
Chudat Chronicles

Mar 30th, 2016
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  1. Quote:
  2. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  3. Do people hate me or something? Is that the reason why no one wants to go to my biweeklies?
  4. Or are you guys just busy as hell.
  5. I'm located about 30 minutes driving distance from the majority of smashers AND these biweeklies
  6. are cheap. I don't understand why MD/VA refuses to go to my bi-weeklies lolz.
  7. With that said, I welcome all the newcomers. Be ready to experience a ChuDat Bi-weekly
  8. Quote:
  9. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  10. Quote:
  11. Originally Posted by slikvik View Post
  12. Well u def have haters(u know this already but these people aren't concerned with improving
  13. competitively and are irrelevant/part of the reason MD/VA is bad) who boycott your events,
  14. but Halloween weekend + Homecoming for pretty much all the DMV colleges this weekend =
  15. party weekend. this looks like it'll do ok though this weekend regardless.
  16. Why would people boycott my events? I offer great events at a cheap price and I KNOW most
  17. smashers are cheap or don't have money.
  18. The only haters that come to mind are -
  19. 1. Snackattack
  20. 2. TKO
  21. 3. EE (somewhat, not really though)
  22. 4. Korn (I sense something within him)
  23. 5. ummm...... Takeover/Omni?????? LOLZ Nah I know they cool wit me.
  24. After that, I don't know who else hates me. IF YOU HATE ME SPEAK UP. WE ARE SETTLING THIS
  26. Quote:
  27. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  28. Quote:
  29. Originally Posted by KORNNNNN~ View Post
  30. stop bringing my name up chu lol
  31. last time you called me gay, now this ??? lol
  32. you sense something... but it doesn't mean you're right about it
  33. and yes, I've been busy lately with work duh
  34. So you don't hate me?
  35. Come on Korn, if this is about money then I can understand. I charge people for rides and stuff
  36. so that less and less people would want to go with me to a tournament (and it worked,
  37. obviously). I charge people all the time. I don't want to be stepped on and taken advantage of.
  38. I'm a really nice guy, you just have to get to know me.
  39. Here's a story of what changed my life -
  40. My friend calls me up and he's like
  41. Dopey: Yo whats good nig*a
  42. Me: Nm whats up
  43. Dopey: I need you to buy me alchohol since I am underage.
  44. Me: Sure man
  45. So I go to the nearest 7-11 by my house and I meet up with Dopey back at my place. I give him
  46. the alchohol. He just takes it from me, doesn't say thankyou, nothing. He just grabbed it and
  47. left.
  48. After this, I was never nice about giving rides to people. I know people don't want to pay the
  49. consequence for my dumb friend Dopey, but I like it like this. It's less things to worry about and
  50. I never have the feeling that someone is taking advantage of me. After all, I am VERY naive.
  51. You could lie to me and I wouldn't even notice. I am too trustworthy. Because of my Naiveness,
  52. I am cheap about money.
  53. And that ends the story of ChuDat'z life.
  54. Quote:
  55. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  56. Chapter 2: Marijuana and ChuDat
  57. I believe I have schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is an illness that causes people to have auditory
  58. hallucinations. Some of you are probably like, " Holy shyt that is cool I want to Hallucinate". It's
  59. not all fun and games guys, it's annoying to have this illness. I started hearing voices after I
  60. started smoking Marijuana. OMG this one time I was at MLG Orlando and I got
  61. highhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I scared the shyt out of Tyrant because of my auditory hallucinations.
  62. Everyone left the car and scattered in different directions. As for me, I went out side and I was
  63. like,
  64. "Where the hell is everyone?"
  65. After that, I had gone back to the car and noticed the girl I smoked pot with was still in the car.
  66. I asked her where everyone went and she pointed in some direction. I followed that direction
  67. all the way to some party some people were having at a Hotel. I was high off my azz so
  68. speaking and thinking was really hard. I just asked them where my Hotel was. I ended up in the
  69. lobby of that hotel where I was greeted by security. I was like,
  70. "Oh helllllzzz nah I'm not about to be arrested".
  71. So I pleaded with him. I asked him to take me back to where my friends were at. I had no idea
  72. what location or spot my friends were. It was extremely difficult telling security how to get
  73. back to my hotel. Keep in mind I was really baked. In the end, I LUCKILY ended up back where
  74. Candy and Lee Martin were. They waited for me at the lobby of another hotel.
  75. Anyway,
  76. Marijuana causes auditory hallucinations for me. It obviously affects other people differently.
  77. Don't smoke Marijuana. It's bad for you.
  78. Quote:
  79. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  80. Chapter 3: Talkative ChuDat
  81. So as I sit here on my chair staring at the computer screen, I start to think about life. Life is cool.
  82. It must suck for others, or it could be heaven for others, all I know is that my life is good right
  83. now. I am in college about to get my Associates Degree in Business Administration. I am
  84. working as a Brawl player. YES, Brawl pays for my bills. Which is AWESOME since not many
  85. people can do this and I am smart enough to play Brawl for a living. I KNOW that I am not
  86. supposed to make Brawl my priority in life and I shouldn't rely on it for money. I just want to
  87. take advantage of the youth that I have left before I turn into a middle aged man. I am 23,
  88. that's pretty old, I think. My parents got married when they were 23. I am a kid still. I will
  89. eventually grow up out of this game and when I do, that will be when I actually quit.
