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Jul 19th, 2013
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  1. #reprap_2013-05-15.log:09:38 < LLckfan> Can some1 tell me why in Google Chrome it sometimes will not go to the address I type in but if I click a link somewhere it goes to that address without an issue
  2. #reprap_2013-05-16.log:18:49 < LLckfan> Can some1 tell me why in Google Chrome it sometimes will not go to the address I type in but if I click a link somewhere it goes to that address without an issue
  3. #reprap_2013-05-16.log:18:51 < LLckfan> There is no right channel
  4. #reprap_2013-05-16.log:19:07 < LLckfan> Can some1 tell me why in Google Chrome it sometimes will not go to the address I type in but if I click a link somewhere it goes to that address without an issue
  5. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:07 < LLckfan> Is there a way to stop Shockwave Flash from crashing in Chrome? I have this happen on two different computer(different os (XP and 7) and brands(Copax(HP) and Gateway))
  6. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:15 < LLckfan> Is there a way to stop Shockwave Flash from crashing in Chrome? I have this happen on two different computer(different os (XP and 7) and brands(Copax(HP) and Gateway))
  7. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:16 < LLckfan> I have to use Chrome
  8. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:25 < LLckfan> I have had this issue since Oct
  9. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:25 < LLckfan> Older Flash will not help
  10. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:06:53 < LLckfan> Is there a way to stop Shockwave Flash from crashing in Chrome? I have this happen on two different computer(different os (XP and 7) and brands(Copax(HP) and Gateway))
  11. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:07:16 < LLckfan> Ihave a defaultbrowser that I am using but when I go to click a link or sign into something it says that my default s disabled. I have Windows 7. Is there some where I can check this and fix it?
  12. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:23 < LLckfan> Ihave a defaultbrowser that I am using but when I go to click a link or sign into something it says that my default s disabled. I have Windows 7. Is there some where I can check this and fix it?
  13. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:30 < LLckfan> Ihave a defaultbrowser that I am using but when I go to click a link or sign into something it says that my default s disabled. I have Windows 7. Is there some where I can check this and fix it?
  14. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:31 < LLckfan> There is no right place
  15. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:34 < LLckfan> I cannot get into that channel
  16. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:47 < LLckfan> My friend was without power for three days in over 90 degree weather and even though she put stuff on she still steawed and would like to know what else to do besides taking a shower to get the smell out from her underarms
  17. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:51 < LLckfan> My friend was without power for three days in over 90 degree weather and even though she put stuff on she still steawed and would like to know what else to do besides taking a shower to get the smell out from her underarms
  18. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:51 < LLckfan> sHE CANNOT USE SALT
  19. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:51 < LLckfan> She is allerygic to is
  20. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:08:55 < LLckfan> Not for my friend
  21. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:11:55 < LLckfan> My friend was without power for three days in over 90 degree weather and even though she put stuff on she still steawed and would like to know what else to do besides taking a shower to get the smell out from her underarms
  22. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:11:56 < LLckfan> Sorry my computer froze
  23. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:13:40 < LLckfan> I would like to know how hard it is to hang a storm door
  24. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:13:41 < LLckfan> SystemsGuy Why is that
  25. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:13:42 < LLckfan> we will just be replace one
  26. #reprap_2013-07-19.log:13:45 < LLckfan> SystemsGuy What makes it hard to get it to close properly
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