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Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. Actually, fearing blacks (unless you live somewhere where they are heavily concentrated, like fucking Africa or Detroit) is kind of dumb. Blacks kill their own kind more often than anything else. Blacks' problems in the Kwa stem partially from a ridiculous amount of fatherless homes, which in turn results from... you guessed it, feminism. Other problems include a horrifically flawed subculture that actively encourages black criminality (rebellion against "the man") on one side, and black welfare dependency (reliance upon "the man") on the other. This subculture is not really a natural development - it was likely carefully grown by certain elements of the Left in much the same manner a microbiologist cultures a petri dish of god-knows-what. During Jim Crow, blacks married (and stayed married) and started businesses of their own without too many issues. They were, actually, starting to find their legs as American citizens. That basically got cut out from under them. Blacks' resentment of whites these days necessarily comes from a place of fear. The Left was all too happy to encourage this. They encourage this in the media, they encourage it in academia, they encourage it everywhere they go. Shit like "BLACKS ARE CONSTANTLY GETTING SLAUGHTERED BY WHITE COPS!" (this is patently untrue for a number of reasons) and "ALL WHITES ARE RACIST!" and actively DISCOURAGING effective integration in every fucking way imaginable. The Klan is an utterly toothless organization by now, but if you believe the Left's lies, you'd think it was not only alive and well but it had MULTIPLE representatives in every echelon of government.
  3. I don't fear blacks. I pity them. Blacks were some of the more notable victims of false rape claims leveled by women, actually - it was not unusual for a white woman who had had sex with a black man to turn around and accuse him of rape when her white husband found out about her infidelity. This usually lead to a lynching. Black men were some of the FAVORITE targets of what would later manifest fully as feminism. In fact, feminists more or less desire to reduce ALL men, regardless of skin color, to the level of those black men way back in the day.
  5. As for foreign influences - that's a very broad category. Given what I know about you, Neckbeard Shitlord, I'm assuming you are referring to either Islam or POSSIBLY people like George Soros. You don't strike me as intelligent enough to go to Soros as your first option for that category, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and do a run-down on both.
  7. Islam is a death cult. There is no nice way to say it. Islam is HORRIFICALLY misanthropic in nature. In Islam, everyone except Allah himself and POSSIBLY Mohammed are second-class citizens or worse. Do not misunderstand me - Islam is misogynistic in nature, this is true, but that's only because it actually hates EVERYONE. Calling it simply misogynistic is a lie by omission. Truth be told, NO society or culture on the face of the PLANET has ever gotten away with actually treating its women categorically worse than its men for more than a few decades tops before being inevitably overrun by its nearest rivals. This applies to Islam as well - even strict Wahhabists. In Islam, the women receive security, which is something that MOST women crave anyway, even when it comes at the expense of freedom. A husband or father is held accountable for the actions of his wife or daughter (this is why honor killings are a thing, btw). Men are actively encouraged by many imams and other religious leaders to throw their fucking lives away in pursuit of martyrdom - women are under no such pressure, and indeed this is why women are usually not suicide bombers and other mujihadeen. Islam is actually TERRIBLY chivalrous - pay attention to what Boko Haram did to the men and boys it didn't like over in Nigeria. Men and boys who were found guilty of the crime of pursuing what was deemed to be "Western education" were put to death by flame and bullet. Girls found guilty of it were captured alive, kidnapped, and presumably turned over to religious leaders to be "re-educated" as proper Muslim women. There are many, many more examples of this throughout Islam's history (there is, in fact, a theory that what planted the seed for the "courtly love and chivalry" movement in Europe was the influence of the invading Moors. That's right, you have Islam to thank for proto-feminism.)
  9. Soros is one head (and not even the biggest one) of a huge hydra of globalism. Some have attributed the menace of globalism to certain groups, mainly the Jews. This is actually a huge failing on their part - globalism goes well beyond the Jews. If you rounded up and killed every Jew on the face of the planet today, globalism would definitely not cease to exist. Jews happen to tend towards things like globalism, feminism and so on because Jews are MATRIARCHAL. Bloodlines in Jewish families are carried on the mother's side. If your mother was a Jew, you have a claim to being a Jew. If only your father was a Jew, you're shit out of luck most of the time. Jewish women wield a SURPRISING amount of power. Jews did not conceive of feminism, per se - the ideas that constitute feminism already existed. Those ideas just happened to be particularly attractive to the matriarchal Jews. If you think that Jews did feminism, you are putting cart before horse. It should be noted that Judaism mutilates its men, not its women. (Islam mutilates both, and actually outside of fucking Africa men are more often and more severely mutilated than women.)
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