  90. I'm sorry for lying to you guys about quitting. I tried to quit but I couldn't. Smash is a big part of
  91. my life right now. I have a lot of smash friends and I get to travel to the midwest, Cali, Florida,
  92. and New Jersey for this game. It's a lot of fun. This is why it is hard to quit. Once I get a job, I'll
  93. have to stop playing Brawl.
  94. What is wrong with this community? The MD/VA community has dwindled to a mere 20
  95. people per tournament when we used to get 40+ per tournament. I still go to these things
  96. mainly just to hang out with friends and play the game that I love. I wonder what happened to
  97. all the people that used to go to my bi-weeklies. Strange. Maybe it's because I am cocky.
  98. Maybe it's because I say that I am MD/VA's leader. Maybe it's because I randomly start shyt for
  99. no reason. Maybe it's because I announce my tournaments 2 weeks and it doesn't give people
  100. enough time to plan and make it to these bi-weeklies. Well, I used to always announce
  101. tournaments a week before and it wasn't a problem, we still hit about 25-30 people per biweekly.
  102. I think that MD/VA needs to step it up. No Johns. These tournaments are cheap.
  103. Complaining that there is a tournament every weekend does us no good. It was always like this,
  104. even in the melee days. Well, enough of trying to convince you all.
  105. Well, I think it's time to end this rant. If people find what I say interesting, then I'll keep writing.
  106. If not, then just come to my bi-weekly!!! It will be mad fun. Don't forget to dress up guys.
  107. Quote:
  108. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  109. Chapter 4: I am happy
  110. Wow, so apparently people like what I type. In that case, I'll keep writing. Though, it's hard to
  111. find things to talk about when you already have said everything that comes to mind..... Well.....
  112. not EVERYTHING....
  113. I am a bi-sexual. I have no freaking clue whether I am a homosexual or a heterosexual. It's.... in
  114. between...... To give you an example of what I like: I like to see Shemales ****ing guys. It's
  115. really hot and it turns me on. I am sorry for kids that read this stuff, but you kids need to be
  116. educated anyways haha. So yeah, I am bi-sexual. It's in between. I LOVE girls' @$$es though.
  117. Everyday while walking to school, I look at girls's *****. I "accidentally" look at guys' @$$es
  118. sometimes, but it doesn't do the job. I am only interested in the booty of pretty ladies. . Still, I
  119. watch some pretty weird porn. Another example of my weird fetishes would be.... a chick with
  120. NO ****. Basically, flat-chested females. OOMGGGGG FREAKING "HOTTTTTNESSSSSS. LOLZ.
  121. Ugh so yeah you guys might not find it "arousing" but I sure do. What candy says, "hey man,
  122. you like what you like". There's nothing else to it. For my third fetish, I like to look at muscular
  123. women with no breast tissue whatsoever. Basically, flat chested muscular chix. THESE ARE MY
  124. FAVORITE THINGS to jack off too. (13 year olds should know what this means. Don't pretend
  125. like you don't, UNLESS you are REALLY sheltered... then it's time for you guys to start jacking
  126. off ). I'm interested in other peoples' fetishes. I'm not too interested in womens feet,
  127. domination, whips or other sex toys, ect...
  128. I can't believe I am saying this, but I just had this thought, "I want it in the butt".
  131. Ugh what else have I been thinking about.
  132. Well, sometimes I fantasize about kissing my mom on the lips. I know, disgusting right? Well, I
  133. am very affectionate with my mother. I hug her every day and kiss her on the cheek. It's when I
  134. "accidentally" have my mouth almost touching her lips. OK I KNOW this is gross. UGHHHH
  135. STUPID THOUGHTS. Well, I am seeing a psychiatrist about my Schizophrenia and he says, "It's
  136. just a thought. It's not going to hurt you. You don't act on it." OMFG this is disgusting sorry
  137. guys I would never kiss my mom on the lips. That would fuc* up my whole life.
