
Celestia and DealerAnon Pt. 16

Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. >So far, you have chain-smoked four Camels
  2. >The tar is definitely doing a number on your lungs, but you have good reason
  3. >Several good reasons, in fact
  4. >One, you just saw your old principal naked and your dick is going haywire
  5. >But it's mostly item two
  6. >Two, you just said the dumbest thing you ever could have said to her
  7. >Ever
  8. >Also, you're seriously thinking about either getting some kind of filter for your mouth or just cutting your tongue out
  9. >Fucking shit
  10. >You stub the cigarette in an ashtray, for once, and light up another
  11. >Honestly, you're already feeling sick from the smoke, but you need something to do
  12. >And almost on cue, you hear muffled footsteps coming down the stairs
  13. >A door somewhere behind you opens
  14. >Well, at least you died with an eyeful
  16. >'Hey Anon.''
  17. 'Hi.''
  18. >The awkward silence reigns mighty, and you are currently keeping your eyes fixed on the skyline
  19. >After a minute, you stub out your cigarette and decide to break the silence
  20. ''So, uh, clothes fit okay?''
  21. >''Yeah. They're a bit big, but, uh, thanks.''
  22. ''No problem.''
  23. >You contemplate lighting another Camel, but you're already feeling light-headed
  24. >Your thoughts are interrupted by none other than Celestia
  25. >''Anon?''
  26. ''Yeah?''
  27. >She comes closer, with an almost scared look on her face
  28. >Tearing your gaze away from the skyline for a moment, you notice that she somehow manages to look good in ratty gym wear
  29. >Your ratty gym wear, no less
  30. >She takes her place beside you, both staring out toward the city
  31. >''When you looked at me, what did you see?''
  32. ''What do you mean?''
  33. >''When you saw me, uh, naked, what did you see?''
  34. ''Oh! Uh, not much at all. Honest.''
  35. >She sighs and fiddles with her tresses for a moment
  36. >''That's not what I meant. Anon, do you think I'm, well, pretty?''
  37. ''Hnnhgh.''
  38. >''Anon?''
  39. >The worried look in her eyes is replaced by something akin to a fire
  40. ''Well, I think you're, uh-''
  41. >''Yes?''
  42. ''Well, you're very, very pretty, okay? You're probably one of the prettiest girls, er, women, I've ever met.''
  43. >''Thank you, Anon.''
  44. >You're not sure if you should continue or not
  45. >Fortunately, she resolves that problem for you
  46. >''I'm sorry for being like this, Anon. It's just, well, I've been caught up in my work so much.''
  47. ''What's that got to do with this?''
  48. >''It's nothing.''
  49. ''Come on, there's got to be something.''
  50. >You move in front of her, blocking her view of the skyline
  51. >''It's nothing. Really.''
  52. >She still looks uncertain, so you decide to do the only thing you can
  53. >Enter smooth Anon
  55. >You place your hand on her shoulder, as comforting as possible
  56. ''Hey. Come on. You can tell me.''
  57. >Her gaze has moved from the skyline to the floor, and she looks somehow uncertain
  58. >''It's just, well, you know.''
  59. ''I don't think I do.''
  60. >You give her a half-hearted grin
  61. >''Well, it's just that the school used to be my whole life, in a way.''
  62. ''All work and no play, huh?''
  63. >''Yeah, I guess. Most of my time was spent on work, so I didn't really do, well, anything else.''
  64. ''Like what?''
  65. >She shrugs in response
  66. >''I don't know. Making friends, I guess. It's just so messed up, in a way.''
  67. ''What do you mean?''
  68. >''What I mean is that I finally have the chance to go out, make some friends, the works, and I have no idea where to start.''
  69. ''Well, I think you're off to a good start.''
  70. >You give her a reassuring grin and squeeze her shoulder, her eyes lighting up a bit
  71. >''Thanks Anon.''
  72. ''No problem.''
  73. >You let her shoulder go and stand beside her, leaning on the wall
  74. >The silence between you is comfortable, in a way
  75. >''Anon?''
  76. ''Hm?''
  77. >''Do you have anything planned for today?''
  78. ''Yep. Friend's coming over at twelve, maybe at one. What's your daily agenda?''
  79. >''Oh, uh, I don't know. I was planning on heading down to Carousel, if I find any cash, that is.''
  80. ''Carousel, huh? Is that a bar or something?''
  81. >She looks amazed and gives off a brief giggle
  82. >''Seriously? You don't know the Carousel Boutique?''
  83. >You scratch your neck, slightly embarrassed
  84. >She probably isn't the drinking type anyway
  85. ''Well, uh, yeah, I've heard about it. What they sell again?''
  86. >''Anon, they're the best tailors in town. You must've heard about them.''
  87. >You give her a lopsided smirk and point at the t-shirt she is wearing
  88. ''That look tailored to you?''
  89. >''Well, no. Not really.''
  90. >She looks downcast for a moment, but quickly brightens up again
  91. >''But wouldn't you want to have something tailored?''
  92. ''Do they do wifebeaters?''
  93. >''Hm. Possibly. But a suit is always nice, don't you think?''
  94. ''I'm not much of a formal guy.''
  95. >She gives you a sardonic smirk
  96. >''Really? Couldn't tell. But, take it from me, everyone goes well with a suit.''
  97. ''That so?''
  98. >''Mm-hmm.''
  99. ''So, Celestia?''
  100. >''Yeah?''
  101. ''Why'd you ask me if you're pretty?''
  102. >''Oh! Well, I was just asking.''
  103. >She is starting to blush again
  104. >Just too cute
  105. ''Come on, there's got to be a reason for it.''
  106. >''Well, it's just-''
  107. >She is fiddling with her hair and looking away from you, clearly nervous
  108. ''Hm?''
  109. >''Well, when I was in the shower I noticed you staring quite a bit.''
  110. ''Well, I had good reason.''
  111. >You smirk at her despite her still avoiding your gaze
  112. ''You are one pretty motherfucker.''
  113. >''Th-thanks?''
  114. >She looks uncertain of what to think
  115. >You could've worded that better
  116. ''Oh, yeah, also-''
  117. >You fiddle with your bandages, unsure of what to say
  118. >''Hm?''
  119. ''Well, for what it's worth, I'm sorry if I scared you last night. It's just, well, shit, I was really drunk, and I guess I get a little, well, direct when I drink.''
  120. >She smiles at you, clearly less nervous than before
  121. >''Apology accepted. I was just, well, worried.''
  122. ''Why? Come on, I'm not that kind of guy.''
  123. >''No, no, it's not that. It's just, well, it's been a really long time and all.''
  124. ''Since what?''
  125. >Prize-winning grin fixed in place, as you put your hand on her shoulder you clearly feel her tense up
  126. >She is starting to blush again, pale cheeks turning a shade of soft pink
  127. >''Since, since… Since I've last seen you, of course! You've grown so much since High School!''
  128. >Your grin is turning wider by the second
  129. >She is just too cute when she gets flustered
  130. ''Uh huh. You sure that's it?''
  131. >She can clearly hear the doubtful tone you're taking
  132. >''Well, yes, of course!''
  133. >She replies a little too quickly, her voice a little too shaky
  134. >''Now-''
  135. >She shakes off your hand and promptly heads to the door
  136. >''I think I've got some cleaning to do.''
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