  176. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  177. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  178. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] ATVSystemLog : ERROR: Failed to get path for
  179. May 12 23:42:47 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  180. May 12 23:42:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  181. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  182. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A8426 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  183. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  184. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B142 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  185. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  186. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  187. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  188. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B147 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  189. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  190. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  191. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  192. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 8 (connect-by hostname
  193. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  194. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A406 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  195. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  196. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  197. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/10A405 to: 6.0/10A444/(null)
  198. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  199. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B144 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  200. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  201. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A406 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  202. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  203. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/10B141 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  204. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  205. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A831 to: 6.1.3/10B329a/(null)
  206. May 12 23:42:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  207. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329a/(null)
  208. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B144b to: 6.1.3/10B329a/(null)
  209. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: (null)/(null) to: 6.1.3/10B329a/(null)
  210. May 12 23:42:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  211. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B144b to: 6.1.3/10B329a/(null)
  212. May 12 23:42:48: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
  213. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A523 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  214. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0/10A403 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  215. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.3/10B329/(null)
  216. May 12 23:42:48 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.2/10A551 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  217. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  218. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A525 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  219. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B143 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  220. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.3/10B329 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  221. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1/10B143 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  222. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.3/10B329 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  223. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.2/10A551 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  224. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.0.1/10A525 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  225. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSWU : Attempting to purge asset pre: 6.1.2/10B146 to: 6.1.4/10B350/(null)
  226. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: Synced account to StoreServices
  227. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x2ffc1000] ATVSystemLog : Reloading URL bag
  228. May 12 23:42:49 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[0x266a000] ATVSystemLog : MEITunesStoreAuthenticator: iTMS and StoreServices now authenticated.
  229. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 9 (connect-by hostname
  230. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  231. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: T:[Main] BRLog : NET: NetworkAvailable:1 InternetAvailable:2
  232. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 10 (connect-by hostname
  233. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  234. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 11 (connect-by hostname
  235. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  236. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 12 (connect-by hostname
  237. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  238. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 13 (connect-by hostname
  239. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  240. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 15 (connect-by hostname
  241. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  242. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 16 (connect-by hostname
  243. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  244. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 14 (connect-by hostname
  245. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  246. May 12 23:42:50 Apple-TV networkd[71]: notifying connection 17 (connect-by hostname
  247. new reachability: satisfied, prefer: IPv4, interface: 0, fallback: 0, since: 0
  248. May 12 23:42:51 Apple-TV awdd[143]: libMobileGestalt copySystemVersionDictionaryValue: Could not lookup ReleaseType from system version dictionary
  249. May 12 23:42:51 Apple-TV awdd[143]: CoreLocation: CLClient is deprecated. Will be obsolete soon.
  250. May 12 23:42:58 Apple-TV AppleTV[142]: -[<ATVMainMenuController: 0x1ed3c080> _pushControllerForApplianceOrMerchant:<BLAppLegacyMerchant: (enabled)>]
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