  138. That's about it for Chapter 4. If you guys want me to continue, then I will. Read away haha.
  140. Quote:
  141. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  142. Chapter 5: The Final Chapter
  143. Ok, now I know that I shouldn't have typed chapter 4. It's time to redeem my self with this
  144. chapter. BTW, this chapter probably isn't the final one... just like my final bi-weeklies
  145. hahahahahah ok i'll stop anyway,
  146. These weird thoughts come to mind, to have some feed back on these thoughts could be
  147. helpful. Then again, I am sharing EVERYTHING with you guys. No leaf has been unturned. I
  148. guess it could be detrimental to my brain if I hear the wrong things. For example, if people call
  149. me crazy, then I would think that I am crazy. Well... it's hard to come up with ideas if nobody
  150. has said anything harmful yet. so . I am happy. Sharing these thoughts is pretty cool. I'm not
  151. usually this talkative on Smashboards. I guess it must be the drug that I am taking.
  152. I am taking this drug called, "Wellbutrin". It changes the way you think, act, and changes
  153. personality. Those are the bad things about the drug. The positive things about it is that I am
  154. more talkative, I can concentrate, I can study my homework now, and I can make sure that
  155. people don't take advantage of me with their words. What I mean is, people have a good way
  156. of talking to me with their words. Manipulative? Not really, but mean? Yes. Though, I can't tell
  157. if a person is talking to me with his mind or with his heart. I know that sounded g@y but I hope
  158. you understand what I mean. Speaking with the mind can convince others to do what you
  159. want and it can manipulate people to be nice to you. There ARE good forms of manipulation. I
  160. would say I exercise those good forms. Though, I don't really think I am a good manipulator at
  161. all. I suck at convincing people. I WISH I COULD CONVINCE PEOPLE so that I could get you guys
  162. to come to my bi-weekly, but I can't.
  163. Don't feel bad if you can't come. I won't cry lolz. It's halloween weekend and it's time to
  164. partyyyyyyyyy haha. Anyway, yeah I guess this ends my life. I will leave it at this. I have some
  165. studying to do anyway. If you guys want more of my thoughts, then just let me know and I'll
  166. type a journal tomorrow haha. Aite, PEACE.
  168. Quote:
  169. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  170. Chapter 6: So little time, but it's worth it.
  171. This one will be short since I have my psychiatrist appointment in about 10-15 minutes. This
  172. should be enough to hold you guys over until when I get back. I'll probably type about 2 more
  173. chapters depending on the feedback I receive.
  174. Anyway, I'm sitting on my chair again and looking at my computer monitor. I don't know what
  175. else to say lolz. If I had ideas that come to mind this would be a lot easier. Well, I guess I'll just
  176. type whatever comes to mind.
  177. Buttsex
  178. Ok that wasn't exactly what I was talking about. Who wants it up the butt? LOLZ. Ugh sorry
  179. random thoughts. Don't take me seriously. Ughhh sorry for typing that but it's the only thing
  180. that I can think of at the moment LOLZ. Well, I guess it's time for another subject.
  181. Video games:
  182. Right now, I am currently playing Super Monkey Ball 2 with Candy and Boss. Boss is ahead of
  183. me though, he's too good at the game. I'm also playing Final Fantasy 4. I recently just received
  184. Final Fantasy 4: The After Years from my good friend Powerhouse. I was also given Sonic 4,
  185. Bomberman Blast, and other amazing titles. DO NOT PLAY KIRBYS EPIC YARN. THAT GAME
  186. SUCKS SO MUCH AZZ. You can't die. There is no challenge.
  187. These ants that are in my room are pissing me off. I kill like 12 of them every hour and they still
  188. appear. I don't know how to get rid of these ants. I don't have any food lying around, at least
  189. none that I am aware of.
  190. Thoughts:
  191. Well, I am going to end this chapter with a few thoughts that come to mind. Why does MD/VA
  192. suck? Is it because we don't practice hard enough? I admit that I have been holding a lot of
  193. secrets about the game from you guys. The reason is so that I can stay on top and for nobody
  194. to surpass me. The last time I gave my secrets away was when I taught P~S Olimar. I told him
  195. to do nothing but Pivot grab and spam pikmin. He is doing that now. I can't beat him. That was
  196. the last time I gave my secrets out. I guess I'll be a little less secretive with you guys so that we
  197. can improve as a whole. I want this region to be good again.
  198. To be honest, I don't think that this region will get good again. I think we needed Azen +
  199. Chillindude in MD/VA. I had a chance to bring Azen back. I owe him $800 since he payed for
  200. my schooling. In return, I was supposed to play with Azen frequently and team with him at
  201. every event. Well, that didn't end up happening. I rarely played with Azen and I screwed up
  202. MD/VA's chance to get good. I would like to say that the blame isn't ENtIRELY on me. I guess
  203. it's up to you guys as well.
  204. Time to go to my Psychiatrist appointment. I'll see you guys later.
  205. Quote:
  206. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  207. Chapter 7: Don't Jack off and Drive at the same time
  208. What's up everyone? It's your entertainer ChuDat here with a ridiculous story.
  209. It was snowing pretty hard outside as I was driving home from Azens house. I randomly
  210. decided that it was a good idea to look at some porn on my phone. I had pictures of my
  211. girlfriends azz on my phone. It started getting hot. I unzipped my pants and went to town.
