
Huggies Chow - Dominate Genes

Sep 9th, 2012
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  1. Huggies Chow - Dominant Genes
  2. > You are a shelter worker
  3. > Not any important or worthwhile shelter
  4. > A fluffy pony shelter
  5. > Not a decent fluffy shelter either
  6. > Your boss has a few backroom customers that buy in bulk
  7. > Most are abusers, but others are breeders looking for rare colors at discount
  8. > You're not paid to worry about these little guys though
  9. > You're paid to clean up their shit, take away corpses, and feed them whatever slop is cheapest today
  10. > Looks like it's expired baked beans
  11. > "Nummies!" "Nee Nummies!" "Haff bebbeh suun! NEE NUMMIES!"
  12. > Wobbly dams and greedy stallions alike jockey for position near the food tube that you drop the slop into
  13. > A slurry of watered down baked beans rush into the trough opposite the sleeping corner
  14. > The corpses are first cleaned from the stained quilt that the fluffies sleep on
  15. > Several stallions dead from exhaustion, mares fucked to death, foals suffocated, you name it they've probably died from it
  16. > There are also around a dozen abandoned foals
  17. > They suckle the air and are far too small for their age
  18. > Looks like some runts again
  19. > The garbage bag you brought in is already half full and tiny hooves poke against the strong plastic
  20. > Once the feeding frenzy is over you'll probably need a second one
  21. > Stallions and would be smarties all buck and bite over each morsel of food
  22. > The boss doesn't let you feed them more
  23. > Says it helps weed out the weak
  24. > More like it keeps his pocketbook heavy
  25. > But, soon the crowd is making its way desperately to the litter box
  26. > "Nuuu! Bad poopies! Nuu wike!" "WHY HAFF POOPIES SUU BAD?!" "NUU SMEWW PWETTY!"
  27. > Farting fluffies clench their buttocks in an attempt to make it to the litter box all at once
  28. > Spoilt beans don't sit well with humans and they wreak havoc on fluffy colons
  29. > Most don't make it and cry as they leave partially digested beans in large piles around the concrete floor or on distressed friends
  30. > Would be smarties and upset friends would dish out punishment if they weren't also struggling with uncontrollable anuses
  31. > The scene would be comic if it weren't for the fact that you'll have to clean it up later
  32. > For now a half dozen trampled and suffocated corpses are retrieved from the feeder trough
  33. > Mostly foals who haven't had their first solid meal yet
  34. > Weak from lack of good milk they are broken by all
  35. > Nearly 100 fluffies crowd into this small space and defecate everywhere
  36. > It's up to you to clean some of the filth so they can at least be adopted by a breeder
  37. > Lately though the foal corpses have been piling up
  38. > Usually foals are well protected by mares and fathers, but mothers seem totally disinterested in their children
  39. > Several you've witnessed looking bored as foals suckle on teats
  40. > Mares are usually their happiest when they feed their children milk
  41. > But, more and more mares from drop offs to collection are disinterested in their children
  42. > There also seems to be an explosion in the runt population
  43. > Nearly twenty times the number you usually clean out are found miserably limping around the sleeping mat
  44. > Abandoned by mothers for being dumb babies
  45. > You don't particularly care about them, but without fluffies you're out of a job
  46. > The second part of your job begins once the "pressure washer monster" is busted out to clean the floor
  47. > You sift through fluffies to find mares without children that can give milk, and remove them from the group pen
  48. > They are placed in individual cages with a handful of foals each
  49. > Most times mares are happy as clams to see a baby again let alone get to care for it
  50. > But these mares...
  51. > "Dun wan bebbeh, bebbehs awe stupit"
  52. > You nearly faint from shock
  53. > There is no instinct stronger than motherly love in these stupid creatures
  54. > Was she abused?
  55. > You give her a once over and search for wounds
  56. > "Wha hoomin doin? Fwuffy go back tuu fwiends? Nuu wan bebbehs now"
  57. > The fluffy is unharmed, and healthy yet refuses to relieve her bulging teats with the now sobbing children
  58. > She would rather suffer alone than care for these kids
  59. > You place her back and retrieve another mare
  60. > This one happily feeds the children who suckle on and off rotated by a happy mother
  62. > Sounds like another birth
  63. > You're not supposed to interfere unless the mare dies
  64. > Foals are to be put into their own cage if a mother expires
  65. > You return to the wide pen and watch the largest mare you've ever seen struggle with birth
  66. > After nearly an hour ten foals slip out
  67. > Only three of which are moving
  68. > They are also rather large, and nurse greedily on their defenseless mother
  69. > They're also arguing already
  70. > "Dummy bwoffa! Dis sissies miwkies! Guu way!"
  71. > "Nuu! Sissy dummy take offa sissies miwkies! Dese fow fwuffy!"
  72. > They're not even an hour old and they're already talking?
  73. > What in the bloody fuck is going on
  74. > "Mummah! Why nuu giff miwkies? Nuu wuv?"
  75. > The mother is still and nearly flat as a pancake
  76. > Large foals walk over her corpse as they try to hug her to life
  77. > Then they decide to start beating her up
  78. > "Dummy mummah! Nuu giff miwkies! Fwuffy hugee! Nee miwkies! Dummy mummah bad! Bad fwuffies get owies!"
  79. > They proceed to turn the carcase into a paste
  80. > Fuck, you have to clean that now
  81. > After placing the foals in solitary for a mare to feed them you clean the corpse
  82. > All this is rather bewildering
  83. > What could be causing the crazy changes
  84. > You leave work without any further clue
  85. > The next day the routine is repeated
  86. > Over the cacophony of noise a shrill scream is heard followed by sobbing
  87. > You drop what you're doing and see the mare you placed with foals yesterday is now hugging lifeless bodies
  89. > The heartbroken mare has dead foals splayed out on her fluff
  90. > Some near her tits, others in her embrace, and a few that have fallen off lifelessly
  91. "What happened here? What did you do?"
  92. > "Mumm-HUUU-huuu-huuu mummah giff miwkies! Am good mummah! Nuu huwties! Nuu huggies tuu hawd! WUV! Nuu bad! WUV BEBBEHS!"
  93. > The evidence backs her up
  94. > Each foal is undamaged and have milk on their lips
  95. > You place the mother with a new group of foals
  96. > Maybe they were a bad batch, the mare is practically bursting with milk
  97. > She is definitely able to give milk
  98. > The new foals hungry from a night without milk suckle on their new caregiver
  99. > She rotates them manually ever few minutes
  100. > But, they never stop crying
  101. > Each time they are rotated back to a teat they suckle to their hearts content but are always crying for more
  102. > Limited vocabulary wailing
  104. > You pick up the foal and bottle feed it for a while
  105. > It immediately stops crying and sleeps soundly as it suckles
  106. > Its siblings still wailing for milk while a distressed mare tries to comfort her new children
  107. > Something is going down in fluffy town
  108. > And you're going to get to the bottom of this
  109. > Your boss walks in
  110. > "What in the fuck are you doing?"
  111. "Uh... bottle feeding a foal?"
  112. > "I can fucking see that! Why are you feeding it when the mare is right there?!"
  113. "She..."
  114. > "I don't want to hear it! Now put that fluffy back with her or you're out of here!"
  115. > "And clean up this shit, these fluffies are filthy!"
  116. > Well, you'll eventually get to the bottom of this
  117. > Maybe
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