
Tinkerbull changing Tavros

Oct 10th, 2012
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  1. "uHHHH, tINKERBULL i THINK i, nEED A CHANGE," Even before Tavros shyly called out to his lusus, the small creature could tell his young ward was in desperate need of a diaper change. His particular diet left his bowel movements smelling particularly pungent, the aroma invading every room in the hive until Tinkerbull was almost suffocating in noxious defecation fumes. Still, Tavros found himself telling his lusus about his needs, partly because he was not aware of just how far the smell of his waste spread, and partly out of habit. He could hear Tinkerbell's little wings nearby and wheeled himself towards his changing mat in preparation. Carrying in his mouth a fresh nappy and a package of wipes, Tinkerbull waited patiently for Tavros to put himself on the changing mat, a process that involved the troll leaning forward in his four wheel device until gravity forced him to topple over and land, usually, on his back on the ground. It was annoying and painful, but with Tinkerbull as small as he was there was no other choice.
  3. Dropping the diaper and cleaning wipes on the ground, Tinkerbull set about biting down on Tavros' pants, tugging them to his ankles as best he could. The smell was even worst this close, and even Tavros has to wrinkle his nose when his pants were moved to expose his soiled diaper. He was mostly helpless during changing time, but he could at least reach down and unfasten his diaper for Tinkerbull; and ye gods from the smell wafting from his crotch this was a particularly bad movement. Tinkerbull whined fitfully, floating to get an eyeful of the mess his charge had made. Mushy shit smeared along his ass and even squished up around Tavros' modest bone bulge. In addition to the already mashed defecate, there seemed to be several medium sized pellets that managed to avoid being squashed under the young troll's bum.
  5. Steeling his nerves, the beast gathered several wipes at once into his mouth and began the chore of swiping them across the boy's messy backside and bulge. He had to headbutt Tavros' legs in order to raise them enough to claw at the dirty diaper, pulling it away and to the side; he then had to keep his head pressed against his thighs, struggling to float and wipe Tavros' bum quickly so he could set his legs down and clean other parts. Clumps and chunks of half digested food and rancid poop filled the wipes, and it took several trips to make Tavros presentable. All the while, Tavros himself stayed as silent as possible, squirming from the tickling feeling of having his ass cleaned and occasionally whimpering when Tinkerbull passed a cool cloth across his bulge. Finally, finally, Tavros was clean and Tinkerbull could nudge his head against those dead legs to push them up just enough to slide a clean diaper under the troll's grey fanny. Tavros snapped himself up, and with Tinkerbull's help pulled up his pants.
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