  212. Keep in mind, I was driving while this was happening. So there I was, jacking off with one hand
  213. and driving with the other. I managed to jack off and drive in the snow for a while...... until.
  214. *BAM*
  215. I hit someones car because my brakes didn't work. It was a sharp turn and I couldn't stop. If
  216. you see the front part of the car, the damage is still on there. I can show you guys the damage
  217. if you come to my bi-weekly or randomly want to come over. Anyway, I had to turn my cell
  218. phone off immediately. I zipped up my pants and went outside. The damage wasn't too bad.
  219. She didn't even end up calling the insurance company on me so I got pretty lucky there. So
  220. yeah kids, do NOT jack off and drive.
  221. BTW, I thought I could pull it off since I had done so before. I was driving back from some
  222. tournament and my friends were all asleep in my car. I had to drive home. I thought about my
  223. sexual fantasies and ended up busting a nut in the front seat with Anden (old melee smasher)
  224. right next to me. It was awesome. So yeah, I felt cocky and thought I could do it in the snow.
  225. Apparently I was wrong though... LOLZ.
  226. Quote:
  227. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  228. Chapter 8: Girlfriends
  229. I don't know about you guys but I find girlfriends to be bothersome. They always need
  230. attention. If you don't speak to them for one day, they get mad at you. It's too much of an
  231. obligation having a girlfriend.
  232. I once went out with SephirothKens sister, Helen. She was a cute girl. Her and I could talk
  233. about anything. The thing about it is that she wanted to talk EVERY DAY. And not for just 1 or 2
  234. hours, she wanted to talk for about 3-4 hours a night!! I couldn't do it but I did it anyway. I
  235. didn't like having that obligation.
  236. Personally, the only reason I would want a girlfriend right now is to fu*k her. I want a fu*k
  237. buddy. (BTW if you know of one, let me know!! haha). Fu*k buddies are there to take it
  238. whenever I want to. I don't have to keep in contact with them or anything.
  239. My girlfriend and I went out for about 3 years. It was an on and off relationship. The first time
  240. we went out was on September 14, 2004. I went over to her place in California during
  241. Christmas. It was one of the worst experiences ever. There was this other chick named Tina.
  242. She was Helens cousin. She was pretty attractive too so I ended up talking to her a lot. Her and
  243. I made paper animals together. Of course, Helen got jealous so she ended up talking to some
  244. guy named Mike Monkey. Mike and Helen would talk so much that it would get on my nerves.
  245. Of course, I got jealous as well. So Helen and I didn't really talk the whole time I was in
  246. California, instead, we just got each other jealous. LOLZ I know it's retarded but whatever. Her
  247. and I eventually broke up. After we broke up, she went after my best friend, Yosh. Yosh, her
  248. and I used to talk everyday so of course feelings would occur if Helen and Yosh talk. Yosh
  249. looked just like me too. Anyway, that's the end of my relationship with Helen.
  250. 6 months later, I start talking to Helen again. She was now going out with Yosh. Yosh got kinda
  251. jealous that I was talking to Helen. He dam* well better be jealous because I was tryna make a
  252. move on her LOLZ. I ended up stealing Helen away from Yosh. Helen and I went out for 1 year
  253. and 3 months. We ended up breaking up. The reason we broke up was because she was acting
  254. so B*tchy towards me and I HATED it. I couldn't take it anymore so I dumped her. I then went
  255. out with a girl named Janet aka Kiwi for about 2 weeks. It was a good relationship. We rocked
  256. the Casba.
  257. Janet and I made out this one night. I had my hand on her azz while I was kissing her. I decided
  258. to dig in deeper into her azz since I have an azz fetish haha. There was something there that
  259. wasn't supposed to be there......... I found hair. So, being the fetish king that I am, I twirled her
  260. azz hair with my finger like you would twirl spaghetti with a fork. It wasn't really a turn on, I
  261. just felt like doing it.
  262. Afterwards, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. Before washing my hands, I sniffed my
  263. fingers. It smelled like azz, of course LOLZ.
  264. Anyway, looks like time has run short on me again. I have to go to class. Hopefully these two
  265. chapters will hold you guys over for now.
  266. Quote:
  267. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  268. Chapter 9: Medications.. Medications..
  269. Sup all. I would like to talk about my recent medication usage. When I was about 17, I knew
  270. that something was wrong with me. I couldn't put my finger on it but I know there was
  271. something off. I thought that I had ADD (then again, most people do). So, I eventually got my
  272. self checked out with some doctors. After doing some tests, I was diagnosed with Major
  273. Depression and some signs of ADD (Btw, I wasn't depressed lolz). I started seeing a psychiatrist
  274. and he prescribed me the drug called, "Wellbutrin", as I described earlier. I was on that for a
  275. while and it was working great. My grades improved dramatically. I didn't score below a B on
  276. all of my classes. Good times must come to an end though.... I lost my health insurance.
