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a guest
Aug 31st, 2011
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  1. root@tarballerina:~# xl migrate testvm-2.6 netcatarina
  2. Saving to migration stream new xl format (info 0x0/0x0/341)
  3. migration target: Ready to receive domain.
  4. Loading new save file incoming migration stream (new xl fmt info 0x0/0x0/341)
  5. Savefile contains xl domain config
  6. xc: Saving memory: iter 0 (last sent 0 skipped 0): 1050624/1050624 100%
  7. xc: Saving memory: iter 1 (last sent 130898 skipped 174): 1050624/1050624 100%
  8. xc: Saving memory: iter 2 (last sent 188 skipped 0): 1050624/1050624 100%
  9. xc: Saving memory: iter 3 (last sent 0 skipped 0): 1050624/1050624 100%
  10. xc: error: Failed to pin batch of 496 page tables (22 = Invalid argument): Internal error
  11. libxl: error: libxl_dom.c:310:libxl__domain_restore_common restoring domain: Resource temporarily unavailable
  12. cannot (re-)build domain: -3
  13. libxl: error: libxl.c:711:libxl_domain_destroy non-existant domain 70
  14. migration target: Domain creation failed (code -3).
  15. libxl: error: libxl_utils.c:408:libxl_read_exactly file/stream truncated reading ready message from migration receiver stream
  16. libxl: info: libxl_exec.c:72:libxl_report_child_exitstatus migration target process [10588] exited with error status 3
  17. Migration failed, resuming at sender.
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