

Feb 23rd, 2014
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  1. Twilite sparkel woke up one morning and she was a pokeman traner! She was so exsited that she lept from her bed and hit her head on the wall and her horn got stuck in the wall so she cudent get out so she yelled from help and spike didn’t hear her so she had to push herself off the wall but she couldn’t push herself off the wall because she was so stuck that she couldn’t bdudge herself from the wall and stuff.
  2. After a few days, Spike finally got back and was able to pull twilight from the wall. But he couldn’t use his arms because they were to week so he did it with his penis.
  3. Twiliht was finally down so she was excited to go get her pokemon. She ran from her house to Professor okes lab where she found 85.2 pokeballs to pick from. She picked one up and threw it and out came a dunsparce. She loved dunsparce it was her favorit.
  4. She thanked professor birk and wnet baack home to try out her new pokaen first before she lft. She fuked the dunspars so hard its eyes popped out and it died. She said wioops and took it back but she fgot arrested for murder and stuff and then the end.
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