  277. I was on my Moms health insurance plan and apparently they couldn't keep me on it so they
  278. kicked me out. That was the end of my "good days". I ran out of Wellbutrin.
  279. My mom helped me find an alternate route. We found some mental health center called,
  280. "Northern Virginia Family Service" and now I'm seeing a new psychiatrist. She is pretty hot too
  281. haha. Anyway, she prescribed me to some drug called, "Ambillify". It's supposed to give you a
  282. charge of energy and concentration. All it did was make me irritable. I couldn't find anything to
  283. do. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I've also had thoughts of suicide while I was on
  284. Wellbutrin. I don't know why I'm telling you guys this but the only way to continue writing like
  285. this is if I am completely honest and open with you all. Don't worry though, I would never try
  286. killing myself or anything lolz.
  287. So, after taking Ambillify for a while, I switched to another drug called, "Invega". It's supposed
  288. to gather my thoughts and it prevents me from having auditory hallucinations. That didn't
  289. work. So we tried one last drug. I'm actually taking it right now. If you want to know what it is,
  290. it's Prozac and Zyprexa. The Prozac helps with depression and the Zyprexa helps with the
  291. auditory hallucinations.
  292. Well, I am currently on Wellbutrin right now as well as the Prozac and Zyprexa. The Wellbutrin
  293. helps me focus. I have some crazy stories about myself while I was on Wellbutrin...
  294. I went to Indiana with Ally, Boss, Coney, and BMX for a tournament about 5 months ago. The
  295. crazy stuff started happening to me while I was on the car ride home to Virginia. It was a 9
  296. hour trip and it was an experience like I never felt before. Imagine for a second that you could
  297. talk to people through your mind. Some people think it's fake and not real. What I felt that day
  298. was so real. I spoke to Ally, Boss, Bmx, and Coney through my mind. ACTUALLY, EVERYTHING
  299. THAT I'VE SAID SO FAR WAS FIRST TOLD TO THESE PEOPLE. Wow. I just realized that.
  300. The thing that sucks about it is that Coney, Boss, Bmx, OR Ally will NOT confess to me what
  301. happened during that car ride back from Indiana. I know I spoke to them through my mind. I
  302. told them about what I jack off to. I told them my whole life story.
  303. Well, some of the things we were saying were:
  304. Coney: I think he's in love with me
  305. BMX: Did you guys just hear that?!?!
  306. Ally: *Reaches for my hand*
  307. Boss: I told this niqqa that I was gay and that I didn't want him stealing anymore. He just
  308. looked back at me and said, "he's training me".
  309. Remember, I don't know if I am gay or not. So, I classify myself as a bi-sexual. Well, that about
  310. covers it for Chapter 9.
  311. Chapter 10 will be coming soon.
  312. Edit: COME TO MY BI-WEEKLY!! Post if you are going. People who go to my bi-weekly will get
  313. to read Chapters 12 and 13. I plan on going to Chapter 11 by tonight.
  314. Quote:
  315. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  316. Chapter 10: My Ability to Copy Speech Patterns
  317. I'm going to make a list of people that I know and say what I think they would say -
  318. Boss - "Nah dawg"
  319. P~S - "but Kirby rapes Olimar"
  320. Candy - "fu*king chu hahah"
  321. Esoj - "What it B hoe"
  322. Korn - "I so bored"
  323. SSR - "I'll give anyone 100$ to let me blow them"
  324. Omni - "Lez goezzz"
  325. Takeover - "ah hah wadap son"
  326. Lil B - "sovaaaaaa"
  327. Inui - "you are much better than me"
  328. Hova - "Sup SON"
  329. NKB - "Chu is amazing."
  330. K9 - "haha Possibly......"
  331. Forte - "yo."
  332. The list goes on and on. Lets get to some thoughts.
  333. Lets see what am I thinking right now. I am thinking that I should pop another Wellbutrin pill
  334. so that I can study tonight and write more for you guys. Apparently, the Wellbutrin is making
  335. me do this. It's pretty fun. I know you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy typing this.
  336. Lets see what else. I am gay. Wait, no I'm not. Yes you are. NOOOOO I AM NOT GAYYYYYYY. I
  337. am Bi-sexual . Ok what else. UM... MD/VA sucks... I know I already said this. I can't believe I'm
  338. saying this too. About a year ago, I was all about MD/VA being one of the top regions in the
  339. country. Nowadays, we lose to PA!! WTFFFFFF MAN. I even lost to Xzax, a PA member. He
  340. won't get so lucky next time.
  341. My Dad just came inside my room and asked what I was doing. I was like, "Um, telling people
  342. my thoughts.". He says that I shouldn't do that but I always go against what my Dad says. I'm
  343. usually right and he is usually wrong so yeah enough about that.
  344. Ummm...... My name is ChuDat aka Daniel Rodriguez and I live at 3312 dauphine dr. Falls
  345. church VA 22042. My phone number is 703-989-8795. (NO PRANK CALLZ PLZ THANKZ). I think
  346. I'll leave chapter 10 like this. This should be a good amount of info until I can type chapter 11.
  347. Chapter 11 is coming right up.
  348. Don't forget to COME TO MY BI-WEEKLY!!
  349. Quote:
  350. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  351. Chapter 11: My Crazy Thoughts
  352. This is actually something that I typed up about 4 months ago. I'd like to share it with you guys
  353. (mainly because I am running out of ideas LOLZ). Here it is:
  354. My Crazy thoughts.
  355. Prologue
  356. Keep in mind that everything that I say can or cannot be real. It is up for you to decide. This is
  357. for open minded people ONLY. If you aren't open minded, please stop reading NOW and read
  358. something else.
  359. This is something positive that is changing my whole entire life. If everything works according
  360. to plan, I believe that I can stop whatever attack that happens on 2012. I don't know though,
  361. remember, this is all a THEORY. Not everything I say is true. Everyone cares about me.
  362. Everyone loves me. Everyone wants to talk to me. I wish I lived in a temple where all I would
  363. do is talk and listen to people haha. For now, I must live life to the fullest.
  364. Chapter 11
  365. Hello, my name is Daniel Rodriguez. I bet a lot of you out there are wondering if I am crazy or
  366. not. Well, to tell you the truth, I think I am a little crazy. That's just because I can hear people
  367. speak to me when I say things in my head. Meaning, people can understand everything that I
  368. say in my head. A LOT of the things that I say in my head are very impulsive. I don't even think
  369. when I say things. I just say things out loud just to say something. I am a very curious person
  370. too. I don't know a lot about the world. But anyway, let me get straight down to the point.
  371. People can hear my thoughts.
  372. This is a very wierd feeling. It is a GOOD feeling, but it is VERY stressful and scary at the same
  373. time. I am learning more and more how to be a human being everyday. It all started with the
  374. medication that I take. My medication is called, "WellButrin" or "BuProPion". After I took these
  375. drugs, my life changed.
  376. My first experience with this "mind reading capability" started with my English 121 professor. I
  377. forget her name, but she was a very cute professor. She was in her mid 20's. I came to class
  378. and I payed attention to her face and her eyes. My VERY FIRST experience of this "thing" was
  379. when she looked at me in the eyes. I looked back at her. I started shaking nervously, so I
  380. looked away. During another class of hers that I attended, she tried to make me smile by
  381. teasing me. I smiled and she caught me. I guess she enjoyed this ability of mine, she wasn't
  382. scared at all by it, she welcomed it.
  383. What am I? Who am I? What is my purpose in life? I have so many theories on life. Sometimes
  384. I think that the world is just playing tricks on me and nothing is real. It IS real though,
  385. unfortunately for me. I have to deal with this "power" of mine and use it for the good of man
  386. kind. Right now, I'm still a child, I haven't learned to control this ability yet. You can think of it
  387. like the X-men. I have this power, but I don't know how to control it. I need someone out there
  388. to teach me how to use these powers for the good of man kind.
  389. Quote:
  390. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  391. Chapter 12: A Continuation...
  392. This is just a continuation from the previous chapter. Here you go
  393. My co-worker, Mike, told me I had some type of gift. I had no clue what he was talking about.
  394. Now I know. From this point on, everything will sound wierd so bare with me here.
  395. These are all memories. Most of these voices are just memories of what I normally hear from
  396. people. As long as I can remember their voice and their face, I can communicate with people
  397. through my mind. IT IS SO WIERD. It works though. I guess it acts as if these people are actually
  398. saying these things. They are wrong though. They aren't speaking to me. It's just my mind and
  399. my imagination. It's all memories. I think about what people would say in given situations. For
  400. example, I know my Dad hates it when I take forever in the shower. So I communicated with
  401. him through my mind about it. I told him that I was going to, "choke the chicken" in the
  402. bathroom. He told me not to, and that I need to do my homework. I told him that I will obey
  403. him. I ended up taking an hour in the shower anyway, it was only because I was speaking to
  404. the dead. I believe it was the dead. It ****ing scared the shyt out of me. I don't know what the
  405. **** happened yesterday. I thought I saw something. It was like a finger, it touched the
  406. window of the shower. That scared the living shyt out of me. I looked outside to see who was
  407. there. I didn't see anyone. Then, out of nowhere, something touched the screen of the window.
  408. Now that I think about it, I believe it was just my breath and not a ghost. At the time, I believed
  409. it was a ghost and I thought people were playing mind tricks with me to **** with my mind. I
  410. wouldn't blame them since I was ****ing with peoples minds since I told everyone that I am
  411. god. I am NOT god though. Or am I?
  412. I don't know what to think about this situation. I asked my self and I asked God. I asked him,
  413. "God, where are you?". I didn't get an answer. After that, I told what the **** the lights
  414. flickered on and off. Something is up. Someone can hear me even now. I'm on my medication
  415. right now.
  416. I helped some ants today. I saw them walking along my window cill. I picked them up and put
  417. them outside. I believe I was talking to an ant today. OH WAIT, I forgot to mention that I was
  418. speaking to my bird, who I call "Sweety". She is a sweet heart. I made her cry yesterday. I was s
  419. ok what the hell, I heard an owl. Something is up.
  420. Ok. I have nothing left to say for now. I will continue my story later. This is my legacy. This is,
  421. My Destiny
  422. Quote:
  423. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  424. I just wrote 12 fuc*ing chapters on my life. I have a headache. I think I'm done with this. Unless
  425. people want me to continue, I will. These 12 chapters should hold you guys over until
  426. tomorrow at least.
  427. Oh and COME TO MY BI-WEEKLY!!!
  428. Quote:
  429. Originally Posted by stingers View Post
  430. continue until the end of time
  431. Quote:
  432. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  433. Chapter 13: My Parents
  434. First I would like to thank the 40 people who have been reading my chapters. Good shyt to
  435. Seagull and Sapphire_Dragon for making them easily viewable. LOLLLZZZ Good fuc*ing shyt
  436. guyz it made me laugh so hard. I'm glad to be writing these things for you guys. Time to get to
  437. the main subject.
  438. I was recently having with my mother when I told her, "Hey mom, I'm telling everyone my
  439. thoughts on smashboards". She was like, "WHATTTT???!?!? DON'T DO THAT". After that, I got
  440. into a fight with my father and mother. It sucked. I respected them though. After everything
  441. died down, I hugged my mother and said, "sorry". Obviously I'm not sorry since I'm on here
  442. typing this stuff right now.
  443. Anyway, my parents are very loving. They care about me a whole lot. We are very close as a
  444. family, like most latino families. My dad works and cooks everyday and my mother works
  445. everyday. She just wants whats best for me. I guess I should listen to her. But if I did, then that
  446. would mean the end of my "ChuDat Chronicles".
  447. My father can be really stubborn. He doesn't listen to what people have to say. He yells
  448. without reason. Sometimes he finds things to yell at me about when they aren't even true. For
  449. example, I had class today in the morning and the evening. My dad comes into my room and is
  450. like, "Why didn't you go to class today." I'm like, "WTF dad I went to class". He gets into my
  451. nerves pretty easily.
  452. As for my mother, she is too caring. I've been smoking Marijuana recently (I don't do it
  453. anymore) and my mother always seems to find out. I always leave these clues in my eyes that
  454. say, "Mom, I smoked Marijuana". It's like she can read my mind sometimes haha. I know that
  455. isn't possible. It would be cool though. Once I start having these auditory hallucinations again,
  456. I'll tell you guys all about it.
  457. Well, that ends this Chapter.
  458. Don't forget to come to my bi-weekly!! Also, there is a smashfest happening at my place
  459. tomorrow @ 6:00 PM. Give me a call at 703-989-8795 if you want to come.
  460. I'll type up another chapter tonight if I can, but I really need to study. Lets see if this chapter is
  461. enough for you guys haha.
  462. Quote:
  463. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  464. Chapter 14: Doll
  465. OMFFFFGGGGGGGGGG Fuc*ing Lil B had to bring this up. What a good chapter to right about
  466. in my "ChuDat Chronicles".
  467. So the story starts off like this. Doll is a homosexual smash player that plays peach. I never
  468. knew about his homosexuality, I didn't even question him. He seemed like a cool azn guy.
  469. Well.... one night he wanted to spend the night at my place....
  471. We ended up drinking alcohol until we were drunk. He rested his head on my shoulder. I was
  472. like, "Ummm... what do I do." Things happened.... ughh ok I'll give you guys the full details.
  473. He started giving me a hand job underneath some covers. My friend Minh and I believe
  474. Plairnkk was there as well. I didn't really think much of the hand job he gave me. I kinda just
  475. "went along for the ride". That same night, we ended up drinking more alcohol and waited for
  476. everyone to go to sleep. After we found out that everyone was asleep, we closed the doors
  477. and made sure everything was set up perfectly.
  478. Doll went to town on my d*ck.
  479. He sucked it, slobbered all over it, and asked me, "Chu, does this feel good?". I was like, "Hellz
  480. yeah baby keep going". LMFAO LOLZ NAH NAH just playing but he did really say that. All I said
  481. was, "Yeah." After about 15 minutes of sucking on my c*ck, I came up with an idea. I asked Doll,
  482. "Hey Doll, can I f*ck you in the azz?". Doll said "Yeah. Do you have any lubricant?". I said,
  483. "Yeah, I got some vegetable oil".
  484. So I grabbed the vegetable oil and went back downstairs where I saw doll pointing his butt
  485. straight up, ready to receive whats coming to him. I lubed up his azz pretty good. I then
  486. grabbed my d*ck, and slid it inside his azz. It didn't feel that good, actually. It was really tight.
  487. The guy was small so it was expected. After pounding him for a good 10 minutes, I decided to
  488. stop. I wasn't feeling anything. I didn't ejaculate at all.
  489. ALSO, Keep in mind I was thinking about my girlfriend Helen the whole time this was
  490. happening.
  491. Anyway, we finally stopped. I went outside to smoke a jack. It felt smooth as the smoke went
  492. through my throat. We got tired and fell asleep. My dumazz decided to sleep next to him. I
  493. DON'T KNOW WHY I JUST DID ughhh. But yeah... It was morning already. My mother went
  494. downstairs to check on me since I wasn't in my room. To her surprise, SHE SAW ME SLEEPING
  496. She started yelling at me, lecturing me, hitting me, and basically everything a mother would do
  497. when they find out their son is sleeping with a dude. They forced me to take Doll home and
  498. said that they never wanted to see Doll again.
  499. I pretty much stopped hanging out with Doll until this one AIM convo I had with him online. I
  500. have a fetish for girls in thongs. I asked Doll, "Do you have a thong?" He said, "Yes. Do you
  501. want me to wear it for you?". I said, "Hellz Yeah". I drove over to his house. He pulled his pants
  502. down so that I can see his azz in a thong. It didn't even make me horny at all. I still grabbed his
  503. azz and squeezed it but I didn't feel anything. Also, he was sucking my co*k again at this time.
  504. This, I believe, was the last time I saw him. After this, I never saw him again.
  505. My thoughts on the situation:
  506. Doll is a homosexual. As he was giving me head, he was saying, "Chu, I'm not gay, I'm not gay".
  507. LOLZ. I don't believe I am a homosexual. I admit I was a little bi-curious but it didn't arouse me
  508. whatsoever. I need a girl to get me aroused. Like the one time where I fingered Helen..
  509. ahhhhhh yessss but that's for another chapter.
  510. Quote:
  511. Originally Posted by ChuDat View Post
  512. Chapter 15: My Environment
  513. This is a chapter I wrote about 4 months ago. It should hold you guys over for tomorrow. This
  514. is what you guys get for breaking 100 people!!!! =DDDDDDDD
  515. The USA is a pretty messed up place to live at. I now understand why everyone wants to kill us.
  516. Why though? Why KILL? Killing won't solve anything. You must speak to people from the heart.
  517. Listen to others. Everything will be okay.
  518. I am going to go to Fur Night Club tonight. Something BIG is going to happen tonight. I will be
  519. showing my face to the entire region of MD/VA. Some girl promised me that she would show
  520. me her *******. She better, LOLZ. Thank you for telling me to take the metro. I will be going
  521. with my sister, her boyfriend, and my "date" Samantha. I will be going undercover to discover
  522. the truth behind my hidden power. Everyone wants to hear everything that I have to say. I
  523. have to continue or else I will lose my train of thought. F*CK IM LOSTING.
  524. I will not be typing out any secrets. I don't want you guys to find out who I truly am, YET.
  525. Everything will be clear once I get global recognition. Even to the animals. I'm still working on
  526. bugs though. Bugs are ugly and they are dangerous. I don't really care too much about bugs. If
  527. I see that bugs have hearts, then I will take care of them too. All animals have hearts, well
  528. herbivores anyways. Carnivores are vicious animals so I don't know if they have hearts because
  529. they kill other animals. Wow, yeah I don't want to turn into a vegetarian.
  530. Animals kill other animals to survive. We eat those animals. That is the circle of life. I'm sorry
  531. carnivorous animals. Continue to eat and kill other animals. DON'T ASSUME THAT YOU GUYS
  532. ARE SUPPOSED TO F***ING KILL EACH OTHER WHAT THE ****. I'm only talking about the
  533. circle of life. Watch the Lion King and you will know what I mean.
  534. IF you are an idiot and can't understand what I'm trying to say, then listen up. Animals eat
  535. grass. Animals eat other animals, such as Lions and gazelles. Lions will hunt these gazelles
  536. because they NEED to eat. Some animals just can't eat leaves and stuff. You guys know what
  537. I'm talking about. It's a matter of choice and respect.
  538. I believe there is good in everybodys heart. My friend Kashan made a very valid point though.
  539. Why did Hitler kill all of those people? I don't know, I would actually like to know his reasoning
  540. behind it. I know there was a secret reason behind it. Well, whatever it is, I don't know. I don't
  541. have any theories about it at the moment. This book is JUST beginning! Stay tuned for more
  542. life lessons with Daniel "ChuDat" Rodriguez.
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